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Re: #6: Freedom or Bust
Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 8:16 pm
by SOTF_Help
Garnett hurried through the jungle, the branches cutting at him, the darkness enveloped him. His mind grasped at imaginary sounds.
Gunshots? Garnett froze, and looked around. No, it was his imagination. He took a moment though to orient himself. Where was it? Where were they? He had to reach them, he had to be right. What if he wasn't? What if he was wrong?
Then there would be no hope anymore.
Garnett fought his way through the dark jungle until he reached the clearing. He looked up, and saw what he was looking for. The armory. This was it. He would find out here, right now, if he was right or wrong.
Garnett slowly made his way towards the entrance, his hands raised to indicate that he was unarmed just in case. He didn't want to be shot, after all. When he made it to the entrance though, what he saw astounded him. They did it. The little bastards did it! In front of him was a room full of kids. Kids without collars. He suspected that this might be the case when they all started "dying" together, and around the same time, but he didn't want to jump to conclusions. Though here it was, so surreal. Garnett hated Danya. He wanted to get back at him as much as these kids did, and seeing these kids now made his heart skip a beat.
They wouldn't trust him though. He was an adult on this island, he was one of their terrorists. They should kill him. Garnett had to make sure they didn't. He could save them. He could make this right.
When several of the students pointed their guns at Garnett, he said as calmly as he could, "Wait! Please, don't shoot. I'm an agent of the Government of the United States!"
He looked at some angry faces, and some stunned faces. He decided to continue.
"I...I've been watching the monitors. When I saw all these collars going offline, I thought this might be happening. I thought you guys might have figured it out. I'm not here to stop you."
Garnett moved his hands in the air, to re-assure the kids he wasn't a threat.
"There will be people here to stop you soon though. We need to move fast. There's a boat on the eastern shore. We can get the hell out of here, and we need to do it now. You guys want to escape? Well, here's your chance."
Garnett knew that they must think this is a trap. Some sick joke by Danya.
" me. We don't have much time. I want to put an end to this sick game as much as you guys. Please, some terrorists are moving in on this location as we speak."
He started to back away and said, "Now come on! It's time we screw Danya over!"
Garnett made his way to the jungle and disappeared into it once again, this time hoping the kids would follow him.
((Garnett continued elsewhere))
Re: #6: Freedom or Bust
Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 8:16 pm
by Namira
What on earth?
This was just getting stranger and stranger. Lucy had been panic-stricken when the fully-grown man appeared. Who else could it be but one of the terrorists? Adam, much as she hated to admit it, had been right; they were on their way. But the hail of bullets had not come, and the terrorist was... a US government agent? It sounded too good to be true. Hell, it
was too good to be true. He was just setting them up for a trap.
But... was this a 'Danya' way of doing things? Really? Lucy had heard enough of the announcements (and in the original briefing) to have a fairly good idea of what Danya was like. This just didn't seem like the kind of thing he would pull. He wasn't subtle, if he wanted them dead he'd send in the heavies with the assault rifles. Besides...this would be needlessly complicated. What would fully grown men and women, well-equipped and well-trained have to fear from a gaggle of sleep-deprived, under-nourished and poorly armed high schoolers? This kind of deceit just wouldn't be necessary...
What was the other option? There was
none. Nobody had a plan, nobody had any bright ideas. If this was for real, it would be the best possible chance they'd get to escape. If it wasn't? Well, they wouldn't be any more dead than if they stuck around in the armoury. They didn't have the luxury of time to make a decision and there weren't any alternative choices that sprung to mind. It would be freedom or bust.
Lucy turned to the others in the room in the aftermath of the terrorist/Government agent's departure.
"I don't think we have a choice guys," she said quietly. "We're out of time, even if this is a trick. Danya knows where we are whether that guy was telling the truth or not. That means we have to move and we have to do it quick. It's... a half chance or none at all. We just have to take a risk," she hesitated. "I'm going to stick around a little longer though. Just in case Andrea, y'know, comes back,"
I don't care what you say you are, you're one of Danya's people, and I'm not letting you get away with what you've done.
For Sean, that the terrorist was lying was almost a certainty, and it didn't matter even if he
was telling the truth. Either the guy was trying to trick them into leaving the safety of the building, on Danya's orders, or he was honest. In the former (in Sean's mind, more likely) case, following the guy and taking him at face value was pretty much suicide. They could of course, try to ambush the ambushers, which was the option Sean preferred. Let the terrorists
think they'd been taken in, then hit them with a nasty surprise.
However... if the guy was actually telling the truth? It was immaterial. The man had still cooperated with the terrorists, whether he was a double agent or not. All that said to Sean was that he could have helped at any time: but chose not to. Instead he let people like Lucy and Andrea do all of the work, not risking his own skin until he was sure the venture had a greater chance of success. Maybe there really were boats, that didn't mean the 'agent' couldn't have helped far, far more. Whoever he was, terrorist or saviour, he deserved at least some punishment.
The least he can expect is some harsh words. Beyond that? I guess I'll have to see. He might, might be telling the truth.
"Come back here you bastard," Sean growled under his breath, charging as best he could out of the armoury, The guy wouldn't get away with his part in this plot, not if Sean could help it.
((Continued in
Live and Let Die))
Maxie didn't want to try and sleep any more, every time she tried it, the same face just loomed up at her, and regardless if she remembered the dream or not, she'd be still be clenched with the same dread once she awoke. Nightmares were a bitch, and Maxie had a real bad case of them. Their content... well, that was better left to the imagination, because they certainly didn't derive from Maxie's.
That fucker Adam Reeves was still alive.
Ten days, and the bastard STILL hadn't bought the fucking farm.
Why couldn't he just... die?
Maybe it was horrible to wish somebody dead in a situation that'd already seen so many killed, but if there was even just one person who deserved such a fate, it was that guy. Rapist, murderer, scum.
I hope one'a those psychos gets their fuckin' hands on ya and carves ya th'fuck up Reeves. I really do.
Whilst the man claiming to be a government agent spoke, Maxie more or less tuned out to him. Somebody else would make a decision, somebody else would choose what to do. Maxie didn't feel up to being particularly proactive right now. Taking the lead... wasn't high up on her list of things to do. Instead she just sat in her corner, staring away into space. Waiting for someone to choose for her.
Striking out on her own, trying to take control of a group, albeit a small one. ... Hadn't worked. The entire time, that's what Maxie had been telling herself, as soon as the encounter with Kallie and company dispelled any notions of trust. Don't group up, don't get in a team, stay solo, stay mobile. ...Then Maxie tried to take Cara along. Cara, who'd been killed by that bastard Riz days back. And why? Because Maxie had stuck in her stupid head at the wrong moment and forced the other girl to save her. And she hadn't handled it. Not only that, but when it'd come down to the wire, Maxie had abandoned her to... to... try to fend off Reeves.
That proved the point on her leadership. Maxie was in this group now, but... hell if she was going to step forward.
Someone do somethin'... please.
Re: #6: Freedom or Bust
Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 8:16 pm
by riserugu
Ianto had been worried in the time that all the internal arguing had been happening, really hoping that this wasn't going to turn into anything that would end in anyone being killed. Though thankfully everything seemed to be going in a direction for the better—well at least that's what he figured until the sudden appearance of the unknown older male appeared in front of their group.
And listening to what the guy had to say, well Ianto quickly feel into the group of students with a more than confused look on his face as it was mentioned that the person was a government agent
an agent from their government no less. And if it was possible to be anymore confused than he already was then it was quickly getting to that point.
Why would a U.S. government agent be a member of the terrorists that kidnapped them?
It was getting to the point that Ianto didn't know what to think anymore; still glancing toward Brad and Terrie he couldn't help looking somewhat distraught at the words that others were coming to stop them. Was that what he had heard earlier
those gunshots. It wasn't hard to come to the conclusion that if they remained here any longer they'd more than likely be killed on the spot.
Still listening to the man told them all to follow him, to trust him
Ianto wasn't to sure, what if this was just a trap to lure them out and they'd be killed as soon as he had them where he wanted them. But what other choice did they really have? It wasn't like any of them had, had thought up any ideas what so ever as to getting out of here
either way he went about it there was a good chance they would end up just as dead as if they hadn't taken off their collars
at least this way, there was still the chance they'd end up dead of course—but maybe
just maybe
Listening as Lucy spoke; Ianto blinked again glancing over the group of students before sighing and lifting himself from his spot. Taking his rifle into his hand and stepping out, "Well I'm going with him." He said, glancing back to the other two with a shrug of his shoulders. "After all, like Lucy said
we got to take the risk. What other choice do we have left anymore?"
Izzy glanced around somewhat, slightly unsure of everything as everyone started moving about with the appearance and words of the so-called government agent before he took off. Pondering too over her options before some already seemed to be leaving, listening as Lucy and then Ianto spoke and clutching at her side she found herself giving a little sigh. Glancing toward Dorian who seemed rather distracted by someone, smiling a little before glancing over toward where Adam had ended up and stepping away from where she had placed herself and moving over toward where Ianto had been standing near the entrance.
"Alright, I'm going with
come on before we lose the guy."
[[ Ianto and Izzy continued with Garnett
Re: #6: Freedom or Bust
Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 8:16 pm
by Ares
This was complete and utter bullshit. Yes Alex had his collar off, but they were still royally fucked. Neil Sinclair and Adam Dodd were with them. Danya would find out their collars were off, and he'd kill them all.
"No." Alex muttered to himself.
He wouldn't be grouped in with them. He didn't care if they re-collared him now, it was better to go back to the game and try to survive than have Danya hunt him down. Not to mention this would put his family at risk.
There was an interruption by a man claiming to work for the US Government and that the terrorists already did know they were "free". He beckoned them to come with him, and Alex watched as some of his fellow students left.
"No! Fuck that. Don't any of you realize if we leave this island we'll be hunted down? We can't run from these people god damn it. No one can! They'll come after you. They'll come after our families. WE CANNOT ESCAPE THEM!!" Alex shouted to the group that had not left yet.
He was pissed beyond belief now. They were just sheep, and he would not be led astray like the rest of them.
"Fuck this. How do you know for sure he's with the US? I'll bet you he IS a terrorist for fuck sakes. I'm not going anywhere near where he is," Alex yelled as he began to walk away from the group in the opposite direction, "I'm going back to the fucking game. I'll get my collar put back on, and I'll win it. Then I can go home and not have MOTHERFUCKING TERRORIST HUNTING ME DOWN!"
Alex got to the end of the armory boundary where the jungle began. He looked back at the group of his classmates who were on the opposite side of the area.
"Fuck them."
"Yes..fuck them."
"Who the..."
Alex never finished the sentence for right then and there a bullet was put through his forehead.
B108 - Alexander Miller - Eliminated
Re: #6: Freedom or Bust
Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 8:16 pm
by SOTF_Help
Konrad's Squad 1 had reached the armory first. Radio communication had been quiet back from the base, and aside from overhearing the other squad's ran into some trouble kids as well there was complete silence. That is until the sound of someone yelling filled the air.
"Squad down! Be ready," Konrad said, beckoning his squad to hit the deck, "Base this Konrad, we've got a possible down at the armory coming this way. Please advise on level of force to be used."
"Base to Konrad. You've been given a green light to shoot the one coming your way, but do not shoot the group if you find them. We need as many of them alive as we can for questioning.
The yelling turned out to have come from a boy who Dave Konrad recognized from the website photos as Alex Miller. The boy seemed to be under the impression that he would be thrown back into the game if he turned himself into the terrorists. He was ready to completely sell out his friends for his own gain. It was nearly admirable.
"Yes...fuck them." Konrad said as the boy turned back around.
Once again the gun popped and a small smoke trail came from the barrel as Alex Miller fell to the ground.
"Squad move." Konrad barked.
The squad moved out of the brush and into the open at the one end of the armory, and there they were. The group of students that they were looking for. They weren't dead, they were alive after all.
"All of you freeze right now or you will be shot!" Konrad roared.
"This squad 1 to all others, we have the group of kids corned at the armory, no Garnett in sight. We need assistance." He radioed.
Re: #6: Freedom or Bust
Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 8:16 pm
by Theseus*
Neil Sinclair didn't know what to think.
Here was this guy, claiming to be apart of the US government, and telling them he would get them off the island. To Neil, it seemed too good to be true. Almost like a plot of Danya's. Though, the guy seemed genuine. Maybe there was truth to what he was saying, maybe escape would come....maybe this was it.
Students followed him though, and Neil Sinclair wanted to leave too, but he felt like he had to stay. The final members of S.A.D.D were with him here, and Andrea was still gone. They should wait for her. Neil wouldn't abandon anyone again. Not again. He wouldn't have that on his conscious.
That's when Alex...Alex something decided to rant and go off on his own. Neil Sinclair was about to call out to him, to get him to come back. They had to stick together. Together we stand, divided we fall, and all that bullshit. It seemed to be especially true on this island. However, before Neil could call out, the gunshot rang.
Then the terrorists came.
Neil Sinclair was frozen, staring at the faces of the fucking terrorists.
"Bastards..." Neil Sinclair whispered.
He felt his hands grip on his M16. Was the US agent responsible for this? Did he leas the other students to their execution? Was it just a trap? Fuck this. Neil Sinclair spent his time on the island fighting Danya, and he would die fighting Danya.
Though it appeared they were outmatched here. A bunch of highschool seniors against trained soldiers. Not good odds.
Neil glanced to his left and right, hoping to catch the glances of the other students. If they were going to comply, Neil would follow them. However, if his new allies wanted to fight out of this, Neil Sinclair was ready.
Fuck you Danya.
Re: #6: Freedom or Bust
Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 8:16 pm
by Mitsuko2*
Matt was surprised to say the least when the man barged into their "camp". He was one of the few to point his gun at him, but what he said wavered him. He said he was a part of the US. He said there was a way out. Matt didn't know what to think. As quickly as the man came he was gone. He told them to follow. Matt wasn't so sure. It could've been the fact that Lucy mentioned Andrea, and it could've been the fact that Neil wasn't moving, but Matt decided to hold his ground.
Kyrie was just as stunned. She watched a few kinds file out of the area, but didn't follow them. She didn't want to. Andrea and Lucy were the ones who had gotten those retched collars off of them. To leave them behind wasn't in her plans. The man left with about half of their group, and all became quiet again.
That is until Alex Miller decided to lose his cool. He stormed out of the armory, saying he was going back to the game.
About thirty seconds after he walked out, there was a loud crack. Kyrie saw Alex fall. Dead.
The terrorists were soon upon them. Matt put up his hands, though not releasing his shotgun. He looked at Neil from the corner of his eye. This was bad. Kyrie backed away from the entrance a bit and slid herself near the wall. Both guns Matt had given her were ready to fire, but she didn't know what it was to shoot someone, and she didn't know if she had the guts for it.
" They both muttered under their breath. What was going to happen to them now? Was the group that left with that man okay? Was Andrea okay?
It was all downhill from here, that much was certain.
Matt and Kyrie both decided it was all or nothing, Kyrie was the first to the door, she sprung out and followed after the others, Matt on her tail, hoping the others would follow suit, especially Niel.
((Both continued elsewhere))
Re: #6: Freedom or Bust
Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 8:16 pm
by Cactus
The fact that Alex Miller had exploded and stormed out didn't exactly weigh heavily on the mind of Adam Dodd. To him, Alex was a nobody, some guy that was along with the group. Sure, he hadn't exactly known too many people from around the school, and what with all of the hostility going around, it was one less person who could potentially shoot him solely out of spite.
Well, fine, screw him then. One less per-
That was Adam's attitude, of course, until Alex Miller's head exploded in a mass of red mist. A general silence overcame the group, and people just stood around, saying and doing nothing, all gaping at the fresh corpse across the way. For a moment, nobody said or did anything, until the murmurs started. It appeared as though the man at the doorway had been telling some semblance of the truth, and if he'd been an agent of the United States government - then it was incredibly likely that a squad of terrorists - or more, would be right behind him.
"Oh SHIT."
Twirling around, Adam looked at the rest of the kids, many of whom were now looking increasingly less ballsy and probably more than a little terrified. Their wonderful little plan had gone up in smoke - and lo and behold, Adam Dodd; the one that they'd all felt the need to berate and blame, had been right. There wasn't any need to remind them of that fact. Adam wasn't an asshole, nor did the situation warrant him becoming one. Instead, it warranted him taking charge of the situation and making a decision, for nobody else was seemingly willing to do it. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a few people - noticably Izzy, and two other guys follow after the terrorist.
Dammit, Izzy...I can only hope that what I'm about to do can get you out of here, if nothing else...
With a twinge of guilt for not being able to go after Izzy right then and there, Adam did the only thing that made sense for him at the present time.
"LISTEN UP. They're coming. We don't have time to think about it, to freak the fuck out. They're coming for us, or for him, or whatever. We've run out of time, and we've got to get the fuck out of here. We need to follow after that guy, whoever he was. I don't like it, and I don't trust him, but it's our only choice. I'll stay here, and try and hold them off for as long as I can. Anyone who wants to stay...well, it'd be appreciated. We'll try and fortify the armory, get a decent firing position and slow them down."
Adam stopped, and looked at Keith Jackson, who'd been very silent for most of the tirades, and whose face had turned a pale shade of grey at the sudden death of Alex Miller.
"Look after Izzy and Bill for me, would ya, Jackson?"
Keith paused and stumbled over a surprised answer.
"Uhh...yeah, sure, sure...a'ight, les' get the FUCK OUT OF HERE, people!"
Adam nodded at Keith, and then looked around at the others.
"Well, what the fuck are you all waiting for? GO!"
The group of people, somewhat surprised, began to move. Keith Jackson began to herd along a few people, pushing them towards the other end of the armory and the back door. Bill Ritch, as he left the room, gave Adam Dodd a small wave, to which the boy smiled and nodded at him. Kallie Majors followed suit in tow with Keith, still seemingly in a shell-shock that she'd barely emerged from within the past couple of days. On the other side of the group, Dean Portman strode out of the armory, gesturing for others to follow, confidently certain that getting out of there was undoubtedly the right thing to do.
As people began to file out, one seperated itself from the group and walked over to Adam. John Sheppard hadn't been much in the way of being a brave kind of guy, but as soon as the situation had presented itself, he'd realized that this was truly the time where he needed to step up, and if stepping up meant directly fighting the terrorists, then that was exactly what he was going to do.
"I'm with ya, Dodd. I can't let you stay back and have all the fun! Besides, you're going to need all the help that you can get."
Adam looked and John, and clapped him on the shoulder. Nodding, he removed a pistol from within his pocket, checked that it was full, and handed it to John.
"Thanks, man. You know that this is basically suicide, right?"
John shrugged. "I was bound to die sooner or later. Might as well do it being a hero, or some such nonsense..."
"Exactly! I can't leave you behind either, Adam!"
The voice came from Adam's side, and upon looking up, he saw the hefty figure of Bill Ritch. Sadness stirred within Adam's chest as he knew that Bill staying would undoubtedly mean the larger boy's death.
"Bill, you don't have to do this, man. You should get out of here, with the others..."
He shook his head.
"I-I stuck with you this entire time, I'm not about to stop now!"
Nodding, Adam motioned to the crates that were strewn around the armory.
"Alright, guys. We've got to barricade that door, and make sure that they can't come barging in! After that, we'll have to find a higher position, and make sure that we take out as many of these fuckers as we can once they get inside. Come on, we've got NO time!"
With that, Adam stepped over to the nearest set of boxes, and began pulling the stack over towards the front door. He knew that this plan was shoddy, at best, but at this point, it was all that he had.
I've spent my entire life so far dodging death, at least, that's how it seems. Maybe it's finally time to look it in the face and give it a swift kick to the testicles! It seems only fair...
((Keith, Kallie, Dean continued in Bale Out))
Re: #6: Freedom or Bust
Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 8:17 pm
by Namira
They hadn't moved nearly fast enough.
Maybe the others hadn't quite picked up on the urgency in her tone. Maybe they hadn't wanted to trust the terrorist. Lucy had figured they had to take a chance. Maybe it would have been best to lead the way rather than telling the rest to go on ahead. It might have just made it look like Lucy wanted somebody else to go first and stick their neck out - that she didn't want to take the risk that the 'government agent' was pulling a fast one.
It didn't matter any more. What was important was that the terrorists were there, and far too many of the students hadn't yet made their escape from the armory yet. Lucy could do the maths. At this point, there was no way that any appreciable number of students were going to make it out of the building before the terrorists decided to just plain mow them down.
Lucy had thought about going after Alex after he stormed out, but had decided against it decided she'd be better off trying to talk down his points. She was very glad that when the series of shots rang out she was looking the other way. Lucy had heard enough about death during her time on the island not to want to witness it firsthand.
Do I have a choice about that any more?
She stood on the spot for a moment, looked at the people heading for the exit the ones that were finally getting the point. Looked to Adam, listened to what he was saying for a moment. This time, he was right. They didn't have time. Wait... wasn't that what she had been saying as well? Anyway, it didn't matter, it was true no matter who had picked up on it first.
Wordlessly, Lucy walked over to the nearest stack of boxes she could find and began mimicking the others in dragging them towards the door for the makeshift barricade. She gave Adam a slight nod as she drew up alongside him and shoved the box into place. Then, something occurred to her.
"I could do with a weapon, unless you want me to offer moral support from the sidelines or something. Got anything spare?" staying behind to try and buy time was all well and good, but if Lucy didn't have a gun to do it with? Well, she might as well just throw herself in front of a bullet, because she'd be a meatshield and nothing more. Even as she worked she continued speaking.
"Don't be a hero okay? If anybody deserves to get out of here it's you,"
Finally, somebody had decided to stand up and get moving. Maxie hadn't just tried to shut herself off, she'd been listening, at least a little. Putting two and two together at the gunshot wasn't difficult, even if she hadn't seen what had happened.
At that point... she was out of there. What exactly could she have done anyway? Maxie didn't have any weapons. Furthermore, she wasn't even properly
dressed. More importantly perhaps, she was sick of fighting, of the guns, the bloodshed. Firsthand experience had done plenty to colour Maxie's opinion of violence. The fight with Melina had been alright, the one with Reeves? ... Not so much.
Let's get outta here.
((Maxie continued in
Live and Let Die))
Re: #6: Freedom or Bust
Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 8:17 pm
by Mimi
The clumsy embrace caught the small dancer off guard and the only form of a response she could muster at the time was a small tap on Dorian's back. She had spent the past eleven days in hell searching for the very person that now held her tightly in his arms. The world seemed to disappear as Marnie allowed herself to be engulfed in her emotions. Words couldn't describe the feeling that overruled her tear ducts and allowed streams of the salty water to rush down her face.
"Y'know, y-you're lucky I found you," Marnie joked between stifled sobs. Her hand quickly wiped away the remnants on her cheeks as she peered up at Dorian. She gave a wide smile and buried her head into his chest. She completely and truly felt safe for this first time. Something about being near Dorian lulled her, though in the back of her mind the small girl knew it wouldn't last forever.
It was a known fact throughout the world that only a single person would emerge victorious (if that's what you would consider a victory, anyway.) and Marnie was very sure that one person wouldn't be her, nor would she want to be. The only thing she could do was spend as much time as she can with Dorian and pray to whatever deity there was that she'd go quickly. Marnie's heart ached at the thought. She didn't want to die, and she definitely didn't want Dorian to die.
Marnie could feel Dorian's breathing on the top of her head, followed closely by a soft kiss to the area. Heat rose to her face, partially because she knew she didn't exactly smell the greatest and partially because of the butterflies that swarmed in her stomach. She tried her hardest to inwardly bat them away, but they relented- much to her dislike. She didn't want feelings like that, especially not where she was. It would just cause more heartache than she wanted.
A boy's yelling broke through her thoughts and thankfully called her attention on to him rather than her conflicting emotions. Releasing herself of Dorian's arms, Marnie peered around the corner of the building and caught sight of Alex Miller leaving the building yelling something about going back into the game. She wanted desperately to talk him out of it, but in all honesty, she wasn't sure how stable he was.
Marnie glanced back at Dorian, who was also watching the scene unfold. As she looked at him, Dorian's eyes grew wide and had an all familiar look of fear in them- she had seen the look several times throughout her time on the island, but what she saw when she looked back was something right out of a horror movie.
A group of people had made congregated near Alex, and in the blink of an eye, Marnie witnessed the gory death of Alex Miller. As if doing a natural, normal thing like breathing, the leader of the group shot Alex directly in the head without so much of a slight hesitation.
"Oh, God..." Was the only thing that managed to slip out of the tiny girl's mouth.
The armory erupted in a panic almost as soon as the man from the US government left, and Jessica Jones was no exception. Her worried eyes kept meeting with those of fellow Student Council member Derrick Taggart, as if to communicate telepathically with him. She had no clue what to do as she watched people leave to go with him. Should she stop them? Or should she forget about Andrea and go with them? It was just all too confusing.
Things only got worse when Alex started acting up. She wanted someone, anyone, to just calm him down and talk to him, but things took a turn for the worse.
Alex Miller died and all hell broke loose, again. Students ran to the boxes and doors in an attempt to save themselves, but the one person she wanted to get out of there with wasn't going. She knew Derrick and he wasn't the type of person to leave people behind. She knew he would stay with Lucy and Adam and hold down them off.
And she'd stick with him.
Re: #6: Freedom or Bust
Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 8:17 pm
by Theseus*
Neil Sinclair watched as Adam made another speech, and he realized why kids all of the world liked him. Maybe some hated him, but he was a natural leader. He had this sort of charisma about him. Maybe that's how he won version 1. Maybe that's why Danya threw him on the island again.
Neil felt compelled to stick by his side though. Others were leaving, others were staying. Neil knew he was well armed, and if this attempt at escape would work he needed to stay and hold off the terrorists.
"I'm with you Adam."
Neil stepped next to the boy, his M16 ready.
If he was going to die here, at least he would die collarless, knowing he was part of something big.
Something that he could be genuinely proud of.
"I'm with you until the end man."
Re: #6: Freedom or Bust
Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 8:17 pm
by Ciel*
For the past few minutes, Terrie and Brad had been discussing what to do. Terrie had the idea in her mind that Brad would want to abandon the armory and follow Grossi but Brad thought just the opposite. There were many reasons for him refusing to go - all of the other kids were at the armory, that going out into the forest was alot more dangerous than Terrie was giving it credit for and lastly...
"It's not in my nature to go judging people, or wanting revenge Terrie. I'm just thinking..."
Terrie spoke sharply. "And what Brad? Ianto went out there too. I thought it was you who wanted us to stick together!"
Brad shook his head. "You were the one who said that Terrie. I didn't even-"
"So basically what you're saying is that you're letting Ianto go out there to die, right? That's what I'm hearing Brad!"
Brad had a very concerned look. Terrie really was losing it, but at least it was now instead of when they were in trouble. "Listen, I'm sorry Terrie but I can't trust that guy. He's a terrorist... A TERRORIST Terrie. I can't... well, I just can't follow him. I just have this gut feeling that something bad's going to happen if we-"
"This is the moment we've been waiting for Brad! The moment that we've been waiting for this WHOLE time and you're going to be paranoid? God damn it Brad, I don't need this! I don't... I don't
fucking need this! I need you and Ianto to come with me! I want us to live Brad! Don't you understand this?!!"
"T-Terrie, calm down!" Brad told Terrie, shaking her shoulder. The touch somehow burn his hand and he shivered. "Terrie, you have to calm down. Yelling at me isn't going to solve anything. We need to stay here and wait it out. We need to wait it out, just like we've been doing this past week."
Terrie shuddered and felt weak in her knees. She had never yelled at someone like that. At least no one from school. She had always been the quiet one, the one who was supposed to calm others down. But here was Brad, shaking her on the shoulder, telling her to calm down. She felt like apologizing, again and again as though she had done something very wrong, something horrible.
But she couldn't do that.
"No... I'm sorry Brad, I need to leave. I need to go. I-I..."
Terrie didn't say any more. She just dropped the bag that she had been carrying for the past few days on the ground and ran like hell out the backdoor along with Kallie. Brad watched as she dashed out the door at a speed that he didn't think was possible for her. Then there were gunshots outside of the armory (
Oh no, Alex...) and it made Brad tense. There were PEOPLE outside, Brad knew that for sure. Adam was right - like everyone else. And Terrie didn't know that - she was probably way too far to know that...
Okay, decision time. Should Brad stay here with the rest or should he go after Terrie?
His chest went tight at the thought of Terrie... and he knew what was going to do.
"Guys... I think we should run, get organized and kill them all... This is the worst place to stay!"
Brad grabbed his bag and held it tight. He ran out the door before everyone could start to baracade it. He felt bad for leaving he didn't want revenge... he wanted off this fucking island and he wanted to do it without killing anyone. But that seemed completely impossible... especially now, when it seemed like the terrorists were closing in. If this Grossi guy had the answers then Brad would trust him... to a point at least.
(Terrie and Brad continued in
Live and Let Die)
Re: #6: Freedom or Bust
Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 8:17 pm
by Crash*
"Oh, God..."
His companion's tiny voice broke the silence that had washed over their embrace almost immediately after the gunshot did, and Dorian didn't have to peek too far around the building to see the corpse of Alex Miller lying on the jungle floor. Forms of soldiers he didn't recognize were crowding around the building, and the thought occurred to him that soon they would most likely be surrounded.
The thought also occurred to him that Marnie was basically defenseless.
"...Come on," he urged quietly, tossing his bag over his shoulder and picking up the shotgun he'd previously dropped as quickly and silently as he could. As he prepared himself he noticed others escaping the building into the trees, and fortunately he remembered what Andrea had mentioned about the Eastern Coast in what seemed to be the ideal moment.
"We've been here long enough," he re-affirmed quietly, flashing Marnie a slight smile. It was time for the two of them to go home together. Something told him that this was it.
He made sure to go first, shotgun at the ready as he peered around the corner of the building. The coast was clear, for the time being at least. He motioned to Marnie that it was safe to come out and began his sprint away from the armory and towards the coast.
(Dorian Ibanescu continued in
Live and Let Die)
Re: #6: Freedom or Bust
Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 8:17 pm
by Cactus
Adam looked around at those remaining within the armory. There were a few of them that appeared to be staying to fight based on a sole devotion to stick it to the man; or in this case, Danya, and Adam understood that. It was a losing cause, really. Maybe six or seven kids against a marine squad of what, ten or so?
Best case scenario...? We wipe most of them out, and manage to get ourselves killed in the process. Worst case scenario? They fuck us all over before we even get a chance to fire back...and fuck that, the worst case scenario can go to hell!
Thusfar, the terrorists hadn't fired; hadn't done much of anything, really. Adam had assumed that they were getting into position, trying to figure out what the optimal place to breach the armory was. After him and Bill had barricaded the front door with crates and other such things, the only real exit was the back, of which they had to ensure that the terrorists never reached. Sure, there were ladders on the roof, but...
Oh shit, the roof...
Indicating for John, Lucy, and a few of the others to move to the windows in the front to provide a cover fire, Adam turned to Neil and Bill, and gestured to the stairs up to the roof.
"C'mon guys, we've gotta get up there NOW."
Taking the lead, Adam essentially charged up the stairs, notwithstanding his various injuries that were slowing him down. He tried to ignore the pain in his side, because there were far more important things to do right now - such as staying alive. If the marine squad had breached the roof, Adam knew that they could all be totally fucked. As he got to the door, he looked back at his companions, and shrugged.
"Here goes nothing..."
Holding his M1 at the ready, Adam threw the door open, bracing himself for the barrage of bullets that just didn't come. Sighing in relief, he quickly ran out onto the roof, moving towards the front of the building. Thankfully, it was empty, and Adam knew that they'd probably just lucked out. The ladders on the sides of the building appeared to be empty, and from what Adam could see over the ledge, most of the marines seemed to be standing in position in front of the building while their leader barked into some sort of walkie talkie or radio.
They're not expecting anything, so fuck this...I'm going to take as many of these fuckers down as I can.
Aiming his M1 over the side of the roof, Adam looked back at his companions, and shrugged.
"S'been a pleasure, guys."
With that, he depressed the trigger, and began to spray the marines below with M1 bullets. Bill also stepped up and began to shoot over the edge of the roof down at the marines below.
The fight had officially begun.
Re: #6: Freedom or Bust
Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 8:17 pm
by Mimi
Disbelief washed over the small girl as her eyes locked onto the newly-dead Alex. She had seen the already-dead bodies of her late peers spread out over the island, but physically watching someone get killed was a whole different thing all together. Goosebumps rose on Marnie's arms, a chill crept down her spine, and her heart dropped into her chest in one fell swoop as she watched a group of soldiers surround the outside of the armory.
"...Come on," he started, "We've been here long enough."
Marnie's head quickly nodded in agreement and she hurriedly picked up her pack and spear, not wanting to spend another minute in the area. Dorian motioned that it was safe and, with one last look at the armory, she sprinted after Dorian.
(Marnie Yaguchi continued in
Live and Let Die)