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Re: A View to a Kill

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:55 am
by Crash*
Almost as soon as Dorian had motioned towards the treeline he heard Corbin barking out orders from the top of the tower. It was slightly counter-productive to their intentions in Dorian's mind. If they wanted to secure allies, or even prevent people from attacking them, why would shouting out commands be the first order of business in Corbin's book? Nevertheless, Dorian knew that Corbin was just trying to protect his friends, and that deserved the utmost respect. Standing up and turning to face Corbin, he raised his voice slightly, but hopefully not enough to rouse the others that were sleeping.

"It's just Jake! And..." Names, Corbin had said. There were two people there, then. Dorian glanced over his shoulder, but he still couldn't make out the second figure from his point of view. "Relax a bit, Jake's okay," he re-assured Corbin, then turned back to face the treeline and waited for Jake and his companion's next move.

Re: A View to a Kill

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:55 am
by Sona*
Ivan was a short distance behind Jake. During the walk over, he had spent a short while clearing his mind. It did wonders towards keeping him rational, if still a bit freaked out. Seeing the end of the trees up ahead, he quickly took the last few steps and, in a way that would be impossible to duplicate, he tripped, falling through the treeline and landing on soft, wet grass. Standing up and brushing himself off, he was glad to see people he recognized. Despite one of them shouting at them. It was understandable, though, given the situation.

"And... And me. Ivan. Uhm, I just got a bread knife back in the lagoon, and that's really the only weapon I have, but the first thing I got is a, ah... DVD box set." Ivan's voice quieted into a slow mumble by the end. He wasn't sure if he liked having the bread knife, but it was certainly better for self defense than a box. He'd probably faint if he was given something like the gun ready to shoot him. "Hey... Please, can you stop, you know, pointing that at us? It's very... Unnerving."

Taking a larger look around, he saw the gunman, Corbin, up in the tower, looking down below, and two people at ground level, Dorian and Warren. He just stared for a minute, his thoughts grinding to a halt as he stood there. Blinking a few times, he took a deep breath spoke.

"Dorian... I just saw Marnie. She's looking for you."

Re: A View to a Kill

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:55 am
by dinah_shore*
Dorian waved at Jake just as the person in the tower began to shout and point a gun at him and Ivan, who immediately began to explain their situation. Too much was going on at once. He walked slowly towards Dorian, trying to seem as unthreatening to towerdude as possible. Once he was close enough to speak without shouting, he said, "Yeah, we saw her at the lagoon. I don't know if she's still there, though." Jake thought for a moment. "You guys aren't...? Because I definitely thought she was coming along, that is until..." he trailed off. He hoped Marnie and Dorian weren't dating, Dorian would be pissed that Jake just left his girlfriend on her own, on an island populated by killers.

"Could we come in?" Jake asked uncomfortably.

Re: A View to a Kill

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:55 am
by Theseus*
When Dorian had told Corbin that it was ok, it eased Corbin Arlen's mind. He still kept his M16 aimed though, but quit the yelling. Khrysta had taught him at least one thing before she died, and that was to never let your guard down. She stressed just surviving the whole time Corbin followed her. She let her guard down and died. Corbin wouldn't let that happen to him or his new group. Not if they were going to escape.

Corbin heard bits and pieces of their conversation. The rain made it difficult for him to hear what was going on below, and when he saw Ivan look up at him, Corbin lowered his weapon.

Corbin heard Jake's name and Ivan's names.

Corbin had talked to both boys before in school, though they weren't friends. Corbin who liked to be known through the school, and was known pretty well to an extent due to his short films which he always had the students act in or his radio personality, was different from these two kids.

They seemed to blend into the background, though Corbin couldn't find anything wrong about them. They had seemed like nice kids, and right now that's all that matters.

Corbin shouted down to Dorian, "Alright, everything's cool man. I don't see anyone else."

Corbin then added, "Jake, Ivan, welcome to SADD!"

He smiled as his eyes went back to searching over the tropic island.

Re: A View to a Kill

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:55 am
by Solitair*
Warren could hardly believe his luck. After the initial spot of misfortune and loneliness, he'd found all of the companions he'd ever need on the island in one place.

"This... this is good." he told Darian dazedly, stuffing the Colt Python back into his front pants pocket. "This is really good. I'd love to help keep watch with you." Tears began to slide down his face; he absent-mindedly wiped them off with his sleeve, which only served to make his face dirtier.

He jumped a bit when he heard that there were two more people coming, but relaxed when they appeared to be friendly.

Re: A View to a Kill

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:55 am
by Crash*
"Dorian...I just saw Marnie. She's looking for you."

Saying that Ivan's words were music to Dorian's ears would've been the understatement of the year. His senses were flooding back into him too fast for him to digest. Primarily, he was overcome with relief that Marnie was still alive, and hopefully uninjured. The latter half of Ivan's report was what really piqued Dorian's interest, though. Despite the fact that his first and only concern should've been for her safety, he couldn't help but marvel at what Ivan just told him.

"She's looking for you."

Dorian was fairly sure he'd just flushed completely, but he didn't really care. The fact that Marnie had also been trying to find him both refreshed and rejuvenated him completely. His shaken faith in their fate on the island had been seemingly restored in a matter of moments, and all from hearing what any other person would've considered one piece of insignificant information. His rationale slowly returned to him however, and he somewhat absent-mindedly turned attention towards Ivan.

"Well, is she okay? Was she hurt?" He began, becoming distracted almost immediately after he inquired about Marnie's condition. Warren had expressed his relief, which relaxed Dorian slightly. He was glad to see that everyone else was sharing in his comfort right now, and it helped to calm him down.

Jake was the next to approach him, and Dorian took in everything he had to say. If she was looking for him then he doubted she would've lingered at the lagoon very long, but at the moment that information was almost irrelevant to him. He couldn't just abandon SADD now, especially now that their plan was ready to go into full effect. Still, his concern for Marnie raged within him, struggling with his conscience in an effort to determine what he should do. It was too much to think about right now, and he needed some sort of distraction.

The next part of Jake's questioning served just that purpose. When his speech slowed into a stammer, Dorian couldn't help but chuckle reflexively. Once Jake had managed to finish saying what was on his mind, Dorian responded. "No, nothing like that," was his immediate response. He was tempted to add in an "I wish," but decided against it in the end. "She's my best friend. We went to prom together," he concluded, figuring that it was a sufficient enough answer to his question.



The doorbell rang out in the Yaguchi household, and a pair of tiny feet came scuffling down the hallway. Marnie appeared before the door and slipped into a pair of gold high heels, which must've easily boosted the her height by a few inches. Turning towards the door and peeking through the peephole, Marnie's face broke into a wide smile. She opened the door into the late afternoon sunlight.

Dorian stood in front of her, dressed to the nines. He sported black dress pants and shoes, along with a black suit jacket. The white t-shirt he wore underneath was asymmetrically separated by a fine blue tie that perfectly matched her dress. He had an equally elegant blue boutonnière pinned to the lapel of his jacket, which gave him a rather refined look. She was awe-struck, especially given that she was so used to seeing him in a t-shirt and gym shorts or a swimming speedo. He was never very fashion forward, which only served to make his classy appearance all the more astounding. He was carrying a blue corsage in his right hand and a plate of cookies in his left.


Dorian's heart skipped a beat as Marnie opened the door. She was standing in the doorway looking even more beautiful than usual, which was really saying something. She wore a shapely blue dress that fell down to her knees, accenting her enviable dancer's figure. It was adorned with yellow floral prints that not only matched her strawberry blonde hair quite nicely, but also served as a testament to her personality and fashion sense.

"Wo-wow..." Dorian started, unable to take his eyes off her as her dress sparkled in the afternoon sunlight. "You look amazing..." He finished, somewhat dumbfoundedly.

"Thanks!" She responded charismatically, all the while giving him a strange look. "Cookies...?"

"Oh! They're for your parents. Mom made them," he responded, offering her the plate.

"Awesome!" She said, taking the plate and putting it on the stand next to the door. "Mom, we're leaving! We've gotta go get the pictures taken!" She said, closing the door behind her. Marnie's parents had agreed to let the two of them take their own pictures before prom instead of being subjected to the Yaguchi's own onslaught of photos.

"Here, this is for you," Dorian offered, showing her the corsage. "I'll help you put it on."

"Okay!" Marnie giggled, offering her left arm. Dorian proceeded to place the corsage around it, grabbing the strings on the bottom and fiddling around with them. His fingers were sweaty and worked rather clumsily, and after about a minute of waiting for him to finish Marnie interjected.

"Oh, let me do it!" she said rather playfully, grabbing the strings with her right hand and fastening them with relative ease. Once she was finished, Dorian couldn't help but laugh at his own incompetence, which Marnie reciprocated with laughter of her own.

"Let's go," he suggested, indicating the car in the driveway which he'd evidently managed to get a hold of for the night.

"Okay!" She responded, joyfully making her way over to the passenger's seat.


Snapping out of his daydream, Dorian looked back out towards the horizon, wondering exactly what course of action he should take. His allegiance to SADD had been cemented, but his thoughts were on one person, and one person only.

Re: A View to a Kill

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:55 am
by Sona*
Ivan began his approach towards the tower, following Jake's lead by being cautious and nonthreatening. "She's not hurt. She... Was hesitant to go this way, or to the hospital. She took off on her own... Oh! But she has a weapon. A spear, I think. There were some... dead bodies at the Lagoon. I didn't check who they were. Uhm, I think that's all I can say." Ivan almost felt like he was watching a movie, filled with the melodrama of two people who always showed up just as another left the scene. ~Or something like that...~

Turning to Jake, Ivan remembering one other thing Marnie had said. "Hey, Jake. You know how I said there were, uh, dead bodies? Well, Marnie advised us to... not drink the water. Ah, and here's a daypack that was... looted... I guess I forgot about it in my hurry to catch up to you." He smiled weakly as he pulled one of the daypacks from his dufflebag, handing it over to Jake. "I think the waterbottles in those are mostly filled."

Ivan was glad that Corbin had lowered his weapon. It sorta put his mind at ease. And above that, they weren't seen as a threat. He did feel kinda bad for making the other kid jump, though. It was... Warren, or something. He looked back up at Corbin. "Hey... I have a question. Uh, you said something about SADD? Is that supposed to be an acronym for something? I'd hazard a guess, but the only thing I can think of is... Well... 'Students Against Drunk Driving'...." Ivan felt pretty silly even asking the question, but it was probably best to know what he was joining. It might get him into trouble, otherwise.

Re: A View to a Kill

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:55 am
by dinah_shore*
"Oh, gross!" Jake discarded his water bottles. "I was wading in that!"

He took the bottles Ivan offered him, wondering if there was enough corpse in the water he threw away to affect him at all. It probably didn't matter, he wouldn't drink corpsewater anyway.

"Hey, you mentioned something about SADD?"

The kid had indeed just welcomed them to something named SADD. An organization.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa...

Jake hadn't requested to join any organizations, nor was he interested in being arbitrarily absorbed into one. He needed to learn more.

Dorian still hadn't answered his question.

"Hey! Hey, Dor! Can we get out of the rain?"

Re: A View to a Kill

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:56 am
by Mitsuko2*
The photographer stirred slightly at the sound of loud voices. He opened his eyes, and rubbed the tiredness away. Matthew stood up, stretching out his limbs, and cracking his neck. He sighed a bit, and began to walk towards the outside, wondering what was going on. He passed Dominica and Dane, and smiled at them both. He walked closer to the door, and heard the voices again. Corbin and Dorian were on watch if he was remembering correctly. He pushed open the door, only to be met by three completely new faces.

"Umm…. D-dorian…. What's g-going on?" He said with a slight stutter. He stepped outside and closed the door behind him. Who were these people? He was about to ask, but that horrible sound once more blared to life.

The announcements…

Danya's sadistic voice once again met his ears, and he grimanced slightly. The man was a demon. How could he find so much pleasure in this? It disgusted him. Danya began to rattle off the dead. There were so many. It sickened him. Anna Vann was dead. His locker had been near hers in school. Jodene Zalack, the cheerleader who killed Khrysta… she was dead as well. Matt didn't find any comfort in that, even though he thought he would. Paul Smith was dead. Killed by Madison Conner of all people. It made him sick. And Serenity Halos. The IT girl of Southridge High. The nicest person he'd ever met. She'd been killed by her own boyfriend. If someone like her could die, what hope was there for any of them?

Guy Rapide was dead too, but that wasn't what scared him the most. It was who killed him.


Mary McKay…. The girl whom they'd lost track of yesterday. She killed someone…. And now she was dead too. Matt felt the tears falling. How could this have happened? Why were these people all giving in? Danya… he reveled in this…. Didn't he?

Danya mentioned the lookout tower becoming a danger zone. Matt's eyes went wide. But that wasn't all. No… SADD had to answer for messing with Danya's plans. He hear their screams, and they haunted his mind. Four girls were now dead because of THEM. SADD was stained with their blood. Trinity… Jazz… Wednesday… Melissa…. SADD killed all four of them.

"Jesus… Why… Oh god!" He fell to his knees. He couldn't even support his own weight anymore. He felt the tears falling. He knew it was their fault. They killed those girls. They didn't protect Mary, and she was dead too. Everyone was dieing. And there was nothing they could do. Danya was winning, SADD had lost.

"We lost…. That bastard won…."

Re: A View to a Kill

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:56 am
by dinah_shore*
Jake's question was answered by the door opening. There stood a disheveled Matt Wittany, looking very confused. Then the announcements began.

He was frozen in place, listening. Jake was not very popular at school, but he knew all the names that Danya read out every morning. It was the sixth day, however, and he had found a way to sort of disassociate the names on the P.A. with the people he knew from school. He didn't see anyone die, so it was like it wasn't even real.

But Jake was not prepared for the little bomb Danya had dropped on them at the end.

So SADD has been going around breaking cameras. Good idea, he thought. Maybe these guys are onto something.

Those thoughts came to a grinding halt once the recording of Jazz and Trinity's deaths began to play. Wednesday Ryan and Melissa Diaz were dead too.

He heard Matt's voice, racked with grief.

"We lost! That bastard won!"

Jake couldn't agree more. Still, he had to say something to the distraught boy.

"Uh, Matt...hey," he began awkwardly. He was pretty sure the kid was gay, and even though he wasn't a bigot, it still made him a little uncomfortable. Still, Jake would try.

"Look, man. You guys tried to mess with the game so that we all could live and go home. I mean, everyone else was too scared to even try! At least you had an idea...and it wasn't a bad one either! You can' can't blame yourself for what Danya did." He gingerly offered Matt his hand. "Let me help you up."

Re: A View to a Kill

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:56 am
by Mitsuko2*
"NO!" Matt sc reamed as he smacked Jake's hand away.

"Don't you get it?! We killed them! He killed them because of what WE did!" He sobbed.

"it's all our fault…" He cried into his arms, muffling out his sobs.

Re: A View to a Kill

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:56 am
by dinah_shore*
"Uh, fine then." Jake was a little hurt by Matt's outburst, he was just trying to help.

Looking around, he felt anxious, like he was wasting time.

"I can't stick around here...none of us can. Danya said that it'll become a dangerzone, so we don't have long." Jake turned to face Dorian, Ivan, and Warren. There were quite a few people in this organization, it seemed. They'd come from all over the island...

"Dor, has anyone in your group here seen Trish? It's important that I find her." Jake didn't know if it actually was all that imporant, but he knew that he wanted to see her again, bady.

Re: A View to a Kill

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:56 am
by Crash*
With the arrival of the announcement, Dorian's concentration had once again returned to him. The list of deaths for the previous day was massive, but since he'd been doing nothing but wandering the island and listening to the announcements for close to five days, none of the losses particularly shocked him. He made a mental note of who the killers were, but since Marnie's name hadn't been mentioned in either section he remained fairly calm.

That was, of course, until Danya proceeded to murder four innocent girls in cold blood as a result of the actions SADD had been taking in his absence. The girls' screams in their final moments were absolutely heart-wrenching, and every time another one reverberated through the PA system Dorian felt his blood run cold. Matt was visibly shaken by the incident, and he really didn't blame him. At the moment though, Dorian couldn't bring himself to comfort anyone. He imagined Marnie running through the jungle, screaming, her collar beeping incessantly, until...

"We have to get out of here," he spoke up suddenly, unknowingly echoing exactly what Jake had just said moments before. Dorian walked back into the tower, raising his voice. "Everyone up! The tower's a danger zone, get your stuff and get moving!" He wasted no time in grabbing his duffle bag (which contained his assigned day pack) and hoisting it over his back, then walked over to Neil. "The barracks just got cleared, we should head there. They'll probably be empty. We can talk about what our next move is after that..."

Deciding it was best for him to leave it there and leave the rest of the decision-making to Neil, Dorian walked back outside and addressed Jake. "Sorry, I haven't seen Trish, but one of the others might've." He finished shortly, deciding that the faster and further he got away from the lookout tower, the better. He felt guilty, worried, and above all more determined than ever to find and protect Marnie.

(Dorian Ibanescu continued in Sound and Fury)

Re: A View to a Kill

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:56 am
by Badwolfwho*
Dane sat in shock as the impact of the announcements washed over him. Four deaths because of them. Dane had always felt a little uncomfortable with being roped into this plan and now he felt even worse. He gulped down his tea and shoved the cup back into his bag. He looked over Dennis who was lying on the floor just breaking out of his slumber.

"We have to go now." Dane said to no one in particular, he glanced over at Dominica, the announcements had said she was a killer but surely that was self-defence rather than cold-blooded murder? He wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt, "Dominica, we should really get out of here as soon as possible." Dane paused becoming aware that he was repeating himself. He didn't know where to go, he heard Dorian say they should go to the Barracks but Dane wasn't sure he wanted to stay with SADD and there wasn't exactly time and stand around and chat.

He pulled out his map and planned the best route to the Barracks, "I don't have the best sense of direction but I think we should go this way," he traced the route on the map with his finger, "Hopefully I'll see you all at the Barracks."

Dane turned and left the Lookout Tower feeling sure that the others wouldn't be to far behind him.

(Danesfort Zygmunt continued elsewhere)

Re: A View to a Kill

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:56 am
by Solitair*
Warren was stunned. From the time Danya announced the four kills to the time Dorian urged everyone to move, his senses had muted themselves to the outside world. While he himself hadn't participated in the camera-smashing, the fact that Danya had extinguished that small bit of hope that he had discovered not thirty minutes ago was almost too much to bear.

Almost. He heard the voice of Dorian, who accepted him unconditionally into the group despite his past sins, and the world snapped into focus again. Danya couldn't change the fact that he had found friends (a nakama, his inner nerd suggested), and he would stick with them until the day he died.

Once he heard the word 'barracks', he took off, sprinting as fast as his legs could carry him out of the danger zone and into the future.

((Warren Pace continued in Sound and Fury))