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Re: Taking Requests for Character Art

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 9:59 pm
by Grand Moff Hissa
I have no idea how I missed Dana, especially given she was one of the requests I took a lot of interest in. I really appreciate that you went for it, and I like that you actually managed to make her look a bit older than the usual cast; I think her hair is a big part of it. It's just a slightly more mature hairstyle! I'm also very impressed by how well you managed to convey a pretty out-there shirt design; I looked it up out of curiosity and you're really on the mark with it. You do a really nice job honing detail to focus on the most iconic bits, and Dana is no exception.

Also, I always feel bad about spamming requests from you, but I'll have one soon if it's not a bother. I was gonna ask for my second TV3 kid but I realized I have even less of her profile done than I thought so I need to finish her outfit first. ><

You are seriously awesome for the work you've put in on these over the years. :)

Re: Taking Requests for Character Art

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 11:48 pm
by Pippi
I've been meaning to request more art from you for a while, would I be able to request my v5 team of Owen, Amy and Francis?

Re: Taking Requests for Character Art

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 12:27 am
by Brackie
I just realized I never rounded out my PV3 Prologue crew with your fantastic art so Imma request Maya Spooner

Re: Taking Requests for Character Art

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 12:43 am
by KamiKaze
May I get Mary? Thanks~

Re: Taking Requests for Character Art

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 7:58 am
by Grand Moff Hissa
Okay, with the laziness demon semi-slain, may I please request my TV3 hopeful Mandy Gross?

Once again, you rock for all your hard work on these! :)

Re: Taking Requests for Character Art

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2020 1:06 am
by Ryuki
KamiKaze's Mary Cheung is finished.

Re: Taking Requests for Character Art

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2020 1:16 am
by Yonagoda
Um, if its not any trouble may I drop my kids Leah Hemingway? and Vasily Ivanonv?

Leah: ... 844#p21844

Vasily is 5’7 and 130 pounds, making him fairly average in height but lightly built from a fast metabolism and a lack of interest in food. He unconsciously slouches a little but actively tries to maintain a better posture. He has little fat in his body, giving him an overall shapeless frame. His rib cage is barely visible and he does not have very defined muscles. His skin is very pale and burns easily from the sun, and as a result he uses strong sunscreen whenever he goes out, which is not often. He has multiple faded scars mostly on his elbows and knees from fall injuries which he covers with band-aids for his aesthetic when they aren’t hidden with clothing, and a notable, long scar on his left shoulder from a katana. He has minimalist goth tattoos: a small black crescent moon on his right inner wrist, a stick n poke tattoo of a rose on the outside of his upper left arm, and another stick n poke of “E-Boy” in loopy handwriting on his outer right thigh. He uses a decent amount of makeup: eyeliner, eyebrow pencils, and dark eyeshadow. His nails are medium length and painted black.

Like his appearance, Vasily has a distinctive voice. He sounds rather tired and monotone, which can make him sound unintentionally sarcastic. In actuality, he can sound emotional, but generally doesn’t bother to. Similarly, he tends to speak in a drawl. The tone of his voice is a little deeper than average and smooth. He has a faint, almost unnoticeable russian accent picked up from his father, and can also speak fluent russian and choppy swedish.

Vasily’s features, a mixture of slavic and nordic, are distinctively androgynous. He has an oval face, with a thin, refined nose. His mouth is a little on the small side, with thin lips that are somewhat rosy, but pale enough to not stand out against his skin, and an iron lip ring, right next to a small scar on the left side of his lower lip from a failed lip piercing. Despite them being prominent, his eyes look thin due to his heavy, somewhat hooded eyelids, accentuated by his usually tired expression. Darkened and sometimes thickened with makeup, his eyebrows are low and thin, sitting on a pronounced brow ridge, with an anti-eyebrow piercing and two eyebrow piercings on the right side of his face, both silver barbells. Due to a lack of sleep, he also has dark bags under his eyes.

Vasily almost always wears an eyepatch, covering up where his left eye would have been and a scar on the corner of the eye. Despite having a prosthetic eye, he prefers eye patches due to the aesthetic, and has a collection, with most of the eyepatches accessorized or with gothic designs. He also buys eye patches with designs he saw in movies and video games. When he doesn’t wear the eyepatch, which is rare, the prosthetic is revealed to be customized, with a glittery lavender iris and a skull design for a pupil. His real, remaining eye, on the other hand, is light blue, though he wears colored prescription contacts to make it look purple.

Vasily has pale, almost white-blonde hair which he usually likes to dye a pastel purple, leaving about an inch of white roots. It goes slightly below his shoulder, and despite it being naturally only slightly wavy, his habit of going to bed with his hair wet and tied in a halfway pulled-through ponytail often leaves it wavier than it actually is the next morning, though the effect goes away during the course of the day. After getting it stuck in bubblegum, some hair on the right-front side of his face was cut off, giving the effect of overgrown one-sided bangs which covered his eyepatch. He has 4 piercings on each ear, and though what he wears in them changes day to day, most of them will be studs.

Vasily’s fashion style would best be described as either grunge-goth, or “eboy style” as Vasily proclaims. Most of his clothes are baggy, with a lot of black and white stripes/checkers, chains, and mostly-black t-shirts worn over striped long sleeved shirts. On hotter days, even though he won’t ditch the black clothes, he would wear oversized band shirts and shorts. He also frequently wears combat boots and black converses. When it comes to accessories, Vasily fancies simplistic yet punkish iron/silver designs and tends to go almost overboard with them. He has a large collection of jewelry, and will usually wear at least two or three rope chains with keys and padlocks attached to them at a time, along with many plain silver rings, 'odd' earrings, and the occasional chain bracelet.

On the day of the casting, Vasily was wearing a black eyepatch with a simplistic gold design of a closed eye, a black t-shirt for the band Rockplay worn over a black and white striped shirt, a black belt with chain loops and an O-ring attached to it, baggy black pants, and combat boots. He wears three necklaces: a plain silver punk rope chain, a iron chain with a decorative padlock and key (non functional), and a third silver chain with a cross. He wears two thin rings, on his right pointer finger, a ring snake shaped design on his right middle finger, a plain silver ring on his left middle finger, a chain-like design on his left pointer finger, and a ring with a skull on his left thumb, all over black mesh handless gloves. On his left ear he wore all plain studs except for a ring on the second lowest piercing and a design made to look like a screw pierced through his ear on the lowest piercing. On his right ear, he wore a dangling 6 sided dice design and a gold safety pin earring, on the second lowest and lowest piercings respectively.

Re: Taking Requests for Character Art

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2020 2:11 am
by Latin For Dragula
I'd love to get your takes on Angel Dario and Rupert Andrada-Hubert!

Re: Taking Requests for Character Art

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 4:22 am
by Grand Moff Hissa
Ooh, Mary looks really nice. I see that the goth cult is expanding! You did a really good job with her assorted complicated accouterments. I especially like the fishnet gloves and the way her overalls and shirt work together; it's a super distinct look that's really brought out by your use of straight lines. And the shading on her hair and how her hat sits on it are really nice too! It's super cool watching your style evolve, especially when you get these challenging kids. You're amazing for all your hard work! :)

Re: Taking Requests for Character Art

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 5:50 am
by backslash
I think the ombre colors in Mary's hair turned out especially nice! You did a great job with her outfit too.

Re: Taking Requests for Character Art

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 12:10 am
by Ryuki
MurderWeasel's TV3 dog girl Mandy is finished!

Re: Taking Requests for Character Art

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 2:52 am
by Grand Moff Hissa
Mandy looks amazing! You did a great job conveying her quirky challenge outfit, especially the hat; I love the way you did its contours and how it looks nice and floppy. You also did a great job getting the little details in her jewelry down. I'm always impressed at how consistently nice a job you do with these, and at how you've refined your style and sharpened things up over the years. You totally rock, and thank you again for sharing your talents! :)

Re: Taking Requests for Character Art

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 4:07 am
by Somersault
Hi Ryuki! If possible, could you do my TV3 girl Hailey?
[+] Appearance
At 5’6 and 148 lbs, Hailey is around the average height and weight of a girl for her age, even if much to her displeasure she is closer to the heavier end of that spectrum. Of Caucasian descent, her fair skin tans slightly during the summer months, although due to the wishes of her parents she is often overly liberal with her sunscreen usage. Her body is relatively stocky, with short legs and a longer torso. Her bust is somewhat ample, and she still possesses some baby fat on her stomach and her around her hips, another source of insecurity. Due to softball, much of the weight of her legs is muscle, although she wishes they were still slimmer.

Hailey has facial features that can best be described as pleasant, if relatively plain. Her eyes are wide, light brown, and sometimes noted as unsettling due to the rarity with which she blinks. Hailey’s nose is small and relatively rounded, her mouth wide with teeth straightened through years of braces, and full cheeks. Her eyebrows are somewhat bushy, and her eyelashes, although naturally somewhat stubby, are lengthened through mascara. Hailey’s hair is dark brown and messily wavy, with it falling to her shoulder blades when fully straightened. Straightening it, however, is something Hailey does only for important formal occasions.

On the whole, Hailey’s sense of style is relatively understated, with her typically choosing understated shades of blue or pink mixed in with white, careful not to show much skin. Due to this fact, she is most often seen wearing jeans with a shirt and cardigan or sundresses of some kind, as she isn’t fond of the feeling of wearing a skirt. Ever since the beginning of high school, Hailey has made sure to apply some light makeup, but this rarely if ever goes beyond foundation, concealer and mascara. Typically, Hailey wears a plain cross necklace, consisting of a cross on a chain.

On the day she was casted, Hailey was wearing a white three-quarter sleeved bolero over a periwinkle t-shirt, three-quarter length denim jeans, as well as white flats. She was wearing her usual cross necklace, as well as an assortment of rubber wristbands on her left wrist which featured acronyms including WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?), FROG (Fully Rely On God), and ASAP (Always Stop and Pray).

Re: Taking Requests for Character Art

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 1:05 am
by Ryuki
Brackie's girl Maya is finished!

Re: Taking Requests for Character Art

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2020 3:11 am
by Ryuki
Yonagoda's kids Leah and Vasily are finally done!