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Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:45 am
by baby_g*
Matthew was getting fed up with the attitude he was getting both from the boy and girl. Kevin grounded himself like he was ready to take another punch. He knew that his last one was alittle weaker than usual, so he decided to throw a surprise knee to the boys gut.

I'll show this sonofabitch!

Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:45 am
by Ares
The knee came as a surprise to Kevin, but not enough of one to make a difference. Kevin was able to cushion the blow against his body with an almost "catcher-like" block. Throwing the knee back away from his body Kevin took the opportunity to once again degrade young Matthew.

"Next time, try following through with your entire body weight Drew. Man, I thought this was going to be a fight, not a lesson."

With that Kevin bull-rushed Matt, leaning in with his shoulder, and driving his legs.

One goal. Get this fucker off his feet, then its smooth sailing from there.

Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:45 am
by Cyco*
Jana was determined not to draw any attention to herself while this was going on. She said pretty much nothing, but breathed fairly heavily and fidgeted. She was now convinced that Kevin was likely to get himself--if not all three of them--killed.

She froze as the three boys made their sick wager, but breathed a sigh of relief when Sera spoke up just for her sake. She was grateful that her new friend was looking out for her, even though she was kind of a liability. Jana was by no means a timid individual in an ordinary situation, but since the incident on the bus, and waking up to find that her life had been placed on a bridge made of popsicle sticks, she found herself unable to adapt even the slightest bit.

'What's wrong with me?' she wondered, trying to feel more at ease. She had a weapon, a good one. They had a plan. Kevin was protecting them...

...scratch that one...

...but they weren't giving up. They would look for Eric, and Sera's friends. And if those two boys thought that they were going to have their way with either of them, they were sorely mistaken. She wasn't sure what the outcome of the two-on-one fistfight would be (she was hoping Kevin would come out on top, obviously), but she wouldn't stand idly by while her friend was taken advantage of by two horny idiots.

'They try anything funny, I'll shoot 'em in right in the junk,' she thought, gripping her weapon and hoping that Kevin was truly as great as he thought he least great enough that he could take on these clowns.

Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:45 am
by Megami*
((Shortest.  Meg.  RP.  EVER.))

The look that Kevin shot her before the brawl begun was readible even from her distance away.  It wasn't like he had to tell her not to interfere.  The simple truth was that she had no plan to do so anyway.  In fact, even when Matt rushed at Kevin, she let her gun rest idly by her side.  A mischevious smile formed in the corners of her mouth as she watched the brawl ensue.  Then again, it didn't seem like much of a brawl at all.  It seemed more like a martial arts lesson or something than an actual fight.  In fact, it was all she could do to stifle a yawn.

"C'mon boys!" she shouted teasingly, "I thought this was supposed to be a fight.  You're disappointing me!"

Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:45 am
by baby_g*
Kevin rushed Matthew, taking him out by the legs, knocking them both to the ground. Matthew managed to quickly make his way to his knees, as to now be leaning over the boy, and threw another strong punch from his right fist, followed by the elbow of his left arm.

Dumb fuck.. I'll teach you.

Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:45 am
by Ares
Kevin was able to block the punch, but the elbow seemed to come from nowhere and hit Kevin in the ribs. Kevin gasped for air from the blow, and quickly rolled away from any other strikes Matt was attempting to throw.

Not bad, but too much anger behind his throws. Kevin thought, as he read the boy's fighting style.

Kevin got back into his stance and gave the "just bring it" motion with his hand, hoping the boy would rush him.

Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:45 am
by baby_g*
Matthew stood quickly as he saw Kevin get up. He gave the nod of his head, dearing him to come at him again.

"Fuck you. You think you know what you're doing, come on then."

Matthew stood ready, making sure he'd be able to jump anymore rushes at the legs the jerk might try.

Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:45 am
by Ares
"It would be my pleasure." Kevin said with a smile.

Kevin took three quick steps towards Matty, and then led with his right leg. He was actually throwing a fake, hoping Matty would open something up going for a block. If it worked, he'd gain a huge advantage, if it didn't, well, Kevin knew he'd be in a world of hurt.

Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:46 am
by baby_g*
Before he could really make heads or tails of the situation, Matthew was once again on his back being pumbled by the boy. Protecting his face with his arms, like a boxer being knocked around in a ring, he tried to shake the kid off to no avail.

"Get.. the.. fuck.. off me!" He huffed between dodges of the quick  throws being tossed his way.

This kid is really starting to piss me off. Rob needs to wake his sorry ass up.

Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:46 am
by Ares
((Anything that appears as god modding was approved by baby_g)

This was exactly where Kevin could shine. His blows weren't thrown with overbearing force, but he kept them coming. Wear the opponent down over time. Since Matt decided to protect his face, Kevin started to throw some body shots.

Damage is damage after all He thought.

The body shots seemed to take their effect well as Matt soon dropped the guard on his head to attempt to grab Kevin's arms to stop the onslaught of lefts and rights. Kevin took the opportunity to use his leverage to pin Matt's right arm to the ground with a quick move. Kevin was now in a damn good mount position with Matt's right arm trapped under Kevin's knee. Kevin now went to work with some head shots.

I'll make this son of a bitch bleed. Kevin thought, each shot gaining some intensity. I said I'd do what I could to help those girls, and this bastard wants to stop me

Matt was still trying to half defend himself with his free arm, but it didn't matter to Kevin as his rights and left kept firing.

Kevin took a quick glance up at Sera and flashed an egotistical grin. A grin that said, "I told you I'm better than these jackasses."

"I told you Drew, you stupid fuck, you can't take me man to man." Kevin said laughing.

His laugh was cut short by Matt managing to swing his free left arm up and land a punch on Kevin's mouth.

Spitting the small amount of blood into Matt's face, Kevin grinned again. He was really enjoying this feeling of being great.

"Not bad Drew, but its a pity that I'm getting a little to bored with my own skill. I think I'll kill you now."

Kevin grabbed Matt's left arm, and finally pinned it under his other leg. Still grinning, Kevin rolled up his right pant leg, where he had secretly hidden one of his pungi sticks in his sock. Grabbing the pungi stick, Kevin twirled it in his hand.

"You know, I thought these things would be quite useless. Now I see that it will be perfect for putting right through your heart Drew."

Matt looked up at Kevin, glancing at the pungi stick. Suddenly a smile appeared on Matt's face.

"Oh, you're happy you're gonna die Drew? I don't blame you, since you're pathetic. Oh well, if you're so happy about it, I best not keep you."

With that Kevin brought his right hand back. Unfortunately the next sound was not that of the stick being brought down through the wind. Someone had clicked down a hammer behind Kevin's head.


"No, I think that it's I who won't keep you." Came Rob's voice as he pulled the trigger of his desert eagle.


Kevin didn't even have time for a last though other than Fuck.

The bullet left the gun, and blew apart Kevin's head, exiting right through his right eye spewing blood, bone and brain matter in every direction.

The boy who openly claimed he would probably not survive the game, had not been a liar after all. Kevin had stupidly forgot about Rob, and he had now payed the ultimate price.

Boy #60: Kevin Kapustiak: Dead


Rob spat on Kevin's corpse. Rob had risen from the knock out blow delivered to him as Kevin had said "I'm bored, I think I'll kill you now". Rob had literally crawled over to where Kevin and Matt were fighting, finally standing as Kevin was showing off his pungi stick. Pulling the trigger gave him a certain satisfaction. Unlike when he had killed Sarah Dao, Rob knew he wouldn't regret this. He felt good about blowing Kapustiak's head apart.

Rob didn't think for long though. He noticed the two girls that he'd been watching before were staring directly at them. He quickly shoved Kevin's corpse off of Matt with his foot, and offered his hand to Matt to help him up. The whole time making sure not to take his eyes off the girls.

Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:46 am
by baby_g*
Matthew allowed Rob to help him up from the ground. His body ached and he couldn't help but think, 'Who's next'.

Who else are we going to end up running into on this damn Island.. fuck this.

He had to hand it to the kid for the way her fought. If Rob hadn't gotten himself up to interven he probably would have been a dead man. In Matty's life, he had run into only maybe 3 people who could be the shit out of him. One being his older cousin whom he worked with in construction, one being his dad and lastly, this kid. It was sad to see him turn into such a waste. If they had met on different terms they probably would have been buddies.

Turning his attention back to Rob, who seemed to have a problem with staring at pretty ladies, he released his grip and jokingly shoved Robs shoulder.

"Listen buddy, you're useless... Leave me to do all the hard work, then come in just at the last second to steal the glory." Matthew said as he stepped back picking up his day pack as he did so, along with his gun, and dusted himself off.

The girls. Fuuuuuck.

Letting out a sigh, making it completely obvious he was in a pissed off annoyed mood, he made his way to the girls standing not to far in the distance. Matthew placed his gun in his bag to show that he wasn't going to hurt them. At this moment, he wasn't even interested in the girl who offered herself to him if he had won the fight. Right now he just wanted an action plan so he could figure out what the hell he was going to do.

"Alright ladies. Let's get this figured out right now. I'm Matthew. That's Rob. Sorry 'bout the kid, you know the rules of this island and I don't like it anymore than you. I'm in pain and my body aches. We're headed to the school, maybe pick up some supplies or something. Meet up with others, peacefully or not I don't know. What do ya' say?"

He gave them a moment to let it sink in, then leaned in close to girl he exchanged words with earlier before the fight.

"You got something to you. You can either take everyone on by yourself or you can help us out."

When Matthew stepped back he gave her a wink. He really did think she was cute, and maybe if things cool off by the time they get to the school he'll take her up on that offer. Till then, he didn't think that mentioning anything of the sort after they had just killed the guy who was sticking with them was a good idea.

Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:46 am
by Cyco*
Jana averted her eyes subtley from the fight, still keeping her face towards the nearby commotion so that Sera wouldn't think she was just flaking out. Honestly, she just didn't want to watch. It made her feel sick in the pit of her stomach. Violence, hell conflict, always made her feel so uncomfortable.

There was what seemed like a climax of noise, punctuated by a gunshot. This frightened her. She flinched noticeably and yelped, immediately bringing the crossbow up to aim at the two boys. She hadn't been able to see what had just unfolded in her peripheral vision, but she put it together quickly seeing as now the one boy who had been down behind the bushes now visible and holding the fired weapon, and Kapustiak, who'd been standing up, was gone.

Kevin had failed, miserably. His ego had been his undoing, and now it was splattered on the ground along with his superego and id. Jana cringed, but pushed her fear down inside and refused to let it show to the two boys. She could feel tears welling up in her eyes all the same.

'What's wrong with me, he was an asshole...still...they fucking shot him...'

One of the boys approached them, and she kept the crossbow trained on him even after he put away his weapon. She glanced at Sera, unsure of what to do. He offered for the girls to come with them, at which she looked back at her friend and shook her head, but remained silent.

Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:46 am
by Ares
Rob turned  away and went to pick up his bag as Matty went over to the girls. When he turned back, he saw Matt put his gun away, obviously trying to show the girls he meant no harm. However the one girl was still fiercely pointing a crossbow directly at Matt's chest. Rob put his Desert Eagle back in his bag and pulled out the H&K 53 sub-machine gun. Slowly he walked over to where Matt was standing talking to the girls. He kept the SMG at his side in his right hand. It wasn't a threat, so much as an insurance policy. After all, if this crossbow chick fired, Rob could sure as hell mow her down faster than she could get another shot ready.

"Well, are you coming with us or not? I'm sorry about your friend. We both knew him, he was in our class, but he attacked us. We had no intention of harming any of you. We were merely trying to determine whether or not you appeared as a threat. Up to you if you want to come with us. If you do, do not slow us down, because we are not stopping until we get to the school."

Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:46 am
by Megami*

And just like that, Kevin Kapustiak was dead.  Strangely enough, as Sera watched Rob wake up and crawl over to his gun, she didn't feel anything.  She didn't feel anything as he put the gun to the back of Kevin's head and pulled the trigger.  Maybe she really was heartless.  Or, maybe, she'd just convinced herself that people dying in this game was just an inevitability.  Jana seemed visibly shaken by the turn of events, but Sera simply stood there, her gun lying idly by her side, watching the two boys compose themselves.

She could've fired.  She could've eliminated Rob before he'd ever had the chance to retrieve his firearm.  But... she didn't.  After all, Kevin had more or less ordered them not to interfere, and although she wasn't really into following orders, she wasn't into the idea of saving someone from their own stupidity either.  Really, this was what Kevin wanted.  He'd said so himself.  He never had any plans of escaping the game or going back home, he'd planned on dying here on this island.  He'd accomplished that goal.

Almost to her surprise, the boy that Kevin had almost killed -- Matt, wasn't it? -- was heading in their general direction.  She kept the gun limply by her side.  She didn't intend to do anything unless she had to... and with guys like these two, she assumed she wouldn't have to fight for herself.  Maybe it was an incorrect assumption, but they didn't seem interested in killing her.  Or Jana.  Her suspicions were confirmed even more when Matt put his gun into his bag to reassure them that he meant no harm.

He introduced himself and his friend and apologized about the death of Kevin.  Sera simply shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly.  It wasn't like he was someone she really knew anyway.  Perhaps what surprised her the most was that the boy actually invited herself and Jana to come along with them to the school.  She tried to read into the invitation.  He could be sincere, or he and his buddy could have plans to do something to them once they got there.  Then again, given the circumstances, if they'd planned on doing anything to herself and Jana -- killing them, raping them, whatever other sick and twisted fantasies they might have had -- they wouldn't waste time going to the school to do it.  Not in this place, not where every second could be your last.

Therefore... they must've been sincere.

Jana didn't seem to think so though.  In fact, it was like she hadn't let that crossbow drop to her side since the moment Matt and Rob set eyes on them.  It was probably in their best interest to go with these boys.  Still, convincing Jana of that might prove difficult.  Sure enough, Jana was shaking her head, even though she wasn't vocalizing her opinion.  Granted, they'd just killed Kevin, but Sera couldn't judge them on that.  She'd pretty much played two people against one another, making her indirectly responsible for Adam's death and directly responsible for Brandon's.  She couldn't judge these boys on the fact that they'd killed somebody -- so had she.

The other boy was approaching them now.  Unlike Matt, he seemed more antsy to get out of the area and into the sanctuary of the school.  Jana's crossbow must've made him nervous, because although he wasn't holding it at a threatening angle, he wasn't letting loose of the gun in his hand.

"It was a cheap shot," Sera retorted, a light smile playing on her features, "But I'll give you that much, Kevin DID attack you.  It's not like it was much of a waste... he had no intentions of leaving this place anyway, he'd said it over and over."

She shrugged her shoulders lightly.  It might've seemed very cold, but she genuinely didn't care.  Her eyes trailed over to the virtually headless corpse that was Kevin Kapustiak for just a moment, but still, she didn't feel anything.  He was just a thing... an object... a form of protection.  In essence, all these boys had done was eliminate her meatshield.  That just meant that she had to find a new one.  Or perhaps... a new two.

"The school's fine with me," she stated simply, "But I'm gonna need a minute to convince my friend here that you aren't gonna drag her in the bushes and rape her or something.  Considering you DID just kill somebody in front of her, she's probably got a few trust issues with you.  Is that gonna be a problem?"

Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:46 am
by Ares
The music hit, and the voice rang out. Rob listened intently, knowing his name would be announced. Once again, as he heard Danya announce his kill of Kevin, he didn't care that he'd done it, but what did hit him was Danya's comment about honor and respect. Unfortunately for Rob, this comment was true, but there was nothing he could do about it.

"Dan Johnson died next at the hands of Roland Kelly."

Rob replayed that in his mind. His entire plan of escape had just been foiled, and apparently because this Roland Kelly had killed the wrong person.

"Did you hear that? Did you? Matt...our plan of escaping was just destroyed by some stupid bastard named Roland. Johnson was the one possible chance we all could have had of escaping."

Deep down, Rob knew that Dan Johnson probably was blowing smoke out of his ass when he'd overheard the conversation at the hockey rink. It still pissed him off though. First his class was being taken away. His friends were taken away. Lives were being taken away. Now, this Roland Kelly took away the last real hope Rob had that he could escape this game without having to be the absolute last man standing.

"New mission. I'm going to find Roland Kelly. I'm sick of things being taken away. If its the last thing I can do on this island it will be to shoot that Roland Kelly bastard. We'll still go to the school of course, provided that you, Jana, can trust me enough to realize I'm not going to hurt you. I know it sounds weird considering I just admitted that I'm going to hunt down Roland Kelly, but I will promise you that I will not kill you. Matty and I will get you both safely to the school. After that, you can go whatever way you like, because I know where I'm going.