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Re: We survive by friendship

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:42 am
by baby_g*



... Tori's eyes opened at the sounds of something being hit against an object. Every muscle in her body tightened up as she layed completely still, due to the sound startling her half to death. Was Bryan awake, hearing everything that was going on? Slowly, she lifted her head and saw Bryan's eyes were closed, his hand still firm on his gun. Easing her arm out from between the couch and Bryan's back, she propped herself on her knees on the cushion.

She wanted so bad to look out into the hall to figure out where that sound was coming from.

"Bryan.." She whispered as she shook him lightly by the shoulders. "Bryan, get up! There's something out there!"

Re: We survive by friendship

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:42 am
by Cyco*
Bryan had been wrong in assuming he could go nearly three days without sleep. " practice," he grumbled, stirred and finally roused by Tori's urgent shaking.

"Just resting my eyes," he responded to whatever the hell she'd just said. What was that noise?


Shae put more weight into the last couple of forceful strikes, and he was rewarded a more distinct splintering crack with each one. Finally the sturdy bone had taken enough, and he delivered the coup de grace with an exhasperated grunt. Finally. He loomed over the dead girl and her mangled limb, breathing heavily and not even casting a glance at his bloodied sneaker. Shae was entranced by the scene at his feet; he'd never seen anything like it. He cut through the remainder of the leg muscle underneath and set the da dao down on the floor. He'd ruined a bit of the meat that had fallen under his heel, but there was lots more where that came from. Cradling the leg in both hands, he slowly lifted it with him as he stood back up. It was actually a little heavier than he thought it would be, and he got the strangest, most uncomfortable feeling as he examined it. What was it?

'It's the sock,' he thought, opting to remove the miniscule article of clothing on her foot. It slid off easily enough, but now the bare foot with its small pink toes was bothering him even more.

''s the foot,' he decided, stooping down to retrieve the blade.


"You stay here," Bryan said to Tori, blinking repeatedly to try and get himself more alert. He noticed Mariavel's hatchet on the floor beside the couch, picked it up and looked it over. "I'm borrowing this," he added, thinking back to the altercation in the industrial yard with the tall kid. He needed something easier to utilize in close combat, plus it wasn't like she didn't still have that blade on her for protection.

Shouldering the strap on the SPAS-12, Bryan unlocked the door and grasped the handle slowly. He hesitated for a moment; the noise coming from just down the hallway had ceased. He didn't know what to expect out there, but he doubted it would be anything pleasant.


It wasn't the foot either. Shae had finished cutting through the small sinewy gap between the bottom of the tibia and the talus, exherting more effort than he'd initially planned and, worse, accomplishing nothing. There wouldn't be much meat in the foot anyway, but it had been a waste of energy to sever it seeing as he was still feeling this strange sensation.

'Might as well cut it at the knee,' he thought, nodding silently at the idea. It would make the meat easier to pack and handle, plus now it was all he could think of to do to shake his nagging discomfort. Shae'd already stained his hands thoroughly; the blood still wasn't bothering him. But not only that, neither did the muscle, tendons and various unfamiliar tissue he cleaved through a third time now. Of course, it was much easier than both previous attempts because he began at the back of the knee and dug out the kneecap on his way through the other side.

'That's much better,' Shae lied to himself. He used one of the jackets to firmly wrap both appendages together and set the package on the floor beside the source. Whatever strange vibe he'd gotten from the arduous task, he was quite glad it was over with. Shae packed away the human meat and began to consider using the washroom to clean himself up.

'...I've heard that...the heart is really nutritious...'

He got on his knees and shuffled closer to the dead girls torso. Honestly, he'd already gone this far. Why stop there? It wasn't as if there were any penalty whatsoever. There was no law here. Shae suddenly remembered the cameras set up everywhere; he actually cracked a smile at the thought of how the viewers at home would react to the hideous atrocity he'd just performed. 'The network censor is going to have a field day.'

Shae decided that he might as well make the most of the fresh body. Sliding the blade slowly under the bottom of the dead girls shirt, he grabbed the material firmly with his other hand and cut right up the middle of it, opening the front and exposing her stomach. Shae payed no attention to her breasts, which were still kept from view by her bra. He would keep it that way; he really had no desire to fondle a corpse, and he wouldn't be able to get through her ribcage anyway so there was no point in making an incision between them. Placing the blade just south of the fabric of her brassier, Shae cut long and deep into her belly. Blood ebbed forth, tissue ripped, and the dead girls expression remained sombre and detached.


Hell yeah, Bryan was being much more stealthy this time. He moved slowly to prevent making any noise, and his pack was still in the office with Tori so the only sound he needed to worry about was that of the clunking shotgun strapped around his shoulder. He could see the intruder, hunched over some business in the front doorwell and paying no attention whatsoever to anything else. Bryan was curious as to exactly what it was; all he'd seen in there was a pile of jackets. Finally he reached an angle where he could get a better look.

"Jesus Christ," he whispered softly, a cold shiver running up his spine as he surveyed the twisted scene in front of him. He blinked again, hoping that maybe this was just a nightmare he was having as he sat on the comfortable sofa in the office. It wasn't, and he stood there silently for a moment, deliberating what to do next. It didn't take him long to figure it out.


Shae had become feverish in his efforts, his breathing getting heavier as he widened the opening in the dead girl with one crimson hand and cut deeper with the other. There was still quite an abundance of blood, and now her small intestine began to show as he ventured deeper. He dug upwards, inside the ribcage, and made a cut perpendicular to the initial one to allow the entrance to widen even more.

"There you are!" he gasped triumphantly, his lips curling into a smile as he located the mass attached to what he assumed was her aorta with his hand. He felt around the vital muscle to get an idea of the shape, and judging by the apex he quickly confirmed that it was indeed what he'd been looking for. Grasping it firmly, he began to pull with a generous amount of force, and he could feel the various key arteries and veins either breaking or being dragged along for the ride.

Finally, placing his da dao back on the floor beside him, Shae reached in vigorously with the other hand and pulled the organ free as the remaining tethers released. Transfixed, he withdrew the small red mass and held it in both hands as he looked it over with nearly perverse fascination.



Bryan gripped the ax tightly as he took a step in the direction of the hunched figure, committing to the coming attack. His conviction and intensity built with each step, and the result was the rhythmic tap of about four swift audible paces. In the two seconds of his approach from the left side the stranger would definitely become aware of him, but Bryan was confident that this twisted fuck was too mesmerized by what was going on in front of him to care. Using one final pace for momentum, he reared the hatchet back low and swung it forward underhand in an oblique upward arc.


Shae snapped out of it just soon enough to turn his head towards the approaching stranger and receive the blade of an ax right up from underneath his jaw, into the base of his brain.


Re: We survive by friendship

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:42 am
by baby_g*
Bryan left the room, taking the axe that Mari had given her, with him. Tori closed the door behind him. She thought at first to lock it, but if he were to try and come back in, running from something, he'd basically be fucked. She had no idea what was going on out in the hall way, and due to the fact that all the noise seemed to stop after Bryan turned the handle of the door, made this situation all the more uneasy for her. She silently prayed that everything was alright. All she could hear now was what sounded like Bryan running at something, though, most likely, someone. Tori sat now, in the middle of the couch, almost exactly where Bryan had left her. Repositioning herself on the couch, she tucked her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. To afraid to check out in the hall to see where he was, she stayed tight as a ball, trying to think happy thoughts until he'd come back.

Butterflies... I'm a butterfly... I'm just a tiny butterfly... No one can harm me... I'm a butterfly...

Re: We survive by friendship

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:42 am
by Cyco*
What a fucking mess. Bryan placed his heel against the dead boys chest, kneeling down and giving the hatchet a good wrench back and forth until it finally dislodged from his throat. "Bastard," he mumbled to the corpse, "Leave me to clean up your fuckin' mess." Such was the life of the custodian.

'Lavvy...' Bryan shook his head in dismay at her mangled and thoroughly desecrated body. He and Lavender Heart had never been on the best of terms; she'd hated the Fists from day one, always warning Mari not to hang around with them. Although he'd never appreciated her moral criticism of people she never even bothered to get to know, he still felt like it was wrong to have her remains spilling out all over the front hallway. Now that he thought about it...she'd just been looking out for her friend. He couldn't hold that against her. Besides, Tori didn't need to see this.

Then he thought about something else, something he hadn't thought of at all, not once, during the past four days. 'What about her parents. Her family. They're going to see this.' Hard as he tried, Bryan couldn't even remember how many people he'd killed so far. There was the aspiring surgeon here; he still didn't understand what the twisted fuck had been thinking. Then there was...

...the tall kid...his folks would likely have witnessed his violent end had they felt the need to watch...

...and that kid in the mall...

...there was Dan, from day one...

...was he forgetting one?

Regardless, he now felt that it was only right to cover Miss Heart, and even the intruder, because everyone on the whole fucking island had someone missing, hoping...grieving, for them. He would do what he had to in order to protect Tori and himself, even face Seth or Mari, but he would have to do better in remembering just where he was. He couldn't go back and bury Dan now, but at least he could start showing the dead a little respect, if only for their loved ones. He'd been wrong not to before.

It took only a short while and a strong stomach to put Lavender back together; he placed the three pieces of her left leg in order (as far as he could tell) where they should have been, and although he couldn't bring himself to replace her heart in its proper place, Bryan did fold her arms across her chest and place the dead organ in the middle of them for lack of any better idea. He draped the jackets back over her again, save for one which he used to cover the other boys face after dragging him into the opposite corner of the doorwell. Feeling that he'd done a sufficient job, perhaps even sparing Lavender's family a little agony, Bryan then picked up the discarded oriental sword off of the ground along with the dead boys rucksack. The sword would have to be wiped off, as would both of his hands now that he looked at them, but there was no reason not to take it. Better than leaving it for some other psycho.

He made sure not to make too much commotion as he re-entered the office, seeing as Tori was liable to shank him with that nasty broken blade if she had any reason to suspect it wasn't him. "Alright, we're good," he said, shutting the door behind him and tossing the bag and the blade against the foot of the couch and sitting down heavily.

Re: We survive by friendship

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:42 am
by baby_g*
"Another ruck." Tori quietly said, still sitting with her knees against her chest and arms around them, looking at the bag Bryan brought back with him. It was clear that some other kid was dead now. She had no idea why this time, and it wasn't in her to ask many questions about it. This was part of the 'game' and she'd have to get used to it.

"Are you alright?" She offered kindly, as she moved her right hand over to Bryans. It's hard playing the hero...

Re: We survive by friendship

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:42 am
by Cyco*
"Huh? I'm just fine," he replied with a hint of confusion in his tone, and he wrinkled his nose as he looked at her. What did she mean by that? The only damage he'd sustained during his entire stay on the island had been that brick to the head and that one cut on his hand. Which reminded him, he needed to change the bandage on that sucker. The white had turned almost entirely into a mottled brown from stained blood, and it smelled pretty rancid.

Reaching over the arm of the couch, Bryan grabbed one of the four daypacks he and Tori had amassed, the one marked 'B12', and rummaged through its contents to find the first aid kit. He set it beside him and retrieved the nearly half-used roll of fresh bandages, then turned to Tori and pointed to her najinata blade. "Can I use that for a second?" he inquired, seeing as the two other edged weapons in their arsenal wouldn't cut the old bandages properly.

Re: We survive by friendship

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:42 am
by baby_g*
((sorry, crappy post...))

Jesus Christ!

Tori moved her arm back around her legs, resting her chin on her knees. Maybe he's just clueless. She thought to herself. Sure, we had a 'moment' back at the mall, he was a good kisser and I enjoyed it very much, but I promised myself that I wasn't going to bring it up again. I just can't place it really. Did he kiss her because he liked me, and it was just in the moment? Or, was it basically just to shut me up? What if he isn't really interested in me at all? Sure, he's here protecting me when he doesn't really have too... I mean, once we found eachother, it was good... then we got seperated, okay... and he still made a point to come back for me. Wow... cheesey sounding I know... but maybe I'm just making a big deal out of nothing. Maybe he's just really really really clueless.

Bryan said something about her blade. "Whatever." She said stiffly, as she handed it over to him. "Here."

She didn't mean to sound like a bitch. Everything was just too frustrating. Bryan was the only guy that she had ever been forward with. Back home, if she liked a guy, she'd usually wait for him to mention something to her. There was this one guy, Steven, who told her that if she ever wanted to be heard and taken seriously, she'd have to put forth the effort and do things for herself. He later became her bestfriend, and was actually right about the whole thing. Once she started being her own person and speaking for herself at school, not only did she gain more friends, but it was funny to see how many guys really were interested in her. She never did anything, mind you. Tori was still that shy little girl. She did have that one relationship... he was a tool. Breaking her heart for some blonde bimbo, with double D tits. Lucky for her, Steven came into her life near the end of the relationship and was able to be her shoulder to cry on.

She transferred to a new school, and taking Steve's advice, met new people. Walking down the hall, she met CJ and Bryan. CJ had a hook for a hand... though he looked kind of weird, he was polite. She also remembered meeting a girl named Ali... She was probably on the island too, somewhere. Tori met Bryan later that day at the school, and walked around for a bit and even left the school to go to the beach. They had a corndog, it was nice. Thinking back on it now... Bryan really was/is the only guy she's ever tried being foward with. She could go on and on about why she liked him and why she'd want to be forward with him, but this was hardly the place. This wasn't the time, either, considering where they were. Tori needed to get back on track.

Turning to Bryan, who was now just finishing up rebandaging his hand, she began to laugh at how immature she was being.

"God damnit Bryan, I could hit you right now!"

Re: We survive by friendship

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:42 am
by Cyco*
"You could, but you know better than that, I think," he smirked, placing the blade flat against his arm and shredding the bandages slowly so's not to cut himself again and make it worse. The adhesive tape clung to the hair on the back of his forearm, and he winced as he went about getting it off. First he pulled slowly, but that was just as painful and twice if not thrice as long as just pulling quickly, which he decided was a wiser alternative after only a few moments of the irksome task. Bryan hissed in discomfort as he quickly stripped the used bandages off.

"Thanks," he said, handing her the blade (handle-first, mind you) and beginning to rewrap his hand. He wondered if Seth would ever get to the school; it was looking pretty doubtful now, though. "Uh...f'Seth doesn't get here by tomorrow, we'll go...ok?" He didn't really want to leave his friend behind, but they couldn't wait forever. With his luck the school would be a dangerzone tomorrow anyway. That seemed to happen whenever he tried to relax somewhere. "Mari's bolted...I think he'd rather be on his own anyway." Knowing Seth.

Re: We survive by friendship

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:42 am
by baby_g*
"Ewwwww!" Tori teased, as she took the blade back from Bryan. She knodded at the idea of waiting till tomorrow to move. "Better that way, I guess. We'll hear the announcements and figure everything out... what do we have left for food and what not? I'll organize it all I suppose."

Tori was pretty good at organizing stuff. She could move all the water and food into one bag, and the extra weapons and first aid into another. She could relax herself now, since she told herself to quite being a baby. She wasn't used to not getting her way, and like many other lessons she'd learn on this island, that was one of them.

Re: We survive by friendship

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:42 am
by Cyco*
Bryan was getting sick of eating nothing but stale bread and crackers. It wasn't hitting the spot at all. He'd gone a good while without the thought even coming up, but now Bryan was starting to wonder how long this thing would last. He'd never even bothered to keep track of the deaths, but--come on--they had to be at least halfway through by now. How many players could there be?

'Fuckin' bread...'

"How are you holding up?" he said, and he was pretty sure it was the first time he had asked her at all so far.

Re: We survive by friendship

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:42 am
by baby_g*
Looking at Bryan, somewhat shocked and happy to have him ask about her, she was more than willing to reply right away.

"I.." She cut herself off at first, thinking about what a good answer would be. He doesn't seem like the kinda to want to hear a rant, so there's no point telling him she's sick of being here, wants it all to be over with so it can go away. He'd probably think she was crazy.

"I'm alright. Shakey, but alright..." Good. "...what about you? Telling from that sore looking hand of yours and the bump on your head, you seem to be running into a lot of trouble." She laughed innocently and poked him in the arm. Maybe, if she tried to laugh this whole thing off, it would stop being so damn scarey.

Re: We survive by friendship

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:42 am
by Cyco*
"Nothing I can't handle," Bryan said in his defence. That was only half-true; he couldn't handle it if he were about to pass out from exhaustion.

"Let's get some sleep," he mumbled in a groggy tone, and he realized that he'd forgotten to lock the door. It was a pain in the ass to get up from his comfortable spot, but to be fair it was sort of important regarding their lives. "Sort that shit tomorrow."

Re: We survive by friendship

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:43 am
by baby_g*
"Well... if you were comfortable before, we can sleep how we were just a couple moments ago." She said as she layed back the way she was. A good sleep was exactly what she needed. She couldn't do anything without it and usually got headaches. She let herself melt on Bryan and the couch as if her body was saying 'thank you!' for getting some rest. Tomorrow would be a new day, and she'd have to make sure she was ontop of her game. She hoped as well that Bryan would be too.

Re: We survive by friendship

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:43 am
by Cyco*
Bryan didn't hear what Tori said; he had already passed out on the couch. Tomorrow would be a new day, a day full of killing the fuck out of everybody.

Re: We survive by friendship

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 4:43 am
by Cyco*
"Good morning, boys and girls!" Danya's voice was unmistakeable despite the poor sound quality of the loudspeaker outside. Bryan pried his eyes open. They'd made it through another night, albeit with some incident. He was feeling better; a little groggy, but much better. At least he wouldn't pass out from exhaustion when it really counted.

Danya said the storm was over, and Bryan would have had to take his word for it as there were no windows in the small attendance office. The death list was a bit shorter than usual, and he recognized none of the fourteen victims. Shae Arnav was the name of the boy from the previous night, apparently. He didn't want to think about it. There were more important things to attend to than guilting himself over someone he'd eliminated out of obvious necessity, for example marking down the now permanent dangerzones on his map. Bryan was no genius, but then again it didn't take one to notice what Danya was trying to do with the fixed forbidden spots. Close them in, force them together.

'It's about time; I'm getting really fuckin' tired of this shit.'

But what was this? A prize for boy number twelve, Danya added. Bryan had sat there with Tori sleeping (as far as he knew) in his lap through the duration of the announcement, but now he licked his teeth and scanned the small collection of bags littered on the ground. G14, that was Tori's. B51...he couldn't see the other two. Furrowing his brow, he gave Tori a gentle shove with his knees to give her the idea to move, or at least wake up. He stretched as he got to his feet, his back a bit stiff from being positioned badly all night.

'I coulda sworn...61, and...yeah. Fuckin' eh.' It was B12, stencilled in white on his daypack. He'd cast it a glance once a couple days ago, and he'd remembered it was a low number. Come to think of it, Bryan had been quite glad that it hadn't been B13 instead. He was a little superstitious when it came to that kind of thing, and given his attention-deficit disorder it would probably have given him a sour feeling of bad fortune throughout the duration of his stay.

"You know what that means?" he mumbled, turning his gaze towards Tori on the couch and holding up the numbered bag for her to see.