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Re: Cold Storage Shed where her heart should be

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:08 am
by laZardo*
Kristey's touch sent fear right down Marvin's spine, causing him to gesture for his cliquemates to surround the two. He tried not to let the fear show in his voice.

"T-that's not the point. We can get you out of the trouble you're in...and we could use someone with as much ass-kicking potential..."

Damien turned around in his seat to look back. He gripped the edge of his seat a little harder - to him it looks as if the class psycho's actually being recruited by Marvin.

Marvin tried to reassure himself -  She can't kick my ass. Mine or my friends. Especially in front of class. Does she realize how powerful we are?! Garrick was already making her way out of the crowd, most likely toward Marvin and Kristey.

Then he realized... Where's Reneé when I need her?

Re: Cold Storage Shed where her heart should be

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:08 am
by Xaldien*
Kristey had the biggest smile on her face, and she pulled the boy closer and whispered in his ear.

"As if."

She pushed him to the side, and looked at his cliquemates, each with a darker shade of black in her eyes.

"I managed to put one in his place, what makes you think I won't do the same to you and your pathetic troupe?"

Re: Cold Storage Shed where her heart should be

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:08 am
by laZardo*
Damien raises an eyebrow as he watches what goes on. He can barely see the action due to the clique almost blocking off the view, but he almost feels sorry for the girl as she pushes Marvin aside. She has no idea what she's getting into...

Marvin almost trips as Kristey pushes him off. Almost. He rights himself again, now quite frustrated.

"Oh, you shouldn't have done that." he growls, almost brushing up against Kristey. His "troupe" mates' collective confidence is still mostly intact, though. Of course, with Garrick nearly upon them they do the smart thing and give Kristey a bit of breathing space as well as a gap for Garrick to move in. Marvin points a frustrated finger at Kristey as they move back, mouthing "I'll be seeing you soon".

"All right, I want an explanation as to what happened to Mulder." the teacher begins in her strict, slightly acerbic tone of voice.

Re: Cold Storage Shed where her heart should be

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:08 am
by Xaldien*
Kristey looked over at Damien.
He's the only one who I doesn't seem afraid of me...

The teacher was demanding to know what happened.

"He stole my pencil, so I pushed him down, ended up scratching his face. He then stole my water bottle and I went at him with scissors... would you like me to go into greater detail?"

She managed to keep a smile on her face the entire time.

She paid no heed to the other remark that Marvin made to her.

And then next time you see me, you better be prepared for pain

Re: Cold Storage Shed where her heart should be

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:08 am
by laZardo*
Quite to the contrary, Damien is about as afraid of her as he is of everyone else (and after what she did to Francis? Probably more, it makes Reneé look tame!), he's just endured it for so long that it barely shows anymore. He slowly, almost non-chalantly shifts his attention to the blackboard (remember, he's used to the fear) after Kristey returns his glance with a piercing stare, and a you're next type of smile. Been a while since he'd gotten one.

"Stealing is a major offense, but to react by attacking him until he's unconscious is no less deplorable. To do so with..." and Garrick pauses, unsettled by Kristey's smile, "...glee...well..."

Garrick looks briefly over at the students at the other end of the classroom, who appear to be trying to get Francis to the clinic. Marvin and his cliquemates are also slowly dispersing back to their seats, as are some of the students.

"...I think the headmaster* would love to hear both you and Mulder's testimony after class."

(OOC: *Is it a headmaster or principal used in this school?)

Re: Cold Storage Shed where her heart should be

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:08 am
by Xaldien*
Kristey gave Garrik the most sarcastic look.
"I have no time to waste with an inept teacher such as yourself, nor do I wish to waste my life being in the same room as a poor excuse for a headmaster."

She went to her seat and sat for a little bit.
"The boy GOT what he deserved..."
She looked at Garrik for a few seconds.
"...and I'd be careful if I was you."

She smiled

(OOC: think "Little smiling girl" from the beginning of Battle Royale...)

Re: Cold Storage Shed where her heart should be

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:08 am
by I-eat-cute-animals*
Tiffany looked at the brat in the classroom from the hallway, she had the smile of spoiled royalty, she made a sigh as she blew upward, some of her hair flying back, she heard of her through eavesdropping in conversations, to Tiffany Kristey was just a brat on a wild bull, she would fall sooner or later.
Tiffany was in the open because people avoided her so she was clear, from Kristeys point of view she could probably see the disgusted look on her face, which turned to a snicker at her immaturity, a snicker that said 'Grow up', she then followed it by muttering the word "Bitch", her lips were too easy to read.

Re: Cold Storage Shed where her heart should be

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:08 am
by laZardo*
(OOC @Xaldien: Feels more like your bottom sig photo. XD)

While unsettled, it would take plenty to really rile Mrs. Garrick, who normally acts if the student she's talking to is the weakest link, goodbye. "Well then..." is all she can say though, before she about faces and briskly walks back to the front of her class to resume teaching. That's why we have my field trips, she thinks reassuringly, preps brats like her for life in sane society.

Garrick turns around just seconds after Marvin gives Damien a quick facedunk on his desk, just to relieve himself of the frustration of dealing with the class nutjob. Marvin enjoys a good snickering amidst Damien's pained groans, then notices the teacher coming toward him with a concerned look. "What?" he asks with curiosity, before heading back to his seat.

As Marvin sits down he looks briefly at the dorky-yet-somewhat-hot girl (OOC: As per description?!) in the hallway, who appears to be mocking Kristey. You tell her, baby, yeah...

Re: Cold Storage Shed where her heart should be

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:09 am
by Xaldien*
Kristey eyeballed Marvin, who just got done facedunking Damien. She walked up to him rather fast. Not paying attention to the girl who just called her a bitch, and totally disregarding that bitch of a teacher.

"Back away from him... now."

Turning around and looking at the girl who just made the snipe remark at her.
"And just WHO are you to even get the right to speak about me? Maggot."

Re: Cold Storage Shed where her heart should be

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:09 am
by I-eat-cute-animals*
Tiffany just cackled insanely at her remark, then looked down as if she were crying, but her face wasn't wet, nor was she frowning.
"I'd step back if I were you" she said smiling "I don't play nice with bratty children."
As she grinned the sound of grinding teeth slowly churned out of her mouth, she threw her hair around like a shaggy dog or a kid having a seizure, however she was neither, leaving her hair messed, some of it in her mouth.
She thought she had social problems but after seeing this little girl stamp her foot and boss everyone around, she looked at herself as an upstanding citizen.

Re: Cold Storage Shed where her heart should be

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:09 am
by Xaldien*
"Really now?"
Kristey wasn't smiling this time, as she made her way towards the girl, pushing everyone out of her way, going back towards the scissors, picking them up, and go up to the girl.
"You pathetic wretch... you're no better than him."

Re: Cold Storage Shed where her heart should be

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:09 am
by I-eat-cute-animals*
"2nd degree battery if you try it, if you're unlucky enough first degree murder, Armed assault, and deformation of rights" Tiffany said with a smirk, looking at the scissors, if she had the slightest idea of intellect she'd drop them "The world isn't perfect, I see your message, it's just sent incorrectly, from experience and education violence is only a survival method, Not a superpower"
Tiffany looked at her mockingly, exhaling through her mouth, her breath hit Kristey in the face.
"The blue blood this nation was built to escape stains this very soil" she said a car outside the window a 52 Impala could be seen attempting to park, the tires, and the down hood were duct taped together, a single rim was visible the rest were gone, its original paintjob had dissapeared, only a rust brown remained, a man with long red hair came out of the car, and waited, she mumbled "He's back"

((Kojiro Isuka continued from: A Man in the Ladies' Room))

Kojiro was scouting out young men and possibly Tiffany, none of the men here looked like his type, they weren't durable, infact most of them seemed too much like a teachers dream.

Re: Cold Storage Shed where her heart should be

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:09 am
by Xaldien*
"oh, dear, how high and mighty you seem. Pain let's you know you're alive... didn't you know that? And despite the arcane laws on it, I have no qualms with going about it, my mother's lawyers can get me out of anything. Care to see how alive you can feel, Princess?"

Re: Cold Storage Shed where her heart should be

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:09 am
by I-eat-cute-animals*
"Speak for yourself, someone such as you expects everyone to bend over backwards for you, you're playing the judge, the jury and the excecutioner on every civil minded student here" she said her smile turning to a straight face "feel free to throw the first stone, I'm not stopping you."

Re: Cold Storage Shed where her heart should be

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:09 am
by Xaldien*
Kristey smiled as she slowly put the knife towards the girls throat... but then stopped.
"No, I think next time we have this conversation, the virgin should get first crack."

She threw the scissors onto her desk.
"I like you. You're a lot stronger than most of the people here... we may not be friends... but, oh well, good to know there's strength in this school."

(OOC: Raise your hand if you did NOT see that coming?)