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Re: The V7 Appearance Tracker

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 7:58 pm
by Ruggahissy

No notable changes.


Makeup has mostly washed off with the rain, so she looks a lot younger than usual. She lost the jacket of her tracksuit so her clothing now consists of her chartreuse, velour track pants and a white spaghetti strap tank top. She is also wearing the owl suit of the school's mascot.


She's wearing white cultists robes, which are long sleeved and have a hood. Bare of lipstick, but has reapplied liquid cat-eye eyeliner.

Re: The V7 Appearance Tracker

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2019 8:50 pm
by Endellion
Julien, as of Day 4:

Various cuts all over both hands, most small, on the fingers and glued closed, with a few longer cuts on the palm back of each hands that were stitched up. Some have resumed bleeding. Both hands and fingers are taped up to help cover them.
Death Arcana shirt stained with blood that has clearly been wiped off on it and is not his own.
Jeans swapped for gray slacks, which now have a ragged hole in the right thigh to go with the bullet wound. The right leg is stained with blood too.

Re: The V7 Appearance Tracker

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2019 11:28 pm
by ItzToxie
Day 4!!!

Emil: Pancake head.

Volker: Has cleaned up since day 3. Bruising has faded, though a few additional ones have shown up. Is now wearing black eyeliner under his eyes, fake vampire teeth, and a Wesker styled cosmetic contact lens in his good eye. The half of his glasses that was meant for his bad eye is taped up into a black square, with a red X in the middle.

He’s changed outfits completely. Wearing a black sleeveless T-shirt with a faded white rib cage printed onto it, tucked into a pair of faux leather jeans with buckles along the thighs and fake lace ups along the side. Wearing a new black studded leather vest with a red interior. The front side is covered in old school Doom patches and sprites, the rear patch is a large modern version of the Doom 2 Icon of Sin boss filling up the back of the vest. The vest has a popped collar. He’s added a spiked leather arm band on his left bicep, with a studded leather fingerless glove going up to his wrist on his left hand. His right hand is a plain leather fingerless glove. He’s got a red bandanna that was formerly part of his spiral shirt wrapped around his leg. His checkered bandanna, belt, suspenders, and boots remains the same.

The rest of that shirt is turned into a sling for his chainsaw. The chainsaw has “This Machine Slays Bodies” crudely drawn on both sides of the blade in white.

this is related to his bad eye, still the same, you know the drill by now.
His eyeball itself has obvious irreparable damage, the white of his eye is now red. A dark reddish black circle is formed on the lower right hand side of the iris, with dark red jagged lines spreading out from the center point of the burn. His pupil is permanently dilated abnormally wide, and warped into a pear/teardrop shape, the smaller side leading to the burn.

Re: The V7 Appearance Tracker

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2019 11:11 pm
by BlizzardeyeWonder
Finally getting some updoots down in here

Meilin Zhou: There's mud stains on her shrug and her skirt. She's also wearing a flower crown (white flowers).

Camilla Bell: Again, muddy- but also more disheveled complete with a messy ponytail and dark circles under her eyes. She also has a rather large bruise on the left side of her face.

Re: The V7 Appearance Tracker

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2019 10:12 am
by Fenris
all the cool kids are pointing out when theyve done edits so: ive done edits

Re: The V7 Appearance Tracker

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 8:57 am
by Fenris

Re: The V7 Appearance Tracker

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 5:18 am
by Grand Moff Hissa
Juliette Sargent

-Wearing black towel as improvised dress paired fashionably with sandals (presently) or her starting outfit, surprisingly fresh and nice if a bit stiff
-Looks extremely smug if you're less clean than she is
-Makeup is back, hair is shampooed and brushed
-Legs shaved, but a couple subtle little band-aids especially around the ankles

Sven Vee

-Fell off the waterfall and been floating in the lake a couple days now
-Bad times all around

Darlene Silva

-Glasses smudged, left arm of glasses awkwardly bent back into shape but still a little twisted
-Big black t-shirt remains, now with suspicious darker spots and a big rip on the upper left shoulder through which some slightly bloody bandages peek
-Head wrapped clumsily in gauze and bandages, especially along left ear and back left of scalp. Some bloodstains visible. Left ear has been bifurcated from right above where it connects to head up to the top, but this has been crudely treated with butterfly strips and is hidden beneath bandages. Looks about halfway to a budget Halloween mummy costume
-Kind of twitchy and mumbly, even compared to normal
-Dog is gone now, bag is kind of limp and looks half-empty
-Almost certainly holding a revolver

Re: The V7 Appearance Tracker

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 7:13 am
by Latin For Dragula
UPUPUPUPDATE BUMP cuz we about due and I've been sleeping on keeping mine on track

Hel Fury(Final):

Dead. Make-up washed off. Lots of mud residue on clothes and hair. Mixture of ash and mud spread thin over much of their body. Some of Axel's blood on their shirt. Grazing bullet wound in left side. Flannel tied around waist. Bullet wound through their chest.

Jeremiah Anderson(Final):

Dead. Nose broken. Blood all over face, some his and some belonging to Nick Oglive. Blood runs into and down the sides of his mouth. Throat is collapsed. Arms splayed out at his sides. Scalp along the back of his head bleeding. Missing front left canine.

Blaise d'Aramitz(Day 10):

Light red ponytail wig that extends down to their shoulder blades. No make-up or color contacts; welt has disappeared. Wearing a dark teal romper, shoulders bare save for the thin strings tied around their neck, thin slit cut through a few inches along their belly button to just below the bottom of their breasts, and a sewn on belt tied in a large bow to their right side. Accessorized with white tights which are now muddy, maroon scarf with gold line accents along its lengths, and black boots stolen from the corpse of Teresa Rojas. The top of their right ear has been shot off, as has their left pinky. Underneath their wig are wrapped bandages ending around the upper parts of their ears, which can barely be seen peeking out. Their left hand is similarly bandaged. Their romper has visible blood stains. They are wearing Connor Lorenzen's letterman jacket, stolen off the body of Madison Springer, and are not visibly armed.

Marco Hart(Day 9):

Shoes muddy. Wearing blue and white striped t-shirt and grey undershorts. Glove currently tucked in bag. Make-up has been done by joint efforts of Princess, Nick, and Katelynne to accentuate his masculine facial features.

Nikki Nelson-Kelly(Final):

Dead. Throat ripped open by collar explosion.

Tonya Collins(Final):

Dead. Still wearing a yellow t-shirt and jeans from prior change. Head pulverised by shotgun blasts, she can no longer be identified by face. Chest similarly blown in but still recognizable.

Re: The V7 Appearance Tracker

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 7:45 am
by VoltTurtle
Perhaps I should finally post in here.

Marceline: Alive. Changed from her usual outfit into her pajamas and sneakers after Darkness Beloved. Current outfit consists of a black tank top and black sweatpants. Additionally has a makeshift wooden bracer taped to her left arm as of Signal Flare. No other major changes to her appearance besides a few very minor abrasions from hiking in the woods. As of Star Light, Star Bright, her clothes are soaked in blood, though due to their very dark color this is not easy to notice unless up-close. As of THE WHALE, her forearms are both wrapped in gauze and her hair has been messily cut short.

Richard: Dead. Outfit unchanged, barring his clothes being covered in a lot of blood and being staked to a tree. Definitely rotting by now.

Amber: Dead. Took off her jacket and wrapped her forearms in gauze as of her first thread. Minor stab wound in the torso, clothes covered in blood from her head wounds. Most of the top of her head is missing as of her death. Likely very difficult to recognize and rotting.

Re: The V7 Appearance Tracker

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 8:10 am
by Grand Moff Hissa
Juliette Sargent

-Makeup's gone now
-Dead from collar detonation in the capsized yacht, but no judging because if you're in a position to see her then you're in the same boat ;)

Darlene Silva

-Glasses clean for a change, left arm of glasses awkwardly bent back into shape but still a little twisted
-Big black t-shirt remains, now with suspicious darker spots and a big rip on the upper left shoulder through which some slightly bloody bandages peek
-Head wrapped clumsily in gauze and bandages, especially along left ear and back left of scalp. Some bloodstains visible. Left ear has been bifurcated from right above where it connects to head up to the top, but this has been crudely treated with butterfly strips and is hidden beneath bandages. Looks about halfway to a budget Halloween mummy costume. Bandages are fairly nicely done but fraying a bit
-Much much calmer than at any point post-Jonah-and-Max
-Has Ace's sneakers tied to the outside of her bag by the laces
-The revolver is close at hand

Re: The V7 Appearance Tracker

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 5:29 am
by Kermit

Re: The V7 Appearance Tracker

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2020 9:41 pm
by Jilly
Bumping with a furby update

Re: The V7 Appearance Tracker

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2020 10:42 pm
by Maraoone

Re: The V7 Appearance Tracker

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 5:02 am
by MK Kilmarnock
Oh. I forgot about this, but this could be handy.

Justin has lost his hat. In its stead, he now has a thick band of bandages running around the top of his head in order to support a gauze pad above his left eye. His right eye is covered by another gauze pad that's taped up at the top end, letting the bottom flap hang loose. His nose is broken and bent to the right, and there's a thick mustache of dried blood caked on his upper lip.

His once-white shirt is covered in some splots of dirt, mud and general grime, as well as a few bloodstains splotched in a few places, mostly on the sides. His blue jeans have some holes on the back and a very large bloodstain on the seat. His left arm is bandaged up from the shoulder all the way to the wrist, and his arm is supported by a 'sling' created by looping a ballgag under his collar, then attaching handcuffs to his wrist and to the ballgag.

Re: The V7 Appearance Tracker

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 5:54 am
by Super Weegee