
A rather makeshift hospital. It's small, and has only one room to it, much like the school building. The hospital's white tiled walls seem to scream for some color... maybe you can provide? Inside, the hospital has many first aid kits, many of which are empty. If you're lucky enough, you can find something helpful in this building.
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Post by LadyMakaze* »

Daphne quickly moved out of the way as the tall, now bleeding form she had just stabbed clumsily thrust the blade out towards her before falling forwards. He now lay motionless as blood continued to flow from underneath him, forming a puddle.

Staring at it now, Daphne felt her shallow, rapid breathing calm slightly. Her nerves began to relax, as did her stiff, tense form. The fear that shone brightly in her eyes, giving them a brilliant quality, now faded into their usual, glazed look of apathy.

And now she thought sardonically, Who would have thought...the sight of a corpse would calm me?

But if a person was meant that they were no longer a threat. Unlike a person that was healthy, alive, and well, a corpse was unable to hurt her. That was all it was from the perspective of this small girl.

Yeah...I was just defending myself, she thought calmly. A shrimpy girl like me, taking down a giant like that... She figured that if someone had suddenly come across them and took in the scene, a small blood-covered girl next to a tall blood-covered boy, they would have figured that he was the one who attacked her first, and she acted in self defense. After all, he was holding the knife.

Speaking of which, she bent down and picked it up gingerly, as though handling a glass figurine, and held it by it's blood-stained hilt in her right hand, looking towards those who had witnessed it all.

What were they going to do?she thought mildly to herself, not afraid, since they didn't seem like immediate threats for now. However, one word, or one movement may as well change all that.
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Post by MooCow* »

Miranda looked on in mock shock... Eddie... that girl had just killed him... she tried to conceal it but the scream escaped. "aiieee!"

She made a quick dash for the exit not thinking straight. The killer was outside... but she wasn't thinking straight.

She thought of all she had worked for to survive, even before this game. The way she had finally tricked her captor and escaped... she hadn't run this fast since that day.

"This is not how it works Miranda! Come back... you can't run from me forever... I will find you!"

It was almost as if she was reliving the moment as she burst through the door and onto the island.


She couldn't seperate reality from dream anymore....
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Post by LadyMakaze* »

Daphne was startled once again as a girl suddenly came bursting out of the building...and it didn't take long for Daphne to realize that the girl was running towards her. No doubt, she was another threat.

It might have occurred to Daphne that the girl was simply scared out of her wits at the sight of murder, blood and fallen corpse, though Daphne quickly overlooked that thought as the instinct to survive clicked once again in her mind.

Just as the girl was about to collide into her, Daphne side-stepped, ever so slightly, before tackling the girl outright, attempting to knock her down.

Almost at the same time, she raised her knife, bringing it high above her head, and then plunging it downwards towards the girl. Not waiting to feel the blade sinking into flesh, she repeated the motion over and over again, hoping to stab the girl to death before she recovered herself.
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Post by Kuze* »

Heather was speachless at the girl AGAIN kkilling someone in her group, and thins time it CLEARLY wasnt in self defence. Slowly reaching into Fred's bag (she was tring to reach into her own bag) and groped around a bit, and found a familiar object, her gun.

"Fred going inside would be a brilliant idea right about now."

Heather said as she pointed with her gun barrell to the door to renforse what she said.As soon as she said that the girl attacked again. stabbing another girl.

(sorry its short but no time for a longer one)
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Post by MooCow* »

As the blade repeatedly stabbed her, Miranda was beyond screaming. Perhaps she was in shock. For the girl who had fought so hard to survive, life was quickly fading. She looked into her attackers eyes as her own dilated rapidly... Miranda Grey was dead.

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Post by Swoosh* »

Mallory held her breath as the second victim of the girl fell to the ground. It was odd; why wasn't anyone else doing anything? They all had guns, they could easily shoot her...

...maybe they were just shocked. Mallory had to admit, through all of her mind numbing terror, she was a little surprised that such a scrawny looking girl was able to even get a death count, let alone two. Who knew how many more people she'd killed?

Pushing past some of the others, Mallory ran into the hospital, only to be met by yet more corpses. Screaming, she flung her back against the wall, as far away from the bodies as possible. There were three (although it smelled like a lot more...) two girls and a boy, all of them looking a mess. There was blood all over the floor as well.

Tears began to stream down Mallory's face, her hand still held over her mouth to stop herself from screaming further.
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Post by riserugu* »

At first he was quite unsure as too what was happening, though as he watched Eddie’s form crumple to the ground in a bloody mess, blood pooling about him as his now paling form. Saying he could’ve stopped the string of curses that followed would be a complete and total lie.

And when the familiar killer’s soon-to-be second victim ran by him at full-force he felt the need to reach out and grab her, try and stop her from running into her own death. But when the sound of metal tearing into flesh echoed through the air, and blood soon found a way out of her in rivers of crimson, that’s when Fred allowed himself to take in what Heather was saying from where she was.

“I think that’s smashing idea love,” He admitted, hardly noting anything from his bag had been removed as it had been hanging on his side for this whole time. Turning, he reached down once again taking a hold of Heather and moving to where he would be able to move inside. “Oi! Glenn, time to go in and batten down ourselves a fort.” He muttered, moving inside the building now.

Though now looking at it from the inside, it wasn’t too much better in then out as three corpses called the small building home at the moment and none where too fresh. Coughing lightly, he glanced about looking for any clean spot to place Heather down in before returning outside to get Glenn and Jeremy, and whoever was still alive inside.

“Alright there love,” He muttered placing the girl down and glancing about again; “Be back in a bit.” He mused, rushing back all the while digging through his bag and soon removing one of the flashbang grenades he had been given. ‘She might think it for a real one and run off… here’s to bloody hoping.’

Returning to the door, he made quick movements of grabbing his brother’s arm and more of less throwing him inside before glancing to Jeremy who remained outside. “Oi, mate. Now would be the most brilliant of times to come in.” He stressed, hand still gripping the flashbang.
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Post by Theseus* »

Jeremy watched the scene, watched another girl get stabbed, then listened to Heather tell Fred it was a good idea to go in. Jeremy was sitll holding the sickle, and watched as Fred came out, holding a flashbang....Jeremy still holding his sickle replied to Fred's comment, "good idea" walking back to the entrance of the makeshift hospitle Jeremy still held his sickle, ready to attack if Fred needed help. He steped inside, but was in a clear view of what was happening, the first sign of struggle or anything Jeremy would be the first out.
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Post by riserugu* »

Watching as Jeremy moved he, he breathed in a little lifting the flashbang and looking it over before looking out to the killer herself. Pursing his lips as if thinking the situation over before a frown dented across his features. Lifting the weapon he continued to look at the girl…

“Here’s looking at you love.” He muttered, ripping the pin out from the grenade itself and tossing it toward where she was currently visible, as he turned on his heels and slammed the door to the hospital behind him. Pressing up against the door and sliding down it while moving his hands to cover his ears.

“Everyone get down and cover your ears and eyes now!” Fred called out to the rest of the occupants of the hospital, quite unsure as to how much damage could be done with these things and he didn’t want to take his chances. Glenn quickly followed the shouted orders, crouching toward the ground and covering his ears as he rested his face against his knees.
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Post by LadyMakaze* »

In her bout of repeatedly stabbing the unknown girl to shreds long after she had departed this world, Daphne barely noticed the activity that was going on amongst the people around her. All that she could register in her mind was the will to survive, and at the same time, eliminate any potential threat by any means necessary.

Finally taking a hint that the threat had long since been eliminated, it did not take Daphne too long to realize that yet another threat was imminent. She quickly pushed away the dead girl, her third victim on this island, though her sixth over all, and stood up, now practically drenched in blood.

Yeah...everyone is out to get me... she thought as she heard shouting from within the building. Me, I'm just trying to stay alive.

Wondering what in the world they were planning on doing, Daphne had a half mind to simply run off and escape, when suddenly something came flying out of the building's entrance towards Daphne, landing somewhat beside her and rolling to a halt.

It took a split second for Daphne to realize what was going on, but at that split second, a burst of sound and light emitted from the flashbang, sending Daphne into a world of confusion and disorientation.

Both her hearing and sight were now rendered temporarily useless, and a searing pain shot through her head. Incapacitated, she moved blindly, stumbling over in her confusion against the ground.

She felt her bare hands and knees scrape against the ground, but saw, nor heard nothing. Whimpering in both fear and pain, she crawled about blindly, one hand pressed against her eyes. The other hand still holding the knife, grasping it even more tightly now in her helpless state of incapacitation.
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Post by Kuze* »

Heather sat blankly facing the Hosiptals back wall,still holding the Glock. Suddenly a loud Bang filled the air. Apperentlly Fred or Glenn tossed a Flashbang at the Psyhco bitch, and it went off.

Turning around to face a window, using her free hand and only working leg slowly crawlled toawrds the window, after a good minute of one handed dragging she reached the window.

Reaching the window she pulled herself so her head and hand with gun in it can rest on the window sill. The girl was on the ground hopefully blinded and deafened. Heather pulled the trigger four times in the girls direction, lucklly the window was open (or was it im not sure). The recoil from the gunshots caused her to fall back, onto the floor.

(sorry i cant think of anything else for this post)
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Post by Slayer* »

OOC: Continued from "Betrayal": http://s10.PLACEHOLDERLINK/SurvivalOfTheF...p?showtopic=474
IC: After killing Jayne, Jason had wandered aimlessly around the island, taking notice at the fact that it was getitng darker. As he tok a turn on a path near the makeshift hospital, he heard a small explosion and a few gunshots. Curious, he moved to get a closer look and watched from the bushy area on the side of the hospital.
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Post by Theseus* »

Jeremy had taken cover, and listened for the blast. He heard it and watched as Heatehr crawled her way to the window, aimed her gun, and fired four shots outside. Jeremy didn't care, Jeremy had watched that girl kill 3 people on this island. Jeremy just sat back, resting against the wall. He waited for the word that the girl was dead, or gone, that this would be over with.
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Post by LadyMakaze* »

Wandering in her blind and deafened state, Daphne kept letting out small shrieks and sobs that never reached her ears as she stumbled blindly, groping around in a world she could not see. That will to survive burned more deeply now in her fear-flooded mind, adding to the chaos that churned inside her.

She was quite a pathetic, pitiful sight, yet almost frightening at the same time: a small girl, crying in pain and fear, rendered both death and blind, yet still possessing a will to survive that was more feral than human. What's more, she was covered in blood, almost from face to foot, clothing to skin, clutching a knife drenched in redness.

The first bullet whizzed by her, missing her barely, though she had felt it brush past. Thinking that there was a presence nearby, she lashed out blindly with her knife, stumbling forwards at the same time.

The second bullet struck her shoulder, while the third grazed her right calf. Screaming out in pain and fury, Daphne flinched as she was soaked further, this time by her own blood. Though she could not see, and the world around her had plunged into silence, she could still feel the bullet lodge into her flesh, as well as the scent of her own blood.

No....I can't let them kill me.... she thought desperately. I have to keep going...I have to keep living...

The last bullet took her left eye as it grazed past. Gasping, more in shock than in actual pain, Daphne fell backwards, panting heavily, feeling a red-hot liquid seep from her now burning eye socket. Her head tilted backwards towards the sky, and she stared at it, stunned for words.

The effect of the flashbang that had incapaciated for more than a minute was slowly, gradually fading. Though her hearing and vision was still impaired, especially with her left eye damaged, it was enough to calm her down slightly.

Rising to her feet, staggering and breathing heavily, whimpering like some kind of animal, she began to back away slowly from the building, weakened significantly by her wounds.
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Post by riserugu* »

As the commutation around him swelled Glenn slowly lifted his face from where he had buried it in his knees in an attempt to cover his eyes while he removed his hands from his ears, looking over the area of the hospital he eyed the group. Aiden and Daisuke hadn’t made much noise if any…

The one girl he had given his tissues too seemed emotionally upset of all this… standing off set and covering her mouth as, as tears stained her face… Heather had placed herself near a window and was probably the reason of the gunshots that had been fired and the reason for the screaming outside.

Pulling himself onto his feet, he looked about to Jeremy who seemed to be watching Heather’s actions and then finally to his brother who lingered near the door also looking about. Drifting a little toward one of the windows he looked out to the open area infront of the building…

Where the girl-killer was currently staggering back away from the scene… almost confusing, and now wounded. He couldn’t let her go… let her go out and kill more people. More people who didn’t deserve to die… just like Marie. Reaching about blindly he took a hold of his daypack opening it and digging around blindly till he gripped the piece of wood he had been given as a weapon.

Removing the 2x4, he dropped the rest of the bag to the ground and started toward the door, moving past Fred he blinked in a confused manner watching the younger throw open the door and begin to wonder outside. Passing by Eddie’s body Glenn gave the body a look over… remembering the weapon the boy had been given from when they had met before.

Bending down toward the body, he patted pockets he removed the pistol looking it over a little before standing upright again. Dropping the arm that held the 2x4, and raising the pistol to point toward Daphne. “I’m not going to let you leave here…” He muttered lightly, even quite unsure he could go through with what he was saying. “I’m not going to let you go, just so you can kill other people…”
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