Well, given thatIn all seriousness though, does flavor name matter here, like are there any 'evil' handlers wanting to steal the staff throne?
we're probably looking _for_ staff rather than any "evil" handlers we should watch out for staff flavour names more than anything? At risk of moving discussion into meaningless flavour discussion (sorry y'all) I'd also hazard an outside guess of either me or Kermit as the Jester role, maybe maybe outside chance of Toben being another sort of nebulous third party given the fact that he is Toben.Scum in this game are staff of SotF.
To offer something of more actual worth: giving minor town points to Irina for asking that question, the grasp I have on her playstyle from the... one? earlier game she's played (Paranoia) is that she's very easily viable to accidentally drop info she's privy to, so the fact that I had to tell her that mafia are SotF staff this game is a little pointer to the idea that she is not, in fact, on the mafia team.