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Re: Club/Team Masterpost

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 3:32 pm
by Aster
Could you put down Kiana Coleman for K-Pop Club?

Re: Club/Team Masterpost

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2021 9:38 pm
by RetroVenus
Ashton Bishop: Drama club
Kelly Hutchins: Track team (long distance runner) and debate team

Thank you for your hard work!

Re: Club/Team Masterpost

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2021 9:48 pm
by DerArknight
Here are my kids:

Dawn Montogomery
Student Health Association
Knitting Club

Derek Caldwell
K-Pop Club

Judy Loxley
Drama Club
Cooking Club

Do Seungri
K-Pop Club
Student Council

Ethan Kemp
Student Health Association

Re: Club/Team Masterpost

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2021 10:43 pm
by Applesintime
Oh yeah I need to do this for my other characters

Madeleine Molliqaj: Model UN

Jennifer Lintunen: Band

Re: Club/Team Masterpost

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2021 9:04 am
by Brackie
Gerard Cullen
Anti-SOTF club
S.A.D.D. (Students Against Destructive Decisions)

Re: Club/Team Masterpost

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2021 11:40 am
by DerArknight
After some consideration, I would like to make a change:
I would like for Ethan Kemp to also be a member of the currently non-existant Chess Club.

Re: Club/Team Masterpost

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2021 4:36 am
by Aura
October Caxton is a member of the Art Club, and Achim Fromm is involved in Soccer.

Re: Club/Team Masterpost

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 5:19 am
by Dogs231
Abhishek Panicker for the Debate Club and Model United Nations!

Re: Club/Team Masterpost

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 12:58 pm
by Ryuki
Can Dominiqua also be a member of the photography club?

Re: Club/Team Masterpost

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2021 11:11 pm
by Pippi
Hello! Can I add:

Robin Valenti
Drama Club

Poppy Fontaine
Animal Appreciation Alliance
Body Improvement Club
Cooking Club

Trinity Ashmore
Band (Violin)
Film Club
Knitting Club
If it fits here, she also offers work as a tutor!

Beatrice Briggs
Lacrosse Team (Left defensive winger)
Body Improvement Club

Re: Club/Team Masterpost

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 10:50 am
by jimmydalad
Declan is part of the Soccer team and the Board Game Club

Re: Club/Team Masterpost

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2021 12:30 am
by DerArknight
I would like to ask to have Derek Caldwell, Do Seungri and Judy Loxley removed from all clubs they are in.

Re: Club/Team Masterpost

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 8:58 pm
by AnimeNerd
One Gabriel Killingsworth for Fashion Club please!

Re: Club/Team Masterpost

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2021 8:57 pm
by DerArknight
I would like to ask for a new entry:

Daenerys Todd is a member the Swimming Club.

Re: Club/Team Masterpost

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2021 10:41 pm
by Dogs231
Can Abhishek be added to the Anti-SOTF club and Corbin to the Adventure club?