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Re: Chillin' at the waterfall

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 3:53 pm
by Minase*
A german thought Minase, scowling. Clueless bastard, i'll enjoy killing this guy, teach him to come on our trip at all His top lip curled, then he grinned again. His scowl remianed all the time giving him a twisted look, like a mad man having his balls twisted whilst watching Bin Laden presenting roundabout. It was truly fearsome.

'Now the rest of you, drop your weapons in front of me.'

He aimed his gun back at Umi, focusing on the armed students instead the disarmed German.

'Come on, drop weapons, don't make me use this thing before i have too.'

Re: Chillin' at the waterfall

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 3:54 pm
by MooCow*
"Please stop it," Aiden hissed at Gabrielle, "you're going to get us all killed."

God this guy was an idiot if Aiden had ever seen one. Didn't Minase realize that they outnumbered him three firearms to one? 'Give me your guns'... I don't think so 'bud'. Even if he did shoot at them, they would swiftly return fire taking him out in turn, probably before he could finish them all off... it was grim, but Aiden knew that if this asshole got his hands on their weaponry he would be able to control them... this situation was not about control... not in this student battle royale faction... this was about equality. The last thing they wanted was this idiot coming in and acting like he was all of a sudden in charge.

"You're welcome to join us, but only as an equal. We're going to come up with a plan to get out of here and we can use all the help we can get, but if you can't drop the alpha male bull then you can just get lost."

Re: Chillin' at the waterfall

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 3:54 pm
by riserugu
Edward couldn't help but find himself smirking when Aiden talked, personally he didn't think the guy had it in him... "Das ist Einweg, es zu sagen." He mused lightly, shaking his head. Best not to say anything that could get a bullet in his head, Minase didn't seem to like him to much. But Rommel had always been the one to talk, even if it was just talking to himself...

So instead of saying nothing, just say something they can't understand.

** Translation: "That's one way to say it..." **

Re: Chillin' at the waterfall

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 3:54 pm
by Sephy*
Daisuke's eyes narrowed dangourosly, its seemed the guy threatening them was pretty much ignoring him for now ~who does he think he is? If he shoots at one of us the other 3 will take him down before he can blink~

Re: Chillin' at the waterfall

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 3:55 pm
by Chase*
As soon as the barrel was off Umi, when edward was talking, she was aimed for Gabriel's head. The gun was cocked, and she wasn't one to miss.

She had no need to sit up. Not for this guy. She never liked him much at all, and if he was so ready to shoot then she would beat him to it.

Three guns against one, there was no need to figure out the outcome of that. Plus, she wouldn't need a second shot, one would do just fine.

Bring it on, you shithead. You're not even as close to be cute as a deer, and I shoot them all the time....

Re: Chillin' at the waterfall

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 3:55 pm
by Minase*
ooc:if you guys are game i'd like to rp a little shoot out, because thus far this rp has lacked any serious action.

Minase laughed as his grip on sanity vanished as the adrenalinew built up in his body.
'Oh isnt this sweet, you think i'm actually afriad of your little guns. News flash, everyone in this game has some sort of weapon, its all random. You either live or die thats down to fate, so i couldnt care less if you have guns, i'm ready to take my chances and try my luck at blowing every one of you away.'
He laughed again, a long maniacal laugh, to him this was no longer a life or death situation but merely another game which he was ready to do anything to win. His eyes flashed back to the brow of the hill he had just climbed over, he could duck behind that if it came to a shoot out.

Re: Chillin' at the waterfall

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 3:55 pm
by Sephy*
Daisuke watched the situation, Minase's gun was pointing at Edward, Daisuke's own gun was in his pack, he wondered if there was any point trying to get it, even if he did get it out of his pack before Minase noticed, he'd never fired it before and would most likely end up taking out of of his friends ~ damn, if only he was close enough...I wouldn't need a gun...~ Dai glanced at Umi ~jsut shoot him already!~ this stalemate was getting them nowhere, and it was clear this guy wouldn't be reasoned with.

Re: Chillin' at the waterfall

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 3:55 pm
by Chase*
Umi's eyes still on Gabriel, she began to speak to Aiden and Daisuke.

"This guy is nuts," she continued, her finger steadily on the trigger.

She hoped at this time, her companions would get it. They had to show him that they were armed, and that they were dangerous. Even if they weren't really in any way looking to harm. They had to worry about the safety of the group.

"Just back off, we aren't looking for a bloodfest here."

Re: Chillin' at the waterfall

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 3:55 pm
by Sephy*
Daisuke beleived he understood Umi and quickly managed to pull the weapon from his pack, pointing it at Minase and trying to look like he'd held one before

Re: Chillin' at the waterfall

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 3:55 pm
by Chase*
She heard the rustling of a pack, and was sure it was either Aiden or Dai getting her unsaid message.

Thank you! I love you, whoever behind me got to their weapon. Perhaps this guy will get that we are better armed than he is. Just one more weapon and he should KNOW it.

Re: Chillin' at the waterfall

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 3:55 pm
by Minase*
Minase realised he was outmatched and they were'nt backing down, he needed to take a new strategy. He lifted his arms in the air, his weapon still held in his right hand.

'Okay, okay, sorry about all the crazy stuff, i'm just scared thats all, i wasnt going to shoot you, i'm looking for my friends i swear, believe me?'

Re: Chillin' at the waterfall

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 3:55 pm
by Sephy*
Daisuke didn't move "drop the gun"

Re: Chillin' at the waterfall

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 3:55 pm
by Chase*
Umi kept her gun up, standing as she voiced her agreement with Daisuke. She was worried about one more thing, though. They had to get out of there, and fast. This guy was probably playing a trick and that could get them killed.

"After you drop your weapon, turn around. We don't want you to follow us, and if you try to follow I'll shoot you without a second thought."

She brought one hand down to pick up her day pack, then waited for Gabe to turn around.

Re: Chillin' at the waterfall

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 3:56 pm
by riserugu
Edward let out a small sound as he watched Minase turn a new leaf, and blame fear on what little sanity, if any, he figured the other male had. Shaking his head he knew that he couldn’t trust his guy as far as he could throw him… which mind you wouldn’t be far.

Turning somewhat he moved onto his knees, and reached out grasping a hold of the bottle of pepper spray pulling it against his chest. He knew he wouldn’t be able to use the weapon unless he got close, but as he gathered himself onto his feet he took a glance back at the three.

Even though he sort figured they didn’t fully trust him probably… they had been nice to him, and if worse came to worse and he began firing Rommel would do what he could to protect them. And anyway, his condition could come in handy at the moment if that situation did befall them.

Re: Chillin' at the waterfall

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 3:56 pm
by Sephy*
Daisuke was getting tired of waiting "Do what she says" he growled "or we'll assume you're still a threat"