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Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:26 am
by batspleenfriend*
"Jesus," he breathed slowly, "I had forgotten about them. Fuck, even more people to worry about."

He put his head back in his hands and rubbed his temples. From here he could slightly see the metal bat out of the corner of his eyes. He wondered vaguely if they ran into someone if August would actually be able to use that thing. If he'd actually be able to use it for that matter. He heaved a sigh. Well, when the time comes we'll find out.

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:26 am
by orangeflamingo*
August's head dropped somewhat as he spoke again, though she lifted her head again. Determination flashing in her eyes as she looked to him, "I want to say something." She muttered softly, moving forward in her chair somewhat.

A pink hue lighted up her cheeks somewhat as she gulped and continued, "Even though it isn't much, and though I don't look like I can do much. You're my friend, I promise I'll try my hardest not to get in the way, and to protect you the best I can... which my best is quite alot." She mused, finishing with a light smile.

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:26 am
by batspleenfriend*
He glanced up at her while she spoke and blinked at her for a moment when she finished. He smiled and said with determination, "And I promise to the do the same August. Until the very end of this stupid game. No matter what."

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:26 am
by orangeflamingo*
August found herself laughing again, as she hopped onto feet standing up onto her tiptoes as she once again glanced out into the sky. Reds, oranges, and purples had dyed the blue sky in thanks to the setting sun… it was almost as if the sky was bleeding. Perhaps foretelling their future?

“I’m going to clean up this mess, and then we can see about what we can eat. Tomorrow, I might try to go down to the river that’s near here… get some extra water and I can try and make the pasta.” She said lightly, glancing about for anything that could help her get the glass up. She’d also have to find something to cover the window from the cool breeze blowing in, wearing a sleeve-less shirt might not have been the best idea to date, along with the sandals it was getting rather chilly as the sun continued to fade into darkness.

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:26 am
by batspleenfriend*
Terry noticed her shivering and pulled off his jacket, which was starting to become a little too small for him anyway, and handed it to her with a smile. "Here it's yours," he said, "and don't worry about it. I can clean the glass up. You've already been attacked by it, I'll take my chances."

He noticed an old cardboard cereal box lying in a corner and a stack of plates. He grabbed the plate and set about scooping the glass onto the plate with the cardboard and dumped it into the sink. The water wasn't running so it's not like they were going to be using it anyway.

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:27 am
by orangeflamingo*
“O – Okay.” She muttered, nodding her head as she took the jacket into her hands. “Um, Thank you.” She said lightly, taking it and sliding it over her bare arms hugging it against her body and sighing and the light warmth that was being given off.

Glancing about again, she moved off to the side of the room where a ratty, bloodstained and very much ripped sheet lay. Picking it up, she glanced it over it somewhat. Deciding it would be more than enough to cover the broken window for the moment, walking over she moved it about over it till it stayed fitted over the window. She looking over her work…

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:27 am
by batspleenfriend*
Terry turned back from the sink and noticed that August had covered the window with a sheet. It was almost completely pink with blood except for the odd spot of white here and there. Terry felt like he was going to throw up. Someone had actually hidden out in this house, and had died in this very room just mere days (if not hours) before they had arrived here. Someone who might have been hiding out with a "friend" like he was with August, who could have eventually been the one to betray them. It didn't seem like a very good omen. Terry shook his head to himself and dug through the bag he had brought finding an almost empty bottle of Advil at the bottom. His headache had only gotten worse in the last few minutes. He pulled out a pill noting that he had four left in case anything happened (like Advil would actually help) and reopened his water bottle taking the tiniest sip to wash it down.

"So if anyone else finds us here, is the plan to run immediately?" he asked dragging his chair away from August's and back towards the remaining front window.

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:27 am
by orangeflamingo*
"Depends I suppose..." She said turning away from the window and moving back to her chair, sitting down and resting back. "But I don't really know. If they pose a threat like Hawley know does, then yes we should. But, as we just learned we don't know who's playing and who isn't, so if things start turning ugly we should run and split up at the most. And if that happens, we should find a place to meet back up."

Leaning her against the wall she sat beside, she slowly closed her eyes again. August knew how tired she was, after what had just happened hadn't helped matters. But no matter what her body said, her mind wouldn't let her sleep. As it continued racing with thoughts of what could happen, what will happen, and what should have happened, thoughts of where Helena could be also haunted her...

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:27 am
by batspleenfriend*
Terry rested his head against the windowpane and felt it shake underneath him. Fearing it might also break he decided to rest his elbow on the windowsill and his head in his hand instead.

"Yeah, I think we decided on the woods earlier but that was a stupid idea I guess. There are a lot of trees in the woods," he said with a slight laugh. "How about the river?" he said, "it's not too far away from here, but it's good enough."

He stared out the window at the sun high in the sky, unable to believe that they had barely been on the island four hours. It felt like an eternity since he had packed for the trip. To think, right now he could be sitting in a nice hotel room somewhere wondering about normal problems like school and his mother and who he got stuck with as a roommate. And now...he was stuck on an island being forced to kill his classmates for survival.

He glanced back over at August who's eyes looked very droopy, like she was ready to fall asleep. "Hey you can take a nap if you want," he said stretching a bit, sleep was the last thing on his mind right now. "I'll keep watch and wake you when the announcement's made."

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:27 am
by orangeflamingo*
August sat up somewhat eyes looking off toward one of the walls, before glancing back over at Terry. "I can't sleep... I can't stop thinking about questions that I find need answers."

Just to think - it started as any normal day for a school trip. Her father dropped her off at the school, hope she had fun and left. She had sat with Helena on the bus, she reading a book she had picked up from the bookstore yesterday, Helena talking about her lastest boyfriend. Four years older than herself if August remembered right, once they arrived at the airport it had they had to wait a little while before boarding the plane. But once there she remembered commenting to Helena about handing her, her carry-on bag when everything started going to hell in a handbasket.

August remembered the video, it was still vivid in her mind. The bodies of their teachers, and the other students being shot before them all dyed her thoughts red. She bent over in her seat at that point, covering her ears and trying to block out any sound. And after a moment, she felt Helena grab her arm, make a comment and then everything went black.

That part on the plane shouldn't have happened. They should have arrived at the place, had fun, went home and continued their everyday job of being kids. Following what we had been doing since childhood, everything shouldn't have just changed - the quiet, smart boy you shared a class with shouldn't have tried to kill you with a shotgun.

But it was happening... and they couldn't do anything to stop it.

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:27 am
by batspleenfriend*
"Yeah same here, I doubt I'll ever be able to have a good night's rest again," he said thinking that this was almost definitely going to be the case. Either he would spend his last night here on the island or he would spend the rest of his life knowing he had been the only one to survive the game. Both thoughts disgusted him greatly but the latter really gave him chills.

He glanced from the window to August. "Hey, what about your friend?" he asked, "Helena?"

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:27 am
by orangeflamingo*
August found herself dropping her head, eyes glancing over her hands. "I don't know about Helena, I want to find her... I really do. I want to think of the best, but everytime I think about her. I get this sinking feeling in my heart," she explained, hands gripping at her long skirt lightly.

"But I can't think of the bad things... I have to think, and hope that she'll come across this place."

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:27 am
by batspleenfriend*
erry turned and glanced back out the window wondering if there was any way to contact Helena without everyone knowing where they were. Did he even want Helena there? She'd never seemed like the nicest girl in the world. August was friends with her, but sometimes friendships could mean nothing in this game. For all he knew Helena could be the one racking up the highest body count right now. But he didn't voice any of his thoughts instead he turned to August and said reassuringly, "I'm sure she'll find us at some point. The island's not that big."

For once Terry thanked God that he hadn't made any friends in either of his classes. The first time he was in Freshmen year no one talked to him because they had heard things about him, like his fight with Angelo. The second time no one bothered talking to him mostly because of the same reason but now also because they thought he was dumb. Which Terry had to admit was a decent assumption under the circumstances but Terry had plans for his life before this happened even way before he was left back. He planned to go to college and he had worked so hard for a scholarship. He remembered back to a year ago when Mrs. O'Dea had told him how disappointed she was that he didn't move up a grade. It hadn't been her reprimanding him, it had been her trying to help him. She had given him a bunch of college brochures and told him that if he worked extra hard this year then he had a chance of getting into one of them. When Terry did get a chance to hand his work in he always got top marks, and he had been doing exceptional this year. He had even made the honor roll this semester. And now, all of his work was for naught. And poor Mrs. O'Dea had already met her end. It just wasn't fair, but Terry knew from expeience that life was rarely fair.

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:27 am
by orangeflamingo*
August nodded, giving a very brief but none-the-less forced smile to him. She knew somewhere deep down that there was a chance that her friend could already became the victim of another one of the students, or one of the ones sent here that they didn't know. But as she knew, she couldn't fall into those darker thoughts. They would be the ones that would let this game control her, she couldn't let that happen.

Because of her status, and friendship with Helena she had always been seen as Helena's shadow. Or someone who wanted to be around her, just because it made had everyone look past her own uglness and maybe see something better because she had befriended Helena Van Garret.

She had always wanted to break away from that defention of herself, become her own person. So she began to do everything to help her get want she wanted, to become a doctor. But she still found herself trapped in the shadows of those she called friends --

"Thanks for the reassuring words, but I know there's a chance it's not going to happen. But thanks, none the less."

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:27 am
by batspleenfriend*
"I know," he said with a sigh, "I wish I could help but..."

"Well, either way when the names are finally announced we'll know for sure if she's alive or not. I think her chances might be pretty decent though, it is only a couple of hours into the game," he said honestly.