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Re: Girl *70 START

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:43 am
by Abel Nox*
She points at the drawer and looks at him.

"There's a horde of roaches pouring out and what looks like to be some kind of moldy, decrepit meat.... maybe human or animal!!!"

Re: Girl *70 START

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:43 am
by Theseus*
Jeremy looked at the drawer wtih all the roaches, figured this place wouldn't be that clean. Jeremy looked at the meat, he didn't even want to know what that is. Jeremy said, "It's just roaches, as for the meat, we'll just try to ignore that. Nothing much we can do."

Re: Girl *70 START

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:43 am
by Bloody_Fists*
((Continued from: Beginning of the End: Start B71))

Scott had been for walking for what seemed only a couple of minutes, the game was already getting to him. Yes he was scared but he couldent show that to anyone he came across, especially not with his designated weapon, the fucking Brick.

He approached the house slowly and cautiously. He walked through the door and he could hear voices, But not voices he should be scared of. These were kind, helpful and given the situation, happy voices. His heart pumped faster as he realised he could have some potential friends in the house.

He sat down on the couch in the living room and quiet layed his bag on the floor, He took his bottled water out and uncaped it, taking a couple of swigs before he sealed it shut again.

"Oh fuck me i hope they dont have a gun" he thought to himself as he closed his eyes and rocked back and forth, impatiently waiting.

Re: Girl *70 START

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:43 am
by Theseus*
Jeremy smiled to Nev then headed back into the living room onlt to see a strange boy sitting on the couch with his bag down. Jeremy looked at him and said, "Who are you and why are you here?" Jeremy said that as calm as he could, but he wasn't calm, his heart skipped a beat, he learned not to trust people on this island.

Re: Girl *70 START

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:43 am
by Ginsenshi*
"Find something bad?" Kouji asked from beside the wall. Kouji looked Jeremy, "Umm hi, you are?"

Re: Girl *70 START

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:43 am
by Abel Nox*
Nevera smiled back and kept looking for food. She searched the cabinets and then heard Kouji.

"Yes, I found something bad, you idiot!" She shook her head and continued looking.

She found some carrots adn soup. She smiled and heard Jeremy talking to someone else. She walked into the living room and looked at Scott.

"Hey Jeremy! I found somethign to eat!"

Re: Girl *70 START

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:43 am
by Ginsenshi*
Kouji stared, "Hmmm food..." Kouji follows the smell, "FOOD!" Kouji jumps at the food.

Re: Girl *70 START

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:43 am
by Abel Nox*
Nev's eyes widened when she heard Kouji. "We all need it, so chill out!!!" She said putting the cans in her shirt

Re: Girl *70 START

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:43 am
by Bloody_Fists*
what were they doing? They knew he was there but they decided not to aknowledge him. They must think hes not a threat and they'll take care of him after they've eaten. Yes thats it, they planned to kill scott.

remembering back to the video and the manual, the paranoia took over. he panicked and broke out in a sweat as he realised that they were all here to kill, to kill him. Everyone in this house was a killer, probally teamed up so they can kill more people? yes thats it, they want to kill everyone including scott.

He panic and felt his body start to shake as adrenaline was oozed into his blood. He franticly reached into his bag and took out his brick. standing up quickly he pointed the brick at jeremy. Sweat pouring down his now pale face, and fast breathing incurred as he spoke.
"No, i cant do this, i cant let you do this"
He lunged at jeremy, swinging his brick at his head. he didnt know what he was doing, adrenaline does that, either run or fight and that seemed the main purpose in this game.
As he swung his brick at jeremy he screamed "You cant kill me!"

why was he doing this?

Re: Girl *70 START

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:43 am
by Theseus*
Jeremy was shocked by the kid;s sudden attack. Jeremy had no time to react, he wasn't expecting that kind of reaction. The birck swung at Jeremy's head, and it made contact. Feeling the contact of the cold hard brick at the side of his head Jeremy went down. Hitting the foor everything went black.

Jeremy jogged towards the check in desk and said, "Torres". The man said, "160?" Jeremy nodded and then jogged to the center of the wrestling mat. Jeremy weighed in at 152.6 before this. Surprsing to himself, he was losing weight pretty fast, and he didn't want to go down a weight class, not so close to freshman county.

Jeremy wasn't thinking about the weight though, as he put on the red ankle band, he looked at his opponent who was putting on the green. This was just another match, a way to get some more mat time before the tournament.

Jeremy shook the kids hands, looked him in the eyes, and thought of having the first takedown. The whistle blew, Jeremy tied up, and then shot for a double leg. The kid sprawled hard, went to throw a cross face but Jeremy pulled the kid in and spun behind him for two points. The kid sat out though, Jeremy tried to pull the kid down but the kid got behind him. They ended up in neutral position again when the kid shot in, picked Jeremy up, and slammed him down hard.

Jeremy heard the crowd go silent as he blacked out....and as one blackout started one ended....

Jeremy lay on the ground, eyes shut, registering what had happened.

Re: Girl *70 START

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:44 am
by Bloody_Fists*
Scott was dragged down with jeremy. He was surpised at himself, He was usually the wak kid everywher ehe went but he managaed to take down a wrestler, Things were looking up for his survival.

He didnt feel bad at all, he didnt have time to think, all he knew is that he had to survive and this grou pcouldent kill him if they were all dead. He stumbled to the floor along side jeremy. Again he swung his brick. violently anywhere, he would hit, be it jeremys legs, stomach, arms, face, He didnt care as long as he was unable to move after scott had finished.
His eyes watered up and slightly blurred his already black and white toned vision.

He realised the rest of the group were still around. he didnt stop his onslaught though, Maybe they'd back off if he succeded? Maybe he could run but if they followed him he would have to fight more.

He wasnt a bad person he was just petrified, fighting for survial, In the end there can be only one, and prayed to god it would be him.

Re: Girl *70 START

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:44 am
by Ginsenshi*
"S-sorry." Kouji replied with a bit of s growl. "Grr women, so weird and I want that food."

Re: Girl *70 START

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:44 am
by Abel Nox*
Nevera dropped the cans and ran to Jeremy's side. "Jeremy!!! Are you ok!?" She shook him slightly, but carefully. "Please, you got to be ok!" She looked at Scott angrily. "You bastard! What the hell are you thinking? We aren't here to fight, but if you are, then so be it!" She held Jeremy's heaad in her lap while she shouted at Scott.

She looked over to Kouji, "There are more important things here than your stinking food!" She looked at the cans on the floor. "You can start cooking the soup or carrots if you can, I don't want anything nasty, but I think you can handle a microwave. There are a few dishes in the cabinets." She shook her head. I can't believe he is thinking of food when Jeremy is hurt! He could have been killed by that damned boy!!! If he even so much as touches Jeremy again, I'll rip his head off! She thought to herself.

Re: Girl *70 START

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:44 am
by Ginsenshi*
"Yeah okay, errr I don't cook and sorry I didn't see him." Kouji answered. "So is he going to life?"

Re: Girl *70 START

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:44 am
by Abel Nox*
She nodded, "I'll make sure he does. He has to." She hugged Jeremy's head lightly. "I already helped him get a bullet out of his arm, he can't die now!"

She looked at Jeremy and brushed his bangs aside. "You'll be fine." She then looked at Kouji, "after everything is settled, I'll get to cooking."