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Re: Kill All Motherfuckers

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 9:25 pm
by Arscapi*
Kathryn lay sprawled on the porch for a long time trying to catch her breath. It wasn't like she hadn't been trying to get away from Iselle for the last 10 minutes. Why did Iselle think she'd gone downstairs in the first place? But apparently Iselle had now decided the conversation was over. And for some reason that meant that Kathryn now lay on the floor. She turned her head and watched Iselle disappear.

"Bitch," she muttered climbing to her feet. She dusted her clothes off out of habit, more than anything. It wasn't like one more layer of dirt was going to be noticed. Kathryn stepped into the mansion and stood looking around the once grand house that she now had all to herself. Earlier she'd dreaded being alone, but it was beginning to seem like the only safe option.

Without anyone to talk to the mansion seemed huge and eerie. Kathryn spent the day finding chores to keep her mind occupied. By the time the sun set, the room the girls had taken over was straightened and most of the dust had been removed. Kathryn had changed clothes and attempted to clean the outfit she'd worn during the trek through the rain. It was now hanging in the bathroom to dry.

Kathryn was more on edge now than earlier. This morning she'd been complaining about wanting to go back to sleep, knowing that Iselle and Alda were there to guard her. Now, although she was tired, she didn't want to fall asleep. She was sure in the next announcement there'd be another long list. The longer they were here the more of her classmates became killers. Kathryn wondered how long it would be until, she became one of them. Could she really do it?

Sighing, she settled onto one end of the couch the rifle pointing towards the door. If nothing else, she was hoping it'd give whoever came in pause. Kathryn was able to stay awake and alert most of the night. At dawn however, she lost the battle and fell asleep, the gun still trained on the doorway.

Re: Kill All Motherfuckers

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 9:25 pm
by BetaKnight
((GMing approved))

Iselle grumbled as she cautiously picked her way across the dark patio.  What was supposed to be a quick catnap turned into almost a full night's sleep. The shadows of the pre-dawn twilight were less threatening than the oppressive dark of the island at night but not by much.  It didn't help that she knew there was at least one body lurking around the corner.  

The thought momentarily distracted her from her mission.  For one brief second, Iselle wondered what Meera looked like hours after death.  She dispelled the morbid train of thought with a shake of her head.  'Get the walking stick, grab your gear, and get out,' she silently chastised herself.  

Putting her weight on the first step, Iselle winced and waited for the inevitable squeak that would give her away.  When it didn't come, she unclenched and relaxed.  Slowly picking her way up the dark stairs, she could see the faint glow of morning light growing brighter at the top.

The lack of any sound or motion lulled her into a sense of security.  Maybe Kathryn wasn't here at all.  Maybe she left while Iselle had been sleeping.

'Maybe she left and took your stuff with her,' a sinister little voice added.  The thought of being without her walking stick made her break out in a cold sweat.  That stick had literally saved her life once before. It couldn't be gone.  It just couldn't.

Throwing caution to the wind, Iselle ran the rest of the way up the stairs, tripping a bit as she reached the landing.  She bounced off the door frame, steadying herself as she looked towards the closet they had hidden their belongings in.

Re: Kill All Motherfuckers

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 9:25 pm
by Arscapi*
Kathryn started from sleep at the noise coming up the stairs. Still mostly asleep, her finger tightened on the trigger. The sound of the rifle firing brought her fully awake.

Re: Kill All Motherfuckers

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 9:25 pm
by BetaKnight
The bullet caught Iselle high on the chest, shattering her collar bone and tearing through an artery before glancing off her shoulder blade and exiting her body.  The impact spun her to one side; a combination of force, surprise, and pain knocked her off her feet.

Sprawled on the floor and gasping, she shakily grabbed at her ruined shoulder. Whimpering, Iselle scooted back until she bumped into the wall.  Grunting, she levered herself into a sitting position, leaving a growing streak of blood on the wall.  She lifted her hand and tried to look at the mess.  Blood was pouring out, coating her hand and soaking into her shirt.

"Oh my God.  I'm bleeding," she reported in a quavery voice as she stared at her hand.  This couldn't really be happening. She started to softly sob.  "Oh god, I'm bleeding everywhere."    

Re: Kill All Motherfuckers

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 9:25 pm
by Arscapi*
Kathryn was on her feet, the rifle dropping to the floor with a clunk, even before she recognized the voice. "Iselle," she called out hesitantly. Then her brain actually caught up with events and what Iselle said registered and she rushed forward. Kathryn thanked the dawn, since she was just able to make out Iselle's form leaning against the railing in the early morning light.

"Iselle, I didn't mean...I'm sorry. I didn't know it was you. You scared me," Kathryn realized she was babbling and fell to her knees next to her friend. She raised her hands and then stared helplessly at Iselle as she realized she didn't know how to help her.

Re: Kill All Motherfuckers

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 9:25 pm
by BetaKnight
Iselle looked up at Kathryn as her friend apologized and carried on.  Kathryn had shot her?  Kathryn was still here?

It was hard to focus on what Kathryn was saying.  There was a loud rushing sound and the edges of her vision were starting to gray. Kathryn was sitting by her but she wasn't doing anything to stop the bleeding.  Why wasn't she helping her?  

Iselle reached up for her shoulder, grimacing as she tried to put pressure on the wound.  Not that it seemed to be helping.  It was hard to hold on to, between the steady gush of blood and the pins and needles feeling that was creeping into her fingers and hand.  They shouldn't be going numb already, should they?  That was a really bad sign, wasn't it?

"You shot me."  She blinked owlishly at Kathryn.  "You shot me when I came back."  The pitcher's familiar face swam in her vision.  The room started to spin and she felt really light headed. Focusing, she forced herself to speak clearly. "I only wanted to come back."

Iselle closed her eyes as her head dropped back against the wall with a thud.  Her steady breathing soon became uneven and labored as the blood loss continued.  Within a few moments, she was dead.

Re: Kill All Motherfuckers

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 9:25 pm
by Arscapi*
"Iselle, Iselle," Kathryn called desperation growing as Iselle's breath became uneven. "No, Iselle don't go. I didn't mean it. Please don't leave me."

Before she could even finish her plea, her friend was dead. Kathryn sobbed. She sobbed for the loss of her friends and for herself. Kathryn cried for the people on the island and the people they'd all left behind. The people that were dealing with the loss of their loved ones. How was she going to face her family? Iselle's family?

Kathryn hugged herself, falling against the doorframe. She stared into the nothingness of the mansion, not focusing on anything for a long time. When the announcements came Kathryn found that she had no more tears. No more tears for Alda or Carlos. Carlos who'd apparently died by her hand. How was it possible? She'd killed him and felt nothing. He was a name and suddenly Kathryn realized she was two people closer to going home.

She'd added herself to the list of killers. Without meaning to she'd become a player in the game. And Kathryn was a player who played to win. Collecting herself and wiping away the tears she went to collect the equipment in the room. Efficiently she combined Iselle and her belongings. Kathryn grabbed her rifle and Iselle's walking stick, stepped over Iselle's body, and headed out of the mansion.

((Kathryn Nguyen continued in No Rest for the Wicked))