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Re: Cold Storage Shed where her heart should be

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:09 am
by I-eat-cute-animals*
"I just speak my mind instead of hide inside of it" She said glaring at the child, Kojiro arrived grinning.
"Trouble?" He said, at this Tiffany went back to her silent nature, she looked at him with a hateful glare.
"Don't follow me, get back to your nutjob school.."
"They locked me out."
Tiffany just ignored him, which brought anger to his face, he clenched his fist, he hated being whited out, he looked like he was about to strike her, but he held his rage within him.
'How dare she ignore me after I drive so far to see her..' he thought.

Re: Cold Storage Shed where her heart should be

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:09 am
by Xaldien*
Kristey looked at the guy who walked in.
She looked at Tiffany and asked, "Who's THIS nutjob?"
To which all the students were in awe that Kristey, the resident evil, would manage to call someone a basket case.

Re: Cold Storage Shed where her heart should be

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:10 am
by I-eat-cute-animals*
Kojiro noticed Kristey and grinned, stepping torward her he grabbed her by the collarbone he tightened it and looked her straight in the eye.
"You need an attitude adjustment" He grinned at her reaching for his Lockblade only to remember he loaned it out, he had an aggressive look to him, though he didn't dare attack Tiffany however he didn't fear the child before her "let me hear that again."

Re: Cold Storage Shed where her heart should be

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:10 am
by Xaldien*
"How dare you touch me, you INSIGNIFICANT PEON!"
Kristey managed to pry herself away from Kojiro, grabed him by the neck, and threw him forward.
Kristey looked at Tiffany.
"So... I'll ask: Do you want the pleasure of hurting him, or do I have permission from you. I only ask since he seems to be here for you."

Re: Cold Storage Shed where her heart should be

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:10 am
by laZardo*
(OOC: MAN how things progress while I'm not looking. x_X)

Marvin Hendrick was already at his seat by the time Kristey issued the warning, but he found himself taking the back seat to a potential catfight. If this were outside of his classroom, he'd be shouting and whooping "Catfight! Catfight!" like the self-proclaimed jock he was. He silently clenched his fists in enthusiasm instead, hoping Tiffany would lay the smack down on Kristey, ending up sighing in disappointment as the fight seemed to end before it began.

Then Kojiro stepped in... causing Garrick to stand straight up. "Who is THIS intruder?" she asks sternly in a gap between the conversation. Garrick often looks down on kids like him, being not of "this prestigious institution" and all.

Damien was caught by surprise when Kristey ordered him to back off. For once it seemed like someone was defending him, but he often knew better. Given a few more days she'd be kicking his ass too...

Re: Cold Storage Shed where her heart should be

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:10 am
by I-eat-cute-animals*
He grinned as he flew he did a half flip landing on one knee, then stood he stepped forward again.
Tiffany seemed to have slipped out of the scene before anyone looked at her she could care less for Kojiro, however Kojiro seemed barely scratched by the throw.
An attempt at his neck, to him that was a disgustingly weak tactic in his mind, he made a swing at Kristey, however he stopped right before her eyes.
"You should really consider disceplin" he said, using a mid light palm strike to shove her, not to hurt her but rather to proove a point "if you still wish to fight so be it, I'd be glad to smite a useless biggot."

Re: Cold Storage Shed where her heart should be

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:10 am
by Xaldien*
Kristey had the smile on her face again.

"Alright, well, if you're not going to go down physically, I could take Tiffany's method... You do realize that right now you are trespassing on the property of a school you do not attend, so within legal standing, you will be arrested."

She walked up towards him slowly, standing nose-to-nose with him.

"Now, you're in MY school, and I will not allow you to fuck it up... leave, now."

She simply stood in her place, without budging.

Re: Cold Storage Shed where her heart should be

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:10 am
by laZardo*
The word "discipline" is Garrick's cue to play peacemaker. "Discipline is quite the word, all of you." She marches up to the students in the doorway(?) and points a finger up. "I will NOT have any more violence in this class or in this academy," she begins in her strictest, most acerbic tone of voice, "This gathering will disperse and all students involved will return to their rightful..." she directs the word rightful at this sleazebag of a newcomer, "...places, before I have to dispense any more..." more at Kristey... "...disciplinary action."

Re: Cold Storage Shed where her heart should be

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:10 am
by I-eat-cute-animals*
"Just visiting" He said smiling, to both Kristey and Garrick "Besides, Who wants to stay in a building with a dead body? Besides, you rich kids are so touchy when 'street vermin' such as myself pass through, I was expecting this, but I have no reason to be here now, unlike Tiffany I don't play with brats.."

((Continued in: Into the Shit Heap))

Re: Cold Storage Shed where her heart should be

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:10 am
by Xaldien*
Kristey ignored the comment that the moron made, and simply looked at Garrik with a look of pity in her eye.
She simply smiled, and replied with "Yes, ma'am"
She turned around, arms behind her back, and walked to her desk, sat down, and went back to reading her book.

Once again, with that little smile on her face.

Re: Cold Storage Shed where her heart should be

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:10 am
by laZardo*
(OOC: I have that gravely sinking feeling that I'm killing this RP off.  :( Anyway.)

Garrick isn't feeling full of herself, but she is still quite confident after dismissing Kristey, the girl's reaction notwithstanding. She looks at Tiffany, whom she'd noticed in the halls between classes. "Do you have someplace you need to be, now?" she asks, relaxing her tone of voice a little more.

In the meantime, Marvin, who happens to be seated two chairs from Damien (currently rubbing the spot on his head that impacted the table) uses the distraction to slip out of his seat. He sneaks around the seats, ending up behind the boy. He only has a small amount of time to do this...

Re: Cold Storage Shed where her heart should be

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:10 am
by Xaldien*
Kristey notices that Damien is rubbing his head from the pain of Marvin's attack, and makes note that he will pay for it.

She also notices Marvin moving in on a certain student... to which she picks up the scissors, and throws them in Marvin's direction, landing nearly inches away from his foot.

Re: Cold Storage Shed where her heart should be

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:10 am
by laZardo*
Marvin gasps and stumbles back as the scissors comes within striking distance of his shiny black leather shoes. He stands up quickly and looks around, fearing someone - particulary Garrick - has noticed. Garrick has thrown him a concerned look, to which he does the unthinkable...

...he leans beside Damien and puts a hand on Damien's head, appearing to try to relieve his injury. "You all right?" he asks, his voice disturbingly friendly. Damien sighs and squints his eyes closed. The kindness before the storm. "Aww, don't be like that, man, I'm just tryin' to help..." Marvin adds, a smile on his face.

Garrick turns her attention back to Tiffany and the newcomer.

Works every time... Marvin thinks, throwing a smug smile back at Kristey. "Welcome to MY school," he mouths.

Re: Cold Storage Shed where her heart should be

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:10 am
by Xaldien*
Kristey smiled at the boy.
She mouthed the words I'm going to kill you

Re: Cold Storage Shed where her heart should be

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 8:10 am
by laZardo*
(OOC: Maybe class oughta be dismissed soon. Iunno.)
That piercing, unsettling, smile again. For some reason it never failed to be as scary to Marvin as it was the first time. Marvin slid back to his seat, visibly shaken. It wasn't that this chick acted like she was above school law (that's how Marvin and his gang act most of the time anyway), rather that she looked like she had the guts to break the law, too...