Just keep breathin' and breathin' and breathin'


Built not long after the community's arrival on the island, the lighthouse was never realistically going to last very long. Requiring many renovations during its lifespan due to less-than-stellar construction practices, the lighthouse eventually met its end during the same storm that capsized the yacht. Now its interior is exposed to the elements with only what's left of its wooden walls able to shield those who seek shelter inside.
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Post by KamiKaze »

Right, so. It seemed everyone was in. Zach was in, she was in, Phil was in, Terra was in. And of course Mikki was in. It was a plan, at least. Food up, rest up, patch up, wait until morning to go to the village.

“Absolutely,” Bree said, looking through the first aid kit.

Right now, she needed to do something about Terra’s hand. Thankfully, the kit seemed to have everything covered. Bree set a roll of gauze and a bottle of alcohol disinfectant in front of her.

Hopefully, things go well.

((Bree Jones continued in Children of Cain))
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Post by Ryuki »

So with everything settled, Zach had guaranteed protection on his journey to the village. If things went well, Zach could see himself keeping this lot around however longer. Perhaps if he found more trusted friends from back home, he could form an even bigger unit and ride this game out to the end. He just needed to play his cards right.

“Welp,” Zach said, “I think it’s time for some shut eye.”

Zach reached into his duffel bag and pulled out his emergency blanket from the first aid kit. He was in a much better mood from this morning.

(Zachary Beck continued later that night...)
[+] V9
Felicity "Flick" Franklin- Aspiring Chef
Wallace "Wally" Whitaker- Theater Guy
Donald "Don" Douglas- Gamer Geek
Taylor Turner- Tennis Tomboy
Simon Smith- Horror Nerd
[+] Past Characters
Dominiqua Ashmore
Gwendolyn "Wendy" Kennedy
Karen Nguyen
Chester Folk

Image Ned Jackson
Image Yuki Hayashibara
Image Zachary Beck

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