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Re: Taking stock

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 7:46 pm
by Slayer*
Jason growled under his breath as he found that his targets had escaped, though one had thrown an empty pistol in an attempt to distract him. Muttering about wasting ammo as he changed the clip and reloaded his machine gun, he walked over to the pistol and picked it up. He now had another gun in case his Uzi ran out of ammo, though he could only hope it was compatable with the uzi's 9mm Parabellum cartridges, as he had no other ammo. Slinging the uzi over his shoulder again, he hoped the gun still had its empty clip in it and tried to remove it. Letting out a breath of relief when the clip came out onto his hand, he set the gun down, took one of the bullet boxes that he had moved from his pack to one of his pockets (the bullet boxes came with the clips and the uzi in his pack, obviously the supplied ammo for his gun), filled the clip with fifteen bullets from the box, and put the box back in his pocket after closing it again so he didn't have to worry about bullets coming out if he moved. Tucking the gun into the waistline of his pants, he started to search the area for more clips so he could reload the pistol when needed without using up his uzi's clips or using the same clip over and over again. At first he had no luck, but he got lucky when he checked the pack near the headless corpse impaled on a rock. There he found a few, but not many and only a small box.

Oh well, he thought, I fully intend the pistol to be exclusively a backup weapon anyway.

Putting the box and clips in the opposite pocket of the uzi ammo, Jason nodded in acceptance. Satisfied that he was ready, he turned his back on the well and kept walking.

OOC: Continued in Cat and Mouse.

Re: Taking stock

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 7:46 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
The gunfire and the yells would slowely drown out and as they did so would the pace of his movment, the game was over and so was the fun and so his pace would come to a walking pace as he passed through the greenery with his Ingram in hand and Eh-Sun following on behind or so he thought.

"This place is dead..We could check for weapons but we have more than what we need" he said before giving a shake of his head in dismissal at the thought of picking up yet more weapons. He had melee aswell as firearms although some exsplosives wouldnt go a miss.

"Come on, Someone around here has to be breathing" he said flashing those pearly white canines of his before turning left.

((Continued in: Girl #50 - Let it Bleed))


The sniveling form of Dorian had pressed himself tightly into the shadow of a tree as the gunfire would finally drown out.Tears oncemore running down his thing face as he hid against the tree, his so called allies would diseppear without even bothering to yell out his name.

They fled and they left him for dead and he knew that he was done for.This was game over, he was alone and unarmed in a area full of machinegun wielding psychos.

Face buried in his arms he would cry softly thinking of his family and his beloved books.He thought of his college and his big house and his future and all of the good things he could have done.

He thought of all the evil things he had done and all the evils people had done to him and then the sadness was drowned out by..anger? His face full of hot tears would contort in anger as he would gritt his teeth and let out a yell.

Bursting into a run he ran into the bushes and he ran for his life.

((Continued in: The Return))

Re: Taking stock

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 7:46 pm
by Kuze*
Looking around after PEri left her at the well, Eh-Sun swore inwardly, as she walked off into the nearby forest.

"If I find that fucker, hes going to get whats comin to him"

(continued elsewhere)