
A rather makeshift hospital. It's small, and has only one room to it, much like the school building. The hospital's white tiled walls seem to scream for some color... maybe you can provide? Inside, the hospital has many first aid kits, many of which are empty. If you're lucky enough, you can find something helpful in this building.
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Post by LadyMakaze* »

As Daphne's vision and hearing finally returned to useable function, she stopped moving at once, freezing in place at the sight of the boy in front of her, as well as the words he spoke and the pistol he held in his hand. Though fear threatened to cloud her mind into panic yet again, she somehow retained enough reason to understand exactly what he was saying...

“I’m not going to let you go, just so you can kill other people…”

It took Daphne a while to recognize him as one of the people she had met earlier, when she had finished off that other doubt playing witness to that scene had affected him...driven him to the point where all he could do to defend himself...was to kill.

Rather than falling into a state of panic, the expression of her face, lined red with blood and bleeding in one eye, sank back into its usual apathy and coldness.

"I see..." she said quietly, one hand over the wound in her shoulder. "After going through so much, you've decided to put an end to all of this, by killing someone. Even if you don't like it, there's just no other solution for you, is there? Everything's a living nightmare and you want it all to end, yet you want to survive. You're driven to the point where all you can do is take someone else's life to save yourself."

And then, her pale lips, also lined with a drip of blood, widened into a smile, unusual of her character. With that smile on her face, she truly looked like a small child, though what with the state of her face now, there was some kind of inhuman quality to it, one that was almost frightening.

"In other're just like me," she told him, still smiling. "You and me, we've got the same mindset, though I've probably seen much more...gone through much more than you have...but we're both the same." She looked at him calmly, despite the strain of her wounds.

"Care to prove me wrong? Killing me now will just confirm that."
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Post by riserugu* »

Glenn listened lightly to her words, taking them in and letting them be absorbed, and in the end he almost found himself smiling at it all. Chuckling a little before speaking, “You see, that’s where you’re wrong. You and I… we’re nothing alike… I have a brother, and friends on this island that I see fit to protect with every fiber of my being. At this point and time, my self-worth is nothing compared to theirs.

Yes, I’m quite sure you’ve seen much more than me from a darker view point in view. But I’m happy with what I have, what I’ve seen and what I’ve done with my life so far. My life is anything, and everything far from a nightmare, yes my world was at a standstill when I first came here. Scared and unsure of what was happening, and what I should do… but I’ve come to a set point in my life, after having watched these people die before me.

You are a survivior, a person who'll do anything to protect thier own skin. The smallest of threats having to be taken down before becoming bigger ones, even though in most cases they weren't even threats to start with. I'm more of a protector, I sacrifice everything left of me before I'll allow harm to come to those I care about.” He muttered, flexing his grip on the pistol’s cold metal.

“I can’t let what happened to Marie, or Eddie, or anyone else… happen to those I’ve come to care about. I don’t care if this turns me into a damn serial killer, I’ll protect them with everything I have, and everything I am! I’m not scared to kill… especially people like you, though I know if I take you down now I’m turning myself into what you already are. I don’t care… not anymore.”
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Post by Sephy* »

(OOC: I apologise in advance cos this post is gonna be shite, i'm still sick, but I guess I should post something)

Daisuke watched the confusion happeneing around him, feeling strangely removed from it, it seemed he was becoming desensatized to all the death. There was nothing he could do to help the girl, she was a killer ~I'm a killer too..will I end up like that?~ Mentally shaking himself, he glanced over to Aiden ~looks like he's doing ok~ Aiden was what was keeping him grounded, if he died, if the escape plan didn't work...~Dai yamete! you can't start thinking like that, baka baka baka~

Dai kept his grip tight on the gun in his hand, just in case.
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Post by LadyMakaze* »

Daphne's smile and smugness faded all too quickly as she listened to Glenn's words, taking in the person that he truly was, as well as his real intentions. Absorbing his words in stunned silence, it was her perspective, warped and distorted since birth, that was the reason she barely heard the word that came to her.

Protecting others? In this game where there can only be one winner? Ridiculous.... But she found herself unable to smirk at this as she stared at the expression on Glenn's face. Even with her vision impaired and unfocused, the look on his face stood out more than anything. In a way, it almost frightened her on an entirely different level.

For all that she had experienced in life, Daphne had long since come to the conclusion that humans were selfish by nature. Through that selfishness, they became abusive beings who preyed on the misery of others to satisfy their own selfishness. That said, to kill and to wish others pain were very human, voluntary actions.

The history books she had spent class time reading confirmed that much.

But protecting others? That was too hard to believe. Was it truly possible for a human, abusive by nature, to be willing to kill and possibly sacrifice themselves for the sake of another? It was something beyond Daphne knew, and would ever know...

And this person, standing in front of her, pointing the pistol at her, was someone she could never relate with, even if he was a fellow human being.

".......You're not scared, huh?" Daphne asked him, trembling slightly. "And you think you're different from me? Do you really?"

Yeah...he is... she thought to herself, infuriated with the realization.

"That's fine... If you're so willing to sacrifice yourself protecting them...Let's see you do that trying to protect yourself!"

With that, she advanced on him, her knife raised, lashing out once she felt she was near enough, though her impaired eyesight left her with a poor judgement on distance. She approached him almost recklessly, no longer caring for her life or survival, but wanting to inflict as much pain as she could on him, on anybody, the entire world even if possible, take as much as she could down with her if dying was to be her fate.

And she was like this, because no one had protected her from herself.
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Post by Theseus* »

Jeremy watched the scene unfold, Glenn's stand against the girl, they seemed to be having some sort of conversation, he couldn't hear. Glenn had his gun pointed at the girl. Then the girl advanced at Glenn, her knife ready. Jeremy did just waht he said he would do, he was out of the door, he didn't interrupt the fight yet, he waited to see what was oging to happen, if she would cut him, if Glenn would pull the trigger, what happened next determined what Jeremy would do.
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Post by riserugu* »

Standing there from within the walls of the hospital, watching his younger brother confront the murderer almost sent him over the edge. Something pulling at his heartstrings to run out there and drag his brother’s bloody ass back inside before the girl turned him into ribbons.

And as Jeremy ran out the door, halting some feet from the scene by the time Fred made it outside the girl-killer had already advanced on Glenn knife lashing out toward him.

Glenn was rather surprised how quick Daphne movements remained even with her bad eye, and as she advanced on him raising her weapon and lashing at him. He tried to move back, but found his steps lacking in speed as the blade came across, and caught his upper section of his arm that held the pistol.

All through out his sixteen years of life, he had, had enough sprains, pulled-muscles, and broken bones that it hardly borrowed him anymore. But he found as the blade dug into the side of his upper arm, and was pulled across as they moved.

A shallow yelp escaped his throat, as he pulled away, whimpering as he looked to the damage already done, the sleeve of his black Muse shirt ripped as blood begun to bead through the slit and flow in a cascade down his arm.

Unable to feel the arm holding the pistol at the moment, he did the next best thing he could in lifting his arm that held the 2x4. Taking aim toward her head as he pulled back, and swung the piece of wood as hard as he could at the moment.
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Post by LadyMakaze* »

Had Glenn gone instead to retrieve the gun, Daphne might have been able to land yet another wound on him. However, she was caught entirely surprise, in the middle of yet another relentless attack, when her impaired vision failed to notice the 2 x 4 hurtling her way before it struck the side of her head hard, almost throwing her aside as she was knocked to the ground.

She let out a cry as she rolled a bit, the paring knife dropping from her hands. For a moment, she was disorientated, having been struck square in the temple with a heavy piece of wood, unable to focus.

She cast Glenn a single expression of terror and pain before looking away, cringing away from him. She looked completely helpless now, having lost her knife somewhere out of reach.

"S-stop..." she whimpered. "Don't...don't kill me..."

All at once her past came back to her...her parents, her father in particular, and those girls who bullied her...that abusive, miserable past that left countless scars upon her, scars that were both visible and proverbial. That feeling of helplessness and misery returned to her in full force.

"I said stop..."
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Post by Theseus* »

Jeremy saw Glenn got cut, he then saw him throw the 2x4 at the girl. Jeremy smiled, even after the wound Glenn managed to knock her down with that. The girl had lost her knife, and was now on the ground. Jeremy had to help, had to be out there not. This was his cue. Running closer he ran next to Glenn and nodded to him. Still holding his sickle Jeremy looked at the girl. He was unsure what Glenn wanted to do, the girl obviously needed to die....a thought Jeremy wouldn't have thought at the begining of the game.

Jeremy also knew that Glenn deserved the kill, he had bravely fought the girl, taking a cut on his arm, to protect the group. Jeremy looked at Glenn, then to the girl.
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The sickening thud that followed as the piece of wood came in contact with Daphne’s temple was enough to send vibrations through Glenn body, the 2x4 dropping from his hand as the girl fell with a sudden cry. The knife bouncing from her bloody hands as she hit the ground…

He found himself more than ready to raise the pistol, transferring it from one hand to the other but watching her on the ground… the look of pain and fear twisting against her face. The whimpers escaping her throat as if she where a small child, looking at this made him both want to do it so much more as well as end the act completely.

“Don't kill you? You don’t want to die?” Glenn questioned hotly, “I’m sure Marie didn’t want to die either, and what about those two.” He questioned again, pointing to the pale forms of Eddie and Miranda; “Do you think they wanted to die too?”

Looking at it from this point of view, he felt shooting her now and getting it over with would be the best bloody idea he could of thought of yet. But still, somewhere in the back of his mind was telling him otherwise… telling him that though he wanted to protect the others… this wasn’t completely right.

Sighing a little, he bowed his head some keeping his paled blue eyes on her as he did, “Just… just tell me why I shouldn’t kill you like you did the others? Please, I’m curious.”
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Immediately, following Glenn's words, Daphne stopped crying almost immediately, a genuinely surprised look on her face. She had been expecting him to ignore her pleas and go on with ending her life. This was beyond any sort of mercy she had expected, or experienced throughout her life.

She gulped slightly, half-considering it to be some sort of trick...perhaps he was just messing around with her, making fun of her. If she hadn't dropped the knife, she might have just lashed out and attacked him there and then. Instead, she felt compelled to listen, and then answer.

Peering up at him with her only good eye, she said plaintively, "I had to kill before they did. They're everywhere, you know? People out there who prey on others, on this island too. Feeding on the misery of others...striving to take the winner's place... You can't even tell with looks anymore. And if you're a person like me..."

She gulped, voice trembling slightly.

"...If you're a person like me, you're know going to be a prime target to those who prey on others. You're going to be an easy mark unless you do something about it. You wouldn't know... You have someone to watch your back, someone to look after you and protect you from those people...."

Daphne lowered her voice a bit. "But what if you didn't have any of that? What if no one gave you anything? What if all your life everyone just preyed on you, took from you, leaving you with nothing? What if your life was all you ever had? Would you have acted differently than me? Tell me honestly."

She added, her voice contorting slightly, "You and I are the know? Because we're both human."
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Post by Swoosh* »

Mallory had ducked down as soon as the flashbang was launched, covered her ears with her hands and buried her head in her knees, and it was in this position she had stayed since.

If I stay like this... if I block it all out... if I make it go away... it can't hurt me...

She ignored all the shouts and screams and other noises that may have been, and just sat.

Perhaps it was the fact that she hadn't been with this many people in a long while, or just the stress of the game had finally hit her, but Mallory was at the brink of a nervous breakdown.

((ugh, Mallory's really sucking here, I want to move her soon...))
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Post by MooCow* »

Aiden watched from the window.

"Glenn," Aiden said, "if you kill her, then you're just as bad as she is. The fact of the matter is though, you are different from her. She didn't have to kill those people to stay alive... she killed them before she could make that judgement... Glenn we can't trust her she just killed two more people that's three overall."

Aiden was normally one for trust, but something wasn't right about this girl.

Aiden felt faint, but since Dai wasn't doing much good he began to search for the antibiotics himself, all the while listening to the increasingly tense exchange outside.

"Anyone who wants to stay alive should get in the clinic now... let the Rudko girl come if she wants but we have to tie her up."
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Glenn stared at her a long while, unable to truly think of anything to say about the words that she had just spoken. Clutching his wound tighter, though quickly regretting it as pain shot through his arm all the way to his fingers the pain gave him a jolt of something more…

This pain he was feeling… it was different than the pain he had placed on the girl, and could have placed on the girl… Sighing a little, he nodded. “Though I find myself questioning if you have anything human left in you. I can find myself asking the same questions to myself if I do kill you.

But our human emotions are what allow us to look to the better side of everyone, least for me. Second chances and such, ya know?” He mused, smiling a little as he pocketed the pistol before stepping away a foot or so to where the knife had fallen at when it bounced from her hands when she had hit the ground.

Picking up the object, wet blood was still visible on the blade he ran the flat surface along his jeans trying to rid it of the glossy red liquid. “Please leave now…” He muttered still clutching the weapon, as he turned his back on the fallen girl and begun heading back toward the hospital.

Fred shot his brother a look as he passed, returning into the inside of the building before looking to Jeremy and finally the girl. A thoughful look passed over his face before sighing, and moving out and taking Eddie's daypack, before moving and taking the girl's who's name he didn't know.

"Oi, Jeremy..." He called out lightly, frowning a little. "Let's go back in, oright? Fix Glenn up."
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Aiden found what he was looking for, and he hoped they would do the trick. He swallowed two of the antibiotic pills and shut the cabinet he had been rumaging through. He noticed Glenn and Fred seemed to be ready to come back inside.

"Dai don't just stand there help them!"
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Post by Slayer* »

Realizing that he was about to miss his opportunity, Jason took his chance. Readying his Uzi, he stood up, knowing full well he would be exposing himself, and fired, spreading seven of his fifteen bullets in an arc towards the group in front of him.

Only one can survive in this game, and they are armed. he rationalized as the rattling sound of the bullets persisted, Therefore, they are a threat to my survival. I would be endangering myself by not killing them here and now.
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