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Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:42 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
"You take the kids bag along with the map in it and the weapon..Its a giftpack.He or she wont be using it..Waste them if you feel the need but just remember once youve used youre bullet its gone and so if you waste some needy lil kid for a knife and from around the corner comes a uzi toting idiot ...remember regret can kill and Ive met the uzi toting child and before you think it..This" he said as he raised his submachiengun. "Is an uzi...The Names Peri..BloodBoy to some,Brown hair is Freak and Black is Samara.Get up off youre knees and get out of here.Leaving a survivor makes me look as if Im going soft" he called over his shoulder as he would walk.

Was this a good idea? No..Was this a safe idea? No..Was he doing it? Yes he was.Back turned to a pissed off butch girl with a loaded gun.Great.What the fuck was he doing?

Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:42 pm
by Swoosh*
If it seemed like Peri's words were a lot for her to take in, they were. She was still slightly dazed from her near death experience and perhaps wasn't paying the most attention to Peri's words. However, she heeded to his advice for her to get gone and jumped up.

Why was he doing this? What benefit did it have for him? As much as Angharad had scrutinized it from every angle, she couldn't see what was in it for him.

She looked at Peri's retreating back. How easy it would be to shoot him right now. Despite the fact that she was heavily out-gunned and outnumbered, she still could use that one shot on him. He must have known that. He was risking his life giving her a gun. Although her game plan had been, and still was, to kill as many people as possible, she didn't want to kill this boy, especially after he'd shown her something resembling kindness.

She felt like thanking him, but settled for nodding at his back. His friends didn't seem the type that would cry themselves to sleep over her dead body, and Peri seemed volatile as well. She ran off before he could change his mind, the bag swung onto her shoulder.

((nyesss, continued somewhere else, methinks!))

Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:42 pm
by Kuze*
Shinya watched as Peri and the Girl with the cat claws confroned each other ending with Peri tossing a gun towards the girl. Turning his head towards Peri, he dropped his jaw and remarked.

"What the hell are you thinking, best idea wouldve been kill her after we get her weapon"

Shinya remarked at Peri's actions as we walked over to pick up the cat claws that the girl dropped, and picked them up, holding onto the grip of the claws as he said one thing

"It's not like I dont Respect your judgement but there were better things to do to her"

Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:43 pm
by Bloody_Fists*
Stevan leaned against the tree as the confrontation occured. Stevan and shinya stood back and watched peri take controll of the situation. He seemed to talk to much though...maybe he was lonely, Just needed someone to talk to?

Giving the girl the revolver was a bad idea. That one bullet was sure to come back and haunt them. But it was stevans choice to let peri take controll yet again.

As shinya started to talk stevan gave a lazy glance over to him and stared, his eye lids were drooped half way over his eyes.

"better things like what? Rape? Torture? Both of those involve time we dont have and im sure you dont want to make that kind of reputation on this island"

His head would be tunred away from shinya as he finished speaking. As he stared at the ground he pulled out one of his beloved cigarettes and lit it, creating a bright orange cherry on the end. Puffs and drags were taken as he waited for a confrontation to break out in the group.

Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:43 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
"What I was thinking that the girl is a killer..Look in her eyes if we bump into her again,She is a killer.She is one of us but she has stupidity..We give her the one bullet and we free her.She can pop herself in the face or go eliminate some of our enimies or die trying..She can do what she wishes.She is just one girl and very badly armed..She is just a tool we can deal with her if someone doesnt.I say this but I dont have to exsplain a thing to you at all,Shinya" he said as he would come oncemore to a stop.Very slowely he would turn that grinn no longer playing on his pale features.

"You wish to fight me? Lovely weapon I have here..You want it then attack me and take it.Ill throw it down and take you fist to fist if I didnt know you would cause a good shaped hole in my chest.Dont force confrontation there is more than enough of it on this island.I made a move.. a good move at that.More than likely when we next bump into her she would have half her face shot off and the Colt in herhand..Now lets go.We need to move and I need to tend to this bullet wound,Stings like a bitch" he said before those sharp teeth of his would slide against each other and begin walking away again upto towards the lookout.

He was bleeding lightly now and he was getting far to much backtalk from their newfound friend to top it off Stevan was smoking without him.The sky above rumbled lightly,ripples trembling through the black clouds floating above them.

Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:43 pm
by Slayer*
OOC: Haven't posted as Jason in a while.
IC: Jason had lead Jayne up to the highest part of the Lookout point, ignoring the gunshots he had heard on the way up. Looking over his shoulder from where he was studying the map and deciding a destination, he saw she was standing right where he had left her. Nodding to himself, he put the map in his bag, stood up, and slung the Uzi over his shoulder before going down a seperate path.

"We're going to the river, keep up or I'll leave you behind." he said, not looking back.

((Continued in: "Though We May Not Survive It..."))

Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:43 pm
by Kuze*
Shinya sighed in fustration at Peri's comment as he dug into his bag to pull out a set of black headphones and slid them on his head, while holding the cat claws in his free hand as he spoke. (he put the gun in his bag)

"Whatever, just lead the way Peri"

Shinya left his bag slightly open as he went and followed Peri wherever he went knowing full well that in a heartbeat any one of this little group could be dead.

(OCC are you happy now Peri? <_< )

Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:43 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
( I was till un-named people emerged to bother me to post.. :D )

A Couple almost silent curse words would be freed from his lips as he began asneding the small hill around the lookout point.One hand used to steady himself on the ground while the other was firmly wrapped around the Ingram at his side.Halfway up the hill a glance would be thrown over his shoulder at the other two.

His hand finally found the cheap wood used to make the west wall of the lookout.Fingertips curling around it he would tugg himself back to the top of the hill and turn to look to the two.

"Shinya..Headphones off..They make noise and you cant hear the person behind you if youre listening to music..Fair enough?" he asked before climbing over into the lookout point.

A few memories flashed through his mind.Memories of when he had been here the previous time...Elise..Him..Stevan..They had all been so diffrent.Elise had seemed so calm..Stevan was more timid then even with the shotgun and he himself was more...He was more posotive that was for sure and alot less blood splattered.

Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:44 pm
by Kuze*
(occ yes im finally posting and Peri go ahead and have your way with Thom, while i have my way with Waldo ;) )

Shinya swore to himself as he removed his headphones, placing them in his bag. Looking up he saw the two fuckers he passed by on the way to meeting Peri and Steven.

Leaning over to Peri, shinya muttered while gripping his cat claws.

"Look its two sheep to the slaughtor, Peri you take the running one I'll take the zoned out one"

Shinya smirked at what he was planning on doing to the zoned out dipshit.

Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:44 pm
by Bloody_Fists*
No fun for the freak? Why the fuck not? He'd been lurking in the background for a while now and with out any blood in the past day he was getting rather angered.

"So you two cunts get to kill?" He point to shinya "Fuck you" His finger then moved towards peri "Your cool" His eyes wondered up to the lookout, At those two fuckers. "And most of all fuck you"

His shotgun was wrapped over his back and the strap tightened. The browning peri had given him earlier was pulled from the back of his jeans. The top of the gun was pulled back and let go with a metallic clicking sound that seemed to echo. His gun would be aimed at the two figures on the hill as He would look down the barrel of the gun. The wind now was getting rough. It blew is hair over his eyes, The dark mass of hair reaching a couple inches below his chin to one side of his face as A gleaming Smile appeared. The white of His eyes Just barely visable through the black hair.

He would walk towards the two boys, Gun aimed high and his finger on the trigger. 'bang' would be whispered as his ney finger pulled hard on the trigger releasing a bullet from the clip and in the direction of his enemies. 'bang bang bang'

Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:44 pm
by Kuze*
Shinya shrugged as Steven started yelling at him and the ADHD duo.

"Alright blood boy, Freak go for the gusto on that sonova Bitch"

Shinya walked up to the zoned out fucker and kicked the boy in the knee cap knocking him over onto his back. Kneeling next to the boy he dragged the cat claws across the boys shirt, cutting it open exposing his bare chest.

Dragging the cat claws across the boy's chest cutiing the skin into squares that are slightly easy to remove. Using his free hand he peeled off each square of skin reaveling the boy's insides.

Shinya carfully removed each of the boy's ribs, and grabbed ahold of the boy's heart. As he Lifted the heart the boy swung his bag at Shinya, Smacking him in the face knocking off his glasses.

"you Little mother fucker, I'm going to make the last few minutes of your life so painful youll beg for me to kill you quickly."

(occ i cant focus enough to make the full post so this is the beginning of the kid's death scene :P)

Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:44 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
He stood and watched Shinya take the lead very seamlessly and so he would just silently grinn and give off the occasional nod one brow rising at the words "Freak go for the gusto" what was that meant to mean? That was none of his concern and so he would burst into a run towards the form of the other male.This was far to easy,this was how the game was meant to be played it was all so very easy,so very smooth.Then the crack in the plan formed as Stevan squeezed the trigger of the gun and a round whizzed past his head.He skidded to a stop waiting for some more shots but none came and so the long haired boy would turn to his friend who had fired the shot and gave a look that would scream " WHAT THE FUCK?!" a couple cursings would be given under his breath as he started off towards the boy.

Those curse words fading from exsistence as he got closer to the fallen boy.One hand wrapped around the stock of the Ingram in his hand as he would approach the fallen boy.Stevan had stolen his fun! He stood there amongest the trees staring down at the body of the boy when suddenly the boy spat out a cough and that grinn oncemore rose on his own face as he would raise the Ingram to the point between the boys shoulder blades as the boy would slowely place his hands on the ground and try to push his body up. The weapons trigger would be held down and the chatter of rapid fire 9mm rounds would fill the air around him.

The rounds slammed into the fallen students body with a nasty sound that caused the boys body to shudder from the impact of the bullets while letting out yells of pain.The barrel of the ingram would sweep down the boys back punching nice sized holes in the boys young body before one quick sweep up the body sent a round through the cranium of the student freeing him from this hellish game.Hellish for some heaven for some,What would that make the trio? Angels of death? What an intresting thought.

The boys head would slam down into the ground with a sickening thud.The cranium and all of its contents opened to everyones view.The grey matter hanging out from the numerous fractures in the skull and infront of the corpse lay a good size blood splatter from where the round had tore through the head of the boy.Poor kid,He had never asked for this.All he had ever wanted was to live on a Marijuana farm but instead he had been sent to another cloudy place.

How many rounds had he spent? He could count at least ten bulletholes in the boy..He needed to reload but they could do that in the shelter of the lookout point.The ingram would be held still as he would crouch down to the bag around the boys shoulder.A couple tuggs of the bags strap would pull the green bag from the ex-student but sadly in the process turning over the boy and making visible what used to be the face of the poor boy.One eye had managed to stay in place while the other had a nice bone shard piercing it.With the turning of the body the brain matter would make a nice wet sound as it slapped at the floor and then slowely like a grey flood escaped the confines of the childs head and some of it would lay spread out around on the floor around the kid.

"He isnt coming back" he would call over towards the other two as he would move through the kids bag looking for something.Shuriken starrs? Whatd they think the kid was a ninja? a glance to the kid would confirm he definetly wasnt.

Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:44 pm
by Kuze*
Shinya still holding the kid's heart, shivedd it into the kid's mouth, Wedging it in there, like an apple in a roast's mouth.

Smiling evilly, SHinya reached over and jabbed the boy square in the crotch, causing the boy to let go of his bag and grab his now bleeding crotch. unzipping the boy's bag he saw a handle, grabbing the Handle he pulled it out revealing a large Japenese Blade, A Katana. It's sheath laying on top of the supplies.

Shinya grabbed the sheath and slid it througgh one of his belt loops, and gripped the Blade with his left hand as he stood up over the boy.

"Say good-night motherfucker."

Shinya muttered as he sung the blade at the vein that was protruding from the boy's chest connected to the heart in the boy's mouth. Cutting to and causing a huge blood spray to fly out covering his jeans and hair in the dark red substance.


(there it is)

Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:45 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
He stood and watched the spectacle Shinya had just caused.He never bothered to look away or blink as the boys painful death was forced on him and that thin blade was taken from him.The Shurikens would be dropped into his bag a single star slid into his pocket.Water bottles would be added to his supply before the pack was tossed into a nearby bush and he began moving through the undergrowth over towards Shinya one hand raised to signal stevan over.

"That was messy and unless you intend to spend time in youre boxers we will need to find you new clothes.Blood sticks and smells...Take what you need and then head to the lookout.I need to tend to a wound and Stevan needs a cigarette.One guard on front thats all thats needed unless spiderman decides to come after us then we are fucked" he commented as he would pass Shinya and the bloody mass of the student.

Slowely he started his asent up the slope towards the lookout point occasionally giving a glance over his shoulder to the other two and the treeline.

Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:45 pm
by Bloody_Fists*
As stevan slowly walked towards the two enemies he saw his two comrades speed past him. What was this a fucking race now? So while his "friends" ran on ahead to have all the fun he was left yet again at the back. All this pent up anger, It had to be realised somehow and someday it woul be. He just felt sorry for the closest person to him at the time.

He watched the gore blossom as hits and shots were given, dismemberment, shooting, brains and hearts all over the floor shading the lovely green grass a shade of crimson red. He couldent help but laugh out loud. God i wish i didnt like this. It was quite a comedic scene, Seeing the two people who thought they would rule the game be slaughtered without hope of running away or fighting back.

So now atleast the deed was done and they could move on and continue the slaughters...raping? who knows what would take their fancy? Stevan himself was due for a killing, He had released alot of pent up stress with elise and it was building up all over again.Just a time bomb ticking away, And his allies were the only ones around who would take the pain if he went off.

Wonder if this game goes out on t.v? People betting on their favourite to win? come to think about it, it was a cool concept, like wrestling but with more blood and of course it wasnt fake, stevan had learned that first hand. Maybe they were well known out there. The psychos, the murderers, The hunters?

"So now that senior gore and mr brainssplatter have doen what you came to do can we leave now?" He walked up to where they were both standing. He leant down to the corpse riddled with bullets. Looked kinda sticky. He looked into that blank stare of the eyeball wuth the bone in it, It looked sad, Like it didnt really want to die and all this was an act of bravery? But acting they did will only get you fucked up here, that was a given. "Come on im going, you two are gonna come with me? so far weve made a pretty good team?" As he rised from his leaning state he kicked the corpse slightly and turned to them both.