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Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:28 am
by orangeflamingo*
"You're right," She said lightly, smiling somewhat again as she moved onto her feet. Moving her chair to where she could look out one of the back windows, her back now facing him thought she continued to talk pulling the jacket tighter about her form.

"Seeing that neither us seem to be able to sleep, why don't I take the back side of the house, and you can watch the front. Sound fair?"

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:28 am
by batspleenfriend*
He nodded and then realized she couldn't see him and said, "Yes, sounds good to me." Terry propped his feet up on the table blocking the door and got comfortable, leaning back balancing his chair on it's back legs.

Thank God he had no friends to worry about. He only had to take care of himself, and now August. And he knew that August was all right at the moment. For the first time in his life Terry was actually thankful that he didn't really know anyone in his school.

He couldn't help wondering about the cameras again. Were people watching right now? Were all the kids from Glen Oaks (where he lived) thinking that he was a sissy or were they looking at him in a new light thinking that maybe he was a better guy then they thought he was? And what about his mom? When she was sober (and even when she wasn't) she lived in front of the television. She had to have noticed by now that her son was on that awful new show. Weather she actually cared or not was a different matter. It was odd to think that he was never going to see anyone again. As much as he hated his mom, she was still his mother. He sighed out loud and looked at his clock again. He was anxious for the announcement, for any news about what was happening on the rest of the island. How many of his classmates had already met their fate? How many had dealt it out? Thinking the same dark thoughts over and over again was making him sick.

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:28 am
by orangeflamingo*
August's thoughts where similar for the moment, as she wondered about what her family was thinking. What were they thinking when they sat down tonight to watch TV like they always did before going to sleep, Mama holding Jacob as he was rocked to sleep. Her dad sitting on the other side of the couch, flipping the channels for something for them to watch.

What was to happen when they came across the station playing this? Would her dad get angry, and shout wanting to know what this was. Would her mom cry when they both found it out? What...

After what seemed hours of silence, at least to her. She couldn't help it when she found herself resting her arms folding on the window still, resting her forehead down on her arms. A soft humming sound playing in her mind, a lullaby her mother used to sing to her... to protect her from her childhood nightmares.

Another moment passed before August found herself humming it outward softly, it was comfronting... but still she knew no amount of comfront was going to protect her from this nightmare...

But the humming came to a hault as a haunting voice came on over, filling the air with his sick voice. Mr. Danya... The first annoucement.

Listening quietly, she listened as he begun talking about the murder of G06, and her murderer B22. "Shotgun fun?" She muttered quietly, remembering lightly that Hawley's weapon had been a shotgun. Then came the Danger Zones, the school and coppice. Reaching out across the floor, she took ahold of her map and using the red marker that had came with it to 'X' off the sights he made mention.

But when he confirmed the two already dead players, and this time used thier names, the marker in her hand fell to the floor of the house in a bouncing motion rolling to rest against the wall. She simply sat there silently in her chair, shaking greatly.

'Helena... someone killed her.' Her thoughts coming softly, saying words to herself that she didn't want to believe where true. But they where true, someone had killed her friend... someone had killed her friend in cold blood.

When the annoucements ended she found her voice unable to come forth, and instead admitting a soft whimpering sounds as the tears began following freely from her eyes. Hands moving to cover them as she curled into herself, shoulders shaking harder as the tears became coming faster. No sounds coming besides the light whimpers...

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:28 am
by batspleenfriend*
Neither of them were speaking so Terry was busying himself with watching a bird hover a few feet above them, and he watched as it flew over the trees out of view and possibly even off of the island. He sighed to himself when he suddenly heard a metallic voice speaking loudly and clearly. Mr. Danya.

He reached for his bag and pulled out his map as the man kept talking. G06? B22? As Terry listened he realized for the first time that they had been assigned numbers, and he had no way of knowing who was who. Shotgun? That Hawley kid had a shotgun. So he was definitely playing. But who had he killed?

Mr. Danya continued and Terry crossed out the danger zones as he announced them, heaving a huge sigh of relief. The house had not been announced.

Mr. Danya continued and finally made his meaning clear. G06 was Helena? Terry glanced over at August in shock. Her friend was already dead. And it looked like Hawley, the only other person they had seen so far, had been the one to do it. And Sydney? Who the hell's Sydney? Oh god the past winner. And he was dead already. Even the experienced player hadn't lasted long.

Terry turned back towards August as the voice clicked off. He folded his map and shoved it back in his bag looking back at her uncomfortably having no clue what to do.

((ooc: ebonydear's character Kichiro Taka is probably going to join us today. Is that OK?))

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:28 am
by Chase*
Waking up with a face full of dirt and birds chirping was an environmental endeavour Kichiro just wanted to skip. However, the likeliness of Kichiro getting anything he wanted in this game was slim to nil.

He woke up, his eyelashes grazing the dirt ground he had been sleeping on. Kichiro coughed, his mouth feeling dry from just waking up, and dirt spurt up all over his already dust-covered face.

"Ugh..." he moaned, wiping his eyes with his arm. He then pressed both of his hands on the ground and lifted himself up. The drugs were wearing off, but he knew where he was. He knew what he was supposed to do. But he sure as hell was not going through with it, those twisted people.

Then something caught his eye. A house. Not being able to think of anything brilliant at the moment, he nodded to himself, then continued to the front door.

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:28 am
by batspleenfriend*
Terry was still helplessly watching August cry when he suddenly noticed footsteps outside. He looked between the door and August knowing that he'd have to take charge.

Terry walked towards where the bat was lying next to the stain on the floor. He picked it up swiftly and moved quickly back towards the window. He peeked out from behind the bloodstained sheet and spotted a boy who he had never seen before in his life. One of the others.

He looked sadly back at August and placed his finger on his lips again and waved her over, watching the boys actions closely. Maybe he'd just go away.

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:28 am
by Chase*
Kichiro's head went immediately towards the window. Had he seen someone move? His eyes opened wide, realizing that someone probaby had already found base here. What was he going to do? Run? They might have a gun. He was sure he saw the glint of something metal.

Yet his feet continued towards the door. He raised his hands slightly... if he could just get some shelter... something, someplace where he could look at his supplies and be on his way.

He looked right at the window, where he was sure he saw someone waiting, and he gave them a look as if to say 'I'm not here to kill you, I just need a place to stay'.

This move could be his last, if the person wasn't merciful.

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:29 am
by orangeflamingo*
ll ooc: Hen. Nope, Welcome to the party! ll

She found herself once again covering her mouth as she heard the footsteps come not within the house, but outside. Pushing herself up, August glanced over at Terry through tear-stained eyes. Keeping her hand over her mouth tightly, trying to let no sound escape...

Watching him wave her over, she quickly took a glance toward where her bat had been. Though now taking note it was no longer there, and instead in Terry's hands.

Standing slowly, the young woman moved to press herself against the wall on the other side of the bloodstained sheet. Her eyes every-so often traveling to it as she listened for the sounds from the other outside.

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:29 am
by batspleenfriend*
Shit. The boy had seen Terry. He had made eye contact with him. All right then, back to plan A.

"Hey," said Terry harshly, "you. What's your weapon? Put it down and kick it away or I'll shoot." No time for pleasantries. They didn't even know this kid.

He glanced back at August. "What should we do?" he whispered very quietly.

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:29 am
by orangeflamingo*
At the question August found herself shaking her head, she didn't know what to do... the last person they tried to trust had shot at them, and in the end the bastard ended up being the murderer of her friend.

"I -- I don't know." She admitted weakly. "We don't even know who this is... it's makes the chances of him being a killer even greater than Hawley's."

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:29 am
by Chase*
Kichiro blinked. His weapon? Right, they had weapons in their packs, but he hadn't checked it. He just woke up!

"Look, whoever you are. I don't know what the hell my weapon is. I just found myself on a dirt entrance, and I'm cranky. Can we skip the formalities and just assume I'm not here to shoot you?" He kept his hands raised, and continued towards the house.

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:29 am
by batspleenfriend*
"No, we cannot," Terry spat back at him, "because I don't know you're not here to shoot me do I."

He turned back to August, fingering the bat in his hand. "Yes, he's definitely suspicious," he said. "I don't know how much help running will be though."

He pulled the box cutter out of his jeans pocket and said solemnly, "Would you prefer to use your bat or this?"

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:29 am
by orangeflamingo*
She overlooked the two weapons carefully, before reaching out and taking ahold of the box cutter. Pushing the blade out of it somewhat, and looking back toward the window, her mood had sudden begun to change from quiet, and sad to pissed off.

Helena died by his weapon, she too was almost killed by the same weapon...

August knew she had made a promise to Terry, but getting back at Hawley was slowly becoming her most important goal at this time. And taking another look at the curtain, she sighed softly, letting Terry handle talking with the other player.

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:29 am
by Chase*
Kichiro rolled his eyes. Unbelievably great start. Nice going. Should I just invite them for tea? Now that I've just gone and pissed one off!

"Common sense here, let's use some common sense," he started, not being able to stop the sarcasm, "I would have shot you already, had I a gun. Because, frankly, you don't. Or you would've shot me by now instead of having this little interrogation. I'm not here to play games, especially not their sadistic one where some serial killer wins. I just want to see where I stand on this!"

Frustrated, he ripped the day pack off his shoulder and threw it at the door. Then he stood there, waiting to see whether he was going to get lucky, or get a chest full of lead.

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:29 am
by batspleenfriend*
"The reason you're not dead yet asshole is because I'm. not. playing.," Terry yelled back saying each word slowly and clearly.

Terry gripped the handle of the bat tighter in anger. God like he actually thinks that attitude is going to get him anywhere with us.

((ooc: So much for Terry not getting on his bad side. lol))