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Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:09 pm
by MooCow*
(Continued from: LookOUT)

Aiden and Dai hadn't talked the entire journey either. It was awkward. Aiden hadn't meant to hurt Dai's feelings... he had just snapped. Boys had never been as nice to Aiden as Dai was. Many of them would just act repulsed or worse yet think in their arrogant minds that Aiden might actually have a 'perverted gay crush' on them.

Don't flatter yourselves.

... and as for the few boys Aiden had actually dated, well, they had all been after essentially one thing. Especially his last boyfriend, Jackson Rippner. Aiden had ended up getting... well it was safe to say Jackson had made sure he got what he wanted whether Aiden had anything to say about it or not. No he couldn't go back there. The memories hurt to much.

Aiden followed Umi into the building. More people. Well they would need all the help they could get.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:09 pm
by Chase*
"So, are we going to take our chances in there? How do we enter?"

She glanced nervously through the crack in the open door. Perhaps guns weren't the best thing to show at this moment. It didn't seem like the people were fighting, which was a good sign. Unless it was a standstill.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:09 pm
by MooCow*
"We could stand here all day Umi," Aiden whispered, "we've gotta take our chances."

Without even waiting to hear her input, Aiden stepped farther inside the warehouse and called out, "hello. There are five of us, we're not playing, and we think we might know a way out. Will you let us enter?"

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:09 pm
by cldukillurbestfriend
Devi woke up hearing all the noise and yelled."God im trying to sleep can you atleast yell a little quieter? thanks." Relizing that she probably just brought attention to herself she smiled,"Whoops sorry. You guys were hear first...continue what you were doing."

Then she layed down and tried to fall back to sleep.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:10 pm
by Kuze*
Heather slowly opened the door to the wherehouse and stepped outside still holding the Glock 17 and the drop-free Clip in her hands. Aiming the gun at the group she motioned for them to cometowards the wherehouse.

"One at a time, and check your weapons at the door"

Heather leaned back into the wherehouse looking at the girl who walked past them and fell asleep in a corner.

"Fred wake her up and search her bag and her, even under her. Or Silent Bob can do It"

Leaning back out of the wherehouse to look at the group outside, Yet lowering the Glock to show no harm.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:10 pm
by Chase*
"Don't even think we're checking our weapons out to you. We just need someplace to regroup. Don't mind us," Umi said as she stormed past Aiden and the rest of the group.

She spotted it, in a high corner. The little red light blinking. She knew it.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:10 pm
by MooCow*
Aiden looked at Umi in disbelief, but the girl did nothing in return to her disobedience, so Aiden grabbed Dai's hand and gingerly followed his friend inside.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:10 pm
by Chase*
"She won't shoot us if we don't shoot her, stop being a wuss. Probably defended herself, am I right?" she sent the question to Heather.

She stared back at the camera.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:10 pm
by Kuze*
Heather nodded at the girls question .

"Yeah, but if you do anything to threathen the safety of the group, Well you get the picture. Oh You with the Ingram dont Disobay again or well I'll be holding onto the Ingram"

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:10 pm
by cldukillurbestfriend
Devi sat up. "You know all i wanted was atleast half and hour of sleep but can i have that? No....Why must you all be so fucking loud."

See you can never get your way just kill youself.

"Shut up," she ylled covering her ears.

Do it...rid youself of everyone and all you problems.

"Shut up," she yelled again throwing the bear against the wall.

Getting up she shoved the gun back into her bag and walked over to get the bear. Putting the bear in the bag, she started walking towards the door then stopped. She relized that if he wanted to leave she would have to walk through everyone.


Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:10 pm
by cldukillurbestfriend
Sighing Devi shoved her way through the crowd.

"I should try at the caves again see if those people ever came back."

((Continued in Dead Man's Party))

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:10 pm
by Chase*
Umi laughed at the threat. "You're talking to a person who's trained with guns. Not that you would need to aim with a weapon like this, just makes it faster. But, I'm not here to kill, and I'm not here to be told what to do."

She fell back into silence, looking around the Warehouse.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:10 pm
by brokenCODA*
Well… What a nice why to meet new people, bossing them around and treating to shot them in the head. Oh, we’re quite the temporary group indeed. Fred though lightly in thought watching the exchange the two females, quite similar to what was just happening between the other boy, and Heater.

Breathing in, he moved over to the table hopping up, placing the pipe wrench he had been holding down against the old wood before standing up fully. In the time spent here, his clothes had already begun to dry. Bright red Manchester United shirt glowing proudly, completed with black knee-length shorts and black vans. Fred’s curly, and very unruly brown hair had begun to retake its natural form.

Standing up there, he over looked the group of eight lightly. Blue eyes casting glances to each one trying to take in everyone’s looks, and movements they had. It was the same in soccer, and in hockey if you read your opponents you could read their moves.

“Alrighty everyone, pleasure it is to have you all here in chateau warehouse. I figure if the lot of us are going to be stuck together for the while, I figure we can at least get along. That means no more treating anyone to put a bullet in between there eyes – so those with guns, at least put them away for the moment till their needed, please and thank you. So, I suppose we should at least know one another names… Ah, My name is Fredrik, though I much prefer Fred, Hughes and I come from Barry Coleson High in New York.” He finished with a grin, hopping off the table with and taking a seat in one of the chairs.

“Oh, also. Silent Bob here as Heather has so fondly named him is Jeremy.” He said, pointing off too the other boy who had been quiet for quite the while. “I don’t think he’s too fond of visitors, so who want's to go next?”

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:10 pm
by Chase*
Umi stuck her hand out to Fred. "My name's Umi, nice to meet you, but right now I'm a bit preoccupied."

She turned back to the camera and eyed it some more.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:10 pm
by Theseus*
((I leave for 2 days and all of this happenes!?! wow))

Jeremy hadn't said a word th entire time. he just sat there holding his sickle watching as strange people started to come to the warehouse. He finally decided to speak, it seemed like most of the arguing was over and some order had been ressurected.

Jeremy spoke up, "I'm Jeremy Torres. I come from Franklin Central." Jeremy looked at each and every person in the room. He wasn't sure he he could trust. Fred, for sure. Heather, maybe, she seemed a bit wild but she didn't look like someone who would play for fun.

The others...he wasn't sure. There was no shooting or attacking yet so he decided to trust them. Standing there he said, "Sorry I havn't said much..."