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Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:58 pm
by riserugu*
‘Today is not turning out to be a good day.’ Martyn thought lightly to himself as he lifted a hand to rub along his throat, these bandages where itchy… but he supposed he couldn’t complain these things where what keeping him from bleeding everywhere and dying because of the work that bitch had done to his neck and back. He listened lightly as everyone went about introducing themselves, opening his mouth to speak but finding too much pain in the effort just kept stayed silent. At that moment Martyn had almost all forgotten about his back till he felt the back of his shirt be jerked up, which sat in a small bit of confusion. As he tilted his head back some, glancing toward Jill as she worked on his wound there, smiling a bit and muttering the loudest “Thank you.” He could muster at that time.

It didn’t hurt hardly as much as when Jack had cleaned his neck, but forbid everything it hurt enough. Breathing in a sharp intake of air, he sighed a bit once it over and she began bandaging it. He figured that things might start to clam down a bit, even if proclaimed hockey star Sidney over there, which he hoped moved better on the ice than on land, which he did with about the grace of a goose, was about as sarcastic as hell. Shaking his head, he silently sat there watching the happening around him. Though his thoughts of things claming down where all but thrown to the wind when yet another, what shuttle bus was shipping all these people over here? Came in through the bushes, though this one was pointing a gun…

Without much thought he reached for his gun, though remembered quickly that it had stolen in the attack and simply looked over the girl from his spot as Jill and Jack quickly went about handling the situation that lucky enough was put to rest within a moment. Martyn still keeping an eye on the girl, sighing a bit as she questioned something rather noticeable, he nodding a bit as Sidney spoke. “’e’s righ—right… we should… should move inside. Bit to noticeable – out 'ere…”

Slowly, though in a shaky manner Martyn managed to get onto his feet, swaying a bit before steading himself. Rubbing his neck a bit more, glancing a bit about the group as it where with two new members it seemed.

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:58 pm
by Slayer*
"I guess we should." Jack responded to the suggestion to go inside, turning to the entrance before quickly turning back to Hannah.
"I suggest you leave," he told her, "you'll be better off that way." not waiting for a response, he walked in and waited for the others, sitting at his usual crate/chair.

OOC: Sorry for the shit post, I'm tired and wanted to get something in. I'll put more meat on this later.

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:58 pm
by Megami*
Seeing Hannah's quick compliance to their requests, Jill lowered her gun. When Crosby spoke out, however, almost reprimanding her for taking a tone with the girl, Jill's eyebrows raised in annoyance and she cast him quite a "look", you know, that look girls do when you know that you've said far too much and it's time to shut up. Shrugging nonchalantly, she rose to her feet directly after Martyn, and turned to look at Sidney.

"Want to know what I think, Sid?" she asked coyly. Not awaiting a response to her question, she continued, "I think... that you need to stop thinking with the wrong head before you get yourself and the rest of us killed. I'll give you this, she doesn't seem like she's a threat, but she could've been. Surely, you know that. I'm sure whoever shot you in the foot didn't look like they posed a threat at first either, did they?"

Shaking her head in annoyance as Sid expressed his interest in entering the building, Jill shot him another glare, before looking the Hannah girl up and down again. She seemed harmless, and if there was anything she had proven in the few moments that she had approached the group, it was that she was a true fool. Somehow, Jill almost pitied the poor girl. She remembered not long ago that she'd been that foolish, openly running out into a group of people hoping for sanctuary. Thankfully, she'd found Adam Dodd, and not someone who had wanted to spill her brains across the ground. Had it been Luca Donovan she'd ran into then, she wouldn't be with the group now, that much was for certain. As Martyn spoke up, agreeing, Jill nodded her head somewhat, then cast another glance at Crosby.

"Yeah..." she muttered toward Martyn, "You know, Crosby, I don't know why you suddenly seem to think you're the leader of this group, though. I don't give a flying fuck who you were back home, but like I told her, don't come into this group barking orders at us. We're the ones who were nice enough not to put a bullet in your head when you barged in here... remember that."

As Jack headed back in the building after instructing Hannah to leave, Jill turned and looked at the girl, feeling a hint of remorse. The more people that were here, the more people they had to let in on their plan, because they'd discover it anyway the moment they set foot into the warehouse and saw the rigged up laptop. The more people that were in on their escape plan, the more likely it was that one of them was going to blow their cover, and that the plan itself was going to fail. If the plan failed, she, Jack, and Martyn were going to be in a world of hurt. But, what if they succeeded?

Looking at Martyn, then at Sidney, then to the entryway to the warehouse, then back to Hannah, Jill's mind raced. This girl, it seemed, would probably get herself killed in a matter of minutes without someone to look after her. Jill'd been in that position, and she certainly sympathized with the girl. However, it was apparent that Jack didn't want the girl there. Even so, he was going to allow Crosby to stay there, piss poor attitude he bore with him and all, and this girl, well, she was certainly more obedient than Crosby. She seemed to genuinely want to save the others.

Casting a weak smile at the girl, Jill couldn't make up her mind. Jack might go ballistic if she told the girl to stay, but he certainly hadn't asked for their imput when he invited Sidney to hole up in the warehouse with them. So, what to do?

"Listen... Hannah," she stated in a much softer tone than she'd spoken in before, "I know you're scared, and you're alone, and that's a horrible thing on this island... but you've got to understand that I have to protect my friends, too... so let me ask you this... how do I know I can trust you not to shoot us all when our guard is down?"

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:59 pm
by ZigZaggerty*
Hannah stared at the boy and she wanted to cry, they wanted her gone. It was hopeless wasn’t it, they wouldn’t trust her.

“You know what? You can’t trust anyone, it’s all a matter of believing in them. But in this horrible game, believing doesn’t exist.” Hannah said. Kurt would’ve wanted her to stay safe, he would’ve wanted her to stay alive with people she could trust.

Hannah looked behind herself to the forest and back at the group, her conflicting emotions were confusing her. Part of her wanted to go, but a larger part of her wanted her to stay and help. She took out her gun.

“I’ll...give you my gun and bag, I promise I won’t cause any trouble! I don’t want to be alone...” Hannah said to them.

“Kurt doesn’t want me to be alone...” Hannah whispered to herself.

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:59 pm
by riserugu*
Martyn stood for a bit in place listening to the words Jill spoke to both Sid and Hannah; as well too regain his balance a bit from the blood lose. Though quickly he found himself losing interest in it almost quickly, watching Jack’s back as he disappeared back into the warehouse with harsh words toward the other girl, Martyn frowning a bit… pursing his lips in a thoughtful manner before speaking, finding it somewhat easier to talk too, after downing the rest of the water from the bottle they had used to clean his wounds. “Well isn’t ‘e… jus—just a mean, let’s the – the… ummm…” Martyn swayed out, glancing toward Sid lightly, blinking in an almost sleepy manner. “What is it you do again? …With the stick, and the circular thing, ‘it it about and get in fights a lot. Hmmm. But you should listen to Jill… you shouldn’t be… all bossy-like, isn’t… It isn’t… nice, yeah. Nice, that’s the word I was looking for. Nice, no you’re generally not nice at all.”

Another thoughtful looked passed over his face, as he quickly turned toward Hannah smiling just a bit. “Don’t worry about ‘im… ‘e’s just ‘aving a bit of an ego trip me thinks. That or ‘e’s just a bit paranoid… you know, because I did just my throat slit, and stabbed by some crazy bitch, put anyone on edge. I mean, we don’t anyone else getting their throat slit… no.” Martyn mused shaking his head a bit, smiling nonetheless. “That wouldn’t be a good situation for us, not at all. But you gotta stop with all the crying, and treating, and the gun pointing and the stuff… doesn’t make you look good. Kind of annoying really… yeah.” Itching at his bandages a little he continued watching out over the other three still outside, blinking a little at the sight of the other girl handing over his daypack, gun and all.

“Mahh, still… Jill.” He said, wondering over toward the said girl a bit, still somewhat woozy looking as he walked. “She’s nice… she just wants to be with a group, probably scared out of her mind you know?” Martyn said in a light manner, raising a hand and finger as trying to prove a point. “Just wants to sta—“ He would himself blinking a bit more, glancing over Jill as he wondered over closer and glancing her, placing a hand on her shoulder as he pointed toward the large stain on her shirt. “You get ‘urt again and I not know, or – or…” He seemed almost at a loss for words as he blinked more, though smiled in the end. “You know… I always thought you where a quite cute… but you know…” Looking thoughtful again, he turned back toward Sidney, attention switching quite between one thought to the next in thanks to his haze from the on sought of the lose of so much blood so quick.

“Stick… circular thing…”

That was about all he got out before he quickly found himself against the ground again, legs having finally given out, though instead of looking upset or something to that nature about, oddly enough began laughing a bit. Looking back toward Jill, “I… think… I think I might need a bit ‘elp, my legs are all jello-like.”

((I hope this was a good enough ramble for 'ya Meg. ;) ))

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:59 pm
by Cactus
A sour look on his face, Sidney shook his head in disdain as Jill basically reamed him out. Taking a few hobbled steps towards the girl, he shook his head, keeping aware of the others out of the corner of his eye.

"Jeez, what...did they catch you during THAT time of the month, or something? Damnit, I'm just trying to suggest a course of action. Not trying to boss you around, I'm trying to get something done, instead of just standing around here. And as far as thinking with the wrong head, I'd make a similar insinuation, except for the fact that, to be frank, I don't think you have a penis. Of course, if I'm mistaken, I truly, sincerely apologize. But you know, you might wanna stop fawning over your friend over there. Sure, he's hurt, but you pampering him and sitting down petting him isn't going to make him get any better any quicker!"

Cursing a little bit as his injured foot screamed at him once again, Sidney looked from Hannah to Martyn, and back to Jill once more. Seeing Jack head inside, Sidney's tone got a whole lot less sarcastic as he stared at Jill with a tenative look in his eyes.

"Look, you guys...don't trust her, because she's got a gun, right? So why don't you just disarm her UNTIL you trust her, and then when you do again, just give her the gun back. I mean, if we're all hiding in a building we don't need weapons. I've already forked over my butter-knife, so if you wanted to - as you so colourfully put it, put a bullet in my brain, then girl, there's NOTHING stopping you. Oh, yeah, and um, for your information, the guy who shot me in the foot came into the place I was raving on like a lunatic, and acting like a psychotic maniac. Then of course, when I ran into one of those terrorists, yeah, she didn't look to threatening, but she was. So don't think I don't know what kind of dangers are out there, Ms. P-M-Fucking-S!"

On the verge of losing his temper, Sidney looked up at the sky and counted down from five. Taking a deep breath, he looked up just as Martyn was beginning his little rant. Cocking his head as though he were confused (which he was), he listened, and watched, as Martyn eventually ended up at the ground beside Jill's feet. Smirking, Sidney couldn't help but quip to himself, under his breath:

"Looks like he just proved my point...heh..."

Waiting to see what the collective group would do next, he thought about the situation he'd managed to get himself in.

Weaponless, in a group of people you're not getting along with all that well, and wounded on your walking foot. Well, your any-foot. This could not be worse...oh, wait, yes it could. I could be dead, at the hands of the terrorist who attacked Chance...

A stab of guilt flooded through Sidney as he thought of his late friend, whom he had been responsible for killing. That was something that he'd never let himself forget about, not as long as he lived. He knew that if he got off, he'd be forever trying to attone for it.

With all the stuff that's happened, and no matter how much a bitch that girl is acting like...I've got to admit, she's pretty hot...

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:59 pm
by Megami*
Sidney's outburst back toward her almost caught Jill offguard. She was used to people standing down in an argument with her, but this boy, he had no qualms about getting right back up in her face. His sarcastic remarks didn't quite anger her, but she was becoming more and more annoyed with him as he continued to ramble. After all, they could have shot him on sight. Crosby being a celebrity didn't mean anything on this island, that much was for certain, and Jill really wasn't taking too kindly to him ordering any of them around.

"Excuse me?" she started at his comments, her eyebrows raising once again.

However, instead of blowing up on him, Jill simply shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly and smiled at him... a sarcastic, somewhat annoyed smile. It was apparent that this little argument could continue on without relent unless one of them stopped, and right now, Jill was priding herself on being the bigger person.

"You know... forget it, Crosby. I'm not even going to dignify that with a response."

Shaking her head somewhat, though inwardly gritting her teeth in a mix of frustration and annoyance, she turned toward Hannah, assessing what to do with her once again. Jill actually felt bad about leaving the girl unarmed. After all, what if the need arose to defend herself? However, Jill could already imagine the field day Jack would probably have if she dragged the girl back into the warehouse with her, armed and all. She had a gun, they already knew that much. Speaking of guns, it dawned on her that she had Martyn's, and now he was weaponless. At that precise moment, however, Martyn entered his rant, and Jill released any thoughts she'd had of returning his weapon to him.

Jill stood, staring at her companion in a strange, transfixed gaze mixed of horror and amusement. Mostly amusement, as he pounded Sidney and Hannah with multiple remarks. However, Jill flushed a shade of red as he started in on her, before falling to the ground. Shaking her head somewhat, she cast an awkward glance at the other two. It's just because of the blood loss. That's all. C'mon Martyn, don't start getting all weird on me now. At his request for help, Jill nodded her head. Now, it seemed, she had three scared figures looking to her for their next move. Well, she's the one who had made it blatantly clear to Sidney only moments before that he wasn't the leader. If she'd wanted to be "it", she'd certainly put herself in that situation. Sighing audibly, she first turned toward Hannah.

"Alright... you... I'm going to have to ask for your pack and weapon, and hun, it's nothing personal on my part, I assure you. Thing is, you go in there toting a gun and Jack's probably going to have a hayday on my ass and yours."

Nodding somewhat, as if satisfied that she had provided reasonable enough explanation as to why she wanted Hannah's bag, she turned toward Sid. After all, she really did have every intention of giving her back her pack and the gun, in due time. To Jill, Hannah had proven herself trustworthy. Thing was, she couldn't risk the lives of Jack and Martyn on what she thought was best. Glancing Sid up and down somewhat, she finally addressed him.

"And you... let's just call it a truce... for now. There's bigger things to worry about right now. His injuries, my injuries, your injuries... but, first thing's first... and as much as I hate to admit this, you're right, we need to get inside."

Casting a glance at Martyn, who was all but incapacitated on the ground, she once again looked over at Sid and sighed in annoyance.

"Somehow, I don't think you're going to be much help in this department," she muttered toward Sid, nodding as an indication toward his foot. Instead, her attention turned to Hannah, "Will you help?"

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:59 pm
by ZigZaggerty*
Hannah put the gun back in the pack and gave it to the girl and nodded at her question.

“I’ll help him inside, please feel free to use anything you need to from that pack!” Hannah said as she hefted the injured boy’s arm around her shoulder’s and began to move him and herself inside. Hannah was glad she was in the shape she was, this wouldn’t be easy otherwise.

As Hannah got inside she set the injured boy down on a discarded mattress over against the far back wall.

“I don’t know any of your names...Except that Sid guy...” Hannah quiet spoke, not wanting to be a bother.

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:59 pm
by riserugu*
In the time that words where exchanged amongst others, Martyn all but went off into his own thoughts. Contining to itch at the bandages covering his neck, until he felt a wetness and brought his fingers away to glance at the slight hint of red, and finally dropped it back to his lap. Hardly noting that they where speaking of him, not until he felt someone grabbed his arm, he blinking toward Hannah a bit as he was all but hefted onto his feet and started to be moved toward the inside of the warehouse.

Once inside though he took a glance toward where his laptop was sitting, glancing around for Jack though it went away as he was brought along one of the office of sorts that where one of two on the ground floor of the warehouse and laied down on a matress, thing of sorts. Not quite sure if he wanted to stay on this... he was sure it was better than nothing.

Listening to her words, he blinked again before pointing to himself. "Well, my name is Martyn... Martyn Ferdinand. I'm from a Art Academy in Scotland. And the other boy, with the glasses and gun... he's Jack... and the other girl is Jill." He mused smiling a bit.

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:59 pm
by Cactus
Raising an eyebrow at Jill, Sidney sighed a little. He had to admit, his foot was really starting to bother him, and he'd almost definitely have to readjust the bandage, because of his little encounter with the rock. Hobbling past Jill, he followed the lead of Hannah and Martyn, grimacing as the pain shot through his foot with every step. Finally coming to a stop inside of the warehouse, Sidney found what looked to be a fully functional chair, and plopped down onto it with a sigh of relief. The pressure off, he nudged off his shoe, and saw that indeed, his foot had begun to bleed again.

"Do any of you guys have any medical supplies handy? I'm, uh, bleeding..."

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:59 pm
by ZigZaggerty*
Hannah turned to face Sid and nodded.

"There was a first aid kit in my bag last time I checked, we could use that!" Hannah responded. She looked over to Jill and made her way towards the bag.

"Could I get the first aid kit out for him? I could bandage his wounds." Hannag asked.

((Small post >.< Creative Juices not flowing today.))

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:59 pm
by Megami*
Trailing in behind the rest through the opening in the warehouse, it occured to Jill that shutting the old rusty door behind them might have been a good idea, seeing as it would keep out anyone lurking in the shadows. However, shutting it also sort of sealed them in, and if there was one thing Jill most certainly knew, it was that she did not, under any circumstances, want to be locked inside this contraption. It had already happened once to two of her allies during her time on the island, and had she, Adam, and Martyn not acted when they did, Madelaine and Amanda would have called this building their tomb. In a way, it almost would have been better than the deaths the two young women had endured, and that thought sickened Jill.

Something dawned on Jill as she stepped foot inside the warehouse, causing her to practically stop in place. The laptop. It had never been mentioned to Sidney or Hannah that the three were plotting an escape, or that they had hacked into Danya's systems. After all the painstaking procedures she, Martyn, and Jack had undergone to ensure that their actions were never caught, their whole plan might now be compromised by even the slightest utterance from Hannah or Sid. Thankfully, as much as it surprised Jill, neither of the two seemed to have noticed the laptop sitting out in the open. Either way, she had to ensure that nothing, absolutely NOTHING was mentioned about the laptop. If Danya got suspicious, that could mean the end for all of them.

At Sidney's request for bandages and Hannah's response to check her pack for them, Jill all but tossed Hannah's large and virtually unused first aid kit at Sidney. Shrugging lightly, she sat down in the floor and took out Hannah's map and, after fishing a pencil from Hannah's pack, proceeded to write on the back of it. Things were getting dire, and she couldn't risk either of them blurting out something about the laptop. She had to inform them now, before their whole plan was compromised. Casting a look at Hannah and Sidney, Jill raised her index finger up to her lip to indicate for them to be quiet. Turning back to the map, jill continued to scroll out the message to them before finally looking back up at them and rising to her feet. After a moment, she approached the two, holding up the piece of paper for both of them to read.

I'm sure you've both noticed the laptop in the room. Do not, do NOT mention a word about it. Jack's managed to hack into their systems, we're trying to escape. If either of you blow our cover, we could all end up dead. No questions about it. Act like it's not there, okay? The cameras in here are all covered or busted up, they can't see it or read this, but they can still hear you. Sorry we left you in the dark about it, but I'm sure you understand. We had no choice. We screw this up, we could all be dead. Stay quiet about it.

Casting them a look that was a strange mix between pleading and dead seriousness, Jill dropped the map back in Hannah's pack and flopped down on the floor. Her eyes blazed a trail from Sid and Hannah, to Jack, to the back room where Martyn was. After a moment, she spoke up.

"The girl," she stated quietly, speaking to Jack, "I know you told her to leave, Jack, but we can't just leave her out there to die. She's unarmed now, any trouble out of her and we'll deal with her, alright?"

Frowning somewhat, Jill considered stepping into the back room to check on Martyn's status, but decided against it. If he could lay back there and rest, or something, even for just a little while, he'd probably be feeling better. Besides, the rant he'd gone on outside had been a little unnerving, and she hadn't expected to hear half of the things he'd said. It had quite taken her offguard. Looking toward Sidney and Hannah once again, Jill forced a half-smile, and in the nicest voice she could muster, inquired about the status of Sidney's injuries.

"How's your foot?"

It was of little concern to her, really, but seeing as he was now a part of their group, apparently, he needed to be in at least decent health. Especially with Martyn completely incapacitated for now and Hannah unarmed. It left herself and Jack to fend off any predators who may come their way. Jack had fired at the deranged girl who'd attacked Martyn when she was running away, and Jill had no doubt he could do it again, but could she? Could Sid? Could Hannah? Things were getting desperate, and Jill didn't know if the two newcomers, especially Hannah, could stand up and play the game the way it had to be played to survive. The girl was too trusting, too gentle. Jill almost pitied her. For all she knew, they could be plotting to serve her up on a silver platter, but she didn't care, as long as she'd found a group. It was that kind of simple-mindedness that Jill almost desired. Sighing somewhat and looking toward the exit, Jill absent-mindedly rubbed the injury she'd sustained to her thigh.

"So Sid... when you made your grand entrance... I've got to know, what the hell persuaded you to run across the island like a bat out of hell? Didn't you think it might draw attention to you or... something? What were you running from, anyway?"

Surely, she wasn't the only one in the group who had wondered why Sid had barreled into the warehouse the way he did, without regard to his surroundings. It was an almost idiotic move on his part. Still, there had to be some sort of reason behind it. People don't run that fast for their own health, especially not here, in this place. Jill almost felt like she was prying into something that didn't concern her, but she had to know. It was a question that had been on her mind since they'd first encountered him. Tilting her head back against the wall of the warehouse, Jill continued to watch the door, waiting on some sort of response from Sid or the rest of the group.

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 6:00 pm
by Slayer*
"We can't take that risk," Jack replied when Jill spoke to him about the girl he had told to leave (much to his irritation, she hadn't, and Jill even invited her to stay with them. Jack had allowed Crosby to stay because he looked like he could handle himself, but the girl appeared as if she was just cannon fodder without the gun). "We're here to survive, not be good samaritans. The Game is called Survival of the Fittest, remember? I suppose though, that she could stay on until she starts to slow us down." shrugging, he turned back to the laptop in front of him and didn't say another word. Of course, he was partially still trying to fool Danya, but he was also taking his best interests for survival into account. He had half a mind to put a bullet in the new girls head right then and get her out of his misery, but he knew that would make an enemy of everyone in the room for him. Once again adjusting his glasses, he stared at the laptop screen and contemplated his next move.

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 6:00 pm
by Cactus
With a perplexed expression on his face, Sidney Crosby watched as Jill seemed to spring into action as soon as the doors were closed, ripping out a map and scrawling something feverishly on it, almost as if it were imperative, moreso than anything. The first aid kid that she had hefted at him had almost hit his injured foot, and while he'd managed to catch it, he glared daggers at the girl as he set it down and was about to open it before he realized that she was walking over towards both him and Hannah with a serious expression on her face. Holding the map to where they could both see it, he read the message that she'd affixed upon the paper, his eyes growing wide and his mouth dropping at the same time. He'd be damned if his run-in with the terrorist hadn't been the reason why he'd left Toby and Takara, but if all turned out well, then there was no reason to believe that he wouldn't be able to actually escape out of this situation with his life. luck might actually be turning itself around...

As Jill politely inquired about the status of his foot, he gaped at her for half a second, and then realized that they'd need to probably keep up some form of banter to throw off the hidden microphones that they had. Stumbling for his words, he looked down at his wounded foot.

"It's, uhh...well, it hurts. It's a gunshot wound, and truthfully, I'm not too certain as to how bad it really is. But I do know that it hurts."

As Jill turned back to him, and asked him yet another question, internally, Sidney panicked. Should he tell them the reason that he'd ran across the island without any regard for where he was going because he'd accidentally killed somoene - he'd fucked up, and one of his friends was dead? Would they look at him with the same hesitation and wary glances that they did Hannah? Had any of them even killed someone themselves? This group seemed like a rather pacifistic group, and frankly, he'd be surprised if they had. As such, he quickly tried to come up with an answer for Jill.

"Why I was running? Uhh...well, you would too, if you, uhh, ran into one of the terrorists. She killed one of my friends, and so I just took off. I don't...I don't think that she followed me."

Stumbling over his words, it was obvious that there was probably more to the situation than what he'd said, but he stopped speaking and began to bandage his injured foot, hoping that the rest of them might take the cue and just stop asking him about it.

What, do you want to let them all know that you bungled a situation up and shot your friend in the neck? That you can't handle a weapon? Of course not. You're supposed to be Sidney Crosby, great hockey player, can do no wrong, kind of bullshit. Well I can't even handle a weapon...

(sorry for the shit post guys, i'm just not feelin' it today)

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 6:00 pm
by riserugu*
Martyn blinked slightly watching Hannah leave from the back room, leaving him on this little cot thing all by himself. Coughing a little, he glanced about for his bag... a horrid thrist setting in, though not seeing it in sight. Simply sighed and laid back on the cot-thingamagig, his head was spinning as well as everything else it seemed. A harsh cough racked his form, a slight metallic taste entering his mouth, though the taste was gone almost as quickly as it entered, as he rested back fully against the cot. Removing his glasses and placing them against the ground before closing his eyes, and sighing a bit. Trying to drift off into sleep, something he hadn't been able to do in quite a few days, so it was something nice besides the gaping hole in his back and the slit in his throat.

Though he wondered if it was alright to be resting at this time, namely with all that was going on with the escape plan. But if they needed him they'd come get him, right? Nodding to himself in agreement, he allowed all other thoughts to cease and within minutes managed to fall into a deep enough sleep. Though even in the world of sleep it seemed as if the demons of this game didn't want to leave him as everything that had befallen in front of him these past nine days began to replay like a video player stuck on whatever it wanted. The worst of it rewinding when wanted, and some coming back in slow motion. A light sound escaping him as he rolled over a bit in sleep, trying to drown out everything.

((Quick, but mahhh.... I'm tried, like whoa.))