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Re: A View to a Kill

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:59 am
by Ciel*
Corbin was as good as dead.

Blood Boy laughed, even through the unbearable pain running through his legs now. Corbin may have not looked dead right at that moment, but in a few minutes time he would be as dead as all the others. Blood Boy cackled. "No, it isn't going to be fine for him Neil, you naive fool! That blade is poisoned! He'll be a stiff doorknob in five minutes tim-GAHHHHAAAAA!!!!!"

The bullets set out by Matthew did their job, shooting right into Blood Boy's bad arm. It made the stringy boy grunt loudly, swinging around to meet Matthew. He laughed then too, as though he didn't just get hit by two bullets in the shoulder. "Why the hell won't you just stay dead?!! That slut Kara laid down the moment I hit her, oh yes, she slept with alot of boys. That fool Gabe was chasing after a whore, a two-bit prostitute that would sleep with anyone. Haha."

He turned to Neil, then chuckled. "Oh, so you've got the gun now. You're in control, huh? Well, tough luck. You think killing me is going to solve anything? Huh? It ain't gonna solve shit. I'll just be another number... another dead body. Oh no, there's alot more people you have to look out for. Like that Jacks fellow, the boxer. He's killed a bunch of people... and Darnell, he apparently killed a bunch of people too... Why must I be the bad guy, huh? Is it because I LOOK like a bad guy? Is that it? HUH?!!

"You see, the problem with YOU people is that you judge me. I, I WOULDN'T have thought to do this if even one of you were decent enough to accept me, but no, NO. Not that at all. I'm the bad guy, because I have a gun. How must this be possible, you tell me? TELL ME THAT NEIL! You think that you're the good guy, just because you're the one trying to get off this island. Well, let me tell you something. The second you prove to be useless, all of these people are going to abandon you, just like me. Just. Like. Me. And don't try to fool yourself Neil, you know this to be true. You just don't want to believe it."

He laughed. "You know... I've always wanted to be a ringleader... for the circus. Kinda suits me, huh? I'm a freak, hosting a freakshow. It's a strange world we live in... well, it certainly doesn't matter now. Go ahead and kill me..." Blood Boy grinned. "Oh... could you kill me? Could you even bother to pull that trigger and kill me? Can you even kill anyone? Tell me Neil, do you have to guts to kill someone when you need to? If you can't, then you're just hiding behind these fools who follow you around on all fours, like dogs. I don't want to live, I've always wanted to die, but if you can't do it then there's no point....

"Well..." Blood Boy snapped to attention. "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Shoot me. Go ahead, I dare you."

What Blood Boy didn't know was that directly right behind him, Dominica had just picked up his Taurus into her hands and was pointing it at his head. The pain... the pain in her arm, it was unbearable, but she couldn't miss. Oh, how she couldn't miss this shot, she had to hit him in the head, that was the only place she could afford to hit. It was time. She emptied the gun, letting out a battle cry with a mix of exhilaration and unending pain.

Re: A View to a Kill

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:59 am
by Theseus*

The blade was poisoned?

Corbin coughed up some blood and smiled. So this was it. This was how he was going to die. Corbin let go of the M16 and managed to say in between coughing, "Shoot him Neil...shoot...him...."

Neil picked up the M16 and aimed it at Blood Boy. He couldn't pull the trigger. He just couldn't. Nathaniel was talking. Talking about how it was their faults. How his group would leave him. Nathaniel was just a victim of the circumstances. Just a twisted kid, put through something he couldn't handle. Something he couldn't take.

He then demanded for Neil to shoot him. Neil aimed the M16 at him and shouted, "You fucking killed my friend! You did this to us!"

The rain was still falling down. It was like a movie. Surreal. Neil could never have imagined being in a situation like this. Yet he was. Here, in this situation. A victim of the circumstances. Just like Nathaniel Harris. Blood Boy.

Neil was going to pull the trigger. He was going to kill Blood Boy. He had to. He wasn't a coward. He was the leader of S.A.D.D. A group that had caused four girls to die on the island because of their attempt to escape. A group that still wouldn't give up. No one would follow a coward. He would prove himself. He pulled the trigger of his assault rifle. Almost at the same time he heard the sound of gunshots coming behind Blood Boy.

Someone else had fired at Blood Boy. Neil felt his hands still tighten around the M16. he was ready for what was to come. If there was anything to come. He felt like any moment his collar would go off. Though in reality, this whole event had been fast. This whole situation, swift. He wanted to be back in the lookout tower, planning the escape plan.

Now he was standing out in the rain holding an M16. With a killer in front of him, and a dying boy behind him. Not only that, but his allies were wounded as well. If they ever did manage to get to the barracks they would have some story to tell. Blood Boy. Nathaniel Harris. Neil Sinclair hated him. He hated him for what he did. Though, deep down he felt a pang of remorse for the killer. He was just a victim of the circumstances.

Re: A View to a Kill

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:59 am
by Mitsuko2*

Corbin was poisoned? He… he was going to die? Matt didn't understand… Nathanial started ranting about not being accepted. That hit home hard with Matt. He was an outcast too. Shunned by the others because he was too… different. He hated people during high school but… he'd never kill them… they hadn't wronged him to the point of murder. That was where he and Nathanial were different. Matt didn't need to kill them to make himself feel better. No… he only wanted to kill Nathanial.

He raised the gun at the boy again. This time… this time he wouldn't miss.

"It's over…" He fired three times at the boy, then rolled onto his back in exhaustion from the pain in both his arm and his leg.

Re: A View to a Kill

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:59 am
by Ciel*
All things considered, Blood Boy had never expected this. Being cornered by three people who wanted him dead. It made him want to laugh, like a hyena. He took down so many people... he knew he could kill just about anyone. He had proven that, Wade had proven that, Bobby Jacks had proven that anyone could die. But... how did this happen? How could this ever happen? Blood Boy was supposed to... He WAS supposed to win, he was supposed to go home to applause, where the people were happy that he was alive. Blood Boy thought he understand, but he was even more naive than anyone on the island. He figured that if he made a message, that if he were to win, then everything would get better. That everything would be fine. But that was not the case, and it never would be the case. The five days he had been on the island, Blood Boy had been wasting his time. He thought he could change the world.

"No... please, stop."

He finally realized what he had done, and it was way too late to go back, to turn back time.

"... Please."

Nathanial Harris, Blood Boy, Male Student no. 27, was going to learn the error of his ways, in about a millisecond.

Everything seemed to slow down as the bullets Dominica had sent collided with the back of Blood Boy's head. They weren't enough to kill him instantly, and he cried a painful yelp. However, the three bullets that she had shot were not all that was being sent towards his head. Corbin's M16 fired rounds into Blood Boy's head as well, at the exact same time. All the bullets, fired at the same time, turned the boy's brain into mush before he could even cry, before he could even curse. He was dead. Blood Boy had finally been put down, finally drifted off into eternal rest.

But that was not all.

It seemed that Matthew had shot three rounds towards Blood Boy, and while two of them missed, one did not. In fact, the bullet was so precise that it landed straight through Nathanial's collar. The second after Blood Boy had died, his collar exploded. The second he died, he died again.

And Blood Boy went out the way he came in: A freak.

[font=arial]Boy 27 - Nathanial Harris - ELIMINATED[/font]

A minute ago, Dominica couldn't imagine Blood Boy's face getting any worse.

She was wrong.

With a huge chunk of Blood Boy's face gone, it was enough to make Dominica vomit. But she didn't. She didn't have it in her. There was nothing in her stomach anyway. She just simply stood up, reloading the Taurus Millennium, and dropped her speargun into her bag. A look of disgust, of horrified disgust, was melting into a look of complete guilt and sadness.


She felt tears dropping down her face, but she ignored them. Tears of pain were always crocodile tears.

"I... I wish it didn't come down to that..."

She really meant that too. She wish she could save Corbin. He was as good as dead, and there was nothing she could do. She had missed Blood Boy, she let him live. Corbin's predicament, it was all her fault. All her fault, just like everything else. Having an inferiority complex wasn't even close to describing the true Dominica Shapiro, and while she wasn't showing her teammates her overwhelming guilt, it was very hard holding it all back. It had always been hard to hold it back, but now it was nigh on impossible.

"I..." She looked at Corbin. "I'm sorry, this is my fault. I saw Blood Boy before, he attacked me. I ran away like a coward, and now, he's dead... and he's basically killed you. Oh, lord, this all is my fault."

Re: A View to a Kill

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:59 am
by Theseus*
Neil watched as Bloodboy's head exploded from the impact of his and Dominica's bullets. Then seconds later Matthew's bullet sent his collar into an explosion. Nathaniel Harris was dead. Blood Boy was dead. The torment. The hell they just went through. It was done. He was dead. Neil lowered his M16, and only briefly looked at the dead boy's mess of a body. He turned around and kneeled over Corbin, who was now covered in blood.

Neil Sinclair looked at him and said, "It's going to be ok Corbin. It will. We'll get you through this man. It's not bad. It's not I swear."

Corbin smiled, showing off his teeth which were stained in blood and chocked out some words.

"It's...over for me....get to the...barracks....lead SADD...."

Corbin's head rolled to his right as he looked up at Dominica. He hadn't trusted her when he first met her. She had killed before, and he was wary of letting her join SADD. Though, she had proved herself. Corbin could think of her as a...friend. Smiling up at the girl he spoke to her as best as he could.

"It's...not your fault...don't worry about it...thanks..." Corbin coughed up some more blood and reached up and felt the collar around his neck. They were still in a danger zone. They had to go.

Corbin, laying on the ground, his chest covered in blood from the gunshot wound and the cut from the sword, made a motion of move.

"Get...out of here."

Neil Sinclair knew he was right. He looked at Corbin's shoulder and saw the now bloody armband that read S.A.D.D.

"What's that?"

Corbin's eyes glanced towards it and said, "I...made it...more in my...pack...we're right?"

Neil nodded and felt a knot in his stomach. He felt like crying. He would have if it was under different circumstances. Corbin Arlen was dying right in front of him.

" pack....hurry....get....away..." Corbin chocked and started to cough some more, and with each cough more fluid left his mouth.

Neil reached over and slung Corbin's pack over his shoulder and stood up. Neil Sinclair now had splashes of Corbin Arlen's blood over him. He slowly started to back away, and said to Dominica, "Come on, hes right, we got to move. Now."

Neil now had his guitar, two packs, and his M16 slung over his shoulder. It was heavy and he would have to deal with that later, but as he started to back away from the scene, he picked up Blood Boy's sword. He didn't see the vile of poison on the ground. Nor was he paying attention and was mostly focused on getting away. Reaching Matthew Neil offered his free hand and said, "Come on. It's time to get out of here. We're going home man. We're going to go home."

Neil helped Matthew to his feet, and using his free arm he supported the weakened Matthew. Neil called to Dominica somberly, "Come on."

As Neil, who was helping Matthew, started to walk away, Corbin called out weakly.

"Neil...can I...make a song request?"

Neil turned around, not sure he heard Corbin correctly.

"Yeah man...what?"

Corbin smiled and coughed and said, "I've always...been a fan...of...Don Mclean........"


Corbin Arlen sat in his favorite chair. It was a red comfortable cushioned chair with wheels he sat on behind the radio equipment in the radio room. He smiled as he maneuvered the chair up close and swung the mic down close to his face. He had this class the last period of the day, and Southridge was just about to be out for the day. During the passing periods in the hallways the speakers were put on the school radio station. Which was always fun for some dancing during the school day.

When the mic was close enough he pressed the "on" button and spoke.

"You just heard "Holding out for a hero" by Frou Frou requested by our very own Matthew Wittany. Good song choice Matt. Though that song reminds me of my next movie project, which I'm having an open casting call at my place Friday night. Be there at 5 everyone. It's going to be a great movie full of action, and plenty of heroes. Though that's something that Southridge isn't lacking of I'm assuming. Anyways, up next we have a request from Mr. Paul Smith to play one of his own bands songs on air here."

Corbin skillfully moved the mouse and brought up the song.

"As you all should know, Paul Smith is apart of the band Beneath the Hands of War which is playing Saturday night I believe down at Club Acts. I'm going to be there, so I better see you guys there too. I think Neil and his band the Headless Heroes are going to be going on right before Paul Smith. Looks like we got some future rock gods from Southridge here. Anyways, it's almost time for the bell to ring Southridge, and for those of you who are stuck in classes whos teachers aren't cool enough to let you listen to our very own radio station I'll start up Paul Smith's song "Trance Taxi" next for you all to hear on your way out of this place. Have a good afternoon everyone, this is Corbin Arlen from 91.5 KRSR signing off."

Corbin pressed the "off" button to his mic as the next song played.

He listened to the guitars and vocals all blend together and he leaned back on his chair and heard the bell ring signaling the end of another day. Standing up he signed out on the log sheet and grabbed his book bag and left the radio room. Soon he was surrounded by the students at Southridge, all heading about their business. He saw Neil Sinclair jumping up and down ahead playing air guitar surrounded by kids who were dressed as equally weird as him.

Corbin heard some shouting behind him and turned around to see Trey Leyton and Darnell Butler both making noise as they had a home game tonight against a rival wrestling team.

Corbin liked his school. He was glad he was a senior though he was going to miss these memories. He was going to miss these people. Corbin continued to walk through the crowded hallway to his locker, listening to the sound of the people around him.


Corbin coughed some more. There was no more pain for him. It was almost over. It was close. He had a good run. Would Khrysta be proud of him? He didn't survive, though in his defense either did she. Though, out of the original group, Corbin survived the longest. He kept smiling as he coughed up some more blood. Then he heard it. His last request.

"So bye-bye, miss american pie.
Drove my chevy to the levee,
But the levee was dry."

Neil Sinclair walked Matthew until he saw that the red lights on their collars disappeared signaling they were out of the danger zone. They were in the jungle, and Neil couldn't see Corbin anymore, but he would play. He would play Corbin's last request. He had unstrapped his guitar and started to strum "American Pie". It was one of his favorite songs as well. He strung it loud in the rain and sang it loud for Corbin to hear.

Corbin did hear it.

"And them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye
Singin', "this'll be the day that I die.
"this'll be the day that I die."

Corbin continued to smile as he saw his world fade to black.

This'll be the day that I die.

This'll be the day that I die.

Boy Number 34, Corbin Arlen -- DEAD

Re: A View to a Kill

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:59 am
by Mitsuko2*
Matthew couldn't believe it. They won. They killed the fucking lunatic. He stared at the body of Blood boy. He felt some remorse. If they had met under different circumstances… maybe the two of them could have been friends. They were so alike… but also so different. Matt would never stoop to that level. He knew how to survive, and killing… no, that just made you a monster. Matt would never become like Nathanial.

Dominica began to speak. She blamed herself for Corbin's condition. Matt wanted to say something, but he couldn't find anything to say to her. They were a team. The four of them… Corbin just couldn't die… he couldn't… Matt felt the hot tears run down his face and mix in with the rainwater that was still pouring onto the island. How could this have happened?

Corbin told them to get out of there. Matt didn't want to, but the beeping of their collars was telling them all that there was no choice. Neil came over to him, and helped him stand. Matt shoved the JAWS into the back of his pants, safety on, and let Neil lead him away. Corbin asked for a song. Matt felt himself crying harder.

"Corbin… I-I'll miss you man… you guys are my only friends…" He said with a sad smile. Neil led him away until their collars stopped beeping. In the jungle, Neil took out his guitar and began to sing, the three remaining members sitting against trees, listening. And realizing… this was the truth. People died here.

Khrysta… Mary… Corbin… They were all gone. The remaining had to survive.

That was the only thing they could do.

Re: A View to a Kill

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:59 am
by Ciel*
Dominica sighed. She wiped the tears from her eyes. Pain... I've never felt pain. My arm, it burns so much. Was this what I did to Bradley? Oh... I feel so bad. Why did I do it? Why... She sniffed, and wiped her nose with her sleeve. The rain kept pouring, pouring, pouring. And she sat and listened to the music Neil was playing, every single note of it. She wasn't the one who would listen to music like this, but this was fitting. It made her feel better, but only slightly. Only slightly.

"Our chances... they aren't great, but they aren't truly slim. We have a chance. A huge chance to win over the group... I think... I truly think we're onto something, something that can change how this game is played, and even if we die, we still won't be forgotten..."

Dominica looked up. "I'm in this group into the bitter end. I don't want the same thing that happened to Corbin happen to anyone else. I think the both of you can understand that better than anyone else."

Dominica looked down at her gun, the gun she had stolen from the battered and beaten Blood Boy. A gun was literally the most powerful thing a man could hold, just pointing it in one direction allowed for the death of a person. The Taurus Millennium. One gun. Eleven bullets. Eleven men dead. She knew the name of it. She had seen it before, and now, NOW, she was holding it in her hand. She felt powerful, like she could conquer anyone in her path. But she wouldn't. She only would use it if she had to... eleven bullets, eleven dead.

The imagery was almost Hallmark worthy.

Hopefully Dominica would use every bullet wisely.

(continued at Sound and Fury)

Re: A View to a Kill

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:59 am
by Theseus*
Neil never heard an explosion. It must have meant Corbin died before danger zone became active. Neil stood up and emptied all of Corbin's items into his own pack and left Corbin's pack in the jungle. He had to travel light. With his M16, guitar, and pack, slung on his back, he walked silently into the jungle, following Dominica, and looking back at Matthew.

"To the barracks man. We got to rally SADD. This isn't over...."

Neil fell silent as he walked into the jungle.

He would head into the jungle. He would go to the barracks where hopefully the others would be waiting. Neil would tell them why he was covered in Corbin's blood. They would have to patch up Matthew and Dominica there as well. Then they would plan.

Danya may have won the battle, but the war was long from over.

Neil didn't smile though as he disappeared into the jungle, leaving behind the scene at the lookout tower. A scene he never wanted to relive.

((Neil Sinclair continued at Sound and Fury))

Re: A View to a Kill

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 3:00 am
by Mitsuko2*
Matt grabbed a long stick from the bushes near him. It was a good length to help him walk. He shakily stood, and found that while his knee still hurt a lot, it wasn't as bad as he'd thought. He sadly smiled at Dominica and Neil, and followed the duo out of the area. This was one of the most trying experiences of Matthew's life. He never wanted to have this happen again. Ever. He… he didn't want to lose anymore friends.

He followed as quickly as his legs would take him, to the barracks… To the next phase.

((Continued: Sound and Fury))

Re: A View to a Kill

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 3:00 am
by dinah_shore*
Jake took the hell off after Dominica directed him to the chapel.

((But instead he ended up At a Loss))