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Re: I Know What My Fortune Is

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:49 am
by Slayer*
The dance had been about what he expected, which was to say really not interesting at all. A lot of kids who mostly looked awkward as hell all gussied up, a tacky space theme, bad music. Anticlimactic, really, considering how much it had been built up the whole year, how it was supposed to cap off high school in so many ways. Before long, or before it felt like long, he and his date had left and found their own entertainment so to speak until she was ready to turn in and he was free. That left him and the road and the night air and the invitation burning a hole in his pocket by way of his cell phone.

He'd already received that invite, so it was really more of a reminder, but when he'd seen the time on his screen he felt bad for taking so long to get around to it. Pillow talk one evening well before the dance had turned to the subject of Sadie Hawkins, and how much Junko Kurosawa hated the concept of it. Something about it being based on a sexist joke? She was throwing her own counter party and wanted to see him there, he'd said he wanted to at least check out the dance a little but he'd swing by when he inevitably got bored. Then, as tonight went on, she'd sent him a little text just to remind him it was a thing and tell him where they were. Get to it ASAP he'd said.

Crisanto Luz didn't get upset by much, he didn't care enough to, but he still felt like a dick about some things sometimes. If he told someone he'd be somewhere, he'd damn well be there, after all. So his Cadillac was blazing a trail just below a speed that would draw KPD's attention and he hadn't even bothered changing out of the tux, just loosening it a little to breathe easier. The wind bit at his face and his carefully-styled-for-once hair and drowned out the radio, the chill making him feel awake and alive as he made his way to the campsite, hoping it was still a thing and Junko wouldn't be too mad at him for being late.

True, he could make it up to her with interest if she was, but it was the principle of the thing. And what principles Crisanto cared enough to uphold, he upheld the hell out of. He could still make out silhouettes around the fire and cars nearby as he rounded a corner, and he was sure at least some of them heard the roar of his engine or saw his lights approach even though he tried not to shine it right on them - his vintage convertible kind of stood out. It was easy enough to find a space to put his car, it didn't seem like too many people were still here, or at least too many that had driven, so he put it in park, killed the engine and left his tie and jacket in the passenger seat before stepping out ready to make his entrance.

His very fashionably late entrance by a quick headcount. Hrm. Had he really been that long? He sighed and shook his head before heading for the campfire, making a beeline for the smallest of the figures. That was one of the good things about how tiny Junko was, you could always tell right away where she was in a crowd.

Silently, hands in pockets, well aware how he probably stood out in his dressy attire and how the grass and dirt clung to his fancy shoes, he walked right up to her, taking advantage of her being turned away from him to reach over and tap her on the shoulder.


Re: I Know What My Fortune Is

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:49 am
by frogue*
It was like watching an ape learning to use tools, as Aiden fumbled at the beer with the lighter. On the one hand Johnny felt he should offer to help, and felt guilty that he had yet to. On the other, watching it was... well, it was certainly something. The older boy got the top off eventually, and looked at Johnny with a grin on his face like he'd just won some kind of fucking medal.

Johnny couldn't help but smile back; Aiden's ridiculous eagerness was contagious. He raised his drink, offering cheers, and tapped the rim of his can against the neck of Aiden's bottle.

"Not bad." Johnny nodded towards the bottle. "Ya got there in the end, yeah? That's what counts, really. Where you end up. Ya shouldn't worry too much about how fuckin' stupid ya might end up looking along the way."

He was only teasing, but only a little. Aiden was far too good natured to pick up on any sort of malice, so you could basically say what you wanted to him, but Johnny didn't have an appetite for mockery at the moment. Besides that, the kid had made him feel better, and to Johnny at least that counted for something.

It was because of that, perhaps, that Aiden's question about his lovelife was met with actual consideration, rather than a shrug of dismissal.

How was it going for him, with girls? There was certainly one girl - Tae - down at the park who'd made it all but know she wouldn't exactly be averse to his attentions. She was cute in a mousy kind of way, and a couple of years younger, though she seemed sorta mature. She laughed at his jokes, she had this way of twirling a strand of hair around a finger while she talked that he was a fan of, and when they'd fooled around it certainly hadn't been bad. There was an option, there, but Johnny wasn't exactly sure about it.

Who he'd really thought about though, when Aiden had asked, was Raina. It wasn't like there was a thing between them, and Johnny knew it never would be, but there'd been a... a moment that they'd had, when they were out in the desert. He knew she wasn't hot for him, Johnny wasn't stupid.Girls like that didn't go for trash like him, it just didn't happen. Raina'd marry some scientist millionaire probably, and Johnny guessed he was okay with that, in a bitter, resigned sort of way. Still, there had been something that they'd had for a second, and whatever that something was, it was precious to him.

Of course, whatever it was he'd fucked it up royally. Raina'd walked in on him with his dick somewhere it shouldn't have been, minutes after it'd been somewhere a lot worse. Her face had been ghastly - sadness, anger, revulsion, he couldn't even tell what was going on there. All the things he'd expect day to day, in any face other than hers. If ever they'd been friends, he wasn't sure they were anymore.

It wasn't nice to think about, and Johnny certainly wasn't inclined to discuss it. He aimed his answer at noncommittal, instead.

"Ahh, it's goin', y'know. I do alright, a shitload better than I probably should, yeah?"

He lifted his beer up in a toast, and raised his voice, faux-jovial.

"To alcohol, the great leveler of playing fields!"

Re: I Know What My Fortune Is

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:49 am
by Rorick Skyve*
He figured. Been exactly the kinda answer he'd have expected from Johnny, yeah. Had a girl somewhere, totally figured that. Dude knew what he was doing, always was. Like, Aiden couldn't help but kinda admire him, really. Guy didn't look like he really had a clue about stuff, but he did. That whole not-giving-two-shits attitude, his life being a major wreck and all, like, that was a thing, yeah. Still though, the guy was more than that, mature and shit. Knew what he was doing, so he did, in a weird sorta way. At least, that was the impression he got.

Aiden raised his own beer, let it swirl in the air a little, then clonked it against Johnny's. "Yeah, what you said. Cheers."

He took another sip, bit more this time. Yup, didn't get any better. Hoped some cola or something was lying around somewhere, bit of sweetness to counter this bitter garbage. Man, it didn't really make sense, no idea why he was drinking this, never did. Wasn't gonna stop though. Would have been a waste of a perfectly good - nah, perfectly almost-full bottle. Or some shit.

Still though. Johnny Boy had kinda skipped over a bunch of stuff, like, girl topic was already over, so it seemed. Like, he kinda wanted to elaborate on that a little, still felt like there was more he needed to say. Something else he felt he needed to ask Johnny. Respected his opinion, so he did. Dude knew a helluva lot more about the fairer sex than he did. Had to go a bit deeper there, couldn't just let this opportunity slip by; had alc, had  a fire, perfect place and perfect time for talk like that. Yup, had to go deeper, have the Lord of the Weed share his wisdom with him.

"On the girl thing again: Like, kinda wanna ask you something there. Not about you or anything, more like, advice type of stuff, y'know? Would really do me a solid." Aiden set down his beer bottle next to his feet. He glanced over to the campfire again. Looked at Fi for a second. Yup, that was it. What he needed to ask Johnny about. Dude had to be able to pull out some sorta tip.

"Basically, got some chick I like, really have the hots for and stuff, you with me? But like, not the lovey dovey way. Just, y'know, nookie and stuff. " He made a gesture with both his hands that accentuated what he meant. "And like, I really just...don't want it, I guess? Like, not the screwing part itself, I'm not gay or anything. But not with her, like. Dunno, it's just frickin' weird and I can't get it out of my head. Don't really know what to do here."

Re: I Know What My Fortune Is

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:49 am
by frogue*
Johnny laughed aloud as Aiden rammed the forefinger of one hand into an "O" made by the other.

"I know the fuckin'... mechanics, yeah? Ya don't need to illustrate it."

Aiden's question seemed so straightforward that Johnny was unsure, for a moment, whether he'd actually understood it properly.

"I mean, if ya don't wanna fuck her, Beaks, ya can just... not fuck her, yeah?"

He put a hand on Aiden's back and brought his head in close to the boy's, lowering his voice, mock-serious.

"Is she making you do things you don't wanna do, Beaks? You can tell me, yeah? We can get you some help, get you s-" Johnny couldn't help himself, and let out a stifled snort.

"Sorry, sorry. But yeah, that doesn't... I mean, that's not really a problem? If ya don't wanna smash, nobody's gonna make you. I mean, shit, it's two thousand and fucking fifteen, yeah? Look at these..." Johnny stopped himself just before he said freaks "...people!" He made a sweeping gesture towards the party-goers.

"You think any of them let anyone tell them who they're gonna fuck? Fuck the fuck no they do not! Just tell this girl no, Beaks! You're a big boy... y'know, figuratively." He gave an apologetic little shrug.

"You're a man! Prove your manhood by... by not fucking that woman!"

Re: I Know What My Fortune Is

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:49 am
by Rorick Skyve*
Aiden couldn't help but giggle to himself at Johnny's breakdown of the situation. Dude was all talkative all of a sudden, earned him another Beaks stamp of approval. And like, he was technically right, so he was. Yeah, the solution here was to just keep it in his pants, case fucking closed.

Yeah, if only it had been that simple.

"Man, you're crazy, dude, frickin' love it." He gave Johnny another gentle nudge on the shoulder, still snickering a bit. "Not on my level yet, but you'll get there, yup. You got all the requirements."

He looked down at his feet, thinking about picking up his bottle for another sippedy-sip. Nah, could wait. Wasn't that thirsty anyway.

"See like, you're right and all, yeah? Totally right about what you say. Problem is, it's not just that I wanna fuck her and at the same time don't - doesn't end there, baby." He performed a little finger wag, like his mom always did. Felt kinda awesome to do one himself, almost looked sorta badass in a way. 'Not so fast', something like that.

"Thing is, I really do like her, yeah? Y'know, dig her personality, best buddy vibe, that sort. She's crazy fun and shit, could hang out with her all day. But like, every time I see her now, it's just like...I suddenly start seeing her naked and shit, y'know, mind going down the gutter, all the way down."

Aiden let out a small sigh. Suddenly, another sip of the beer didn't sound that bad at all. "See the dilemma? Really doesn't work out for me that way, nuh-uh. Thinking about just straight up telling her, but dunno. Would sound weird and shit, you know?"

He was tempted to look over to the campfire again, see if Fi was still there. He didn't though, not this time. Couldn't use any more lewd ass pics in his head, not when he was talking to the dude.

"Like, I know you can't really do much here, alright? Just thought I'd share that shit and all, let somebody know. Might make it easier, you know what I'm sayin'?" He picked up his beer again, held it in his hand, but didn't bring it to his mouth yet. "Just glad you're being a bro about it and stuff. Really, appreciate it."

Re: I Know What My Fortune Is

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:49 am
by frogue*
"Look, I mean if all ya want is to forget her titties, then..." Johnny grabbed another beer and handed it to Aiden "'re goin' about this the right way, I'd say. Hey just, hold onto that for a tick, yeah?"

He put his own can down for a second, and then popped the cap off Aiden's beer with his lighter.

"...Aaand that's how ya do it!"

Johnny shot the other boy a grin.

"Man, honestly you have like, ladyfriends, yeah? Girls ya can talk to I mean. I'm not callin' you a pussy or anythin', but this kinda sounds like chick shit, y'know? The kinda thing they'd be better at, I mean. Girls always dudes who want more than they do, right? They can relate n' shit. Me? I mean I'll tell ya what I think, but this is basically guesswork, yeah?"

He stared into the fire, thinking for a minute.

"I mean ya say ya have buddy vibes, yeah? As far as I see it, if this chick uhh, y'know, doesn't fuckin' suck... in like, a purely figurative sense..." Johnny elbowed Aiden in the side, a knowing expression on his face "...than she'll be cool with ya just bein' friends, right? An'n if she's not cool with it... well then she's a piece of shit an' ya shouldn't be havin' any fuckin' thing to do with her, yeah?"

Re: I Know What My Fortune Is

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:49 am
by KamiKaze
So after Darius left, Aiden and Johnny went off into a side conversation. Junko couldn't help but overhear a few snippets of it. Girls? They were talking about girls? Yeah, from what lines she could hear from here, that's what it was. Someone was having girl troubles? Apparently it was something sexual, based off that hand gesture. With who? Aiden's date to the dance? Someone else? Damn it, she knew it was wrong to listen in on others' conversations, but those small tidbits had managed to find their way to her. Oh, she also got a bottle cap tossed at her. Nice. Okay, it was an accident, and at least it wasn't beer again.

Other than that, it was pretty quiet. Darius apparently had taken most of the noise with him. So Junko tried not to listen any more to whatever Johnny and Aiden were talking about. Polite, you know? She didn't usually care that much about politeness, but gotta show some decency. If Aiden or Johnny wanted her to know, she'd know. So she instead focused on devouring a hot dog and the sound of the fire cracking.

Oh, and someone sneaking up behind her and saying "Boo".

Junko jumped, a piece of sausage still in her mouth. People had a tendency of showing up behind her this evening. Why, she didn't know. Maybe it was because her front was towards the fire, and behind was the best way to talk to her? No idea. But she turned around again after swallowing. Oh sweet, Cris had shown up, too. Like Aiden, he had gone to the dance first before heading here, yeah. She'd texted him earlier, and it was clear that he hadn't dressed out before arriving either.

"Oh, hey!" she said, a smile on her face. "Aiden said the dance wasn't any good. Guessing he's right? Also, you just missed drunk Darius."

Re: I Know What My Fortune Is

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:50 am
by Rorick Skyve*
"Like, you make it sound all simple and shit..."

Aiden wiped his lips. Didn't like it when they were all wet like that, was fucking disgusting, so it was.

"But yeah, I think you're right, like, essentially. Makes sense and stuff."

He accepted the beer from Johnny, giving him a grateful nod. He didn't usually go and get himself all smashed when he had any sort of troubles, but the opportunity was there, the booze was free, so no regrets there. Johnny Boy knew his stuff, after all, helluva lot better than he himself did.

"I mean, yeah, will be awkward talkin' to her about it. Like 'Hey, I know we fucked before, still kinda wanna fuck ya, but let's not fuck, alright?' Will have to work a little more on that one, doesn't sound quite operational yet."

He shot a goofy smirk at Johnny before taking a gulp of his second bottle of beer. Taste didn't get better. Didn't expect anything else, really. Still, wouldn't be his last one tonight, nope. Especially when he had some 'titties to forget', as Weedman put it. Damn, he liked that one. Some quality catchphrase material right there. Shouldn't let his mom or sis catch him say that one though.

"Thanks man. Like, you had lotsa opportunities to be shitty about this, make fun of me and stuff. Know it musta been hard to resist." Aiden raised his beer again.

"Here's to, uh...fuck, kinda wanna say friendship, but that sounds lame as hell, you with me?" He snickered. "Nah, here's to gettin' shitfaced, can't go wrong with that one."

Re: I Know What My Fortune Is

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:50 am
by Slayer*
"Not wrong. How bad was Darius?"

Darius? Darius. Hm. Oh, right, that irritating little gremlin that bugged Raina a lot. Cris had considered teaching the kid a lesson, on and off, but Raina seemed to have things in hand or at least had never asked him to step in. She knew how to reach him if she ever changed her mind on that, and she knew he was willing. Depending on how Junko answered, he might have to consider scaring Mr. Anime Goblin a little next time they met.

At least she was good company, the fire was still roaring, and not everyone was gone. Just enough life left to make coming out here not a total waste of his time. The crackle of kindling and embers filled his ears and heat burrowed its way into his bones, while firelight made shadows dance across her body. A campfire seemed questionable in the desert heat, but even Kingman could get chilly late enough into the night. Cris stood there, giving Junko a tiny smile of his own to reply to hers, and took a quick glance around them at the other figures around the fire.

"Sorry I was so late."

Re: I Know What My Fortune Is

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:50 am
by frogue*
"To getting shitfaced!" Johnny raised his can up.

He put one arm around Aiden and pulled the boy's face close, smelling the booze on his breath and knowing his own wouldn't be any better.

"Oh Beaks. Sweet, beautiful naïve Beaks, ya really think I'm not goin' to make fun of you? Oh dear. Oh no. No, I shall be mocking ya about this shit for weeks, yeah? Just not tonight though, I'm a little occupied…" he raised his can and his voice "…getting shitfaced!"

Johnny downed the remainder of the beer and tossed the can in the fire, then stood, supporting himself with Aiden's shoulder.

"And now I must piss, oh Beaky one. Fair not though, yeah, for I shall not leave ya on your lonesome."

He cast his eyes around the fire, and they settled on a lanky figure in a poncho.

"Hey, Fi! The nearest an' dearest of my friends here is heartsick an' in need of some feminine attention. Keep him company for me, yeah?"

With a gesture that was somewhere between a wave and a salute, Johnny clumsily vaulted the bench Aiden was sitting on, caught himself before he fell, and stumbled off towards the trees.

[Johnny Ray McKay continued Elsewhere]

Re: I Know What My Fortune Is

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:50 am
by Riki
So Fiyori couldn't really help it but for some reason she felt extremely and increasingly observed. Jesus christ, what must a woman do to get some quite time at the fire, where she can listen to the many stories of her classmates and eat, like, seven hot dogs consecutively.

It was probably Darius who tried to burn a hole in her back with his staring, but then Fiyori remembered that he kinda just went away. She considered going after him, what with the game still missing and all, but she was just so busy with eating that she settled that they had to settle this on another day.

Actually, it turned out to be Johnny who called her out.

Fiyori turned around, mouth full with mixture of meat and beer and whom she saw was actually Aiden.

She sensibly decided not to say something to greet him.

Re: I Know What My Fortune Is

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:50 am
by Rorick Skyve*
Aiden could dig Johnny gettin' close-up, all buddy buddy like. Yep, definitely had a couple beers in him by now, suspicion confirmed. He could dig that too. 'Beaky one.' Hadn't heard that one before. Yup, diggin' it. That last one though, that last move, going Brute on him, stab him in the back like he did Caesar? Oh, he was not digging that one, not one bit.

He was just sitting there for a second or two, prolly lookin' like the last idiot on earth. Like, any other situation, he'd have given props to Johnny Boy, sure as shit. Not now though, not like that.

"Motherfucker, what are you...?" All he could get out before Johnny stumbled his boozy ass away. Aiden stared after him for another five seconds or so, not even realizing he was spilling his beer, holding it all askew and shit. He only realized it when he felt his knee gettin' suspiciously wet out of nowhere.

"Ah, fuck!"

He pressed that one out between clenched teeth, didn't want to draw more attention to himself, already bad enough that Johnny - Shit, too late, she was already looking at him. Yup, had Fi's full attention now, so he had. Like...fuckin' Johnny man. Had prolly planned that one, no dizzedi doubt about it, he had set him up and Aiden had fallen for it, hook, line and sinker. He'd pay him back alright. No way he'd just get away with that one.

Still though, had to play it off now. Like, sure, he could just go ahead and tell Fi now, but really, not the right place for it. Good for getting his ass drunk, good for chattin' it up with some peeps, good for getting trolled too, apparently. Not for having that convo though, nope. So yeah, playin' it off was the way to go here.

He looked back at Fi. He smiled a little, tried to go for a grin. Put the beer down, just in case. Looked like she had her mouth full. Greedy chick, that one. He already knew that. Finally, he waved at her, tryin' to look all relaxed.


Re: I Know What My Fortune Is

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:50 am
by KamiKaze
Oh, so that's two, then. Figures. Good to see they still weren't missing anything. Seriously. Junko kept her smile in turn. And oh yeah, he wanted to know about Darius. AKA, the man who tried to… flirt? Flirt, yeah. He'd tried to flirt with his on-off girlfriend.

"Um… he showed up drunk and I guess high off caffeine too. He started singing and tried to hug Raina, but… she didn't like that. So she and Wayne decided to step away for a while."

Where were they, anyways? Did Darius piss them off so badly they couldn't come back? Should she or someone else send a text or something saying that Darius was gone so they could come back now? Did the aforementioned serial killers get them? Again, the last thing any party needs are serial killers. Also, did Cris know Wayne? Probs, yeah. Cochise wasn't that big.

"Anyways, I think Aiden and I shooed him off. He doesn't like skeeter puns apparently, so you could try that if he acts up again?" she said.

She didn't mind Cris showing up late. She was going to say as much, then-

Johnny stood up, and called out to Fiyori about… wait. Wait wait wait. Did he just openly state that Aiden wanted "feminine attention"? Was that what they were talking about? Did he mean banging? Or just a crush? Both? No idea. But it was a weird thing to randomly call out. If he meant either one, not sure if that was something nice or something terrible. Aiden did look awkward, though.

Junko looked at Johnny's back as he walked away to piss. Then Aiden, who was waving at Fiyori. Then Fiyori's face. Then back to Cris.

"… Did that just happen?"

Re: I Know What My Fortune Is

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:50 am
by Riki
"Yo!", Fiyori replied back at Aiden but that was a terrible idea. Some little amount of slightly chewed meat and bun fell out of her mouth. Some of it fell to the ground, some got stuck on her lips.

She licked them clean, and hoped it was too dark for Aiden to see that. Probably not, but she was sure he wouldn't mind that.

Fiyori chewed a bit faster, gulped down the rest of her food and had to take a deep breath afterwards because fuck that was hard to do. That unpleasant feeling she had when so much food at once slid down into her stomach was almost suffocating in it's character.

"What's up, mate?"

Re: I Know What My Fortune Is

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:50 am
by Rorick Skyve*
Like, chick seemed still pretty chill and all. Didn't look like she had even really picked up all the stuff Johnny had said, asking what was up and shit. Maybe she'd been too distracted with her grub. Nice.

Aiden shifted his position, leaned forward a bit, cupped his chin in one of his hands. Light on her looked like it had gotten a little dimmer, fire was prolly in need of a little refueling. Wasn't gonna be him who'd be bringing the heat though, too comfortable sittin' down on his ass at that moment.

Hey, Cris was there too, didn't even notice him making an entrance. Too busy tryin' not to be an awkward ant, though danger was already over, to be sure. He sure as hell wouldn't repeat what Weedman had said, nope. Could just talk to Fi all relaxed now, coast clear and stuff.

"Wanted to ask ya the same." He smiled a little wider, stroking his chin. Maybe getting up wasn't such a bad idea after all, claimin' a place next to her or something, easier to chat. Kinda inconvenient, talkin' to her from half a mile away, might have as well send her a text message.

"You don't mind me comin' over and sittin' next to you, right? Kinda getting cold here and that fire looks like it knows a thing or two about how to help me out with that."