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Re: Right Turn at Albuquerque
Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 3:15 pm
by Ryuki
“Alright,” Zach sighed, as he hopped down from the bed.
Zach slung his bag over his shoulder as he followed Sean out of the room. He was not sure where they were headed, but regardless, Zach remained determined to stick to his plan of giving these guys the slip when given the opportunity. It was a shame he had to do that to Sean, but Zach still wasn’t sure if Sean could deal with the fact his friend was a killer.
“Let’s hope we don’t run into the Carter brothers, right?,” Zach said with a slight grin.
(Zachary Beck, continued elsewhere...)
Re: Right Turn at Albuquerque
Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 12:59 am
by Catche Jagger
It felt like a long time before Sean and Zach strode out of that room, ready to finally leave this place, but if he was being realistic, he was probably only waiting a few moments.
“Alright… you ready?” Thomas asked as he turned to face Princess once again, but he wasn’t certain who the question was actually directed at.
After another moment, he spun around and began to make his way to the exit, hoping Princess would come behind him.
Regardless of anything else, Thomas knew that he never wanted to see this building again as long as he lived, and then some.
((Thomas Buckley continued in
Lately Kiss My Ass Lately))
Re: Right Turn at Albuquerque
Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 9:47 am
by Cicada
It occurred to her that she might never be seeing this building ever again. The thought was an impulse without weight and immediately gone. She didn't know its meaning.
"Ready." She smiled and nodded temporarily, hidden away in the corner she needed for herself.
She had only so long to figure herself out. Her motive, her reasoning. She could tell herself that much for now. Buy herself a little more time. If everyone else was adrift as she was, did that make her job any easier? Or all the harder? Another question to answer, and she had all too many of those left to deal with.
And nobody left to hear her out. Even her good-bye could only be whispered into thin air.
Re: Right Turn at Albuquerque
Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 8:10 pm
by Ohm
"Yeah, let's." He said with a glance back as they left the room. He expected there to be words from Thomas or Princess, but there none. Instead both seemed ready to leave this place behind, one moreso than the other and Sean couldn't blame him for that. As far as he was concerned, this place was cursed ground. Words of readiness were exchanged instead and soon they were out the door for places unknown and that was fine.
But as they left, he thought of the conversation with Zach. Did he say the right thing? Or should he have been honest there? Dude's a troll, but it wasn't like he was a danger, right? From the looks of it they were fine, but...
It was something he pondered as the group went their way.
((Sean Leibowitz continued in
Lately Kiss My Ass Lately))