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Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:54 am
by riserugu*
Fred had only just moved in to throw the bags he had gathered onto the ground of the clinic, watching as his brother moved into a clean corner of the building falling against the ground trying to stop the bleeding coming from the knife wound. Sighing a little, he ran a hand through his hair as he returned outside looking back to Jeremy and the young girl.

Busy with his own thoughts, Fred hardly noticed the rustle of bushes as another figure stood. Readying his weapon, before unloading part of its contents into the small group that stood outside. From where he stood at that moment, two bullets of the bullets found its way into his own form.

Both cutting it’s way into his left side one through his shoulder, and the other into his stomach as the force caused him to back against the clinic’s wall, gripping at his wound in his belly. Glancing off toward where he believed the bullets to be coming from, trying to capture a glimpse at the attacker.

Though as he fought to find the figure he found his vision blur in and out of focus as his fought to keep his stance, but after a moment found his legs unable to support his weight and collasping under him. Whimpering lightly as he kept his hands pressed against the flow of blood that starting to match the shade of red on his Manchester United jersey...

Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:54 am
by Theseus*
Jeremy watched as Glenn left the girl to live. Jeremy was tempted right there and then to kill the girl, she would only kill more, Jeremy knew that, but killing her wasn't the way to solve it, and Jeremy didn't know if he had it in him to kill her anyways, Glenn chose to let her live, that's good enough.

Jeremy turned around, to head back to the clinic. To walk inside the doors, to be with the others. That's when the figure came up behind him, started firing the uzi. Jeremy felt a sharp pain in his left arm, and he started to run to the clinic, faster. Another pain in his foot. Jeremy didn't know what was happening, he wanted to stop, wanted to sit down, he had to push himself. PUSH HIMSELF!

Jeremy was standing on the stadium, looking up the stairs. He and his partner stood by each other. This was their section of the stadium. Jeremy looked at the others on their own section of stairs. The coach said, "Ok get ready!" Jeremy moved up and his partner jumped on his back. The whistle blew and Jeremy started to run up the stairs, with his partner on his back.

Running up his partner said, "Come on man, Push yourself." Jeremy readjusted his partner on his back as he continued up, each step, pushing himself. He had to get to the last step, he wouldn't be done, he would just be ready for the next set.

Jeremy made it inside the doors and collapsed. He looked at his arm ignoring his foot. He didn't say anything, he just sat there, in silence. Surprisingly he had held on to his sickle with his right hand the entire time, He tossed it aside in the building and smiled through the pain, the sickle was useless now.

Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:55 am
by Sephy*
(OOC: It always kicks off while i'm asleep so i have 2 pages to read when I come home >__< curse you guys posting at 3am :P)

Daisuke ignored Aiden's 'order', biting back wha would have been a nasty reply, before hearing gunshots and the now all-too familiar thud of somebody hitting the ground. ~I wonder if I should try to help~ Dai's inner voice sounded oddly cold as he looked at the shocked faces inside the clinic ~wonder if anyone died?~ He was surprised by his own callousness.

Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:55 am
by MooCow*
Aiden heard the gunshots and froze. Dangerously close, and it appeared as if Fred was hurt. The world was imploding.

"Jesus Christ get inside!"

He ran to the door and was ready to close it when the comrades were safely inside.

"Please Dai," Aiden looked at the other boy nervously... "Help them... help me."

Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:55 am
by Swoosh*
Mallory's hands tugged at her hair frantically. She had to get out of there, she had to be somewhere quiet, by herself...

...she was beginning to see why she had excluded herself from her classmates for all these years.

Looking up from her knees, her heavily applied eyeliner was smugded and halfway down her face. She looked like a mess, but it was the least of her concerns. She had to get away from all the death and violence. She spotted the sickle, the weapon of one of her fallen classmates, lying not far in front of her.

It's not much... but it'd be more effective than my weapon... I mean, how's a pair of handcuffs supposed to stand up to a load of guns?

Looking around, she spotted a door near the back of the room. She stole a hurried glance at her classmates who were all, it seemed, far too occupied with the events of outside. The fresh gunshots seemed to have panicked them all further. Content that none she would prove a very small distraction, she pushed herself up from her corner and raced towards the door, snatching up the sickle as she did. She almost made it to the door before tripping over the body of a former classmates, a girl by the looks of it, and falling to the ground with a skid. Wincing slightly, Mallory turned around to see that it was none other than Helena Van Garrett. She was popular enough for Mallory to vaguely know her name, but like so many other people, no assosciation was made between the two girls.

Even more disturbing, something Mallory had overlooked in her shock of her fall, the sickle she had been holding tightly in her hand was now lodged into her shin.

Staring at it blankly for a few moments, it took a while for the pain to catch up with everything else Mallory was experiencing. It was only when it did, did Mallory let out a scream of agony.

((I'm totally not making up the door so she can escape, FYI, the door was there when Elise was here, so nyaaah!!))

Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:58 am
by LadyMakaze*
Daphne blinked in surprise at Glenn, wondering if the decision he had made to let her go with her life was all for real. No one had ever showed her this kind of mercy, ever. Even those she knew, people who should love her, people who pretended to be her friends turned on her relentlessly. Here was a stranger, who had just spared her life.

This was something that Daphne couldn't help but wonder about. But just who could explain such things? Just when you thought you've seen all there is to see, there's always something out there to prove you wrong. It was strange really...

In any case, she was just happy to be able to leave with her life, though she was now weaponless... then again, that didn't seem to matter so much anymore.

She stood up, carefully cradling her fresh wounds Just before she turned around to leave, she looked towards Glenn, speaking up a bit, trying to make herself sound audible.


She was cut short by the deafening sound of a mechanical rattling, followed by a searing pain that ripped through her back, entering her chest. Her eyes widened in surprise as her form seemed to levitate for a second, before falling forwards onto the ground.

Blood gushed upwards through her throat, dripping down in lines from her mouth. Her chest was filled with a mind-numbing pain, leaving her unable to move from where she was now lying, blood pouring from her mouth and chest. Daphne's hands shook as she struggled to crawl towards the building for safety, through her form dropped quickly.

In her bewildered state, all she could think was,

This is it....I'm going to die on this island....this is it.

Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:59 am
by Slayer*
After waiting for several seconds to see if the group had discovered his whereabouts, Jason stepped out again and raised his Uzi. Only one (or was it two?) was outside, a downed girl who had apparently been hit by his initial assault. Aiming his gun at her, he let loose four of the remianing eight bullets in his Uzi clip before firing the other four into the windows and hiding behind a tree as he reloaded.

Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:59 am
by LadyMakaze*
Daphne found herself choking on her own blood, gasping out wet coughs as a red spray emitted from her lips. Struggling to move her body against the ground to safety, frustration and pain flared inside her, along with the agonizing pain that resided in her chest where the bullets had been embedded.

As though she were going through a bout of anemia, she felt her skin grow cold and numb, probably due to the loss of blood. This was enough to frighten her, as well as the blood that dribbled from her lips, now a bluish tinge.

She just couldn't die on this island, she just couldn't. She just wanted to live. Even if life had been unmerciful to her, the thought of dying frightened her even more. Living most of your life close to wasn't the most pleasant thing in the world...but Daphne's life was all that she had. They could take away everything from her, but they could never take her life. She wouldn't let them.

A renewed determination filled her as she struggled to her knees, crawling now. Her head was now upright, staring ahead blankly with wide eyes...or perhaps she might have been staring towards the sky. Even as blood dripped from her small form, falling in sheets down the front of her clothes, she managed to keep moving. The very instinct to survive seemed to be the only thing keeping her alive.

Elation filled her. She was going to survive this...she wasn't going to die, she would live, probably long enough to see a better life...she would get off this island, she was going to survi-

Her eyes widened slightly in what might have been surprise. Or perhaps it was simply a convulsion from when more bullets lodged themselves into her: three along the back of her spine, one lodged into the back of her head.

In an instant, she lost all sense of conciousness and living as the back of her head instantly turned into an exploding mass of blood and brain matter. Her body, in mid-crawl upon being shot yet again, fell off balance as the arm supporting it slid to the side. Her head lolled over as she rolled into her back. She fell with a splash onto the pool of blood already formed beneath her.

Her pale, grey eyes stared lifelessly into the sky above. Once again, that look of apathy had fallen upon her face, though permanantly now, that lifeless, disinterested expression.

For someone who had been almost dead all her life, Daphne had been fighting a life-long battle for survival, having lost all else. Little would she ever realize now, that had things turned out differently for her, or if she had been spared merely a few more minutes...

...She might have truly lived for once.

G15-Daphne Rudko-DEAD

Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:00 am
by riserugu*
In the moments that followed the attack, Fred had been pushing himself to get back onto his feet and get somewhere out of the open to keep him from being attacked in another hail of fried bullets. But every time he tried to get onto his feet, the sharp pain in his stomach came over him more than every keeping him against the ground.

His now somewhat glazed over eyes, the blood loss starting to take its toll on him as he tilted his head to look out to the only other person he could see at this time. That being the girl his younger brother had come so close to killing just moments before, she too shot and bleeding as she tried to make her way closer to the clinic… and the safety of the walls.

But as she struggled to get closer, another small round of bullets where fried off, finding there way into her flesh as she clawed. Sitting there watching this, watching as he watched another person who had been alive… alive and breathing meet their end. As the bullets torn into her, one finding its way into her head and turning it into a bloody mess of blood and brain matter.

Watching this… he almost couldn’t help the small whimper that escaped his throat at the sight of another person dying.

Though sitting there another small round of bullets where fried off, as the window close to him was blown to pieces by the force of the bullets piercing into the glass. Breathing in, and thus trying to clam himself Fred pushed himself up onto his feet with whatever strength he could find to do so. Propping one hand, and his back against the wall of the building for support, the other hand still tightly holding his belly.

Grinning a bloody grin, he spoke; “Oi, Glenn. You prat, I’m off… oright, I’m going to see if this guy’ll will follow me… if not I leave it to the Clown, Aiden, Jeremy, and yourself to kick some arse. I’m sure you can handle him, unlike yourself big brother Fred here who is about as maniacal as a box of kittens. I’ll see you later… gonna try and get this fixed up to before I start losing my guts… till then.” He finished, giving off a small salute before slowly, but fast enough, toward the nearby foliage.

((Fred continued in: Drifting...))

Glenn had still been sitting quietly when all the gunfire had started happening, he once again gripping the pistol in his jeans and bringing it forth as a number of bullets destroyed one of the nearby windows. He slowly making his way onto his feet as he heard Fred started speaking.

Listening to his brother he was making it sound as if he where dying (the whole lose his guts part didn’t help Glenn clam down any) before he bid his goodbye, and the sounds of shuffling feet where heard… before fading out all together. Sighing a little, before looking over he found himself sighing again.

Three members of thier little group at the moment where either sick, shot… or had a sickle stuck in there leg, and he didn’t know about Daisuke. Moving over the fallen Mallory, he crouched down on one knee looking over the sickle stuck in her leg. Flinching a little, ‘Now what am I supposed to do?’

Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:00 am
by MooCow*
Aiden watched Fred go and latched the door shut enclosing the remaining survivors inside the clinic, but not out of harms way. He silently hoped for Freds safety as he hurried to aid the injured Glenn.

"Fuck," Aiden hissed, "we need to get out of here guys, or that psycho with the shotgun is gonna make quick work of us. I say we try to slip out the back and make for the school... maybe we can find something of use there?"

Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:01 am
by Theseus*
Jeremy watched as Fred got up and left. Jeremy wanted to shout to him to come back, wanted to go and tackle him and force him back but that fool was too stuborn. Jeremy Picked up his sickle and stood up. He felt the pain in his left foot. He had been shot there, looking at his left arm he saw the blood, nothing serioues. Jeremy gritted his teeth, took off his shirt, and wrapped it around his arm like he saw in the movies to help stop the blooding, his foot didn't really worry him. Jeremy had the sickle grasped in his right hand and looked at the remainding people inside the makeshift hospital.

Jeremy said to Aiden, "Sounds good I guess. You guys should get to the school, find something to help fight back, as for me I promised Fred that I would stick with him until the end, this might just be the end. I'm staying in the hospital. If anything goes wrong with Fred, It's my turn up at the batting plate, let's just hope none of us strike out." Jeremy looked at everyone, scanning there faces.

Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:01 am
by MooCow*
Aiden bit his lip, "no we can't leave you Jeremy. We're gonna make a stand against this bastard now. Then we can all get out of here together... Dai whats the situation on guns?"

Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:01 am
by Swoosh*
Theseus,Nov 9 2005, 02:09 AM wrote: Jeremy Picked up his sickle and stood up.
((Wow, impressive, seeing as it's embedded in Mallory's shin... nya?))

Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:01 am
by Theseus*
((it is? wow when did that happen? lol sorry I must be missing something, I'm going to go re-read the posts))

Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:01 am
by Slayer*
OOC: While we're at it, Jason's not a "psycho with a shotgun", he's a psycho with a machine gun.
IC: Jason sat in the bush, debating what to do with the group. One of the wounded ones had run into the trees, apparently trying to lead his fire away, but the others had grouped up inside and seemed to be discussing something. From what he'd seen, they had guns, and more guns were always useful.

The wounded one won't get far. But the ones in the hospital might be a threat. I'll take care of them first. he thought as he moved out of his cover and started to walk towards the hospital, Uzi raised. When he had killed Jayne, something inside him told him there was no turning back, he'd have to play the game then, as much as it sickened him. And he knew it was right. Raising the Uzi, he fired a quick three round burst into one of the windows in case someone was thinking about shooting from there and then dove behind a nearby tree for cover, waiting for the reaction.