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Re: The Amazing Race: SOTF Edition

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 6:22 pm
by Brackie
Leg 3 (Part 1)

Previously on The Amazing Race, fourteen teams set out from Cancun, Mexico, to Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.

While Axel & Abraham claimed the second fast forward of the race, winning a match of beach volleyball with their feet, Brendan, Abel and Sierra couldn't move their feet in time to the Roadblock.

Jasmine & Irene, and Laura & Pineapple, both managed to show their sales skills on the Copacabana, while Max & Abel and Sierra & Faith both scared away customers.

In a close race to the finish, Chase & Brendan, Laura & Pineapple, Tucker & Regina, and Max & Abel all managed to barely avoid elimination, while Sierra & Faith came up short, and were the second team eliminated from the race.

Thirteen teams remain - who will be eliminated next?


[+] Remaining teams
Axel & Abraham (v7)
Brendan & Alba (v6)
Chase & Brendan (v4)
Henry & Min-jae (v6)
Jasmine & Irene (v6)
Laura & Pineapple (TV3)
Lori & Madison (v7)
Matias & Ashanti (TV3)
Max & Abel (v7)
Michelle & Morton (PV3)
Myles & Ivy (v7)
Thomas & Sakurako (v7)
Tucker & Regina (TV2)
Leaving first at 10:13 PM, Axel & Abraham open their first clue:

"From the beach to the desert - fly to El Calafate, Argentina. Once you have landed, take the assigned bus to the EOLO Patagonia Spirit in the Santa Cruz grasslands, and sign up for a departure time for the following morning."



All teams travel to Galeão International Airport, and board the same flight to El Calafate, connecting through Buenos Aires:



Once they land, teams are taken by bus to the EOLO Patagonia Spirit, a luxury resort outside of the city, surrounded by nothing but rolling grasslands and towering mountains. Once they arrive, the find a sign-up board for check-out the next morning, with spots open at 8am, 8:15am, 8:30am and 8:45am.


The next morning, the teams in the 8am group check out of the hotel and open their clue, finding both a Fast Forward and a Route Info:

"FAST FORWARD: To claim this Fast Forward, make your way by taxi to the Estancia Cristina sheep farm - once there, you must collect twenty marked sheep from the farm and herd them into your marked pen. Once you have twenty sheep, you must then shear all twenty of their wool - when complete, you will win the Fast Forward, as well as a direct lift to the next pitstop."


As teams decide whether or not to take the Fast Forward, others read the Route Info:

"Travel by taxi to the footbridges of the Perito Moreno Glacier - once there, head to the end of the footbridge to find your next clue."



Instructions for the Voters:

For the departure time: PM me, either on the board or on Discord, three (3) teams you want to leave at the first departure time. The three teams with the most votes will depart at 8am on this leg - the next three teams with the most votes will be in the second group, at 8:15am; the next four teams will be in the third group, at 8:30am, and the next three teams will be in the fourth and final group, at 8:45am. If there is a tie for the last few spot/s, the tiebreaker will be the first teams to have votes in. If there is still a tie, placements will be decided via random generator.

For the Fast Forward: PM me, either on the board or on Discord, one (1) team you want to win the Fast Forward. If the team with the most votes receives 3 or more, they will go for and win the Fast Forward. If they receive 2 or less, no team will claim the Fast Forward. All teams except Brendan & Alba and Axel & Abraham are able to go for the Fast Forward.

For the taxi to Perito Moreno Glacier: PM me, either on the board or on Discord, three (3) teams you want to get a flat tire on the bumpy Argentinian roads. All teams that receive three or more votes will be rolled a time between 8 and 12 minutes, and that time will be added onto their travel time to the Glacier.


Everyone has 49 hours, i.e. until 31st March 12pm PST, to get their votes in.

Re: The Amazing Race: SOTF Edition

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 7:00 pm
by Brackie
thanks once again everyone for the votes!
Leg 3 (Part 2)

Teams departed at the following times:
[+] 8 am
Brendan & Alba (v6)
Henry & Min-Jae (v6)
Thomas & Sakurako (v7)
[+] 8.15 am
Axel & Abraham (v7)
Lori & Madison (v7)
Matias & Ashanti (TV3)
[+] 8.30 am
Chase & Brendan (v4)
Laura & Pineapple (TV3)
Max & Abel (v7)
Myles & Ivy (v7)
[+] 8.45 am
Jasmine & Irene (v6)
Michelle & Morton (PV3)
Tucker & Regina (TV2)
The following team went for, and won, the Fast Forward:
[+] Fast Forward winner

Henry & Min-jae!

They will skip all tasks and head directly to the pitstop.
The following teams hit a flat tire on the road and were stalled for a number of minutes while their cab driver fixed it:
[+] Flat tires
Axel & Abraham (v7)
Brendan & Alba (v6)
Chase & Brendan (v4)
Lori & Madison (v7)

Teams arrive at the glacier and find another clue - it is a Roadblock:

"ROADBLOCK: One team member will become an unofficial extreme sports guide and learn how to keep a parasailer in the air for an extended period of time. Under guidance, this person must learn how to control a speedboat with a parasailer attached, and guide both the boat and the parasailer through a marked water course, keeping the parasailer in question in the air for a total of five consecutive minutes. Once you have driven the boat through the course while keeping the parasailer in the air for the alloted time, you will dock at Estancia Punta Bandera and receive your next clue.

The team member not doing the roadblock will be your parasailer."


The first team to keep their teammate in the air for five minutes docks at Estancia Punta Bandera and opens their clue, revealing a Route Info:

"Drive yourselves in one of the marked cars back to El Calafate and find the Panaderia y Confiteria Don Luis - once there, order and finish two Empanada Cordobesa, one for each team member, and the head baker will give you your next clue."



Instructions for Voters:

For the Roadblock: Send me, on the Board or on Discord, a list of who you want to do the Roadblock for any number of teams - the member of each team who receives the most number of votes will do the roadblock. If both team members are tied for votes, the team member who has the least number of completed Roadblocks so far will do the Roadblock - failing that, the team member who did not do the Roadblock last leg will do the Roadblock this leg.

Time calculation will be as follows:
[+] Time calculation
Time = 30 minutes (base time) + [a random number between 1 and [30 - the number of votes the team received total, regardless of who the vote was for]]

Essentially, voting for a team shortens their odds on completing the Roadblock quicker, although it does not guarantee them a faster time - it simply makes it more likely they will roll a lower number.
For the drive to the bakery: PM me, either on the board or on Discord, three (3) teams to get lost in town looking for the bakery. Teams that receive three or more votes will get lost for a number of minutes three (3) times the number of votes they receive. These teams cannot be the same teams you voted for to get a flat tire.


Everybody has 48 hours i.e. until 2nd April 12pm PST, to send their votes in.

Re: The Amazing Race: SOTF Edition

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2021 7:58 pm
by Brackie
so the last few days were a bit busy on my end so I'm extending the deadline to the 4th of April, 12pm PST - that means 24 hours to get votes in!

Re: The Amazing Race: SOTF Edition

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2021 9:31 pm
by Brackie
thanks once again for the votes everyone!

Leg 3 (Part 3)

The following team members did the Roadblock and hoisted their partner high into the sky:
[+] Roadblock participants
Brendan (of Brendan & Alba)
The following teams had difficulty finding the bakery in El Calafate:
[+] Times
6 minutes
Jasmine & Irene (v6)
Laura & Pineapple (TV3)
Matias & Ashanti (TV3)
Myles & Ivy (v7)
Thomas & Sakurako (v7)
Teams open their clue at Panaderia y Confiteria Don Luis and find a Detour:

"TANGO: Make your way to the nearby dance hall, dress up in traditional Argentinian tango outfits, and learn a minute's worth of difficult tango choreography. Once you have performed the choreography with an entire class of dancers to the satisfaction of the dance teacher, you will receive your next clue."


"SALSA: Make your way to the nearby food distribution warehouse and deliver approximately 200lb of chimichurri in ten pound containers to a marked restaurant. Once all 200lb of chimichurri have been delivered, the head chef will give you your next clue."

(However, teams must notice two things: one, that they have several more containers than required, and two, that the excess containers do not contain chimichurri, but instead German Grüne Sosse - if they bring any of the Grüne Sosse containers to the head chef, they will be sent back with their containers to figure out their delivery mistake. They will only receive their clue if the containers of chimichurri are at the restaurant and the Grüne Sosse are at the warehouse.)


Once teams complete the Detour, they receive their final clue for the leg, directing them to the pitstop:

"Make your way to the next pitstop - the El Calafate Glaciarium.




-A U-Turn can be found at the end of a Detour.
- Teams can use the U-Turn to force a team behind them to complete the other side of the Detour before continuing racing.
-Teams can use the U-Turn only once throughout the entire race, so they need to decide on the best time to use it.
-If a team uses the U-Turn but the team they use it on is in front of them, then the team will not be affected by the U-Turn. However, it will still use up a slot on the board.
- A Double U-Turn means that two teams can use the U-Turn.



For the Detour: Decide which Detour every team chooses.
- If a team is voted to do the first option more times, then the team will do Tango. If a team is voted to do the second option more times, then the team will do Salsa. In the case of a tie, a team automatically does Tango.

Times will be computed as follows:

Tango - base time of 18 minutes, 14-minute increments corresponding to their overall rank. (+18, +14)
Salsa - base time of 27 minutes, 6-minute increments corresponding to their overall rank. (+27, +6)

For the Double U-Turn: Decide if a U-Turns or not by making a team's choice beside their name. If you picked a team to U-Turn someone, PM me on the board or Discord who this team will U-Turn. U-Turns will be rendered as effective based on their standing in the Race once they reach the Double U-Turn board. If teams arrive to the Double U-Turn board at the same time, order will be based on their footrace time as decided in Leg 1. Any invalid U-Turns (e.g., someone U-Turns a team ahead of them, a team that took the Fast Forward was U-Turned) will count as using up the available U-Turn spots. You can select for another team every 24 hour period.

Axel & Abraham - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Brendan & Alba - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Chase & Brendan - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Jasmine & Irene - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Laura & Pineapple - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Lori & Madison - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Matias & Ashanti - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Michelle & Morton - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Thomas & Sakurako - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Tucker & Regina - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]


Everyone has a little over 51 hours i.e. until the 6th of April, 6PM PST, to get their votes in!

Re: The Amazing Race: SOTF Edition

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2021 10:04 pm
by Espi
Axel & Abraham - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Brendan & Alba - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Chase & Brendan - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Jasmine & Irene - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Laura & Pineapple - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Lori & Madison - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Matias & Ashanti - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Michelle & Morton - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Myles & Ivy - WILL U-TURN
Thomas & Sakurako - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Tucker & Regina - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]

Re: The Amazing Race: SOTF Edition

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2021 1:00 am
by Laurels
Axel & Abraham - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Brendan & Alba - WILL NOT U-TURN
Chase & Brendan - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Jasmine & Irene - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Laura & Pineapple - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Lori & Madison - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Matias & Ashanti - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Michelle & Morton - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Myles & Ivy - WILL U-TURN
Thomas & Sakurako - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Tucker & Regina - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]

Re: The Amazing Race: SOTF Edition

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2021 4:09 am
by Maraoone
Axel & Abraham - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Brendan & Alba - WILL NOT U-TURN
Chase & Brendan - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Jasmine & Irene - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Laura & Pineapple - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Lori & Madison - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Matias & Ashanti - WILL NOT U-TURN
Michelle & Morton - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Myles & Ivy - WILL U-TURN
Thomas & Sakurako - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Tucker & Regina - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]

Re: The Amazing Race: SOTF Edition

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2021 7:34 pm
by dmboogie
Axel & Abraham - WILL NOT U-TURN
Brendan & Alba - WILL NOT U-TURN
Chase & Brendan - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Jasmine & Irene - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Laura & Pineapple - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Lori & Madison - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Matias & Ashanti - WILL NOT U-TURN
Michelle & Morton - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Myles & Ivy - WILL U-TURN
Thomas & Sakurako - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Tucker & Regina - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]

Re: The Amazing Race: SOTF Edition

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2021 9:11 pm
by Espi
Axel & Abraham - WILL NOT U-TURN
Brendan & Alba - WILL NOT U-TURN
Chase & Brendan - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Jasmine & Irene - WILL U-TURN
Laura & Pineapple - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Lori & Madison - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Matias & Ashanti - WILL NOT U-TURN
Michelle & Morton - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Myles & Ivy - WILL U-TURN
Thomas & Sakurako - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Tucker & Regina - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]

Re: The Amazing Race: SOTF Edition

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 12:19 am
by Maraoone
Axel & Abraham - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Brendan & Alba - WILL NOT U-TURN
Chase & Brendan - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Jasmine & Irene - WILL U-TURN
Laura & Pineapple - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Lori & Madison - WILL U-TURN
Matias & Ashanti - WILL NOT U-TURN
Michelle & Morton - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Myles & Ivy - WILL U-TURN
Thomas & Sakurako - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]
Tucker & Regina - [WILL U-TURN / WILL NOT U-TURN]

Re: The Amazing Race: SOTF Edition

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 1:01 am
by Brackie
that's time on the Detour votes!

the U-Turn decisions I'm going to leave running until either 24 hours pass or all the decisions have been made, whichever happens first. If after 24 hours there are still decisions that haven't been made, all the undecided ones will default to not using the U-Turn.

Re: The Amazing Race: SOTF Edition

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 2:01 am
by Brackie
Episode 3 (Results)

The Detour choices play out as follows:
[+] Detour times
Tango - 18 minutes
Brendan & Alba

Tango - 32 minutes
Myles & Ivy
Tucker & Regina

Tango - 46 minutes
Lori & Madison
Thomas & Sakurako


Salsa - 27 minutes
Chase & Brendan (v4)
Jasmine & Irene (v6)
Laura & Pineapple (TV3)
Michelle & Morton (PV3)

Salsa - 33 minutes
Axel & Abraham (v7)
Max & Abel (v7)

Salsa - 39 minutes
Matias & Ashanti (TV3)
The U-Turn plays out as follows:
[+] U-Turn
U-Turn 1 (valid)
ImageImage | ImageImage

Myles & Ivy U-Turn Lori & Madison
U-Turn 2 (invalid)
ImageImage | ImageImage

Lori & Madison U-Turn Laura & Pineapple, who have already checked in.
Lori & Madison's time for the other side of the Detour is as follows

Salsa - 45 minutes
Lori & Madison (U-Turned)
Teams arrive at the pitstop at the bar of the Glaciarium:


In the following order:
[+] 1st place
10:56 AM

Henry & Min-jae, you're team number one!
As the winners of this leg you win a ten-minute credit which will be applied to your worst-performed task in the next leg.
[+] 2nd place
11:44 AM

Brendan & Alba, you're team number two!
[+] 3rd-4th-5th place
12:05 PM (tie broken by footrace tiebreaker)

Axel & Abraham, Chase & Brendan, Matias & Ashanti; you're teams number three, four and five!
[+] 6th place
12:10 PM

Laura & Pineapple, you're team number six!
[+] 7th place
12:12 PM

Thomas & Sakurako, you're team number seven!
[+] 8th place
12:13 PM

Max & Abel, you're team number eight!
[+] 9th-10th place
12:20 PM (tie broken by footrace tiebreaker)

Michelle & Morton, Myles & Ivy; you're teams number nine and ten!
[+] 11th place
12:29 PM

Jasmine & Irene, you're team number eleven!
[+] 12th place
12:37 PM

Tucker & Regina, you're team number twelve!
[+] 13th place
1:37 PM

Lori & Madison, you're the last team to arrive.

I'm sorry to tell you, you've both been eliminated from the race.
[+] Current leaderboard

Re: The Amazing Race: SOTF Edition

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 7:12 pm
by Espi
Henry's Confessional (on departure):
Henry: I screwed us up a little last time, but that's not gonna happen again. We're gonna have a way better leg this time.

Henry, reading the clue in a singsong voice: Travel to Ar-gen-tinaaaaa~.
Jae: Oh, God dammit Henry. He laughs
Henry: Hey, it says we're going to the desert, we'll fit right in!
Jae: I thought we were supposed to see, like, new things.

Henry spends much of the bus ride pointing to various livestock and animals along the ride, while Jae sits next to him, reading a guidebook and smirking out of the corner of his eye periodically. Despite this, the two were canny enough to sit at the very front of the bus, and along with sharp eyes were quick to make it to the sign-up board.

Henry's confessional:
Henry: It's important we have a lot of fun on this trip, because it's like, not something we can just do again whenever. But I still want to win. We have some plans for the money, plus if we get eliminated, we don't get to see the rest of the race!

Dialogue upon checking the clue:
Henry: Fast Forward! Jae, we can do this one.
Jae: What is it?
Henry: Herding and shaving sheep.
Jae: Oh, hell no.
Henry: It'll be easy, I'm great with animals. I really think we can get this one.
Jae: Alright, if you say so.

The two quickly find a taxi and set out into the field to gather the sheep. Immediately, it becomes a struggle, as Jae is unable to get any of the sheep to cooperate, chasing them around helplessly.

Jae's confessional:
Jae: I don't do animals. They're like the most frustrating children except they're even more spiteful about it.

Jae: These stupid fucking sheep!
Henry: Just stay calm, we'll get there.
Jae: I hate sheep!

As he begins to grow frustrated, though, Henry begins to make a lot of progress. His gentle nature is able to guide the sheep more easily, though some occasionally struggle, and with Jae subduing the more wild ones, they are able to complete the task after about an hour and a half.

Henry: Travel to the Pit Stop! Told ya!
Jae: I know, I know, let's get going.

The two get in their ride covered in mud and grass, in somewhat better spirits than before.

Shared Confessional:
Henry: You gotta trust me more, I know what I'm doing.
Jae: I know. Sorry.
Henry: It's fine! We got there in the end.

Checking in:
Phil: Henry and Min-jae...
You are team number one!
Henry jumps up and down in excitement before exchanging high fives with Jae.

Shared confessional:
Henry: I told you we could do it.
Jae: I know, I know. Anyway, we did really good, but we can't get too complacent, alright?
Henry: Hey, let's just be happy for now. We won a thing!
Jae: Sorry.

The two win a trip to New Zealand.

Re: The Amazing Race: SOTF Edition

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2021 12:07 pm
by Brackie
Leg 4 (Part 1)

Previously on The Amazing Race, thirteen teams set out from Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, to the Patagonian grasslands of El Calafate, Argentina.

While Henry & Min-jae went on to claim the third Fast Forward of the race by outwitting farm animals, the rest of the teams visited the nearby glacier.

While Chase and Ashanti were able to complete the Roadblock quickly, Thomas, Tucker and Abraham had trouble operating the boats.

As Brendan & Alba danced their way to the top of the pack, Matias & Ashanti had trouble figuring out the problem with chimichurri, and Lori & Madison and Thomas & Sakurako tripped over themselves.

Myles & Ivy took the opportunity to U-Turn the competition, sending Lori & Madison to the other side of the Detour, while Lori & Madison tried to do the same unsuccessfully to Laura & Pineapple, who had already finished the leg.

In the end, Jasmine & Irene and Thomas & Tucker managed to scrape by to the next leg, and Lori & Madison were the third team eliminated from the race.

Twelve teams remain - who will be eliminated next?


[+] Remaining teams
Axel & Abraham (v7)
Brendan & Alba (v6)
Chase & Brendan (v4)
Henry & Min-jae (v6)
Jasmine & Irene (v6)
Laura & Pineapple (TV3)
Matias & Ashanti (TV3)
Max & Abel (v7)
Michelle & Morton (PV3)
Myles & Ivy (v7)
Thomas & Sakurako (v7)
Tucker & Regina (TV2)
Leaving first at 10:56pm, Henry & Min-jae open their first clue:

"You're not done heading south just yet - fly to Ushuaia, Argentina. Once you have landed, head to the Ushuaia-Patagonia Hiking Supply Store for your supplies for your next leg, and your next clue."



All teams travel direct from El Calafate Airport, to Ushuaia – Malvinas Argentinas International Airport:



Once they land, teams travel by taxi to the Hiking Supply Store, where they find they are each to receive an entire pack of winter gear, suitable for traversing frozen tundras. The teams open their next clue to find:

"Guess what? You're still not done travelling south - travel by aboard the M/V Ushuaia to Marambio Base, Antarctica. Once you arrive, you will find your next clue at the end of the docks."


Teams head to the nearby cruise ship, the M/V Ushuaia, where they depart later that afternoon across the Argentine Sea, eventually making landfall at Marambio Base the next day.


Once teams arrive in Antarctica, they race to the ends of the dock, and open their next clue, finding both a Fast Forward and another Route Info:

"FAST FORWARD: To claim this Fast Forward, take a marked Nodwell to the region marked on the map and use avalanche beacons to find a dummy buried in the snow. Once you have found the dummy, dig it out of the snow and take it to the expedition leader - the first team to do so will win the Fast Forward."


As teams decide whether or not to take the Fast Forward, others read the next Route Info:

"Make your way to the marked Nodwells and take a guided tour of the perimeter of the Marambio Base - at the end of this tour, you will receive your next clue. Teams will depart for these guided tours two minutes apart - first come, first serve."


Teams depart from the docks in their marked Nordwells, and are pointed towards important and notable buildings in the Marambio Base - once this completes, teams are dropped outside the base headquarters and given their next clue - a Detour:

"CORE DRILL: Join a local research team in retrieving ice cores beneath the surface of a nearby glacier sheet. Once you have successfully operated the machinery and retrieved a perfectly cylindrical six foot ice core, you will recieve your next clue. This task may take a long time, but teams are guarenteed a clue at the end of the long and arduous process.


"CORE NUMBERS: Use the Marambio Base computers to analyze and extract shipment manifests, and then search the manifests for a specific shipment - once the shipment has been correctly located on the base, you will receive your next clue. However, take note - the computer systems of the Marambio Base have not been updated since the mid-00s, so using them may take a while to get used to."




Departure times for the guided tour are based upon the footrace tiebreaker from Leg 1.

Instructions for the Voters:

For the Fast Forward: PM me, either on the board or on Discord, one (1) team you want to win the Fast Forward. The team with the most votes will go for and win the Fast Forward - however, if a team receives 2 or more votes, they will go for the Fast Forward regardless. Any team who goes for the Fast Forward, but does not win it, will be penalized the time taken to complete the task (5 minute travel to Fast Forward location + 15 minute task time + 5 minute travel time back to guided tour Route Info). All teams except Brendan & Alba, Axel & Abraham, and Henry & Min-jae are able to go for the Fast Forward.

For the Detour: Decide which Detour each team chooses.
- If a team is voted to do the first option more times, then the team will do Core Drill. If a team is voted to do the second option more times, then the team will do Core Numbers. In the case of a tie, a team automatically does Core Drill.

Times will be completed as follows:

Core Drill - base time of 60 minutes
Core Numbers - base time of 30 minutes + (random number between 0 and 60) minutes


Everyone has a little over 85 hours i.e. until the 17th of April, 6pm PST, to get their votes in!

Re: The Amazing Race: SOTF Edition

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 8:33 am
by Brackie
thank you for your votes everyone!
Leg 4 (Part 2)

The following teams went for the Fast Forward:
[+] Fast Forward teams
Matias & Ashanti
Thomas & Sakurako
Tucker & Regina
And the winner was:
[+] Fast Forward winner

Matias & Ashanti!

They will skip all tasks and head directly to the pitstop.


Thomas & Sakurako and Tucker & Regina must both return to the race.
The Detour choices and times play out as follows:
[+] Detour times
Core Drill - 60 minutes
Axel & Abraham (v7)
Brendan & Alba (v6)
Henry & Min-Jae (v6)
Thomas & Sakurako (v7)

Core Numbers - 31 minutes
Laura & Pineapple (TV3)
Myles & Ivy (v7)

Core Numbers - 42 minutes
Jasmine & Irene (v6)

Core Numbers - 46 minutes
Michelle & Morton (PV3)

Core Numbers - 52 minutes
Chase & Brendan (v4)

Core Numbers - 59 minutes
Tucker & Regina (TV2)

Core Numbers - 78 minutes
Max & Abel (v7)
The first team to complete the Detour opens their clue:

"Make your way by Nodwell to the Seymour Warehouse and find your next clue."


When teams arrive, they find their next clue is a Roadblock:

"ROADBLOCK: One team member must solve a Marambio Base home-made warehouse Escape Room, created by stationed soldiers on their off-time, within the alloted time using the clues provided in the room itself. When you solve the escape room within the alloted time, you will receive your next clue. If you fail to solve the escape room within the alloted time, you must return to the back of the line and try again. There are only two escape rooms available - first come, first served."


The first person to complete the Escape Room finds their clue within and returns to their teammate, opening it:

"Make your way by Nodwell to the next pitstop - the Carl Anton Larsen Multiexpedition Cairn.


Instructions for Voters:

For finding the Seymour Warehouse: PM me, either on the board or on Discord, three (3) teams to go to the wrong warehouse looking for the Seymour Warehouse. Teams that receive three or more votes will have five minutes added to their time.

For the Roadblock: Decide who does the Roadblock for each team by placing a team member for ONE team (i.e. the team member performing this Roadblock for the team you're choosing for) on one of the 11 spots below and posting it in this thread. Each spot corresponds to a number of attempts, ranging from 1 to 6. If you submitted a team to the game, you get first priority for both their number and their member selection (with the exception of giving/obtaining permission during these first 24 hours), but after the first 24 hours that priority goes away. You can choose every 24 hours.

1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -
6 -
7 -
8 -
9 -
10 -
11 -

Possible teams:

Axel & Abraham (v7)
Brendan & Alba (v6)
Chase & Brendan (v4)
Henry & Min-jae (v6)
Jasmine & Irene (v6)
Laura & Pineapple (TV3)
Max & Abel (v7)
Michelle & Morton (PV3)
Myles & Ivy (v7)
Thomas & Sakurako (v7)
Tucker & Regina (TV2)
[+] Roadblock completion calculation time works as follows
- Teams will attempt the Roadblock until completion in one of the two available slots.
-- A full attempt takes 10 minutes maximum.

- If they fail in their attempt, they are put at the back of the line and must wait until one of two available slots open up to try again.

- If they succeed, they will be rolled a random number between 1 and 10 to indicate when during the attempt they finished.
-- (if Henry & Min-jae spend longer than 60 minutes at this Roadblock, they will automatically get their clue on their last attempt, at 0 minutes, due to their advantage from winning the previous leg.)
For the Pistop: PM me, either on the board or on Discord, three (3) teams who get bogged in the snow on the way to the pitstop. Teams that receive three or more votes will become bogged and stuck for a number of minutes equal to the number of votes they received. If you voted for a team to go to the wrong warehouse, you cannot vote for that team to get bogged.
Everyone has roughly 64 hours i.e. until April 20th at 6pm PST to get their votes and decisions in!