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Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 4:40 am
by Fenris
hello i did some stuff. thats what im here for, doing stuff

decoy's iso is unfortunately totally useless but i decided to look at toben and dodd's output specifically re: how they interacted with each other + those of us left alive.

this is all from day 2 since its the only day where toben spoke: toben's shows he isn't averse to being vaguely-positive toward scummates as he gives a positive read toward dodd. he gives similarly positive reads to people we know are town (jace, ms, me, later deamon). he vaguely side-eyes yugi and zetsu at various points; because this is toben we're talking about i cant say for sure that he's not just preemptively distancing himself from them in case they flip in the future, but he doesn't Really have a reason to do so at that point (no one is pointing any suspicion toward either of them) so imo thats townpoints for both of them from me. he does not mention boogie or irina at all.

takeaway: id be the most suspect here if i wasnt already basically confirmed lmao. positive read on yugi and zetsu, null on boogie and irina.

dodd stuff, admittedly some of this is repetitious but from a "who are dodd's scummates" rather than a "proof that dodd is scum" perspective:

as i said before he null-reads toben but this is before toben really Said anything so anyone would null-read him at that point, its fairly inconclusive re: how dodd is treating the rest of his team. he is consistently positive toward me (until i caught him lmao), and is consistently negative toward boogie from day 3 onward, getting more aggressive about it over time. if i wanna ascribe galaxy brain motives to dodd (or possibly toben, who could have come up with this during one of the first two night phases), its possible dodd did this intentionally hoping to get a theoretical godfather-boogie investigated and thus cleared, but thats probably me overthinking it

if that turns out to be correct im going to break all of boogies skellington bones one by one


dodd has yugi, irina and zetsu all in the neutral read zone. notable, however:
Cactus wrote: Fri Mar 20, 2020 3:58 pm I still get "new-ish player town" vibes from Irina and Jace,
. . .

Also - for Slam, why would the Poly lynch implicate Irina rather than exonerate her? It seemed like she was pushing it with logic that appeared sound? Unless I'm reading it wrong.

I get a big shrug at Zetsu and Yugi right now; neither of them are pinging my radar either which way at the moment. Yugi's had some things which have made him look bad, some that have made him look good, and Zetsu's like, perfect neutral right now for me.
note that while he ranks yugi as more town than irina in his town-to-scum rating, he is subtly defending irina here.

one time he called for a vore count and that was very funny

he puts a vote on boogie second on deamon's attempted train which, again, is very aggressive if boogie is scum. again this aggression all could be a ploy but thats Very risky with only two mafia members left in play. that said he's also Extremely defensive about how he's clearly been active because look how hard he's been pushing for boogie? but that could just be because boogie's his arbitrarily chosen safe target.

in his last read list before yesterday (yesterday is kinda useless cause it was just lies and deflecting @ me mostly) he has us listed, most to least likely to be scum, as boogie > irina > me > yugi > zetsu. id note that irina is higher on his suspicion list here but she's still behind boogie, gianni and deamon, and he kinda defends her again in his commentary:
dodd wrote: Irina: Far be it for me to throw suspicion on the one person who doesn't seem intent on lynching me, but the last few posts have been a little confusing to gleam and I'd like to see more of a comprehensive reads list from them before I really lean one way or another.
meanwhile, despite being much lower on the list, yugi gets:
dodd wrote: Yugi: Yugi gets his own category because I don't really know where to put him. He's seemed very neutral and has stuck to his guns, even when they've been wrong. If I had to guess at this point, I'd put him closer to the middle because I'm just not sure.
so irina gets "id like to hear more" and yugi gets a shrug emoji. then again pointing out that irina is defending him is kinda on-the-nose and not great scum play if irina is in fact also scum. so that could go either way i guess.

he seems Very sure that zetsu isnt scum, to a degree where im kinda nodding because scum defending scum that vociferously is unlikely (and also because i dont think zetsu is scum for a bunch of other reasons).

takeaway: positive read on zetsu and boogie, i think. null on yugi, negative on irina.

so like where that gets us is where we already were aka big side-eyes at irina. its the occam's razor possibility here which is admittedly the wrong one in mafia, a lot of the time. at this point zetsu is probably my strongest town read because even taking Galaxy Brain Possibilities into account i cant think of any real reason why her interactions with dodd and toben would be what they were if she's scum. boogie i can absolutely galaxy brain into being a godfather, tho it would require some really clever play on scum's part; that said with toben and boogie on the same scum team honestly Wild Bullshit would not be outside the realm of possibility. yugi ends up at the bottom end of my reads mostly due to lack of data; dodd is consistently completely null on him, and toben has one brief interaction of disagreeing with him, which is a small point in his favor. but it's totally possible he's the last mafioso and we've just kinda missed it because he hasn't talked much.

ok thats been my wall of text for the evening love yall

Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 4:51 am
by dmboogie
thank u for your service

Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 5:03 am
by Fenris
im trying VERY hard if town doesnt win at this point im gonna be SO mad

Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 5:14 am
by Yugikun
Fenris wrote: Wed Apr 01, 2020 4:40 ambecause he hasn't talked much.
excuse u, this is my sixty-ninth post in the thread. everyone is now obligated to reply to this message with 'nice.'

But in all seriousness I have talked? I kinda just decided to not say anything during the Kermit lynch because I was really out of it for the majority of that day phase but I'd like to say (even including joke posts) I've consistently kept offering my thoughts throughout the game. Maybe I could be seen as quiet in comparison to the other people still alive in the thread, but at least from my perspective I haven't felt like I've been quiet in general.

Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 5:19 am
by Fenris
i will look at ur iso when i have a moment. u have more posts than zetsu actually its not an actual "amount of posts" problem so much as by my recollection a lot of your posts are kinda "i dont know whats happening" posts which does not give me much to go on.

also: nice

Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 5:20 am
by dmboogie
Yugikun wrote: Wed Apr 01, 2020 5:14 am
Fenris wrote: Wed Apr 01, 2020 4:40 ambecause he hasn't talked much.
excuse u, this is my sixty-ninth post in the thread. everyone is now obligated to reply to this message with 'nice.'

but yeah, looking at it you're the fourth-most prolific poster in the thread (im #2 what the fuck is this timeline), and you've been consistently around at least.

i think the vibe of "not being around" you're stuck with is just because, you haven't been an active phase driver, and you haven't been a target, either. it's obviously not inherently scummy, but it's a position scum absolutely loves to be in

Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 5:24 am
by Fenris
im number 1 do i get a medal

Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 6:31 am
by dmboogie
Fenris wrote: Wed Apr 01, 2020 5:24 am im number 1 do i get a medal

Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 7:01 am
by Zetsu

setup stuff:

godfather/strongman/roleblocker/goon are the remaining of the common scummy power roles, and Ricky has used all three of them in his games before (also jailer, but w/o a town killing role in play that's effectively a roleblocker)

if there's a godfather or goon, there's no roleblocker or strongman, which means that scum have very few options for stopping the follow the cop strat besides finding and killing the doctor. with a backup doctor around, follow the cop becomes just way too broken, even with miller and godfather being around to fuck up results. if last scum is godfather/goon, irina's lying about being a backup. if irina's lying about backup, then she's mafia, but she investigated innocent. so we can rule out goon.

if strongman is in play, then they're not investigation immune, which means that it would just. make much more sense as a scum move to kill fen, deny town the investigation. that'll also have the benefit of casting doubt on Jace. you can HOPE that fen targets someone besides you, but that just seems like a massive risk for very little gain.

remaining scum is unlikely to be a roleblocker. if there's a roleblocking scum remaining, the best courses of action is just blatantly obvious: you either block jace and kill fen, or you block fen and kill jace. neither of these happened. if they ARE a roleblocker, then presumably scum has a rule that you can only take one action per night (in other words, a singular player cannot roleblock one player and kill another). still feels moderately unlikely that fen's never gotten blocked in that case, though, given that they're one of the most active town voices in the game. oh and Slam was a town roleblocker, too.

tl;dr last scum member is definitely not a goon, almost certainly not a strongman, and unlikely to be a roleblocker. for either of these to be the case, scum would have to either be seriously misplaying or have that rule in place that i mentioned when i talked about roleblocker. probably a godfather. therefore irina

Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 7:14 am
by Fenris
god yeah i hadnt actually considered how ridiculous a backup doctor would be in a setup without a strongman or roleblocker

Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 7:15 am
by Fenris
ebwop MAFIA roleblocker

Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 7:24 am
by dmboogie
i dig the analysis

Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 7:56 am
by dmboogie
off-topic but the saddest part of quarantine mafia is that i havent had a chance to drunkpost

Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 3:16 pm
by Zetsu
ohaiyoooooooo town

(sorry scum but i cant greet you unless i know who you are. maybe if you tell me? :cry:

Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 7:20 pm
by Fenris