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Re: Let the Dance Begin!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 6:58 am
by selphie_trabia*
Sarah sighed. It was just her luck to be blocked off from the punch by a happy couple. She stood there, holding her empty plastic cup, waiting her turn. She turned away momentarily to grab one of those delicious snacks. She stuffed her mouth with it, wiping it with a serviette she snagged from the table earlier.

The Mexican spices overwhelmed her mouth. Sarah winced and sucked in some air to cool the hot snack. Now, she was ridiculously thirsty.

After a moment or two of agony, she swallowed the snack and whispered to the boy, "Excuse me... uhm... can I get a cup too?"

She showed the boy her little plastic cup, hoping that perhaps she might get a drink, herself.

Re: Let the Dance Begin!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 6:58 am
by Dr. Nic*
"After party?"

He hadn't thought of those when planning his night, and who knows, it might be fun to check one of them out. But then again, like Everett, William didn't really know how those parties worked out in the end; And when it came down to it, would William even know the people throwing these parties well enough to be welcome? He pushed the thought to the back of his mind, leaving it as something to worry about later on, though the mention of drinks by Peter and Maddy got him thinking; would he really want to go if people were going to be drinking? He hadn't done much drinking, and certainly didn't want to risk going overboard or simply ending up as the designated driver for anyone he knew who did go overboard.

"I left most of my night open, to see what would happen, though I was thinking of leaving pretty early and catching a movie."

He glanced once more at his watch and the time; he took a moment to think on what he wanted to do.

"Then again, leaving prom for a movie doesn't exactly sound like a wonderful night. Maybe I'll stay, try my luck again."

Optimism certainly wasn't one of William's strong suits when it came to public gatherings like this; One attempt, and not even a good one at that, and he had already felt dejected and pessimistic. But maybe he should try harder in making the night one to remember; he certainly wasn't limited to just the boys or just the girls, and he didn't exactly plan on meeting someone special tonight. A dance partner, or two, might just be the thing to give him back some confidence and make the night fun; though a wandering eye did stray to Peter when the thought came to mind. Even with Maddy on his arm, that didn't stop the thought; After all, Peter was good looking, particularly in his tuxedo, and he was someone that William knew, which was a starting point at least. But that would have to wait, so William pushed it to the back of his mind with everything else and simply smiled as he looked to Peter, Maddy and Everett; he adjusted the sleeves of his jacket before he spoke.

"She might have a point, Everett. It could be fun. At least you can say you were there."

Sure, it might be considered a bit pushy to try and convince someone else to do something he might not even have the courage for himself, but in the back of his mind, William was trying to convince himself almost as much as he was trying to convince Everett; Saying it out loud just helped push the facts into place.

"Drinking isn't a required activity, after all, and depending upon how much some people drink, it could be hilarious. And nothing says you're having a good time like laughing at the guy stumbling into the furniture with a lamp shade on his head and a shoe in his hand."

Pausing for a moment, William took note of the girl approaching the snack table and trying to get past a happy couple; A nice blue dress, fancy and fitted, worn by a girl who seemed to be a size too small to be without heels. She seemed to be alone, as far as he could tell, which could certainly be a good thing for William; then again, he struggled to pull a name to match the face, and trying to talk to someone without knowing their name is a little hard. But he ignored that for a moment to continue talking, turning his focus back to his friends; but the little Asian girl stayed within peripheral sight.

"Besides, I'll probably tag along and I don't drink, so if you do decide to have a little fun, I can always drive you home. What do you say?"

Re: Let the Dance Begin!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 6:58 am
by Moth*
"Welll..." Celeste began, before pausing, glancing at the other occupants at the table. There were other people here...not that she cared too much, but there was something she did want to ask John. And she sure as hell wasn't going to say it in front of mixed company, that was for damn sure! "First off, can we move? I wanna ask something...a bit personal?" she asked sweetly, tilting her head a bit. Taking a moment to refill her cup of punch, Celeste walked off towards a corner, looking over her shoulder to see if John had followed.

"I wanna know..." she mumbled quietly, lifting her cup as if to take a drink. "If I'm not too young-looking for you. Hate to see my boyfriend get a bad reputation, be falsely accused of child-molesting..."

Re: Let the Dance Begin!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 6:58 am
by Acelister*
"Excuse me... uhm... can I get a cup too?"

John glanced at Sara and nodded, moving out of the way before returning his attention to Celeste.

"Welll... First off, can we move? I wanna ask something...a bit personal?"

John blushed but nodded and followed her. She wanted to ask him something personal? Probably something sexual. He felt movement in his boxers from just the hint about sexual things - dirty talk with Celeste...

"I wanna know... If I'm not too young-looking for you. Hate to see my boyfriend get a bad reputation, be falsely accused of child-molesting..."

John blinked in surprise. He thought she knew how he felt about how she looked. She certainly felt it. Twice, in fact.

"You look gorgeous." he told her, taking hold of her hands. "I don't care what other people think. I wanna be with you."

As this was obviously a serious moment, he kept his sexual thoughts and comments to himself. Remembering her naked body and the picture he took of her post-coitus head and shoulders only made his horniness worse though.

Re: Let the Dance Begin!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 6:58 am
by selphie_trabia*
Sarah smiled and happily filled her cup, gulping the sweet punch down with a satisfied sigh. She refilled her cup again, holding it in one hand as she continued to patrol the snacks table. Finding herself a paper plate, she piled it up with a few goodies, then scanned the rest of the hall.

She shivered a little, feeling somewhat out of place amongst the happy couples that were beginning to tear up the dance floor. While many of the kids at school had thought to bring dates or at least bring friends, Sarah had focused so much on studying for finals and the SATs that she'd completely forgotten to take time to arrange things with her friends... and getting a date was right out of the question - she was far too young for a boyfriend. In any case, the prom was considered an integral part of the whole High School experience and she wasn't going to let anything prevent her from attending.

Balancing her plate and cup in one hand, Sarah squeezed her purse, checking if her wallet and things were still inside it. Having confirmed the presence of her stuff, she looked about for a chair. Her plan was simple. Since she probably wasn't going to be invited out to dance, she had planned to spend the prom scarfing down free food and drink while reading the novels that she had stored on her e-Reader. That way, she could tell her friends that she went to the prom and depending on the quality of the snacks and drinks, she could definitely enjoy the dance too.

Still... if anyone did ask her to dance, she probably wouldn't say no.

Re: Let the Dance Begin!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 6:58 am
by Solomir*
"I'm not really sure what I'll do," Tiffany said in response, shuffling nervously from the pressure of the question. "I'm going to Minnesota State University in Mankato, but I don't know what to major in yet. Maybe art history."

Tiffany wished that she had gotten accepted to a school closer to home, but her mother had insisted on going to a proper state university instead of a local college. Tiffany was a bit sad that she wouldn't be able to stay at home and be with her friends from school, but Mankato was close enough that she could still visit often.

"How about you, Andrew?" she asked, "What are you going to be studying?" It had been years since the two had really talked about anything significant, and Tiffany had somewhat lost track of what her date was now interested in.

Maddy's comment about staying out late set off alarms in Peter's head. She couldn't possibly mean what he thought she meant. Maddy had always seemed more like a good girl. Well, not exactly a goody-good girl like Tiffany; Maddy had her rebellious streak but Peter would never had pegged her as being so… sexually forward.
She is quite the fine girl. This is an opportunity.
"Well, your parents might sleep early, but mine are like owls," Peter said, chuckling at the mental image it brought. "I already told them not to worry, but I just know they'll be staying up late waiting for me to come home." Peter swept his gaze around nervously. He was still up for an afterparty, but he didn't want Maddy to get any other funny ideas for the night. "I can still be out late. It just sucks when they worry and then they take it out on me afterward." He shrugged in a half-exasperated gesture.
Maybe she just really wants to party? Just because I have a sick mind doesn't mean it extends to others.
His visual search locked onto the punch bowl just off to the side. He needed a moment to get away from Maddy to form a battle plan. She went on about all the supposed afterparty festivities to try to rope Everett and Will into coming. With Peter's luck, she'd assume he was "drunk" after a cup of whatever beer they had available and begin "messing" with him.
But that's because there'll be more than one cup. Plus that vodka in the pocket.
"Speaking of drinking, I'm going to go get something to drink," Peter said hurriedly as the couple that had just been there, little Celeste Beaumont and unremarkable John Smith, left to enjoy each other's company. Peter dislodged himself from Maddy's hold and waved off her attempt to follow him. "I'll be right back," he told her, then started off toward the punch bowl.
Was Will just checking me out? I didn't think he was into me…
They had supplied those tiny plastic cups that could barely hold anything for the punch. Peter filled it once, drained half of it, then refilled it. As he was refilling his cup, he recognized a taller figure standing off to the side of the punch bowl on the other side. Peter waved to catch his attention. "Brook! You guys did a great job with the planning and decorations." Peter had in the past occasionally helped out the Student Council with some side planning work. He hadn't wanted to help with Prom; he just wanted a nice relaxing evening without having to worry about all the other things behind the scenes tonight. "Makes me wish I helped out so I could claim some credit."
I am such an attention whore.
Peter wasn't a master at reading unspoken cues, but even he could tell that Brook was acting a little unusual. This wasn't a "stressed from planning prom" that Peter was feeling, but something a little bit more somber. "Hey man," Peter said, dropping the forced cheeriness from his voice, "you don't look like you're at the top of the game. You doing okay?"

Re: Let the Dance Begin!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 6:58 am
by MK Kilmarnock
Brook had been out of it for more than just a few minutes. Somewhere between the time it took for him to get up from the table he was sitting at, and then to head over to the serving table, his mind had spaced out in an effort to get him to relax. Mulling things over wasn't going to help, so platonically enjoying the night was the best route out at this point. As things stood, his mind had decided the best way not to think about anything tied into romance was simply to not think about anything at all.

When somebody had finally addressed him, Brook characteristically jolted a little. Thankfully, his tuxedo was saved by the fact that his little plastic cup was nearly empty save for a few drops of punch resting at the bottom. He glanced off in some strange, untracable direction before looking directly to... Peter Siu. The consummate everyman, Brook liked to think of him as, if only because he couldn't remember a single thing about what the guy was interested in, and so assumed he pretty much dabbled in everything.

At first, he only nodded at the mention of prom planning. He didn't have THAT much to do with it, basically sitting around as everybody else had their piece of picking bad music and worse food. Okay, Elton John wasn't that bad, but most of this pop shit was just inaccessible...

"Hey man, you don't look like you're at the top of the game. You doing okay?"

Brook shook that off, having to chuckle a bit. "Uh, prom night blues, I guess. Wasn't planning on being by myself, that's all. It's fine enough to hang out with friends, though, but most of them have also got some girl taking up most of their time, right? Laaame!" He laughed again, but a little less convincing that time.

Re: Let the Dance Begin!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 6:58 am
by Solomir*
What Peter lacked in ability at reading facial expressions and body language, he made up for with verbal nuances. His visual attention had a tendency to wander around during conversations, but Peter would always pay attention to the things that were said; years of this sort of behaviour had somewhat trained Peter to be able to figure out subtle clues that were in the diction and inflection of speech.
It's not nearly as complicated as that. People are just generally expressive with their voice.
"You got rejected, man?" Peter winced internally as the words left his mouth. That wasn't the most tactful way of approaching the situation. "But you're the council VP. Why would any girl turn that down?"
There are several reasons, which would be obvious if I stopped to think before shooting off my mouth.
Peter's brain filled in all the possible answers to that question only after he had asked it. The likely reason was that his target girl already had a boyfriend, or at least a date for tonight. Peter hadn't had to go through all that stress of getting his date, so it was hard to know exactly how Brook was feeling. Still, he could at least understand a bit of how much it sucked to be in Brook's position. Rejection always stung for a while.
Is that experience talking? What I've been through is piddly compared to this

Re: Let the Dance Begin!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 6:59 am
by MK Kilmarnock
"Rejected? No..."

Brook took the time during this short pause in the conversation to dip the ladel on the side on the bowl into the punch, scoop out some punch, and fill his glass with it. Once he was satisfied that he had the perfect, most carefully poured glass this damn school had ever seen, Brook looked back up to Peter.

"I chickened out... I didn't even have the guts to ask! Heh... heh heh..." He took a sip to wet his throat, gasping for breath after he swallowed. "What's worse, I almost did... Jason and I, we headed up to the park and climbed a goddamn mountain to get some rare flowers for her... I thought that, with a token of my affection, maybe that would bolster the rest of me to play 'catch up' and ask her. But... lo and behold, somebody beats me to the punch! ... Ha... punch... I get it..." Brook laughed and shook his head, taking another sip.

"I'm not drunk, this isn't spiked..." he added. "I just... space out when I get stressed and stuff. Sorry, dude... It's just that, well, I was really looking forward to spending the night with Tiffany... yet, Bishop gets there. Go. Figure." Without much else on the matter, Brook seemed to shove the topic away. "And your prom night? How's it going?"

Re: Let the Dance Begin!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 6:59 am
by Hiro*
"Well...I've always wanted to be a police officer," Bishop said after a moment. Ever since his bully-hunting days back in middle school, his ultimate dream had been to don that blue uniform, get behind the wheels of a genuine patrol car, and protect good citizens everywhere. Okay, so maybe at first it had more to do with firing two guns while jumping through the air and getting in high-speed pursuits, but he had outgrown that eventually. He just liked to help people. And being a cop was, in his mind, the best way for him to do it. "I got into University of Phoenix, so I'll probably study Criminal Justice over there, and see where it takes me."

"So you just let me know if someone's giving you trouble, and I'll fly right over and lock him up for you," he said jokingly, sticking his tongue out.

Re: Let the Dance Begin!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 6:59 am
by Moth*
Celeste grinned, squeezing John's hands a bit. "'s not that I was worried how you felt about me, but...what people'd think of you. I worry, you know," she half-lied. He was cute, yes, and very sweet, and they'd slept with each other, but Celeste wasn't quite sure she actually loved him...but she did worry, a bit, about the implications of the relationship. It'd fucking suck if I lost the guy, 'cause he couldn't handle a couple of rumors...or hell, if the police hauled him off during a date.

For a brief instant, Celeste frowned, then shook it off, smiling up at John again. "But thank you..." she whispered, blushing a bit. "That...that means a lot to hear, then." Dropping her cup onto teh floor, and not really caring where it went, or how much punch was spilled, Celeste suddenly leaned forward and circles her arms around John, pressing tightly against him. She rubbed her face against his clothes a little bit, smiling with her eyes shut. "Thanks so much, John, love..." she said, a whispery tone to her voice.

Re: Let the Dance Begin!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 6:59 am
by GameMaker*
((Continued from Pregaming Like A Champ A.K.A. Only Bitches Go Sober))

JJ stood outside of the prom building, sweat dripping down his forehead. He was drunk now, very, very drunk. Things seemed to spin around him, and it was hard for him to focus- the only thing he could focus on was thanking God that he had brought gum. His breath reeked of alcohol, and even after chewing almost an entire pack of gum, there was still a faint lingering odor of it behind the minty smell. He was trying to focus right now, though, make at least an attempt to hide how drunk he was. He couldn't get caught and get kicked out of the dance- not, at least, until he'd found Claire, and talked to her.

He slowly made his way towards the front door, being careful to make sure he was walking normally and acting fine. He was already pretty late, a warning sign for whatever security the dance had. As he opened the front doors, the first thing he saw was Principal Kendrick and Mr. Kwong standing there, and as they saw him enter, they both glared at him. He was almost certain they knew what was going on, but he tried to keep on a smile as he walked by them. The security guard sitting at the table looked up as he heard him approach, and gave him a wary look.

"What's your name, son?" The security guard spoke in a calm, even voice as he studied JJ's features carefully. JJ kept his smile on, trying not to do anything that would suggest he was drunk.

"JJ. JJ Sturn." The security guard looked at a list of names he had in front of him, and then back up at JJ. Then, he pushed his chair back and got up.

"Excuse me, JJ, but I'm going to have to ask you to wait for a minute. Got to check you- your Principal put your name down specifically." JJ frowned, and muttered a quick "Alright", but he tried not to seem too annoyed. There was nothing on him the guy could find to get him in trouble, he thought. All the drinking he had done he had done at his house, and he had nothing on him right now. Still, he felt more than a little nervous as the guard patted him down, and realized why when the guard patted his fronts pant pocket, and looked up at him, frowning.

"Sir, what's in your pocket?" JJ reached into his pocket, pulling out his wallet and a pack of Wild Sevens. The guard looked down at the cigarettes, frowned, and then put his hand out. "Sorry, JJ, but you're gonna have to give those to me. No smoking inside here- if you want to do it, you do it outside. I'll keep these here, safe for you if you want to go outside and smoke."

"Uh... I understand, but I'm not gonna smoke in here. I'd rather keep them on me, you know, if it's all the same to you." JJ, now annoyed, went to go put his wallet and the pack of cigarettes in his pocket, but the guard stopped him in the middle of it.

"No, kid, it's not all the same to me. Now either you give me those cigarettes, or you don't go in. It's up to you." Motherfucker... JJ put his wallet back into his pants, and then handed the cigarettes to the man, glaring at him as he did. The guy just smiled back, putting the cigarettes down on the table next to his notepad.

"Alright, go inside and have fun- and if you look at me like that again, I'll make sure you get kicked out of here. It's been a long night, and I'm not really in the mood to deal with a pissy teenager with attitude." The guard sat back down at his chair, and JJ put on a forced smile before he walked through the door and into the real prom. Fucking prick!

JJ saw just what he expected to see- almost all of the senior class was here, some out by the snacks and punch, but most of them on the dance floor enjoying themselves. He scanned the crowd quickly to see if he could find Claire, but he couldn't see her anywhere. Ah well... he had the rest of the night to find her, and talk to her. He quickly made his way over to the punch and the snacks, thinking that a drink would be just the thing to settle him right now.

And that's when it happened- as he was walking, all he had been drinking seemed to hit him at once, even harder than before. His stomach did a backflip, and he felt the alcohol threatening to come up. A wave of dizzyness washed over him as he forced it down, and JJ felt his legs going out beneath him. His feet slipped, and he hit the ground, accidently bumping into a girl as he did. Not hard, and he tried to quickly scramble up, hoping that no one had seen him.

"Umm... excuse me, ladies and gents, I guess the floor was uh.. a little slippery, ha ha" JJ gave a quick smile to anyone who would have been looking, and quickly bridged the short gap between him and the end of the punch line. He gave a look to the girl he had almost fallen onto, and gave her an awkward "Ah gee, would you look at old clumsy me?" smile, hoping that that would serve to diffuse the situation before it got bad. A great way to star the night... just fucking perfect, actually.

Re: Let the Dance Begin!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 6:59 am
by selphie_trabia*
"Beth. Don't die." Sarah mumbled dreamily to herself as she immersed herself in the book in front of her.

The rain soaked into Sarah's clothing and shoes as she looked through the window of the Alcott household. No matter how many times she came here, she always wished that the outcome would be different. Beth lay in the bed, wheezing as she took her last breaths. In a few minutes, she would be dead. Jo knew that. At least Beth wou-

The next thing Sarah knew, her world came to a jolt as she was suddenly pushed forward. She gave an undignified squawk of surprise as her e-Reader flew out of her hands, spinning across the dance floor and under the snacks table. Her imagination interrupted, Sarah was jolted back into reality - Without the text in front of her, her little imaginary world crumbled before her eyes.

As her brain moved from imagination to reality, Sarah winced. The lights in the room were flashing a little too much for her tastes and the noisy cheap DJ music pounded in her ears. She looked around, her eyes focusing on the unidentifiable heap of maleness that was flopping about on the floor behind her. She repressed the urge to giggle.

"Umm... excuse me, ladies and gents, I guess the floor was uh.. a little slippery, ha ha" said the boy as he stood up and joined the punch queue.

Sarah walked up to the boy, noting his apologetic smile. She wanted her book back and since he seemed to be the culprit behind its loss, she was sure he'd help her find it. The stench of alcohol consumption hit her nose. Sarah wrinkled it in disgust.

"Uh. It's okay... You don't look well. I lost my computer book reader thing thing. Can you help me find it?" she said.

Re: Let the Dance Begin!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 6:59 am
by Acelister*
"'s not that I was worried how you felt about me, but...what people'd think of you. I worry, you know, But thank you... That...that means a lot to hear, then."

John looked at the cup as she dropped it and it hit the floor, spilling everywhere. He looked back at her but she put her arms around him and pressed tightly against him, nuzzling his chest.

"Thanks so much, John, love..."

John barely heard that - the many voices and the lots of noise from the music almost drowned her out.

"People might look at you weird 'cause you're going out with a..." John started, putting his arms around her as he spoke. "... You know, a fat guy. So I've got no problems with people looking at me 'cause of how you look. Nobody can stop me from liking you."

He kissed her head and rested his cheek against it. She was sweet to worry.

Re: Let the Dance Begin!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 6:59 am
by JamesRenard*
'Aw man...' Allen Birkman thought as he just that moment entered the hall alongside Isabel. 'Please tell me we're not that late.'

Fortunately they weren't as late as he thought they would be, but it had been entirely his fault for the pair of them getting to the prom later than they had originally planned. As he was getting ready to leave his dad's house to pick Isabel up, he realized that he'd left his prom ticket at his mother's house from when he'd stayed with her the night before, several miles away in Faribault. A lengthy drive there and back, and several apologies and explanations over the cell phone to Isabel later, they had finally arrived at the venue.

'Yeah, we hadn't even started and I nearly screwed things up already. I hope she forgives me for that. Hopefully things will run a lot more smoothly now,' he thought. To say Allen was nervous would be an extreme understatement. He had never been to an event like this before, he hadn't been on a date before either, and the happenings prior to his and Isabel's arrival didn't do anything to calm him down one bit.

'Look, you're here now, so just relax and enjoy the dance with Isabel,' he mentally instructed himself. Turning to Isabel, he gave her a smile while trying to mask his nerves. "So, shall we dance?" he asked her.