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Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:02 am
by Theseus*
OOC: Ok I see where the sickle is in her shin my bad lol

Jeremy listened to Aiden and nodded. Then there was another burst of gunfire through the window, Jeremy ducked down lower and said, "I think he might attack, if he does I'm sure we can take him, we outnumber him, but a lot of us will.....get injured in that." Jeremy looked back at Mallory. She was towards the back, with his sickle in her shin. Jeremy slightly limped towards her and dat down and said, "I don't know you but that's my sickle in your shin" Jeremy smiled despite the situation and said, "So I guess this gives us a reason to talk." Jeremy then became serioues and said, "Do you need any help with that? We can't keep it there...." Jeremy looked at her.

Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:02 am
by MooCow*
OOC: Aiden doesn't know the first thing about guns so thats not technically an error.

Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:02 am
by Slayer*
OOC: Just pointing it out.

Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:02 am
by Swoosh*
The pain was immense. Mallory felt her head spin as she stopped her screaming. The sickle was lodged stubbornly in her shin and it was the worst pain she had ever felt. Blood oozed out from under the sickle and onto the floor. Crying violently, Mallory looked up to see the boy who had given her the tissues (or was it the other one? Who could tell) kneeling down next to her. Whimpering slightly, she looked up at his face, his eyes filled with a strange mixture of concern and alarm.

At the sound and sight of the glass windows smashing, Mallory screamed once more. She had never felt this afraid, even when Cillian had threatened to skin her alive at the bamboo coppice. The sickle sticking out of her leg, her feeling of loneliness and now the window smashing made her feel totally and utterly helpless, and even worse; that she was going to die. Of course, this wasn't the first time she had felt like that, in her life, even since she had woken up on the island; but this time it felt more graphic, more violent. They were all going to die.

In a moment of irrationality, reached out and gripped Glenn's hand tightly. It felt reassuring, it felt safe. The pain in her leg seemed to lessen. Mallory took comfort in holding Glenn's hand and closing her eyes... but at the sound of bullets hitting the floor, it was enough to bring her to her senses. Her eyes snapped open and her hand withdrew away from Glenn's as if she had received an electric shock, and the pain in her leg returned with back-up. She blushed slightly, and looked at the floor. She didn't know why she had wanted to hold the boy's (who was essentially a stranger to her) hand, and moreso why she was now feeling embarrassed, but it had been nice. Maybe it was because he was the only boy nearby, or maybe it was something else, but it had made her forget for a few seconds. How odd, that I should be embarrassed by these kinds of things when I'm about to die...

Another one of the boys in the room had now come over and sat down next to the tissue boy. She recognized him as the fallen boy... the boy from whom she'd stolen the sickle. She looked up at him warily, her thoughts of Glenn now vanished. Had he come to finish her off? She recoiled slightly, afraid, but at his kind tones and smile, Mallory became slightly stunned, but listened anyway.

"D-do you think I should take it out?" she said, her voice shaking from the immeasurable pain from her leg. After she had said it, she realised it might have sounded a little silly, but she needed to get rid of the sickle or she would pass out. She wasn't sure what the consequences would be of removing it, especially if it had cut a vein or something, but it seemed like the only choice available. Looking at Jeremy (it felt a little embarrassing to look at Glenn now), Mallory spoke.

"Can... can you do it for me?"

((cause, come ON, we need some romance here, even if it is one way!!))

Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:02 am
by Theseus*
Jeremy looked at Glenn, he knew Glenn must have been worried about his brother, acting like a hero to save them. Jeremy then turned to look at the girl with the sickle in her shin and said, "I can take it out, but i'm not going to lie to'll hurt." Jeremy had pushed the pain of the two gunshot wounds aside, they weren't serious, not like the sickle. Jeremy, sitting there without his shirt on for it was wrapped around his arm to stop the bleeding, said, "Glenn, I need your shirt, we can use it to stop the bleeding, at least that's what I see on the movies." Jeremy tried to smile, couldn't then looked at the girl, "hey, close your eyes...."

Jeremy then said, "So what's your name?" He slowly movied his hand to the sickle handle. "Where are you from?" He gribbed it lightly. "How old are you?" His grip tightened. "What school are you from?" He pulled with all his strength, of all his years on his school's wrestling team, all his years as a son, all his years as a friend, he never pulled so hard for something in his life, he wanted to get this over with, he wanted to get back to Fred, he wanted to get off the island, he wanted to kill that maniac outside with the uzi.

Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:03 am
by MooCow*
Jeremy was busy with Mallory, Aiden looked nervously at the shotgun and then to Dai.

"Jeremy maybe you should sterilize her wound," Aiden suggested, "Glenn what's your weapons situation?"

Not waiting for an answer Aiden turned to Dai and picked up the shotgun, "I don't want to do this alone Dai, please help me get this bastard..."

Aiden hated guns. He hated violence. He hated this game. But it was time to put his morals aside and let the primal instinct to survive take over.

Darting to the shattered window he fired the shotgun in the direction of the shooter and quickly ducked beneath the sill beside Heather.

Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:03 am
by Sephy*
Daisuke watched Aiden, who ahd seemed so out-of-it and fragile just a few minutes ago, now he was completly taking charge and it was Dai standing around like a discarded doll, mentally he shook himself

~Snap out of it Dai! You can have a mental breakdown after this is over~

Moving over to the other window, he fired in the direction of thier attacker

~Lets hope I have as good aim as last time I fired this thing~

He ducked beneath the window, waiting for the sound of gunfire from the shooter.

Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:03 am
by Slayer*
After the shotgun blast and pistol fire (?) blew a large chunk from his tree, Jason strafed out from his cover, firing into the windows the other shots had came from as he ran to the next available cover.

Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:03 am
by Sephy*
(OOC: yes, Daisuke has a type of pistol, I forget the name, but it looks like the gun Sho has in the manga o.o )

Daisuke winced as he heard the gunfire and saw several bullet holes appear in the opposite wall

~good thing i'm not a half a foot taller~.
He half-stood and fired outside of the window again when he saw the trembling leaves of a bush
~hope I don't hit a badger or something~

Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:04 am
by MooCow*
"Holy shit," Aiden winced as one of the machine gun bullets came so close to his temple that he swore he could feel it's searing heat.

"What the hell are we gonna do!" Aiden yelled.

Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:04 am
by Swoosh*
Mallory nodded. She knew it would be a painful lesson, but it couldn't be much worse than what she was feeling now, and besides, she couldn't stay there like that... not while...

At the sound of more bullets being let loose, she felt the familar surge of overwhelming fear, but this time restrained herself from grabbing Glenn's hand, instead just wincing slightly. As Jeremy reached towards the sickle's handle, she closed her eyes just as he had instructed, not that she needed telling. Jeremy's questions were serving as a distraction of what was to come, and Mallory welcomed them, her eyes tightly shut now, trying to her hardest to ignore the constant sound of gunfire. She spoke somewhat forcibly, as if talking took a great amount of effort.

"I'm Mallory, and I went to Barry Coleson, same as-" she stopped as she felt a slight movement in her leg. She balled up her fists and her face contorted as Jeremy began to pull at the sickle... but it was all too much for her. As the sickle was tugged at, Mallory let out a fresh scream of pain. Her entire leg felt like it was on fire, and it wasn't being doused out. The familiar feelings of dizzyness and nausea returned, bigger and better than before, and for a split second Mallory felt like she was dead.

The gunshots that rang out once more said otherwise, however, and Mallory opened her eyes to see Jeremy holding a bloody sickle, and the two boys by the window still shooting at the mystery gunman outside. Against her better judgement, she glanced down at her leg to see a gaping hole in her shin, blood oozing out of it.

"Oh, Jesus..." she slurred, still affected from the dizzying fear. "I think I'm going to pass out..."

Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:04 am
by Slayer*
Jason winced slightly as the latest bullet coming from the hospital hit the dirt next to his foot (obviously it was the pistol, the shotgun would've blown his leg off). Leaning out from his tree, he fired threee more bullets at the shooter before running to another tree. To anyone watching, it would be apparent that he was working his way to the side door.
If I can get in there, I can force them, into close quarters combat, I'll take out the one with the shotgun first, then I can kill everyone else.

Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:04 am
by Kuze*
(sorry for the writers block for heather ><)

Bang, Bang, Bang

The next set of shots rang out hit the walls. Heather by now had been sitting below the window sill next to one of the guys who were there when her group got there. He seemed to struggle with the Shotgun that he has.

"Hey man, you look like you should be using a handgun, so mind if i give you my handgun and you give me your shotgun?"

Heather said offering him her Glock 17, knowing that this may not be the right time.

Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:05 am
by MooCow*
Aiden nodded and quickly traded arms with the girl.

"What is he doing," Aiden lamented, "doesn't he realize he's outnumbered?"

Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:05 am
by Slayer*
As he heard the announcement and the declaration of the Hospital as a Danger Zone, Jason ran through the trees in the opposite direction form the building. He would be unable to kill the enemy group for now, but he could possibly meet them again to take care of that.

"Dammit." he muttered as he left the area.

OOC: Continued in "...Starin' Down The Barrel of a .45": http://s10.PLACEHOLDERLINK/SurvivalOfTheF...p?showtopic=623