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Re: V7 Reduced Activity Notices

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2019 10:12 pm
by Fenris
i already talked to the people i owe posts to currently but i am Sick. no idea when ill feel better but like i will force myself to post thru the ills if it takes too long. sorry for delays and stuff

Re: V7 Reduced Activity Notices

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2019 3:56 pm
by Melusine
I'm doing the "I have a depressive episode and I have to juggle with three things at once" thing so I have to drop SotF for a while. I'll probably put a post up and all, but I need some time to be alone and recover.

Also if your name is jilly, I'll be writing in the google doc things.

and if we share a thread, ill probably have tiny post ready.

Re: V7 Reduced Activity Notices

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 12:02 am
by MethodicalSlacker
Hi! More marching band stuff coming at you here! Next week is our Multibands Pops show and that means a lot of stuff going on! October 16th I have dress rehearsal during evening hours, when I usually get posts in; October 17th I have a performance in the morning, as I also do on the 18th; and additionally on October 18th I have the Gala performance in which from basically eight till the end of the night I'm busy performing and doing post performance activities. The 19th my family is coming to visit PLUS im going to a concert PLUS im going to a party. Wild stuff!

I have time to post but I won't be fast :tm: like usual. The week after I'll need to be away for the weekend and I'll get an away post up when it's time.

Re: V7 Reduced Activity Notices

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 11:45 am
by Jilly
Hey guys, so this is more pertinent to the Discord server but I'm gonna probably step away from chat and subsequently the boards for the next 2-3ish weeks. Gonna be testing for my wastewater operator certification Friday after next along with working lots of overtime until the 14th, so I'm trying to limit distractions so I can force myself to do last minute studying along with quarantining my stress tears in case I have a mental breakdown of some sort that destroys what little clout I have.

I'll still be around for posts and stuff but I'll probably be a little slower getting to replies but I'll try to stay on top of things. Next week is gonna be me at my busiest but I don't foresee having to resort to marking myself as being Away, though if I have to I'll do so then.

If you have questions or need to contact me I'll still be on Discord itself so feel free to shoot me a DM. Thanks.

Re: V7 Reduced Activity Notices

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2019 2:45 am
by Shiola
Going out of town for the weekend of November 1-3; I'll still be reachable and in chat, but my ability to post will be limited to really critical stuff as I won't have easily accessible wifi. Going to get posts out with all three of my kids before then.

Re: V7 Reduced Activity Notices

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2019 8:08 am
by Grand Moff Hissa
We have family visiting for the next while! This means I'll probably be in chat less and maybe a smidge slower to respond to posts, but shouldn't have too many implications for actual posting activity.

Re: V7 Reduced Activity Notices

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2019 3:54 pm
by MethodicalSlacker
I'm going back home this weekend for the first time since August. I'm going to be spending a lot of time catching up with friends and family, and won't be spending as much time on the site. I'll try to get posts out as best I can given my scheduling, but I may not be as prompt as I usually am.

Re: V7 Reduced Activity Notices

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2019 6:29 pm
by KamiKaze
My laptop borked. Trying to fix it. Can access site elsewhere.

Re: V7 Reduced Activity Notices

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2019 3:15 am
by Cactus
This might graduate to away but this week is going to be really busy for me; work is in our crunch period and I'm helping a friend move next weekend. I'll try and keep up with posting but if I'm having a real hard time i'll slap an away notice up.

Re: V7 Reduced Activity Notices

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2019 5:32 am
by Fenris
hello i have entered the Bad Brain Zone. cant really post away since Bad Brain Zone has no end or beginning it is eternal and formless etc but like this is a general "sorry if im slow, i am attempting to dig words out of my brain with a rusty spoon" PSA

Re: V7 Reduced Activity Notices

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2019 10:23 pm
by MethodicalSlacker
Welcome to the "The rest of November is going to be fucky" post. This week I got a lot of assignments to turn in and meetings to go to and shit to figure out, Saturday is the triumphant end to my marching band season, and then for the rest of the month I'll be at home catching up with old friends and celebrating Thanksgiving. I'm going to be posting at a rate similar to my normal one, but if there's sudden two day or three day spurts of nothing you have been forewarned.

Re: V7 Reduced Activity Notices

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2019 9:02 pm
by Melusine
i guess same

I'm doing my internships for my last year of college from November to February which means I'm going to be a) a mess and b) unable to post as much since I'm working like 40 hours week unpaid with homework so that's.................. terrible but anyways.

Re: V7 Reduced Activity Notices

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2019 4:06 pm
by backslash
Schedule changes happening at work this week, plus some family obligations towards the end of it, extra plus I'm a bit under the weather right now. Probably don't need to go away, but I may be scarce for a bit.

Re: V7 Reduced Activity Notices

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2019 8:30 pm
by Grand Moff Hissa
For the past three days, heavy rains seem to have been leading to intermittent internet outages (speculation on my end as to cause, but there have certainly been more work vans around and the net has been going down). As such, may vanish for nice chunks of the day at the drop of a hat.

Re: V7 Reduced Activity Notices

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2019 8:34 am
by KamiKaze
This week is hectic!!!

Will be busy because of holiday and school and travel stuff.