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Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 1:47 am
by Latin For Dragula
((Caedyn Miller Continued From The Scarlet Garden))

Cards on the table? This wasn't the most romantic place for them to fall asleep. Honestly, it was kind of a mood killer and that was saying something after the whole "almost maybe got shot to death a little bit" rush. It hadn't totally shut them down, but...yeah, kinda hard to get the vibe going with an operating table and a bunch of old surgical equipment looming over them. Unless Jazzy was into that. Was she into that? Note to self for later.

It was all a weird game she was playing with herself. Her head clung to the quirky interruptions because she didn't want to think about what Jae had said. Well, she didn't want to think about anything Jae had said ever as a general rule, but the last words he spoke to her were sticking to her pretty hard and she'd like to get rid of them. They'd have to deal with it eventually though. She was sure that it'd come up in Jasmine's head by now, even if she wasn't talking about it.

They sat in silence as the announcement blared over them, until Caedyn threw an arm around her shoulder and cuddled up to her again. "Jazzy? You trust me, right?" There wasn't any of her usual playfulness in the way she looked at her this time. They were right in the middle of a rare moment where Caedyn was completely serious.

Re: crushcrushcrush

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 1:48 am
by Ciel
(Jasmine Reed continued from The Scarlet Garden.)

"I do trust you Kay. It's just..."

Jasmine smiled softly. She was certain about that, about trusting Kay, but there was a nibbling in the back of her head and it made her suddenly anxious. It probably had nothing at all to do with the operating table, or the surgical equipment. Probably. She couldn't just 'forget' that Caedyn sorta ditched her. Or was it Jasmine who ditched Caedyn? Ugh. Too much thinking not enough cuddling.

Jazz pressed her cheek into Kay's shoulder, her arms looped around her torso.

"You really scared the hell out of me the other day," she said, her voice cracking,  "like, I know I should have stayed put, you were coming back, I get that. I seriously thought something must have happened to you! I didn't know what else to do."

She sighed. Her face nuzzled into the side of Kay's face. She kissed her cheek.

"But of course I trust you. I totally trust you, like, one-hundred percent! You just have to promise not to wander off like that again without at least telling me."

Gosh. She sounded like a mother scolding her child. Jasmine giggled, feeling a bit silly for sounding so serious!

"Never ever," she joked, punctuated with another kiss on Caedyn's cheek. "Nope. I'm sticking to you. Like glue, super glue! Hot glue!"

Ugh. Now she sounded like a clingy girlfriend. Forget it. Jasmine kissed Caedyn's cheek a third time. She hesitated, exhaled, hot breath washing over Caedyn's beige skin.

"...  Hey Caedyn?" Jasmine spoke up. "You trust me too, right?"

Re: crushcrushcrush

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 1:48 am
by Latin For Dragula
She deserved that and she knew it. Normally she'd try to wriggle out of something like that, but with Jazzy she could just never manage it. The girl had her pegged for some reason. Maybe it was just nice to be on the same emotional wavelength with someone for once. Caedyn loved the closeness she was getting despite how fucked up everything around them was. It made her feel safe about what they needed to talk about next. "Of course I trust you, hun," she sighed softly as she gave her a squeeze. "One hundred percent."

There was a beat of silence before she caught her eyes again with a guilty look. "I didn't wanna leave you, Jazzy. I just thought we needed more stuff, but then...things just got really fucked up with Bridgette. Like, it wasn't supposed to...I was worried you might not want me back," she confessed, her fingers brushing through her girlfriend's black hair. "I know it was stupid, but..." It was so hard. She wasn't used to being open and vulnerable like this. "I dunno how else to say it. There's nobody here I give a shit about but you, Jazz. Nobody I wouldn't lie to, steal from, or hurt however I needed to get out of here...but you." She could feel other eyes on her. Everyone who would see her, judge her. It was too late to worry about any of that though, wasn't it? She was a murderer. She might as well lean into it. Especially if it helped protect Jasmine.

It was a weird feeling. To be honest, it'd never even crossed her mind when she first woke up. The idea that she might want to protect someone, even Jazzy, would have been laughable then. It still was. But almost as much as she needed to survive this place, she needed someone to love her for it. To tell her she did a good job, and understand that this was all just what needed to be done. Jazzy could do that. "I didn't wanna hurt you and I'm never gonna on purpose, little bird...that's a promise." That predatory part of her brain kept thinking about Jae's words. It wasn't smart to make promises you couldn't keep.

That was a problem for future!Caedyn though. Present!Caedyn wanted cuddles.

Re: crushcrushcrush

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 1:49 am
by Ciel
Jasmine sat up. She rested on her elbow, looking at Caedyn with a pitying smile.

"You still wanted me even though I killed Joshua," she said. "I can't think of anyone else who would have done that. I mean, Nancy, maybe? But she's -- "

Oh. Right. Nancy. Her heart sank a little.

"Nnm." She huffed, squeezing her eyes shut. "You know I don't have a lot of friends Caedyn. People think I'm weird, so of course they're going to be suspicious of me. They might even think I wanted to kill Josh just because I'm the weird girl, that's what weird girls do."

Jasmine scratched her cheek with her pinkie. Thinking back on it, Min-ku - Jae seemed a lot more agreeable than Jasmine thought he was going to be. She didn't expect him to let her go like he did. She also did not expect him to call after them. And believe her, she heard every last syllable. It was like Jae was trying to mock Caedyn.

Or maybe Jae wasn't calling to Caedyn at all. Maybe he was trying to warn Jasmine.


"S-Sorry," Jasmine mumbled. "Ugh, I lost my train of thought."

She just. Flopped back onto Caedyn. Yeah. Jasmine grabbed Kay by the scruff of her shirt and kissed her, less cheeky and more bold than those butterfly cheek smooches she was trading before.

"I never want to hurt you either Kay. You've been so nice to me, even now. I don't even deserve any of it."

Re: crushcrushcrush

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 1:49 am
by Latin For Dragula
She wanted to cuddle Jazzy close and just enjoy that kiss, and outwardly she did/ But in her head something was stirring up. When you spend most of your time lying about one thing or another your instincts started to assume everyone else would do the same. And if you followed that logic...well, Caedyn knew she'd never really hurt Jazzy, even if she had to lie about how little an impulse there was there. But what if Jazzy was lying right back to her? And if she was, how could Caedyn know that she wouldn't...

It was a crazy line of thinking. Even she knew that. Jazzy had had numerous chances to try something, they'd curled up together practically every night in this place. Not to mention all the other times she'd dropped her guard around her. Now, for instance, as she pressed a hand against the center of Jazzy's chest to push her up against the wall in a long, deep kiss. Right now, this was right. This was what she wanted. How many times had she stolen kisses from her like this in an empty corner of the locker room at school, or around the corner of some building when they were out together, or with a little privacy in one of their homes? Any time she could manage it, her hands ended up on her. It'd been that way as long as they'd been together.

Caedyn wasn't a classically good girlfriend. Sometimes she disappeared. Or slept around. Or both. Jazzy knew about that though, didn't she? Maybe not the details, but she knew what kind of girl she was when they got together. That made it okay. Like an unspoken agreement. Yeah. Keeping secrets had never hurt them before. She could make it work now.

Their kiss finally broke, but she kept two of her fingertips there in the middle of Jazzy's chest. They traced slow, soothing circles as she smile down at her. "You know you're adorable when you say stuff like that, yeah?"

Re: crushcrushcrush

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 1:50 am
by Ciel
Jasmine smirked. "Oh shut up."

She could feel Kay's thumbs against her chest, real gentle and soothing, more affectionate than lustful. Jasmine liked it when Kay was affectionate. When they were first going out, Jasmine seriously thought Kay was only dating her because it was 'easy'. Jasmine never had a boyfriend or a girlfriend before that point, and of course she knew Caedyn's reputation. They were physical more often than not in those first few weeks, but soon enough she understood what Caedyn was looking for in a relationship and it wasn't sex. Well. Sex played a part in their relationship, yeah. They were teenagers, there was no getting around that. But it wasn't a necessity. Not for Caedyn, certainly. Some days they were all over each other, other days they barely touched. It was weird, but the good kind of weird, not the bad, creepy weird.

She knew Caedyn was not perfect. She knew Caedyn wasn't well liked. She knew Caedyn said some mean crap to people in their class.  She knew Caedyn fucked boys on the downlow, and she also knew Caedyn was kind of a spiteful bitch to anyone who was not Jasmine...

And okay. Maybe Jasmine didn't understand the whole furry thing? But then again Jazz gushed over gay anime boys and cute anime girls so, like, they both were into weird shit.

But hey. You know what made up for all of that?

Everything else. Jasmine could not describe it. It was the way Caedyn's behavior changed when she was with Jasmine. The rare moments when Kay tried to impress Jazz. It was the twinkle in her eye when Jasmine did something she deemed 'cute'. And the static shock whenever their lips touched...

Of course she understood that Caedyn was a hell of a liar. Maybe it was Jasmine's naivety talking but Kay didn't lie to her. Jasmine didn't give Caedyn any reason to lie, and any secrets Kay may have been keeping from her mattered so little for her!

Jasmine flipped her hair over her shoulders. She lost her hairband days before but she still had the clip that kept the fringe out of her face. She smiled again. People told her she had a pretty smile but she never really believed them.

It was silent in the laboratory. Jasmine took the opportunity to slip her arms around Caedyn's waist, hands dipping between the small of Kay's back, hooking a thumb into one of her belt loops. She tucked her head, tilted in, nuzzling into the side of her girlfriends neck. Then she caught a patch of skin between her lips and suckled. Caedyn wasn't going to mind wearing a hickey, right? Right.

"I love you."

Re: crushcrushcrush

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 1:50 am
by Latin For Dragula


This was fine.

Caedyn was okay with the events that were currently unfolding.

It was okay, things were going to be okay.

So Jazzy had decided to wait until they were in the middle of a murder island to drop the L word. Cool. That was neat. Just, really, really neat. Spiffy even. Radical. Other positive verbs. Yep. Yep yep yep. That sure was a good thing that was happening and she definitely didn't want to burrow through the wall so she didn't have to deal with it. That was fucked up, right? Like, she could hold a gun on Jae and walk away knowing he might plug her in the back and still be pretty much okay, but one little word from her girlfriend was enough to make her wanna panic? Jah, what did that say about her? No, no, no. Not the time for that rabbit hole. This needed to be handled, and there...weren't a lot of options. Except for her old favorite.

Caedyn curled around Jazzy tight and cradled her head against her neck. "I love you too," she whispered as her fingers played through her hair. It wasn't exactly a lie. Maybe it was even as close to the truth as she'd get. Jazzy was different, yeah? She felt differently about her, yeah? So it could be "love." It wasn't like she'd "loved" anyone before and could tell a real difference. It also wasn't like they had to worry about any of the practical concerns that came with that. One of them wasn't getting out of here. They had what, maybe a handful of days left with each other at this point?

Fuck it. Caedyn loved her. That was a thing now. Why not?

"Yeah," she whispered again, "I love you Jazzy..." With a smile on her lips she tilted Jasmine's face up from her neck and caught her with another kiss. At this rate, they might be here like this for awhile.

If she were thinking more practically she might have regretted that they didn't block the door or anything. Unfortunately, Caedyn's mind wasn't anywhere near practical at the moment.

((Caedyn Miller Continued In Love Runs Out))

Re: crushcrushcrush

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 1:50 am
by Ciel
... for a second Jasmine honestly thought Caedyn wasn't going to say it. What little of a smile evaporated from her lips. She stared into Caedyn's eyes, watching her face closely. Then Caedyn said what she wanted to hear and everything was alright then. Everything was alright. Everything was going to be alright. Jasmine smiled. She felt Caedyn's hand on the back of her neck.

Yes. That definitely was a thing.

"Heh." Jasmine kissed Caedyn again. Then she dipped her head into the crook of Kay's neck, hiding her face from view. Then she let out a deep, heavy sigh. She swallowed. "... That makes me so happy to hear you say that."

(Jasmine Reed continue in Love Runs Out.)