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And What You Get Isn't What You See

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 2:11 am
by Yugikun
They had said his name.

((Alvaro Vacanti, continued from Would You Believe? This Isn't Me.))

On the loudspeakers. The speakers on the walls around him that had crackled to life seemingly randomly. He had stopped where he was standing as soon as he began to hear it. He sat down. He heard the man talk. Say some things about how everyone listening was still alive. He didn't want to listen, he knew that he wasn't going to like what he was going to hear, but he knew that he couldn't just block it out or cover his ears. He was here. On this island. Playing this game. He knew that no matter how much he just wanted to not be here and to not be hearing this and to just ignore it that he couldn't. He had to. There was no going out of this. No going back. He didn't want to… he didn't want to do it again. He didn't want to come close to the situation of doing it again, but now that he had, he knew that he had to do something about it. So he sat down. He listened.

He looked down as the man on the speakers listed Scarlett as among the dead. He knew that it didn't mean anything, he knew that nobody was here to see it, but he didn't know. It was the right thing to do. If she was here - if anyone was here - he would still do it. She was a friend. Someone who helped him, back with Darius at the supermarket. He knew that she deserved better than this.

Those thoughts dissipated, though, as the man on the speakers listed Barry as among the dead, and him as among the killers.

Now they knew.

Now Lily knew.

His eyes didn't leave the floor.

He heard the rest of the names. The dead. The killers. Jasmine, his friend, was among the latter list. Josh was, too. Killed by Jasmine. He didn't know why. They didn't say why.

He knew that they deserved better.

Eventually, the man stopped speaking, and silence filled the room once again. Alvaro stood up. Looked around. He… didn't know what this place was. There was a chair. Like the ones in the prisons he saw on the movie screen. The ones where they killed people on. There was a movie. He remembered watching it with his parents and uncle one Friday night. About a guy in a prison. It ended, and… he knew his mom cried. His uncle cried as well. He was pretty sure he also cried, and-

He had to get out of here. The place was creepy. Weird. And they knew what they did. They would come. He knew it. So he picked up his bag, and-

Wait. No. That was right. There was another bag.

He turned himself around, towards the chair, and started heading to the back of the room.

Re: And What You Get Isn't What You See

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 2:12 am
by Ciel
(Scout Pfeiffer continued from Two Mules for Sister Sara.)

Of course Scout Pfeiffer decided to make her presence known the second he had his back turned. She walked up to the open doorway.

It wasn't just poor timing on the boy's part. She had been shadowing him for the past several minutes. If Scout knew the creepy implications of stalking someone in the basement of an abandoned asylum, it did not show on her face.

Her face was stony, cold. Scout Pfeiffer was in a bad mood.


Her voice carried a slight echo in the mostly empty, completely plain concrete room. The only thing in there of note was a chair with a bunch of straps. Scout could only imagine what that chair was being used for. That made the boy's decision to hang out in a room like this all the stranger.

Wonder what he was planning to do in here before Scout showed up.

Maybe Scout didn't want to know the answer to that question?

Scout leaned her shoulder against the doorframe, the only exit the boy had. Her hands were in her pockets. The bonesaw was still tucked into her jacket.

"What's the rush?" Scout said, squinting. "You late for a bus or something?"

Re: And What You Get Isn't What You See

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 2:13 am
by Yugikun
A voice called out.

He froze.

It was a girl. He knew that. He didn’t know her name or her face or what she was doing or what she had done but he knew that it was a girl and that she knew what he had done and she was going to do something. He didn’t know what. He didn’t even know if she was actually going to do something if she wanted revenge or whether she even knew who he was he just knew. From the tone. From what she was saying. She was casual. She was acting like this was normal. He just knew. That wasn’t something good. He knew that she had heard the man on the speaker. He knew that she had heard his name. He wasn’t entirely sure whether she knew but he knew that people knew who he was. He was that guy who owned the café. He was always that face. A face to a name. A face to a name everyone now knew killed a person.

She knew.

They all knew.

He couldn’t trust her.

He didn’t turn his head.

He looked. Behind the chair. Through the chair. He could see the bag. If he took a couple steps around it he could get it.

She had asked him a question. He knew that he had to answer it. She knew. He was at her mercy. Maybe if she knew that he wasn’t… if he wasn’t like the other people she would let him go. Be nice to him.

He would have liked either at this point.

“I was… I was planning on leaving. I don’t really, um, like this place.”

He turned his head, slightly. The girl - someone he didn’t recognise - wasn’t carrying anything. At least not that he could see.

He took a step forward. Towards the bag.

He hoped she didn't know what he was doing.

Re: And What You Get Isn't What You See

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 2:13 am
by Ciel
... Scout pushed the door to the room closed with the heel of her foot. She made sure he saw it. Heard it too. The door carried a creak that reminded Scout of a haunted house. Her foot audibly lowered into a faint pool of water.

Scout pressed her back against the door. Hands still in pockets. Eyes narrowing.

"You seem jumpy. You scared of the dark or something?"

Scout... did not know. Not really. She could not recall who this boy was. His face seemed familiar, but she could not recall whether he was a junior or not.

What she did know was that he had two bags slung over his shoulder instead of one.

That's all she really needed to know.

"I don't like this dump either," she said, rolling her neck with two fingers pressed to the nape, "but that doesn't explain why you're in such a hurry."

Re: And What You Get Isn't What You See

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 2:13 am
by Yugikun
The girl asked more questions. She was taunting him. Alvaro could tell that. It was in her words, the things she was asking him. It was like what some of the people would say back during middle school. The bullies. The people he tried to avoid at all costs. They’d mock him. Make fun of him. If he tried to get away, if he tried to hide, they’d move closer. They’d ask if he was scared, and no matter how he replied, no matter if he spoke up or stayed silent, they’d laugh at him. If he spoke he’d say something wrong and while they stayed silent he knew that they were laughing at him and if he stayed silent they’d poke him further, do it endlessly until he finally said something. No matter what he did no matter how hard he tried they’d get him and they’d mock him and they’d make fun of him and nobody ever noticed and nobody ever cared and he was happy that they were all gone now.

The girl was one of those people. He knew it. She was taunting him and she was trying to get him to respond.

He wouldn’t. He moved. The rest of the steps up to the bag behind the chair.

He turned around.

The girl was in the doorway. He couldn’t get through unless she let him.

She had asked him another question.

It turned out that he had to respond, after all.

“I’d just rather… not be here, so it’d be good if you moved out of the way.”

She was in front of him.

She knew.

Maybe that was a good thing, for once.

He took a step forward, towards her.

Re: And What You Get Isn't What You See

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 2:13 am
by Ciel
Scout did not move out of the way.

Her hands transferred from her pants pockets to her hoodie. She thumbed the bonesaw. Mentally prepared herself for if and when this boy decided not.

He didn't have a gun. She was pretty comfortable in that assessment. If he had a gun he would have whipped it out by now. Maybe he was waiting. Hoping to clear the distance so he would not miss.

Or maybe it was in the bag on the chair.

In the darkness, her eyes narrowed.

"What if I refuse?"

The few words she chose, the way she spoke, it all sounded like moving out of the boy's way was somehow inconveniencing her.

But that was far from the truth. She knew it. Alvaro Vacanti must have know it too.

Deep down, Scout was reveling in this.

"What then?"

Re: And What You Get Isn't What You See

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 2:14 am
by Yugikun
She didn’t move.

She just stood there, in the doorway, hands in her pockets.

She was smiling.

He was cornered. Couldn’t get out. She was in the way. She was standing there smiling because she knew that he couldn’t get past her and because she knew that he had to talk now and because she knew that she was going to laugh regardless of whether he spoke or not because she’d push him and she’d goad him and he’d do it even if it was just to get away because he didn’t want to be with him because they’d laugh with themselves and they’d laugh at him because he couldn’t speak because he was that new kid who didn’t have any friends and who couldn’t even speak without sounding weird and who it was so easy to make fun of. No. She was doing that. He knew it. She knew. And she wasn’t getting out of the way until he talked about it. Until she made him talk about it. Until he eventually gave up and spoke. And then she’d laugh. She’d call him a murderer. And then she’d never let him out.

No. He wouldn’t do that. He was… he had moved past that. He wasn’t going to be like that again. He wasn’t going to be that scared kid who he knew had people pick on him.

He wasn’t going to let her do this.

Because she knew. He knew that she knew. She knew that he had killed him and he knew that she had nothing but absolute contempt for what he had done to Barry yesterday.

He knew that.

So maybe he could use that. He knew that that was an absolutely terrible thing to do but he didn’t know if he had a choice about it or not. She was in front of him. She wasn’t moving. There was only one thing that he could do.

“Then…” He stopped, choking.

Breathe in, breathe out.

You can do this.

“Then I’d make you.”

Re: And What You Get Isn't What You See

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 2:14 am
by Ciel
Scout stopped smiling.

She didn't expect the boy to actually stand his ground. He looked like a puss. Clearly she underestimated him.

As far as Scout was concerned, she did not give a fuck whether he was planning to do it again or not. All she knew, all she cared to know was that he did do it. Why the fuck did he have two bags? No way he looted a corpse. No way nobody would be stupid enough to hand their bag over. It was all illogical. He killed someone. He was a threat. She was absolutely convinced of that.

He knew that she knew. That's all that mattered, you come down to it. There was no need for names. He might as well have just said, "I killed someone already! And don't you go thinking I won't do it again!" Would have been a lot less subtle, sure, but she would have some little crumb of respect for him. Semantics. Point was, he posed a threat towards her. Didn't matter if he was just blowing smoke up her ass. That was all the proof she needed now.

Was this her hill to die on though? Shouldn't she just kill him now? He didn't have a gun. It'd be real easy.

... She looked at the boy. Sized him up real good.

Silence descended the room. An awkward, suffocating silence.

Then she stepped out of the doorway.

"Hey, don't get your panties in a twist," Scout said, motioning with an arm towards the open doorway. "I was just fucking with you. Don't want any trouble."

. . .

Re: And What You Get Isn't What You See

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 2:14 am
by Yugikun
Everything paused. Would he? If she didn’t move, would he make her? He didn’t know. He didn’t know and he couldn’t think even though the room was silent because she knew and he knew that she knew and they were staring at each other without speaking and he was scared and his hands were shaking and she was standing with that smile and that look in her eyes and he didn’t know what to do and he was scared and- wait no no no no no he had to figure out something. She was in front of him. She wasn’t letting him leave. She was trying to get him to speak and he knew that she was going to do something whether he spoke or not and she knew and she was going to do something bad to him and-

He had to. As much as he didn’t want to do it and as much as he didn’t want to hurt or fight or be here or play this game he-

She moved.

He stepped back, slightly.

Did she mean it?

He didn’t know.

Because even know he knew she stepped away he didn’t know why or whether she meant it and whether she was still trying to get him to speak by doing this because he knew that she knew and he knew that she was thinking about him and how she knew and he knew that she was thinking about something but he didn’t know what and he just didn’t know and he was scared and his hands were shaking and he just needed to think of something and-

The door was clear.

He could run.

He could get away from here and never see her again and he can find someplace else with someone who wouldn’t try to do anything to him and would be like Audrey or Danny and would help him and would be nice to him and be someone not her or Min-Jae or Jonathan or any of the people on the announcements and he-

Just had to run. He took a step. One, two, breathe, then sprint.

Re: And What You Get Isn't What You See

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 2:15 am
by Ciel

Scout made a decision then, between the time the boy stopped to think and when he began to jog out of the room. Her plan? She had no real concrete plan when she found the boy. The second she heard those announcements, no, the moment she finally put things into perspective, all notion of 'planning ahead' went out the fucking window, like a stack of papers during a tornado. Not an apt simile.

The amount of times the boy cringed. The way he gave her those deer-in-headlights look. The fact that he knew, she knew, both of them knew that he was going to bolt out the door. His shoes scraped across the floor, he was going to make a run for it. It all added to the growing, inescapable anger that was brewing in her chest.

Scout wasn't playing along anymore. This boy was acting like a chicken shit bitch. Only stuck his chest out when prompted, when she gave him no other choice, like a cornered chihuahua.

Scout Pfeiffer did not know who Alvaro Vacanti was. But Scout Pfeiffer had no respect for Alvaro Vacanti. He was nothing but a rat.

So when the boy made a move to run, Scout caught him. Blocked his exit. She reached one arm out to grab him by the scruff of his shirt. The other hand balled into a fist, reeled back. She was going to clock him in the face. Scout was no martial artist but she knew how to punch someone. Clean their pipes.

Scout Pfeiffer was not afraid of Alvaro Vacanti.

Re: And What You Get Isn't What You See

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 2:15 am
by Yugikun
((GMing approved by Ciel))

She didn’t mean it.

He should have known that.

But as she pulled him towards her, as her fist curled up into a ball, all he could think about how dumb he was for thinking she was something other than what she really was.

The punch connected, and he fell back, head and body hitting the ground with a thump. Was there a crack as well? He didn’t know if he had heard one. There was the impact of the punch and the pain that had filled his head as it hit the ground but had he seriously hurt it was the noise he heard the ground below him or his skull he didn’t know and he couldn’t breathe the air had been pushed out of his lungs as he had been hit and he couldn’t get it back no matter how he tried and he couldn’t breathe and he couldn’t have the air reach his lungs and he didn’t know whether his head had cracked and he couldn’t breathe and he couldn’t breathe and-

His thoughts snapped back.

The girl was above him.

There was a blade - a saw - in her hands.

Breathe in, breathe out.

Breathe in, breathe out.

But he couldn’t and he was in pain and he was scared and she was above him and she wasn’t moving.

He breathed. In. Out.

He had to make her.

As much as he didn’t want to.

The foot went up.

Re: And What You Get Isn't What You See

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 2:16 am
by Ciel
(Gming approved by Yugikun.)

Did... Did he just try to kick her in the guts?

There are certain things you learn, growing up in Brooklyn. Certain things you just have to learn growing up. Brooklyn seems to speed up that process, makes everything a bit bitter too. One of the things Scout knew was how to defend herself. Basic shit really, just in case. Scout had never been in an actual fight. Closest she came was when some prick in seventh grade socked her in the cheek. Not her greatest moment.

The boy on the floor was not in the same league as that punk. The fact that he thought one swift kick was going to get her to stop was pathetic to say the least. Scout grunted. She cursed under her breath.

Scout found herself on top of him now. She kept him pinned down, put the weight of her body forward. She aimed for his face. Made fists so tight her knuckles turned snow white.

The first punch went for his jaw. The next landed in his face, according to plan. The third and forth? Honestly it did not matter where they landed. The first two were enough. He looked like he was tenderized before she even stumbled into him. Probably tried to attack someone else, go 2-0.

Scout grinned, inwardly. Outwardly her face was cold. She grabbed the boy by the scruff of his neck.

"What's your name?" Scout asked.

Re: And What You Get Isn't What You See

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 2:16 am
by Yugikun
The kick connected. It hit.

She went… down? On top of him. He didn’t know what was happening, he couldn’t-

The first punch connected. Jaw. Alvaro’s body was jolted to the side as his jaw was pushed to the floor.

The second punch connected. Face. It flared, slightly. A slight irritation compared to what was already there.

The third connected. Neck. The breath was pushed out of his body and he couldn’t breathe and he just needed to-

Fourth. Mouth. Something cracked and he could hear it and he could feel it and-

He was pulled. He could breathe, for a second. Then the hand wrapped itself around his neck and he couldn’t and she was looking at him with those eyes and she was asking a question and she was looking at him with those eyes and he was in pain and he was scared and he just needed to do something and he needed to be out of here out of this island out of this game out of this room away from the girl and he just needed to do as she said and the words were coming out of his mouth breathlessly scaredly desperately and there was something comeing out of his eyes and he was scared and he didn’t want to be here and he just needed to do something and he was doing it and-

She let go. He fell back onto the ground.

He could breathe.

Re: And What You Get Isn't What You See

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 2:16 am
by Ciel
"Hey dipshit, I asked you a question."

Tch. He was just spewing out nonsense. Scout just slapped the boy across the cheek, a light tap compared to the punches, She abandoned her squint in favor of a dead stare. Her knuckles ached, and she was prepared to blame it all the boy beneath her.

"Is that your name?"

She clicked her tongue. Whatever. She loosened her grip and pushed him, letting his shoulders and head collide with the floor beneath him. She did not let up though. Scout Pfeiffer was mad as hell, and this guy's whining and crying was making her anger worse by the second.

"You telling me the truth?"

She reached for the bonesaw. Whipped it out, brandished it.

"If you lie to me," Scout said, "I'll kill you."

There was a sliver of a hesitation there, between 'now' and 'I'll'. Deep down she knew she wasn't going to do it. She did not attack the boy in order to kill him. But Alvaro did not know that. As far as the ugly expression on her face was concerned, she was going to kill him regardless of whether he actually answered the question or not.

Re: And What You Get Isn't What You See

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 2:17 am
by Yugikun
Tighter. Couldn’t. In front of him. Girl.

Breathe in, breathe out.

Breathe in, breathe out.

“I’m telling the truth,” he said. Frantically. Scared. Sweating. Breathless. He didn’t know what to do. He didn’t know what to say. The girl brought out the saw in front of him. Blade. The weapon that Alvaro was going to be killed with and what he couldn’t focus on anything but and the thing the girl was holding and no no no he was going to die he didn’t want that he was scared and he was afraid of the girl and why was he here why was this happening he didn’t want to die and he didn’t want to be here and his hands were shaking and he couldn’t breathe and he just had to do something quickly before he was killed before she killed him before-


That was her name. He could breathe again. She told him that. She let go of him, for a moment. Her hands were shaking.

She wasn’t doing anything to him.

The door was right in front of him.

He would take what he could get.

There was one bag left behind in the room as he ran, never looking back.

((Alvaro Vacanti, continued elsewhere))