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Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:24 pm
by Kuze*
((Eh-Sun continued from '99'))
(Aaron is just starting and yes i have premission from Skythe to kill/ control Arron)

How long have I Hiding?

Aaron Bourdon (B892) sat at the edge of the water near the waterfall with his bag next to him, he had been hiding behind the hospital untill the announcement had marked it forbidden, cauing him to run the entire way to the rushing water of the waterfall, completely oblivious to any danger coming by.

Eh-Sun finally stopped running as she got to the edge of the forest leading to a rushing waterfall, bag on her sholdier, Cattle prod in her left hand, she noticed a male figure sitting idlely by the waterfall.

She walked up to the boy, letting her bare feet take in the feeling of the cool dirt as she walked.When she finally got behind the boy, Eh-Sun firmly pressed the cow prod at the boy's back sending a shock directly to the spine of the boy untill he went limp.

Grabbing the back of the boy's head, she pushed it under the water that they were nearby.

Arron barely felt the girl's hands push oh his head after the shock, untill his head was pushed into the water. His arms flailed in desperation, tring to get whoever was pushing his head underwater off of him.

"so this is how it ends drowning by the hands at someone after surivivng so much."

Aaron's arms went limp as the bubbles finally stopped, the boy who saw so much death finally expired, at the hands of someone who's face he will never know.


After about 5 to 6 minutes the boy had stopped flailing and the bubbles have suddenly stopped, Eh-Sun had killed someone for no resion at all, and it felt good. Pulling the boy out of the water, she saw the boy's damp face locked in a state of fear and suprise. She Stared at the boys face before she chucked the corpse into the water, causing it to go over the waterfall with the strong currents.

Turining her attention to the boy's bag, she unzipped it. On top of the rations was a Black handgunand a small instruction manual underneith it, picking up the gun and the manual, she flipped through the manual, learning how to load the gun and turn off the safety. In the bag there were 8-9 clips and a carboard box of 9mm rounds, Turning off the safety and loading a clip into the gun. she slid the ammo, clips, manual, and cattle prod into her bag, and nudged the boy's bag into the water.

Eh-sun watched as the bad followed the body down the waterfall.Walking town the path towards a large open feild on the other side of the forest. clutching her new gun in her right hand. After some thought she decided to stay put yet out of the way. She hid behind a nearby bush.

"Man My feet hurt, maybe finding hsoes should be next on the priority list."

(Aaron's corpse goes to river)

Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:24 pm
by Megami*
(Continued from the Open Field.)

Having journeyed some distance from the open field to this place, Jill was a bit winded when she arrived. Assuming that the two young men who had been in her company were following behind her, she stopped and doubled over slightly, just trying to regain her breath. As she rose to her full height once again, she placed her hand on her forehead. She did not feel any better, in fact, she was starting to feel worse.

In an instant, that thought was pushed aside. Jill looked up just in time to see something tumbling down the waterfall. Something that held a remarkable resemblance to that of a human body. Her fears were confirmed as a green object that looked an awful lot like those gaudy daypacks they had been issued tumbled down after it.

The corpse floated by her, its face distorted into a look of terror and confusion. At the sight, Jill shrieked. They were all over the place. She could not seem to get away from the corpses. Now, she most definitely felt ill. This one looked like it had been killed recently. She turned away from the corpse, disgusted, and doubled over, trying desperately not to vomit from the sight of it.

She hoped the boys had been following in tow. Right about now, she hoped they were really close behind. The corpse looked... fresh. Jill wondered if that was even a word you should use to describe a dead body. The young man looked like he had been killed very recently. That meant the killer might still be in the area. Looking around apprehensively, Jill backed away from the water. Maybe they had heard her scream... maybe they would hurry.

Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:24 pm
by riserugu*
((Continued from: Today's the Day, I Pray That we Make it Through))

Martyn having, of course, fallen behind in their trip from the open field to the waterfall found himself sighing a bit as he rubbed a spot along the back of his head. Pausing in his steps, as he looked around the area he currently found himself standing in, removing his map as he looked down on it. The sounds of rushing water put him somewhat close to either the river or the waterfall, but which. Sighing, again he shook his head and continued along following the sounds of water.

Though as he scream was brought into the open, breaking the silence that filled the area Martyn found himself gulping at the fact that the scream could have came from Jill. Once again removing the pistol from his pant’s pocket, he dashed forward down the trail he had been following until the sight of the open area near the waterfall came into view as did Jill.

Glancing about the scene he blinked as something caught the corner of his eye, turning to glance over the form floating about the small area around the waterfall. Floating down toward where the river joined which take it ever further down-river but what bothered him was how fresh the corpse looked and glancing around once again he lightly wondered if the killer of this person had taken the hiding out somewhere near by.

But looking back to Jill, he smiled a bit muttering out lightly, “You alright there?”

Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:24 pm
by Ginsenshi*
((Continued from: Waterfall Found))

A young asian boy with long black hair wondered from the wood, muttering to himself. He continued on wondering hearing the sounds of a waterfall?

Kouji ran towards the sounds,
"WATER? Please be water!"

Kouji wondered out and sure enough he found a water fall.
His weapons on his belt bagging against his side.

"Huh? A girl?"

Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:25 pm
by Kuze*
"Huh? A girl?"

Even over the falls she heard a boy speak from behind her. Eh-Sun slowly turned around to see a asain boy, he looked Japanese, and unarmed. Raising her new gun up she shouted in a language she was only fairly adept in at him.

"そこに! あなたを通してあなたの袋、あなたの武器および許可、または他に病気の打撃素晴らしい穴落としなさい! (You there! drop your bag, your weapon and leave, or else ill blow a nice hole through you!)"

Eh-Sun was pointing her gun at the boy as she yelled. hoping that the boy would heed her warning.

Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:25 pm
by Ginsenshi*
"ù¼ªòªÊª¼ª½ª·ªÆªÀªìª¢ªëª«" (What why and who are you)." KOuji replied in question. Kouji looked at her, she looked Korean, and then spoke in English, "Why should I, girl!?" and then in Korean "±×·±µ¥ ³Ê´Â Çѱ¹¾î À̴°¡?" (By the way are you Korean?)

Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:25 pm
by Kuze*
Hearing the boy's comment, Eh-Sun's face contorted into a angry glare, fustrated at the boy's snide remarks, She aimed towards the ground near the boy and fired launching a 9mm round into the dirt, and causing her arm to pop up towards the sky.

"今私が弾力性のまわりで私をあなたの袋演じていないまたは次の打撃はあなたを通って行くそれを得る!(Now do you get it Im not playing around now give me your bag or the next round goes through you!)"

Eh-Sun re directed her aim back to the boy's chest with her finger tightening on the trigger.

"そしてそれは馬鹿かかわらない! (And it doesnt concern you Idiot!)"

Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:25 pm
by Ginsenshi*
Kouji took a ready stand and aimed to draw what weapon he had on him, his family sword or wished he could have, all he had was a bayonett, but thought of it as a dagger, "Damn it I wish I had my katana but no mother wouldn't let me have it." Kouji conplained to himself and run towards the girl and got behind her best he could. "I don't want to hurt you, but you leave me no chance." Kouji said in a low, cold voice. "Drop it now and I'll not kill you."

Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:25 pm
by Kuze*
Eh-Sun saw the boy go over to her side and get ready to strike her with a blade. In suprise her legs gave out and she fell dropping the handgun inbetween her thighs in the process. She was shaking, anf tears started to well up in her eyes from fear.

"no, no don't, please, I beg of you dont"

Eh-Sun huddled over in fear of the boy, he obviously knew how to use his weapon well.

Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:25 pm
by Ginsenshi*
Kouji looked at her with cold blue eyes, "Why did you threat to attack me, girl?" Kouji asked his voice cold with no emotion in it. Kouji still had the blade at her throat, "Answe me!" he shouted. Kouji then turn her towards him and smiled and spoke again, "Where are we?"

Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:25 pm
by Ginsenshi*
Kouji looked at her with cold blue eyes, "No, I don't think I will, by chance you have any weapon of choice that I can have?" Kouji asked in a emotionless voice. But never removing the blade from her throat as he did ask.

Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:25 pm
by Kuze*
Eh-Sun felt the blade press against her throat and the torrent of questions she was being asked. Her tears welled up in her eyes as she answered back.

"I dont know where we are, I only woke up here a few hours ago. I thretened you because...Im afraid of you, and i thought that you without your weapon would mean neither of us get hurt."

Eh-Sun lightly bit her bottom lip as she spoke, in a quiet voice unlike erlier where she was yelling.

"Also i wouldnt know what ytour 'Style' is but all i have is this handgun and a Rod-ish thing that shoots electricity now please put the knife down."

Eh-Sun stared at the boy with wide eyes hoping for mercy.

Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:25 pm
by Ginsenshi*
"You hope for mercy? It is something I gave up long ago after my parents dead, I have shown no one mercy since that day 16 years ago and I won''t start now, but Yuki and Kouichi would want me too." Kouji then signed and asked something, " Why do you fear me? Am i a monster to you?"

Kouji had no yet remove the blade from when it rested.

"Am I?" Kouji answered again as he pushes the blade closer to her throat, so close it cut her abit and bleed.

Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:26 pm
by Slayer*
((Continued from: Today's the Day, I Pray that we Make it Through))

OOC: Continued from the same place Megami and Riserugu are.

IC: Jack had gotten sidetracked while following Jill and Martyn and had now fallen behind.

Damn it, it's going to be impossible to get off this island without a computer. If only those assholes hadn't taken mine, I could've broken this game by now. he thought as he picked up his speed, pausing for a second as the corpse of Aaron Bourdon floated past him and he heard Jill's scream. Cursing to himself, he ran to where the scream came from, soon arriving behind Jill and Martyn.

"What happened? Are you alright?"

Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:26 pm
by Kuze*
Eh-sun cringed as the blade cut her neck , acusing a small amount of blood to trickle down to her sholdier.As she asnwered his question she reached into her bag and grabbed her cattle prod.

"Well you just look like you'd not hesitate to kill people like me"

As she finished speaking she had the cattle prod most of the way out of the bag, Sliding the Cattle prod out of the bag, than switching it on, Staring the boy right in the eye as she aimed the tip for the exposed wrist of the arm that held the knife.

"But im not going down without pulling out my ace in the hole."