the 3some on the move

A relatively ordinary one-room school building located in the center of the island. A few desks are off to the side, due to the fact that they were hacked to pieces by some sort of weapon in the last SOTF ACT. Other than that, everything is nice and orderly.
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the 3some on the move


Post by yumi22* »

((Continued from: Starting Point for Girl #4))

<OOC: for future reference, you guys can move my character, but if there is to be some sort of action...then please wait for me, or post around me. Moving me from point A to point B is fine, but please dont have my character do any actions unless i ask someone to, ok?? No biggie, just for future reference>

The past several minutes seemed to have whizzed by in a blur. The explosions, the blinding light, and the ringing in her ears made Xian dizzy. Somehow, the three of them managed to make it to the schoolhouse, and they were indoors, and safe...for the moment.

Xian guided Tayli to a desk, and had her sit down. Unsure of how to help, Xian opened a bottle of water, and dipped some onto one of her spare undergarments. She wiped Tayli's eyes, unsure if it would help.

So....we made it to the school. We're inside....we're safe. Maybe we should just sit here for awhile....get our heads on straight.
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Post by Kaishi* »

(Coming from: Starting Point for Girl #4)

Sydney sighed, his fingers tracing the lenses of his goggles, in memory of the school building. It was here where he had met all of his friends. They were going to barricade this place up...until something happened. Something terrible. Syd winced, frowning as he moved his fingers away from his goggles. Although the goggles were tinted, he could still make out the hacked desks and chairs, now piled up into a corner. He clutched his left hand, which was wrapped tightly with a cloth. From the places where his pinky and ring finger should have been, he was bleeding.
"I don't think we're exactly safe..." He forced on one of his trademark, childish grins, trying to fill himself with hope. That was the second time he had smiled on this island. The first was when he had met up with his old friends. Although they were few, he knew back then that there would be a way out. A way to end the SOTF ACT once and for all.

"We should try barricading ourselves in. That's what me and my buddies did when we were here." Syd continued, snapping himself out of dwelling on his past. He took off the cloth wrapped around his left hand, retying it on tighter, wincing all the while. "Of course, we could use some more allies. There were only five of us, so...two more should work, right?"
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Post by batspleenfriend* »

Anya finally reached the school. She had not been walking for very long but each step she took had seemed like an eternity. She could not wait to get inside the building and not have to worry about being picked off while she was on the move. She stood in front of the building and stared at it for a moment, holding her gun at her side. "Hello," she called out sounding infinitely more confident then she actually felt, "is anyone here?"

She took a step forward, waiting for a response. "Please, answer. I am not playing," she said very matter-of-factly as she approached.

((OOC: Coming from the Starting Point For Girl 07 topic.))
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Post by yumi22* »

Xian looked over at Syd, as she continued to try and help Tayli clear her eyes.

Wait...what?? You've been here...with another class? I...don't understand. That Mr danya...said everyone had been cleared long have you been here?? what happened to your friends??

Xian patted Tayli's shoulder, and stood up. She kept her distance from Syd, not sure what to make of this revelation.

If you baracadded yourselves in here..what went wrong?? Where are the rest of your friends??

Xian had more questions, but the voice calling out startled her. They weren't alone, someone was in the school with them.
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Post by batspleenfriend* »

Anya heard voices, but they weren't responding to her. What have you gotten yourself into now Anya, she thought to herself pointing her gun in the direction the noise was coming from. Maybe she should try to just leave. They might be playing, or they might just be frightened. "If you are not playing then please answer me," she said still sounding very calm, "otherwise I am going to have to think you are." She was sickened by the idea of killing someone, but honestly if they were prepared to do it to her then she had to do what she had to do. "Hello," she said holding her gun up in front of her as she stood completely still. She knew she should move but as brave as Anya could be, she just could not bring herself to do it.
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Post by Kaishi* »

Syd drew in a breath of air. He wouldn't answer Xian's questions just yet... "You hear that?" It sounded like someone's voice. They wanted in. Sydney raised his voice, shouting out to Anya. "Hello there." He made his way towards the door, resting a hand on the doorknob. "When I open up the door, throw your weapon inside. If you can't do that, I'm going to shoot. You understand? I've got a gun, and I'm not afraid to use it." He looked over at Xian, looking to her for answer. He didn't know Anya, and expecting that Xian did. He lowered his voice, "Do you know this girl? Is she a friend?"
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Post by yumi22* »

Syd's remarks shocked Xian.

Syd..wait...don't!!! Anya???????? Is that you????? It's Xian, and Tayli's with me also. That boy's voice you hear...his name is Syd...his class was on the island before us. None of us are playing...its ok...Ill make Syd lower his gun, then tell you to enter...please...let me know if thats ok??

Xian looks at Syd...It's ok, she's a friend, we can trust her. Please Syd, put the gun down...please??
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Post by MooCow* »

"Syd, Xian is right, we can trust Anya," Tayli said.

She was finally getting her sight back.

"As for that gun, it was my supplied weapon so please don't use it to shoot out friend."

Tayli held out her hand as if to take the gun... she waited to see if Syd would return her weapon...

How does Xian know he's not playing... if he's the only one left doesn't that mean he had to kill someone? At least one?
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Post by batspleenfriend* »

At Syd's first response Anya's face drained of all its color. It took every bit of will power not to pass out or have a nervous breakdown. I have a gun and I'm not afraid to use it, the words echoed in her head and she took deep breaths trying to steady herself. Just who the hell was he?? she thought to herself. She had never heard that voice before.

But then suddenly a familiar voice joined his. Xian, she thought to herself trying to remember who the girl was. She had never really had a full-on conversation with Anya but Anya knew who she was and she had always seemed to be relatively nice.

"Y-yes it is me," she said responding, mentally kicking herself for stuttering. "That sounds all right to me Xian." She was about to drop her gun when she remembered the safety. She clicked it back into place and slid it towards the door. Well at least I did not make it easy for him to shoot me with my own weapon.

"Can I come in now?" she asked calmly in her usual bored tone of voice.
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Post by Kaishi* »

Sydney lowered the gun, placing it into Tayli's hand with some hesitation. He opened up the door, and motioned for Anya to step inside. "Welcome. Enjoy your stay, I guess." He yawned a little. It wasn't out of being bored, as only the psycho killers would yawn for that reason. It was mainly because he had been deprived of sleep for many long nights. Sleep deprived because of the fact that he had to stay up many long hours to defend himself.
He walked over to the corner of the classroom, sitting ontop of a desk. Syd pulled off his goggles, swinging it around, keeping close eye on Anya. Who knew if she'd pick up her gun and start firing at everyone in the room? He pulled a flashbang grenade off of his belt, ready to pull out the pin and throw it nearby.
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Post by batspleenfriend* »

She nodded in greeting at Xian and Tayli and smiled at them rather warmly before turning to the boy that was with them. "Syd," she asked quizzically staring back at the boy who was watching her warily. "I am sorry but did Xian say you were in this program before?" she asked skipping the pleasantries. Her gun was still lying by the door and she felt completely naked without it. If they wanted to blow her brains out they would not really have a problem at the moment. And although Xian and Tayli had always seemed nice, she didn't really know them all that well.

"Should I leave it there?" she asked indicating her gun with a tilt of her head. She wasn't going to shoot anyway but she didn't like feeling so bare.
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Post by MooCow* »

She was used to taking charge of situations such as these. She has always been popular, very popular in fact. Basically this was because her father before her had been popular at Barry Coleson in his day, as had his own father in the schools founding... it was a tradition for those within the Vreeland bloodline to be among the golden, social royalty... there they had sat, were sitting and would sit at the top of the heirarchy of the social matrix of the Barry Coleson Community for eternity as destiny would seem. Tayli was different however from a great many of her social 'equals' as THEY would put it. Unlike the other more popular girls ( for instance two prime examples being the catty and malicious Lindsay Robb and the truly evil queen bee Amanda Darroch, the acidic mastermind behind all of Lindsay and the rest of her entourage's cruel crusades), Tayli had a genuine practice of being friendly to her classmates... it was another Vreeland tradition. For this reason she had made no enemies she knew off. People genuinely liked her... they weren't filled with a strange mixture of fear and awe when they were around her. People were comfortable around her... they came to her for help solving their problems. And so it goes that some Queen Bee's threaten to sting anyone who dares to defy their rule, whilst others use honey to keep the worker bees contented and carefree. Tayli was amongst the latter breed. She needed to take control of the situation. Of course Syd was the real leader now, he had been through this before and his insight would be first rate, but for this, Tayli needed to step in before it was to late for disaster to be averted. Anya wanted her weapon, a gun, what kind Tayli didn't know, but she wanted it. Syd obviously did not trust Anya, and it was clear he probably didn't trust Tayli either...

He must have seen things that eyes were never meant to see...

Tayli wanted everyone to feel comfortable.

"Anya... can I call you Anya? I think we're all a little tense right now. So that everyone feels safe, I think we should maybe we should unload our arms..."

Tayli thought. A lightbulb went off in her head. "We'll need the weapons, the guns especially to protect ourselves, but we also don't want someone to betray us. Until we get this place boarded up we'll keep the guns locked in that old birchwood cabinet over there, and the ammo in the instructor's locked desk drawer. Xian can hold onto the key for the drawer, and I'll hold onto the key for the cabinet. This way no one can betray our trust and we can focus on getting this place secured. After that we'll know if we can trust eachother and then we'll take double shifts keeping lookout. What do you all think... this is a democracy, you can all opt for a different plan if you think this one is... err stupid?"

She waited to see what the others thought.
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Post by Minase* »

(Coming from: Starting Point for Boy #10)

Minase finally arrived at where he thought the blast had come from, pretty near the school. It was obvious whoever set it off would head in that direction, and if not, then the school woulkd make a good base. As he neared the building he heard voices several voices. This meant peaceful people, or easy prey.
no sooner had Minase finished thinking this that he scolded himself, these people werent his friends, but he had known them for a long time now, and several people had been okay to him. But in this game, killing was right and friends had no place.
Minase was suddenly struck with an image. Himself, standing over his fallen school mates, his smoking gun in one hand, a figure of fear, teaching all those that had hated him a lesson. They had brought this on themselves.
'What am i going to do...' he asked out loud.

He stood for a while, thinking, then realising he stood out like a sore thumb, headed to the school, there he couldnt be hurt at least, and he could make his mind clearer.

As he arrived by the entrance, he saw it was left open and he was able to peek in and see who was there. Mostly people he recognised, but one he did not, and they had guns. Fine. Assume worst case scenario. Minase clicked down the safety, and entered the building, his face contorted into an expression that he hoped conveyed the message,
'Mess with me and you get shot, but i'm willing to talk.' But he wasnt sure if they would understand, and he wasnt sure if he could pull the trigger, and take such a big step, but he knew if he did, then he was 'playing' for keeps. He aimed the gun.

((OOC: Coming from the Starting Point For Boy #10 topic.))
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Post by batspleenfriend* »

Anya was just about to respond to Tayli's suggestion when Gabrielle entered the room. She turned around to face him, all the color draining from her face. Although she felt like she was going to pass out she turned her gaze towards him and managed to fix her bored look on her face.

"Gabrielle, right?" she asked very conversationally flashing a bright smile at him, "what do you want to talk about?"
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Post by Minase* »

Minase flahsed her a cute, mocking grin that vanished faster than it appeared but always kept his eyes focused on the boy, he appeared to be holding a grenade or something of the sort and this made Minase uneasy, he kept the barrel aimed at the boy, and awaited a response from him alone. A fear gripped him but now he had gone too far to back out, it was the boys move.
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