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I Am Legend/Out For Blood

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 7:57 pm
by Bloody_Fists*
((Daisuke continued from: '99'))
((Stevan continued from: Inhale... Exhale...))

It seemed Stevan had been revisiting the places he already traveeled to. Of course he wasnt using his map so really he had no one to blame but himself.

He remembered that last time he was here, he'd started off the gunfight that ended up with him reuniting with peri and finding someone new and trustworthy, eh-sun.

The teddy that he had threw to antonio(greg) was still laying on the floor, only it was accompanied by small staines of blood around the surrounding floor, He smiled at the thought that he actually hit the greaseball, Gregs going to be pissed and hes probally going to come a huntin for the freak.

As he rounded the doorway into the school he could see a dark shadowy figure, He could slightly recognize the slumped over boy as one of the gang that stevan had shot at. They must of been to worried about themselves to care for the poor bastard.

The boy hadnt seen him yet, It was a good oppurtunity to act in 'stealth' that word that peri cared so much about yet stevan hated more and more every time he heard it.
Small light footed steps would be taken as he climbed the three or four staires that led up to the doorway. Then, he entered the school building, hiding in the shadows close up to the wall. He could just about make out a face. 'must be an asian kid' he thought to himself.
One more step would be taken, and a loud creek would come from the old floor boards of the building.

Stevan, shocked, looked to see the other staring right back at him. The two students shared a moment as they stared each other down waiting for the other to make a move.

Daisuke would be first to act. Shooting up and kicking his powerful legs on the floor, coming quickly into a sprint.
Stevan smiled and was quick to persue his victem.
The crashes of each footstep echoed through the old building only to be broken by, what can only be described as thunder. The shotgun booming into life as it released a shell towards daisuke. His aim a little off due to recoil and the running, the buck shot mostly embedded itself into dais leg.

Screaming in pain, dai fell to the floor, smashing his head down hard and leaving a tasty crimson gash down his eye.
Now in another room, stevan promptly followed dai and threw his gun down as he flung himself ontop of the victem. Grabbing dais head with both hands and slamming it to the floor a couple times left that gash to open up even more, crimson liquid pouring down his face and onto the already stained hands of the freak.

Releasing the boys red hair, stevan wrapped his arm around daisukes neck, squeezing as hard as he could. Stevans face was filled with rage, His teeth gritted as he yanked back more and more, bending dais back to the limits of abnormality. Cracking noises occured as the young mans vertibre snapped, Bit by bit, the legnth of his spine would snap into pieces, All the while stevan was squeezing his neck and pulling back as hard as he could, Teeth gritted so hard to the point of pain. The boy actually drooled with rage.

As dai's arms went limp, and a couple of twitches in his hands occured, stevan being as merciless as ever, he gave a couple more tugs for good will, before letting the corpse go and flop onto the musty old floor.

To be honest stevan did feel a little remorse for him, But it was the name of the game, The freak was doing what he was here to do and there was no harm in taking pleasure in his work right?
Thats what they teach you in school right? you have to equal out work and fun.

Stevan rolled off the boy and layed next to him, staring at the ceiling as he patted the boy's back, as if to say 'Job well done'. Well it was a good job, one less contestant and one less student to get through before he'd go home and back to england.

The boys pockets as well as his bag would be searched throughly before he found the weapon he had been designated. Some kind of silenced gun. It would be slid into the inner pocket of his leather jacket.

And so the freak was finally making a noise. True to his word, Two more deaths to his name and fuck knows how many more would follow in the upcoming days. Not long now before its all over, he thought to himself. He sorted through his own pack for another pack of cigarettes. The 'Royal' brand cancer stick was placed into his lips and his fathers zippo lighter would be flipped open and lit up to flare the cigarette into a sea of smoke. He would of preferred a cigar but, beggers cant be choosers right?

He walked down the corridor of the school, picking up his shotgun and dusting it off as he left the entrance.


((OOC sorry it had to be done))

((Continued in: Enter the Hero))