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Cody finds Loretta

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:35 am
by OnceForgotten*
*Mild content warning*

((Continued from: Girl #50 - Let it Bleed))

Cody's eyes scanned the path as he walked, wary of anyone who may be lurking in the shadows. The condensation was doing a number on his knee, and in consequence it was about the size of a grapefruit. Every step was agony, and he knew that he would have to stop and at least rest it for a while.

This fucking knee. If not for this, I would be playing hockey right now, and would not have to worry about this stupid game.

Cody was in a sour mood for sure. The torturing of the large black kid had diminished his desire for a while, but it was back in full force. He needed to hurt something. He eventually came to a split in the trail, and he could see a small house in the distance. The house seemed to be a wreck, the door was completely gone, and the entire area smelled of blood and rot. Cody could only imagine the fights and bloodshed that had taken place in that small innocent looking little ranch. He decided to take the left fork, which seemed to be largly overgrown. After several minutes of travel, the trail seemed to dissappear completely, and Cody found himself in a field of tall grass. The area seemed to be largely undisturbed, and a feeling of serenety swept over Cody as the wind caused the grass to gently sway. He began skirting the small field by walking underneath the enormous pine trees that were systematically placed alongside of it. The trees were planted by humans, creating a column of trees three wide and about ten long which reminded Cody of a marching army. As cody walked by them, the wind caused the trees to begin swaying, and he got the feeling that they were offering him some kind of salute. A sense of impending exitement now swept over him. He began jogging, hardly feeling the pain in his grotesquely swollen knee. He came to the edge of the pine army and noticed a small dilapedated shed. It also looked untouched by humans, and seemed to be naturally camoflouged by the trees and grass.

If I would have walked a little bit to the left or right I would not have even noticed it.

Cody moved towards it, his exitement growing with each step. When he reached it he was dissapointed to find a padlock on the door, but that did not deter him for long. He removed his boomerang from his pack and began beating out a hole in the rotten wood. Eventually he had created something large enough that he could step through, and he climbed in the shed. The first thing he noticed was a blanketed shape that seemed to take up most of the area in the shed. there was also a small wardrobe in the corner and a tool bench. Everything seemed to be quite neglected, and a heavy coat of dust covered most of the interior. Cody walked to the tool bench first, hoping to find something that would suit him better than a boomerang. He was dissapointed, however, to find nothing but a small screwdriver and an anvil which was bolted to the bench itself. He opened the only drawer that the bench contained, which held a pack of matches. Cody grabbed them, and was pleased to notice the blue tip, which meant they were the light on anything kind. He then moved to the wardrobe and opened the door, which swung out. A stale smell caused him to turn up his nose as he surveyed its contents. A leather aviator jacket, complete with wool collar and scarf hung from a hanger, and was the wardrobe's sole occupant. Cody had only the short sleeved shirt on his back, and he knew that the nights tended to be cold, so he grabbed it.

Couldn't hurt.

He then turned to the blanketed object. He quickly removed the dusty covering to reveal the great treasure underneath. It was an old Harley Twin which seemed to be in perfect condition. He admired the long chrome straight pipes that jutted from either side, and also was happy to see the tires were brand new. He ran his hand across the leather seat, resting his eyes on the metal gas tank. The tank was covered with an airbrushed picture of a naked women apparently in the throws of some great pleasure, her breasts jutting upward. The picture was embossed with a legend, which simply read "Loretta"
Cody smiled. I found you, Loretta.

Cody had solved his knee problem. He pulled the jacket over his shoulders, checking the pockets in the process. he was pleased to find a pack of swisher sweets in the front pocket, and used one of his matches to light one up. Swinging the scarf over his shoulder, he threw his leg over the bike and gave it a kick. It roared to life immediatly, and Cody blipped the throttle several times, feeling the power of the engine as it vibrated underneath him. He was on the verge of tears as he dropped the bike into first, and was crying as he popped the clutch, spinning the back tire and spitting up dirt and dust everywhere. The bike suddenly pulled forward and burst through the door of the shed, tearing through the tall grass field. Cody skirted the pine army on the way back until he found the trail again, kicking up into third gear in the process. Everthing around him became a blur, and the tears freely fell down Codys face. It was the happiest day of his life.

((Continued in: Starting Place for B#54))