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Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 3:58 pm
by Theseus*
Jeremy was sitting in the warehouse at a table holding his sickle tight. He recounted in hi mind what had happened, over and over again just to make sure it was all real. He sat with his bag open on the table. His watch on his wrist, and his sickle being held tight. He rested his weapon on the table and leaned back in his chair and recounted once again what had happened.

He was thrown off the helicopter near the warehouse. When he hit the ground he grabbed his bag and looked around the area. After seeing nobody else he decided to go to the warehouse. He was scared, and didn't want to believe what was happening.

Once in the warehouse he searched it, looking in every room, behind every crate, every box, just to make sure he was alone. Finding a chair he decided to go through his bag and see what he got. He stumbled across the handbook and he read everything. He read it again just to make sure he knew everything.

This is now where Jeremy Torres, Male student #56 is now. Sitting alone in a warehouse playing a game that is sick. He though of the solgan of the game
The strong will survive! The weak must die!

He knew that he wasn't going to play. He would find a way to bring this game down, he would not die. But he wasn't planning on killing anyone to live. Maybe in self defense but not murder. He wondered if there was anyone on this island he knew, probably not, he just sat there alone. And so for Jeremy Torres, the game has begun.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:00 pm
by brokenCODA*
The only sound currently penetrating his thoughts was the rain beating against his form, pushing aside branches and other undergrowth with his free hand. The other tightly holding onto his daypack, as he continued to move. He had given up running once he came to notice it didn’t matter how fast you run you’re still going to get wet.

His bright red Manchester United jersey clung to his form, his usually curly light brown now lay matted about his face as he pushed forward, thoughts racing of the past day… how a happy trip for them became this terrible dream he still had trouble believing to be reality.

The time of the plane when the terrorist appeared was still fresh in his mind, he’d been sitting there watching the dull on-flight movie with little interest but nothing better to do, when the screen black out and something new came on… catching his attention quickly. It seemed unreal at first, but when Mr. Danya and his goons appeared and explained what they had been forced into, and what they had to do, Fredrik Hughes figured he had to be sleeping.

Though when he witnessed his teachers being shot down one by one, followed by a student who had been sitting next to Mason, he unable to see his face from his seat some seats back. But as Danya continued to talk, Fred found his mind slipping and eyes growing tried, blinking he glanced over lightly to the person sitting next to him to say something but by then Glenn was already asleep.

“Glenn.” Fred muttered lightly, pausing briefly to catch his breath as he wondered to what could have befallen his twin in this short time. He had only been awake for two announcements, and neither had had his brother’s name in it but had there been more before that? If they’re had could there be a chance…?

Pushing the thoughts back further into his mind, he picked himself back into a run. Stopping once what he had been searching for came into view, the Warehouse. When the rain had begun he had saw it on his map and figured it a good place to seek shelter, though he wondered to who might already be hiding in there.

Nearing one of the doors, he pushed his wet form into it the door opening with a long groan of old wood. Poking his head in the rest of his body soon followed, turning and shutting the door behind him, glancing about he tried to allow his eyes to adjust to the low light in the building though as he moved to step forward. And his attention drifted downward… he paused eyeing the figure at the table.

The figure at the table a sickle resting closer to his hand, a boy who didn’t seemed to be familiar from the school. “Damn…” He muttered lightly, wondering some as if this is too how his life was to end with a sickle in his chest? His weapon was still in his bag, nunchaku… with his lack of knowing the weapon would probably be bad if this boy came after him, least he knew he could run.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:00 pm
by Theseus*
Jeremy turned around watching as a wet boy came into the warehouse. Jeremy gripped the sickle and said, "Stop! Who are you? I'm Jeremy!" Jeremy stood up in his white t-shirt and his blue jeans. He saw the student standing there.

So many thought ran through his mind, was this it, the end of his life coming, no. He wondered if this boy in front of him was playing the game. Unconciously Jeremy scanned the students body for blood, but it would have been washed off by the rain by now.

And so he stood there in silence. Waiting for the stranger to make the next move, a move which could change the course of Jeremy's life.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:00 pm
by brokenCODA*
Do nothing that will cause his guy to gut you… He thought lightly biting his lip, as he allowed his bag to drop the ground lifting his hands a little. “Oi, mate…” Fred begun lightly, “Now let’s not get all ballistic… My name is Hughes, Fredrik Hughes.”

Now able to get a good look at the other boy, it was clear that he wasn’t a member of Barry Coleson or on the plane at the time it was taken over. Though standing there, being looked over by the other boy not making a move he decided that it probably be best to keep his spot as well.

Keeping his hands before him, he breathed in deeply before letting it out. Keeping his attention on Jeremy, so Danya was speaking the truth… there would be other students on this island that they wouldn’t know.

Oh, just great.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:00 pm
by Theseus*
Jeremy said, "Ok, Fredrik...I'm going to be blunt here man. Are you playing this game or not? Don't lie to me." Jeremy was still gripping his sickle, looking into Fredrik's eyes.

He didn't know if he had the guts to kill Fredrik. Well, actually he did have the guts. But it was the morale choice. Jeremy had no plan to play this game, and he wanted to bring whoever was running it down. So he knew that he wouldn't kill this Fredrik, unless Fredrik tried to kill him.

Jeremy continued looking at Fredrik. The stand off continued.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:00 pm
by brokenCODA*
Fred lifted a hand lightly rubbing a spot on his forehead; the headache he had awoke with having begun growing as time passed on. When his name was said, though he would prefer to just be Fred instead of Fredrik, he lightly listened as the other question him on the game, smiling lightly.

“Ne mate, We’ve been forced into this game by some nutter with an ego off this earth. This is all for their sick amusement… I refuse to do this for a couple of laughs and some TV ratings. The only thing I have to do on this island is find my brother, and then find some way off.”

Biting his lip, he chewed against it unsure of what could happen next… would the other believe him? But what if the answer didn’t even matter, what if this was all for his own amusement before using that sickle to kill him. Whatever be… he supposed he just have to wait, standing there shaking lightly in his bright red shirt, and jeans. Water dripping from his wet clothes, and hair into the puddle at his feet.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:01 pm
by Theseus*
Jeremy was relieved by Fredrik's answer. Walking to Fredrik he said, "I'm not playing either man." He put down his sickle on the floor and approached him. He then said, "Hey can I just call you Fred? Fredrik sounds rich to me..."

He then said, "If you need a partner, I'll help you find your brother, and I'llbe with you when we find a way off this island." He had second thoughts about leaving his sickle on the ground, maybe that was a lie, to draw him in. Maybe Fred was going to earn Jeremy's trust, then kill him.

He shook those thoughts out of his mind and wouldn't believe them. This was just a dumb reality TV show. Which was way to real. But like all game shows, there was always a way to cheat.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:01 pm
by brokenCODA*
"Rich?" He mused, his accent ringing as he laughed a little. "Fredrik a pretty common name where I come from, but whatever you want, I prefer Fred anyway."

Fred allowed his hand to drop back along his side, sighing lightly taking in what Jeremy added he allowed a grin to pass over his lips. "Absobloodylootely mate, that would be great." He muttered, holding his hand out in an offer for a handshake.

"I have some nunchakus... not the very lucky in the weapon's department I might say."

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:01 pm
by Theseus*
Jeremy shook Fredrik's hand and said, "oh that's ok. I got a sickle as you can see. Hopefully we won't have to use them." Then Jeremy thought about how long Fred had been here.

Jeremy said, "Fred, how long have you been on this island? What have you seen? What's going on here?" So many questions Jeremy had about this place, this game.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:02 pm
by brokenCODA*
“At least two days, my school’s ninth and tenth grade class… we were going on a trip, are plane got highjacked by that Mr. Danya. We were knocked out, and now we’re here.” He muttered lightly, returning the shake as he glanced over Jeremy once more taking note of the piece of metal wrapped about the boy’s throat.

Releasing the other boy’s hand, he lifted it to lightly touch the metal collar about his own throat. Shuddering lightly, and dropping it. “And I haven't seen anything, and the only thing I know that’s going on is that we're here to kill... and already at least fifteen people are dead already… It’s kind of scary, you know? Knowing some of the bloody names of those people, knowing that they could have been killed by someone you knew, someone they knew.”

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:02 pm
by Theseus*
Jeremy thought about what Fredrick had said....15 people dead....that was unreal. Jeremy saw that it was still raining outside and he said, "So I guess we better stay in here until the rain stops, right?" He thought about how Fred had stayed her for 2 days, that must have been bad.

He then caught something in the corner of his eye. Suspended in a corner overelokking the room was a black object, which you could tell there was an attempt to camoflauge it. Jeremy looked at it knowing thousands of people were looking at him, watching this sick game.

To them this was a cruel sport. And to the players this was life or death. No longer was losing an option. Determined, Jeremy knew with Fred's help, and maybe his brother too, they would find a way out.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:02 pm
by brokenCODA*
Sighing lightly, he moved to one of the empty chairs at the table leaving his bag where it lay, removing all the pockets from his pocket. His map, some change, and his wallet… Taking it back into his hand as he sat down, he opened it looking through the contents. Some money, that both he had saved up, and some that his parents had given him.

Old pictures, of him and his uncles, one of his mother and father, some that had his older siblings, and then the last one being a recent picture of both his twin and himself. Smiling proudly, at least on his part Glenn looked distance on the front steps of there house.

“Till the rain stops? Yeah… that’ll work, if it’s too late we could always stay here for the night. It’ll be dangerous leaving at night… Who knows what’s bloody out there.” Fred muttered, hardly taking his eyes off his pictures.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:02 pm
by Theseus*
Jeremy nodded and said, "Yeah..Night time would be dangerous." Sitting down Jeremy saw Fred looking at a picture. He didn't want to pry, so he didn't ask about it. He couldn't see who it was of. Sitting there Jeremy was wishing he had brought stuff with him. He was just on a school trip, he brougth nothing of value with him.

So he sat there with only the items gaven to him by the rulers of this game. Jeremy would glance up at the camera time to time to see it. Just to look into it, so everyone watching could look into his eyes. So they would know that this was the man who would bring this game down. Jeremy turned his attention to Fredrick again.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:02 pm
by brokenCODA*
Closing his wallet with a light snap he placed the object on the table with everything else, lightly noting the glances taken off to the side by Jeremy every so often. Raising a brow in light confusion, he decided against questioning and instead leaned back in his chair lightly.

“So, where are you from?” Fred asked lightly, eyeing the other boy. “I’m from New York state a little school called Barry Coleson…”

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:03 pm
by Theseus*
Jeremy saw Fred put up his wallet then ask the question. Jeremy said, "New York huh? I always wanted to go there. I'm from Indiana. A local school called Franklin Central. Nothing special."

Jeremy sat there for a little bit then said, "So, what were you like you know, back before all of this. For me, just a normal person. Living a normal life, I guess I always wished for something special in my life. I guess I got it, not exactly what I was looking for." He laughed. Irony wasn't as good here...

Jeremy wasn't good at conversations, he wondered if Fred would take the question offensively, Jeremy just wanted to keep the conversation going.