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Creeping Doom

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 6:51 pm
by Espi
((Blair Moore continued from Forlorn and Forgotten Knowledge))

Blair spent the night in a room with a guy she used to like, which would've been awkward or fun if not for the guy being dead and all.

Mitch Settles was a pretty nice guy, into some extreme sports and all. Blair could get behind that; living life to the fullest, that kind of jazz. He'd also killed himself, two days ago, so she gagged when she first entered the room. Luckily, she got used to it. Sort of.

Regardless, at least the smell had kept people out of the place for the night, as far as she could tell. Awakened by the announcements, Blair took a moment to note the new killers (Alessio stood out) and Oskar's suicide (the connection to Caedyn was unclear, but probably existed).

Blair stood up, tussling her hair and cracking her neck. The first order of the day was getting out of this room and getting some fresh air, so she stepped over to the door and pushed it open.

Re: Creeping Doom

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 6:51 pm
by Aura
((Rene Wolfe continued from Forlorn and Forgotten Knowledge))

Nightmares were the fucking worst. They were scary, they made you feel crappy when you woke up, and they took up time that would have been better spent with a nice, pleasant dream that actually makes you feel good. There wasn't a thing about them that didn't absolutely suck.

Rene wasn't really surprised that she had a nightmare the previous night, though. After all, when one sleeps in a room that is currently playing host to a grotesque corpse that had painted one of the walls with its blood, then some consequences are to be expected.

The only thing that brought her any comfort that morning, aside from the continued existence of herself and Blair, was the fact that Noah was completely absent from the announcements. Even though they had lost him, he wasn't dead. That was a good sign. The world needed Pina Bucket, or at least Rene thought so.

Dusting herself off, she stood up from her previous position on the floor and walked over to Blair, who was busy opening the door.

"So what's the word? Anything out there?"

Re: Creeping Doom

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 6:51 pm
by Espi
Oh, looked like Rene was up and about. That was good. "I dunno, same shit I guess." Blair said casually.

Blair opened the door, and took a deep breath, or as deep a breath as she could manage without triggering her lungs. Lukcily she felt a little better than yesterday. Maybe she wouldn't get pneumonia here. That'd be nice.

Stepping outside the doorway, Blair rubbed her eyes and adjusted the shoulder strap of her bag. Rations were looking increasingly scarce, and she was starting to worry. Looting corpses was preeeeeetty sketchy, to be honest. Blair would prefer not to resort to that, but when the time came, she'd need to be ready.

"Hey, so about Caedyn." Blair started quietly, looking back at Rene. "She's not a good person. I know this, I'm sure you've seen it before, but...she's horrible. She really is."

Re: Creeping Doom

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 6:51 pm
by Aura
Suddenly Blair got super serious, and Rene took notice straight away. She wanted to make absolutely sure that Rene knew that Caedyn was a bad, bad person. Sure, Rene and Caedyn had never really been what one would call "friends", but Blair sure was coming on pretty strong with her argument, like she had been sitting on some major information that no one else was privy to.

"Hey, don't sweat it. I'm not Team Caedyn. I get you." She held up her hands while she spoke, trying to keep Blair from getting too heated. "What's the deal between you two, though? Did you run into her on the first day or something?"

While they were on the topic, she might as well try to understand things a little more.

Re: Creeping Doom

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 6:52 pm
by Wolley*
((Alan Banks continued from Restore/Restart/Quit))

The sound of the metal hitting the corridor wall. That was Alan's way of announcing he was walking towards both girls. With his body language showing too much arrogance for someone who barely slept on the previous night and a smirk on his face. His face was creating the impression that he was going to laugh at any moment given as he was just waiting for both girls to tell him the best joke he ever heard. Maybe if he didn't swing the pipe back and forward it wouldn't really look like he was going to beat them to death.

Another fight? After losing two times against shorter girls (one of those being on numerical advantage)? Yeah... Kidding.

He had to be grateful towards Mia for his lack of sleep. A rough night leaves you alone and with tons of hours to think. Maybe not enough time to calm your ass down after you accomplished to murder, but for putting into perspective your strategy. Cause now that he was playing the game, he needed one. Preferably more complex than jumping onto everyone he came across if he wanted to keep his head over his shoulders. Although having the odds against him made things more interesting, it was far funnier to improvise.


..... Nah, he had a plan..... Right?

Like, letting fall his weapon on his feet and managing to stay 15 feet away from them. Ah, yeah, and keeping his hands at head level. See? Alan Banks found his chill. Alan Banks meant no harm.

"I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. Pretty sweet to hold a grudge against one person even when most people is killing each other, you know"

Re: Creeping Doom

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 6:52 pm
by Espi
Ugh, this sucked.

It was so hard to enunciate why she wanted to warn Rene off of Caedyn. Having had years to ruminate on her ex-friend's flaws, Blair still couldn't quite put into words what was so bad.

Mostly, it was the fact that technically, Blair couldn't prove Caedyn had done anything wrong. The blood, the dress, the alcohol, Oskar's death? It didn't make sense to Blair, but at the same time she knew enough about science to know that a hunch was meaningless if you had no facts to back it up.

"I know it sounds crazy. But okay, we'd been friends for a long time, then we feuded, now we don't get along. But I still think she's a threat. She's selfish. Last night was suspicious as fuck, and I don't know, I just think she's dangerous, and sooner or later-"

Wait, what? Who the hell was that voice?

"The fuck are you talking about? Who the hell are you?"

Re: Creeping Doom

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 6:52 pm
by Aura
All right, exposition. Rene got the lowdown from Blair on why she thought Caedyn was a no-good scoundrel who would stab them in the back after a friendly handshake. To sum things up, it was a typical case of a friendship gone sour. Rene couldn't really take sides on the issue considering that this was really the first she'd heard of it, but she was going to accept Blair's position on things since, well, the two of them sticking together had gone pretty well so far, and there was no reason to throw a wrench into that.

Then a third voice barged into their conversation. That certainly wasn't normal, nor was it welcome. Asshole, as he would be known until his actual name was revealed, was standing a fair distance away from them with a pipe lying at his feet. Two words came to mind. The first was weird, and the second was suspicious.

Blair reacted angrily, and Rene couldn't really find it in herself to blame her. They were just fine, then Asshole came along and stuck his nose into their business. The comedienne crossed her arms and glanced at the newcomer, using her head to gesture towards Blair.

"I'd listen to the lady. Out with it, buddy."

Re: Creeping Doom

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 6:52 pm
by Wolley*
Alan rolled his eyes trying not to break out laughing.

He had approached a girl randomly offering her a lightsaber, he had ambushed a mute girl, he had ambushed another girl, this time one of his friends, this time killing her...
He didn't recall receiving such a negative response. Well, one of the girls he tried to surprise me ambush fought him and she could've kicked his ass if she wanted to, but let's forget about that. The thing is that Alan Banks was standing there trying to keep it cool

Ah, the IRONY.

"The name's Alan Banks. I know we haven't met at school cuz' I don't recall your faces and I also know that you haven't heard that name before cuz' I haven't slashed anybody's throat" He was right...technically "So there's no need to be rude"

He chuckled while slowly putting his arms down into a more comfortable position. If they haven't shown him any weapon yet that meant A) They had none or B) They were harmless. Both good news. Maybe the fourth day on shutter island brings him a positive outcome if he knows how to play his cards.

"May I ask for your names now that you know mine?"

Re: Creeping Doom

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 6:52 pm
by Espi
Hm. Blair cocked her head to look at him more.

On one hand, he said he hadn't killed anyone. She was pretty sure his face matched the name. On the other hand, there was something sleazy about him, a sort of...sketchiness. It was his face, she thought, that sort of smugness that screamed out that he was hiding something.

Okay, executive decision time. There was only one exit, and if he wanted to trap them closing the door would do the trick. Well, behind her was the smashed-open wall, but she was pretty sure that was not a safe jump. So logically, it was best to GTFO while they could.

"I'm leaving, that's who I am. Later."

Blair scooted around Alan, keeping a close eye on his hands, before briskly walking down the hallway away from the crazy.

((Blair Moore continued in Dysthemia Morte))

Re: Creeping Doom

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 6:53 pm
by Aura
Yeah, things didn't get any less awkward once they exchanged names. Actually, considering that Blair just up and left at that point, a good argument could be made for the idea that things were getting considerably worse. With Rene's only ally heading out the door and her not really being familiar with this Alan fellow, she didn't see many options for this particular interaction going forward.

Instead, Rene took the option that she was pretty sure had been keeping her alive this whole time: stick with who she knows.

"Hey Alan. I'm Leaving's friend, Also Leaving." She quipped. She knew it was a really bad joke that had probably been used thousands of times before, but that didn't matter to her at the moment. She squeezed past the boy and headed out to catch up with Blair.

Man, the past few days had just been chock-full of brief, uncomfortable encounters, hadn't they? hopefully that wasn't a trend that would stick around.

((Rene Wolfe continued in Dysthemia Morte))

Re: Creeping Doom

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 6:53 pm
by Wolley*
What a wonderful grumpy comedic duo. They made him remember those good old days when just a few words from his mouth could generate negative reactions. What a pleasure. What a fortunate turn of events. Yes, we all know it was his demeanor in general what shooed them, but let the kid be delusional about it. He even thought about inviting them to come with him to go meet the winner of the BKA to join forces with her and find a way out together with the help of that prize, but that wouldn't happen. He could also count to ten and sprint after them, taking both girls by surprise just as they thought they were safe and banging the first crane that appeared in front of him with the pipe before running, leaving the other one as alone and miserable as him.

"Come back if you need something"

Or he could just forget about them nearly after they disappeared and think about what to do. Which lead us to the next question. Now what?

His priority: Staying alive until the following day and see what kind of treasure has been put in Kaitlyn's hands. At first he wasn't even going to attend the meeting, but the reward was too appealing to let the opportunity fly away. Alan immediately decided that the place was peaceful enough to stay and then took a glance into the closest door to him a chance despite the smell of the corpse. Cause yeah, you had a corpse some inches to your right all this time, haven't you noticed? Now you know.

Alan slowly closed the door behind him while staring to the once big guy. The dried blood behind his lifeless body gave the whole room a violent aesthetic that froze Alan on his feet for a few seconds. That was the second carcass he ever saw. Seemed like a good shock therapy to prepare himself to what would come later if he really wanted to survive. If an attacker came they may be shocked by the grotesque scenery and leave the room or at least give Alan enough time to react. That room was the perfect place to stay hidden for the rest of the day.

Throwing his pipe to the floor again, this time along his backpack, he notices a camera resting at one corner of the room. How many people would be behind the screen? Would all those terrorist-or-whateveryouwannacallthem think the same about him? Cause let's be honest here. From another perspective, he was just another loser, one who now decided to camp with one of his lifeless mates after fucking things up again. That would be fucking right, but well... He was far more complex than that and they couldn't appreciate it. And yet he was the loser. They were wrong. Of course. They had to be wrong. Wrong about... That thing...... What were we talking about? Fuck. He lost the thread of his own inner monologue. That lack of bedtime sure was taking its toll.

Now it was time to rest. Maybe this time Fucking Mia Rose's face will let him get more than half an hour of sleep. That would be awesome.

He lied on the floor trying to be as comfortable as possible and waited.


Well, after two hours rolling even Orpheus spat on Alan's face. What was he doing, then? On his own and crying himself to sleep. Pathetic way of relieving stress for a pathetic kid that saw his life at the edge after four days full of epic fails and finally started his "realizing things" phase. Didn't you try to play villain, Alan? There, try a tragic one.

Ok, that might be mean, but he had to release some stress now that he was on his own, and self-deprecation just happened to help him to cry a little more. Whatever. Tomorrow will be another day. Rest well.

((Alan Banks continued in Let the Darkness Flow Through You))