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Where on the island is Carmen Sandiego?

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 5:53 am
by umop-ap!sdn*
((Joey Caputo continued from Wendigo))

Joey led the trio around the building into the parking garage. It was just as dark and ominous as ever, though it seemed more familiar now, at least. He had no idea if anybody was in it. He had only a slight idea where Theo had gone. This tiny bit of information was all he had for them. Well, that and a big ass knife.

He silently wondered if he'd exaggerated Theo's state of panic. The kid had been scared, but now Garret had a search party going after him? Had the two of them been friends at Aurora? Why was locating and calming down one student so important right now? There were probably many crazed students wandering around. Iselle had taken off earlier, angry and edgy, why wasn't she part of their checklist? Clearly moving around and trying to calm everybody down was difficult.

Theo had a gun too. That combined with whatever sort of shaken mentality he'd portrayed made him more dangerous than Iselle. Maybe Garret wanted a gun in their alliance? Maybe calming Garret down was a bigger deal since he was more dangerous. Maybe he was just a good friend worried about his pal. Joey had no real idea, and it wasn't his business. Even though he'd volunteered to help pursue the armed and potentially manic boy, Joey was concerned about overstepping a boundary in asking.

He took position where he recalled Theo to have stood. "He was here, 'n I was there, tryna talk to em." He turned around and moved back past them towards where they had come in. "He got scared 'n took off that way." He pointed.

Now that he'd brought them all this way and retold his story in two sentences, he realized he actually had very little to go off of. He knew general direction, but he couldn't narrow it down to anywhere in particular without some kind of list of potential locations to help guide them.

"Err, you got a map?"

Re: Where on the island is Carmen Sandiego?

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 5:54 am
by Latin For Dragula
((Garrett Wilde Continued from Wendigo))

"Well hello, children! I'm absolutely, positively thrilled that you've chosen to read over this wonderful book that I've so laboriously crafted just for you -- it could be the difference between life and death, you see. The fact that you've even opened this book tells me one thing about you: you're smart. Perhaps smarter than I've given you credit for. Within this guide are some key facts you'll need to know in order to survive on this island... or should I say, perhaps prolong your lives a bit longer. What you'll need to survive, most of you don't have. However, little warriors, I'll get on with it."~ Mr. Danya's Survival Guide

Garrett's eyes had been glued to the booklet for most of the journey. Conversation had been scarce, and Joey was easy enough to follow that he could focus on trying to break into the mindset of their captors. The text was rich with thematic devices, and the introduction alone had kept his analysis occupied for the entirety of the journey as he scanned it for clues, highlighting thematic devices as he found them. There were the more obvious clues, such as the child-like imagery and the positive, fatherly tone in which the instructions were delivered, but what fascinated him was the profound sense of isolation. This Danya admitted at the front that most of his "little warriors" were going to die, but the implication is that the reader isn't one of them. This booklet was crafted just for them, and since they were reading it they were obviously smarter than everyone else. They were special. They were unique.

How many people have read this, I wonder? Certainly everyone reads it at some point out of curiosity. We can't all be Mr. Danya's special little survivalists.

More proof. That was all he needed. The more hollow inconsistencies he found, the easier it'd be to convince people that the terrorists were lying, that playing couldn't end positively for you. Maybe that'd be enough.

He put the book away as the entered the garage, given that it was too dark to read. As they walked around inside, Joey asked for a map. He could have sworn he saw one in the bags.

"There should be one in my bag here, I think I saw it when I was looking through earlier."

As he fished for the map, he mulled over Joey's explanation of events. He needed to lay some ground rules if this was going to continue.

"Before we go much further, we need to be clear why we're doing this. If what you're saying is true, Joey, then Theo's scared. I've seen a lot of angry people today, but scared is worse. We need to calm him down once we find him. That means no threats, no sudden movements, and most importantly no panicking." Despite his edged words, his face was filled with more compassion than determination. "He's dangerous. He might have killed someone by now. That doesn't change that he's one of us, though. This game is designed to isolate and terrify you until you think killing is the only option. We need to show him there's a better way. Are we all on board with that?"

Re: Where on the island is Carmen Sandiego?

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 5:56 am
by MrMissMrs Random*
(Rosemary Michaels continued from Shake it Out)

Rosemary took a swig from her bottle. She swished the water back and forth in her mouth as  the taste of bile was rinsed away before swallowing. She didn't want to waste any water that she had, plus spitting would just make it dribble out of her mouth and onto her clothes instead of the tattered floor mat of the car she had stowed away in. Though she had left on (relatively) amicable terms from Kat, the risk of the scythe girl following after her was plausible enough that she had ducked into the garage building as soon as she came across it. From what she could tell so far it was empty, and she was grateful for that.

It was also lucky that someone had left one of the windows rolled down on one of the cars. It took a bit of boosting but she'd gotten through the window without much trouble. The droppings on the floor from animals that had had the same idea as her to use the car for shelter weren't pleasant, but if she stayed in there long enough to rest for the night she could put on the mask provided in the kit for her to prevent her from breathing in any fumes.

I'm doing well right now. Just need to stay calm. She thought to herself for what was probably the fifteenth time since she stowed herself in the car, not being able to tell yet if the mantra was helping her or not. Maybe she'd have something else to focus on if they hadn't taken her books and notebook along with any writing utensils. What did they expect her to do with them? Give someone a papercut? She had opened the 'handbook' given to them before throwing it back in the bag in digust, deciding she'd rather die of boredom than have to read what those terrorist wrote.

In the car, she felt almost felt safe. Who said small spaces were bad? At least it made it so nobody could come in easily to get you-

She heard footsteps.

Multiple footsteps. At least three people, a group.

Her heartbeat started picking up rapidly once more. She tightened the cap on her bottle and crouched down behind the frontseats of the car, putting up her hood  up to cover her hair, she covered her mouth and prayed they wouldn't stop walking and leave, but unlike she hoped they stopped walking nearby. She'd have to look outside to discern where they were, but that would be too risky.

"He was here, 'n I was there, tryna talk to em."

That voice was familiar... Joey. One of the guys she tutored. He wasn't the brightest crayon on the coloring box, but he was strong. She didn't know about his companions though, and even if Joey took pity on her the same couldn't be guaranteed for his allies. Rosemary decided to stay silent, and swallowed to stop the tickle that was in her throat from making her cough. There was dust as well as rat crap down here. Terrific.

One of the other people talked back to Joey after the latter had asked for a map, another boy. His tone of voice was very different, and that made her sick. If Joey had been alone or with equally "challenged" people maybe she'd have had a chance to convicen them to let her go. The other guy sounded like he was pulling the strings. And what was that about Theo?

But she made no moves, but a few coughs had escaped, and her nose had started to run. Allergies would be the key to her demise.

Re: Where on the island is Carmen Sandiego?

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 7:53 am
by watcher in night*
((Meera Stele continued from Wendigo))

"He's dangerous, " said Garrett. He might have killed someone by now. That doesn't change that he's one of us, though. This game is designed to isolate and terrify you until you think killing is the only option. We need to show him there's a better way. Are we all on board with that?"

But is there a better way? To survive, at least? Meera thought, falling in line next to the others. If that really is the only viable survival could drive anyone crazy.

She thought about saying it out loud, but bit it back. There was no reason for dissent right now in the group.

"Got it," said Meera. "But if he shoots at us or something I'm getting the hell out of there."

Meera understood Theo was Garrett's friend. But there were limits to how far she was willing to go for someone who might be beyond help. While Meera trusted them both not to turn on her, she was unsure where Garrett's determined quest to find Theo would lead. He could be anywhere, done anything. Even killed, by now. Garrett could be leading them to their deaths.

For the time being, at least, it was best they stuck together. She, Joey, and Garrett didn't really have any useful weapons. If Garrett's right and Theo's all right, if a little scared, the addition of another classmate to our group would be great. And he has a gun.

"He could be gone by now" she said to Garrett and Joey. "Should we split up and look around?"

Re: Where on the island is Carmen Sandiego?

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 7:53 am
by umop-ap!sdn*
Joey began to move to Garret's side when some sounds came from within the garage.

He turned away from the map to look into the garage, but saw only a few abandoned vehicles floating in the darkness.

He heard Garret say his name and snapped back around to pay attention. The garage's dark and echoing environment made it easy to be mistaken, it was probably an animal.

But there were no animals in the wo- he was missing Garret's brief. Whatever the sound was or wasn't, it wasn't attacking them. Best case scenario, it was Theo hearing how concerned Garret was. Joey started to turn and look back over his shoulder, not quite ready to let his guard all the way down.

"...we all on board with that?"

"Got it..."

Joey sheepishly turned back to Garret and Meera again.

"...But if he shoots at us or something I'm getting the hell out of there."

"I'm with her." Joey looked hard at Garret. His bag zipped open and his knife retreated into it before the zipper sound played back in reverse.

Joey looked back up at the vast parking garage, Meera chimed in a contributing idea.

"Ight, I got the upper deck. Been there before, can see around from there too."

He nodded to his companions and moved towards the corner the stairs were in, one hand held his bag from swinging, the other rubbed the back of his neck. Something about the constant gassing and passing out on the spot had worked a kink into his neck.

Re: Where on the island is Carmen Sandiego?

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 7:54 am
by Latin For Dragula
They were splitting up. He wasn't completely comfortable with this, but it might be for the best. Meera's statement was weighing on him, and he needed some time to think alone.

Joey seemed to have heard something. It was probably on this level. He would stay here and poke around, there could be a potential ally. By elimination, that would place Meera on the second floor.

He looked towards her. "Joey's taking the top, do you want to take the middle? That way if anything goes wrong we can both get to you quickly, and it's a bit brighter up there."

Re: Where on the island is Carmen Sandiego?

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 7:54 am
by MrMissMrs Random*
From what she could make out it sounded like they were splitting up to scour the area. Maybe that would give her some time to make a run for it... but there were three people weren't there? One of them was staying behind on the floor. She wouldn't be able to get out. Especially if they had a gun.

Rosemary had another spasm of held back coughs, at the dust, her eyes were starting to water. She wanted to take out the mask in her kit, but was afraid of making even more noise while doing so.

Please stop, please just stop coughing. She was growing even more panicked, and that wasn't good. The girl uncovered her mouth to let out a wheeze before covering her mouth with her knuckle and burrowing her head to the side of her pack to try and get away from putting her head on the ground, pressing her cheek against the number sewed on it. Why couldn't they have all decided to leave her in peace? From when she looked at the map it was a big enough island for that.

Re: Where on the island is Carmen Sandiego?

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 7:54 am
by watcher in night*
"Fine by me," said Meera, shrugging. She turned around, following Joey to the stairs. As she did so, she thought she heard a sound echo faintly through the darkness of the garage, then abruptly fade. She looked around, but was only able to make out Garrett and the shadowy forms of several vehicles parked behind him. The garage was otherwise abandoned.

Come on, just focus. There's nothing there, she told herself.

Meera climbed the stairs, then looked around. It was as Garrett had said, this room was better lit, and seemed abandoned. The dust in here was rather choking, though.

Best case scenario, Theo's here somewhere and he's willing to be reasoned with. Worst case scenario...

Re: Where on the island is Carmen Sandiego?

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 7:54 am
by umop-ap!sdn*
Joey moved up to the top floor. If only he could keep moving back like this. Go back to sleep on the deck, wake up in the desk. Fall back asleep there, wake up on the plane, about to land at the port and head to Disney in the morning. None of those coasters would be able to generate anything comparable to the dream he was having.

The tip of his shoe caught the top of the final step, and he fell forward. His calloused hands hit the ground to brace himself, his belly hit the corner of the step he'd fallen on top of. He stood and frowned as he rubbed the area. He could feel pain. This was real. That or the plane crashed and the class had landed in purgatory. The winner of the sick game would wake up from a coma and be told they were the only survivor of the crash.

Too much tv, Joe.

The brightly lit top level was easy to see around. Even as Joey's eyes adjusted, it was clear nobody else was up here. He noticed his own personal bag on the ground under the car he'd woken up in. A quick walk around to peek behind vehicles and corners confirmed nobody else was up there. He half jogged over to his bag, practically breaking the zipper as he yanked it open.

Clothes on the concrete. Power bars on the ground. a lone scoop from the pre-workout powder he'd brought along just in case he needed a kick of energy and a head buzz to keep partying through the California night.

He slammed his fists down, one striking bag, the other hitting the zipper. His pre was gone, as well as his cell phone.

It figured. It made sense. He'd been dumb to think otherwise. He moved the power bars into the new, black bag. More food was good, especially the "colossal" protein dense ones. He tore the label off one and started taking small bites of the sweet, very melted bar. The cookie ones had always been the best, but at least creamy peanut butter had been his second. Maybe third. Crispy apple pie was good too... this was in the top three.

After a few minutes of eating, finger licking, lip smacking, and wiping his face on his spare clothes, he stood up and moved back towards the steps. This trip back up hadn't been a total waste, at least. He called down, "Everybody doin' aiiight?"a

Re: Where on the island is Carmen Sandiego?

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 7:55 am
by Latin For Dragula
Garrett wasn't really paying attention as he glanced around the lowest level of the abandoned parking garage. He couldn't bring himself to focus on his surroundings. Instead, his thoughts kept coming back to his companions. The foreboding atmosphere of the garage accented his worries that he was leading them into danger. For all his talk of negotiations and passivity, he had a sick feeling that Theo, or anyone else they found, would open fire long before they answered any questions. He was tempted to slip out of the entrance now and leave them behind, but that was too risky. They could look for Theo without me, and with only two people they'll be less prepared.

There was another reason to slip away hidden under his masking concern, though: Bella. He was trying to not think about her, but she was always at the edge of his thoughts. I should be looking for her. I should be out there protecting her, not hunting down potential murderers. It was an obvious conclusion, but he'd been avoiding it since he woke up. As much as he wanted to believe he could help her by being nearby, he was doing more for her safety by trying to cut off killing before it began, and he wouldn't be able to do that once he found her. He wouldn't leave her again, and he certainly wouldn't drag her into conflict intentionally. He needed to stem the tide as much as he could before the real killing started. After that, he'd find her.

It was easy enough to come up with that plan, but following it was another thing entirely. When he wasn't actively analyzing anything, his mind turned unbidden to her safety. He couldn't help but fear that despite whatever efforts he might make, she would be attacked, perhaps even killed, while he was miles away. He'd never forgive himself if that happened.

Snap back into the moment, Garrett. This place is getting to me. I need something to focus on. If only it wasn't so damned si-

His thoughts were interrupted by a barely audible cough back near the entrance of the garage. He turned back slowly, taking care to not make any sudden movements. Joey was calling down for them, but that was unimportant now. They weren't alone.

He approached the entrance a step at a time, leaving his hands in the air to show he was unarmed. "Hello? Is someone there? You don't have to hide alone. I swear, we're not here to hurt you. We're just working on a way out of this tragedy." He glanced around the entrance, looking for any sign of life. "My name is Garrett. The lady on the floor above me is named Meera, and the gentleman above her is named Joey. Who are you?"

Re: Where on the island is Carmen Sandiego?

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 7:55 am
by MrMissMrs Random*
The inside of Rosemary's stomach lurched as the voice started talking in the direction she was in.

They know I'm here. Or at least one of them does, and that one wasn't Joey. Joey was on the highest floor, far away. If the one talking tried anything it wasn't a guarantee that he'd show up in time to stop it. And there certainly was no guarantee that Joey would lift a finger on her behalf.

But what if she didn't respond and the boy got closer? Rosemary could be a decent runner with her athletic abilities but being able to fight off a boy that could be twice her size was too risky.

The girl crawled over to the unopened window closest to where Garrett was standing to try and make him out through the grime and dust coating of it. He had both his hands raised. A sign that he was unarmed or not wanting to shoot her. That was good; but then again this could always be an ambush-

Rosemary rubbed the underside of her nose in response to the growing need to sneeze. She really hated allergies.

So stick my head out and pray it won't be blown off when I do or stay in this dust trap car until my throat closes up? Neither sounded very good.

Rosemary gave her collar a rub with the side of her finger, wishing it wasn't so tight. Gulping to try and clear her voice without making any loud sounds, the girl moved herself along with her bag over  to the front seat that had the open window, one of her hands resting on the pocket where she kept the knife; just in case someone was right there and waiting to strangle her. The other hand was held up in an awkward wave.

"Um, my name's Rosemary." She replied, before her nose scruffed up, and unable to hold it in anymore she let out an uncovered sneeze.

Re: Where on the island is Carmen Sandiego?

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 7:55 am
by watcher in night*
The room was empty. Now Meera was sure Theo wasn't around here, or if he was in here he was hostile. He could be lurking around here, hiding from the competition. But from what Meera had heard of Theodore Fletcher, it was unlikely. He had a gun, and Garrett seemed pretty sure he was trying to play the game. Meera was still unsure how sound the plan was. It sounded like madness to try and talk down Theodore, and Meera felt she should be looking for Nina, Mallory, or another person she knew she could trust.

If Theo was around here, though, Meera was under no illusions about how likely survival would be. A hostile competitor could kill Garrett, then pin them up here in these dark, claustrophobic confines. This was a prime location for an ambush, and apprehension followed every step she took.

"Hello? Is someone there? You don't have to hide alone, "Garrett's voice rang out from below. There was a momentary pause, then. "I swear, we're not here to hurt you. We're just working on a way out of this tragedy."

Meera heard a different voice respond, and immediately a jolt of fear shot through her. She ran down the stairs, and saw Garett unharmed, speaking to a rather frightened-looking girl. She'd climbed out of the car, judging from the open door.

Meera recognized her at once. Rosemary Michaels. While they hadn't known each other very well at Aurora, Rosemary was on the swim team with Meera, so they'd had spoken to her semi-regularly. It wasn't likely she was hostile. She didn't have a gun and appeared unarmed. Meera relaxed at once.

"Thought I'd heard something in the cars," Meera said to Garrett. She smiled at Rosemary, hoping to put her at ease. "Hello. Garett's right, we're not playing this game. Just looking for people, and trying to find a way out of here."

Re: Where on the island is Carmen Sandiego?

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 7:56 am
by umop-ap!sdn*
No answers, Joey listened closer. There was the faintest sound of conversation, but it was all distorted echoes. The voices sounded distant and warped.

Suck it up and hope for the best.

He was halfway down the first slight of stairs before he realized he was holding his breath. He let the carbon dioxide escape from his lungs and took in fresh, damp, parking garage oxygen. If he couldn't keep himself lax, he'd be fatigued before the real danger even presented itself.

Meera was nowhere to be found on her designated floor. There was no signs of any sort of scuffle, if she'd been chased down to the bottom floor, she'd been very quiet and very neat about it.

Still no reason to be worried, but Survival of the Fittest present very few opportunities to let one's guard down. Joey turned and took the last flight of stairs at a slightly faster than casual pace.

Hitting the concrete landing, he moved in the direction of the sound. The quality of the chatter had improved as he neared,  but he couldn't quite make out words yet.

There was Meera... There was Garret... They were talking into one of the abandoned vehicles. He waved in their direction, dismissing the slight annoyance that nobody had responded to his call earlier. If Theo was in the car, the first priority was calming him down.

As he neared them, he peaked into the open window. It was his tutor. She had a fancy name, he'd always felt overly formal addressing her... Rosalind... Marigold... Rosemary. She was familiar, even if their relationship had been formal and perhaps somewhat strained.

"Oh, hey! It's my tutor!" He smiled at her, wondering if she would be offended that he was happy to see her in such a scene. Asking how she had been would probably not merit any nice small talk. He looked over to Garret, smiling playfully.

"You recruit another for the team?"

Re: Where on the island is Carmen Sandiego?

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 7:56 am
by Latin For Dragula
Garrett stayed a comfortable distance away from the car as Rosemary shifted into the front seat and waved. He didn't want to make any sudden moves and frighten her. As he considered his response, footsteps echoed out behind him. Someone was running. He spun around to see Meera running out of the stairwell, but was put at ease when she relaxed. Clearly they'd been on the same wavelength, just in opposite directions.

He was about to follow up Meera's reassurances when the sound of footsteps rang out once again. He turned slower this time, and laughed loudly as Joey's goofy grin came into view. For a moment, things almost felt normal. He could imagine that they were part of some improbably misunderstood joke that they'd tell their friends and families about for years. The entire scenario was so painfully cliched that it almost seemed plausible.

He couldn't avoid reality for long, though. His laughter faded into calm determination as he turned back to Rosemary. "I have a couple questions, Rosemary, if you don't mind answering them. Firstly, have you encountered any players? We're looking for them. It's early enough that we might be able to talk them out of it. Secondly..." There was a slight pause. He wasn't sure if he should ask this question in the first place, but it wouldn't leave him alone. "Have you come across a girl named Bella? Mirabella Strong? I haven't been able to look for her yet, and I..."

He grew quiet for a moment. The momentum he'd built had been swept out from under him as he thought of Bella caught up in all the violence he'd already witnessed today.

"I need to know if she's alright," he choked out.

Re: Where on the island is Carmen Sandiego?

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 7:56 am
by MrMissMrs Random*
Rosemary smiled at Meera, thankful that the girl had turned out to be another member of the swim team; another familiar face and one that was happy to see her as well. Before she could respond Joey had come running down the stairs towards them. Her smile got wider as she gave the boy a firmer wave with her raised hand. She had been feeling so terrified in the car, but she was slowly feeling better. At least for the moment she was safe in this company.

Rosemary climbed out of the front seat of the dusty death trap before the boy who called to her- now that she could actually see his face she realized it was Garrett Wilde, and she remembered seeing him around a lot at school because of similar class schedules.

"I've only seen a girl named Kat since I woke up. I don't know if she could be a player, but she tried to make me give her my weapon, but then we talked a bit and she let me go instead." Rosemary responded to the first question with ease, deciding to leave out the laughing fit she and Kat  had shared as they found themselves in such an insane situation. Almost like a twisted sort of bonding experience.

Garrett then asked about Bella. Another girl she knew from the swim team. It was surprising how fast the boy's countenance had changed when he talked. But then she remembered something she saw with Jason at Prom.

Jason is probably stuck here too. She thought, but it didn't make her feel very different emotionally. Just the same sympathy as she would feel to another human being stuck in such a situation. He brought me pansies, the one's with little faces on them... why did that pop into my head?

But from what she had heard, Garrett and Bella were close, no wonder he was asking about her. She shook her head. "I'm sorry, I haven't seen her."

She stood there awkwardly, trying to not sniffle or rub her nose. It would make her look even more like a frightened child as she waited a little bit before she asked her own questions.

"You said something about trying to reason with players, but doesn't that sound risky?" She asked. "I heard you talking about Theo... did he do something?"

She looked at Garrett directly into his eyes, which was easy to do now that she was standing, they were the same height.

Theodore wasn't a close friend (she didn't really have any), but she knew him and he was okay in her books. At least until now.