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Just a Kid, Napping

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 7:24 am
by Anderson
Tyler Franklin was not a happy person. After his latest rebuff, he wandered into town...well, into the clump of houses that was passing for a residential district on the island. Checking out a few of the houses, he found one with a beaten-up mattress that wouldn't pass a health code inspection in Bangladesh.

Well, it's better than nothing...

Breaking a window, Tyler climbed into the house, tossing his bags in front of him. Pulling a couple of other items of clothing out, he tosses them out as a makeshift blanket. And, after four days of virtually no sleep, Tyler Franklin manages to pass out just about dead.

And no, not that kind of dead. Not yet, at least.

Re: Just a Kid, Napping

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 7:24 am
by Fanatic*
((Sarah Atwell continued from A Moment Remembered))

Sarah had decided to head to the residential district first. Not only because it was relatively close, but the chances of finding someone who knew where one of the killers were was a lot higher than wandering around in the wilderness, plus now that she had somewhat regained part of her sanity she was simply wanting to just sit in a house and feel moderately clean for a moment. Whether it was by chance or by fate Sarah and Alice had picked the first house they had come to and wandered straight in to the bedroom where Tyler was resting.

Sarah paused in the doorway, watching the slumbering figure for a moment. A tiny voice in her head called out to her, the faintest whisper of the monster she now struggled to contain.

It would be so easy, so simple. One little nick and you could watch him bleed out slowly, looking up with you with pleading eyes as his life drained away.

Sarah's hands subconsciously went to her pocket to pick up the scalpel. The cool familiar steel making her pulse rise. She moved to draw it out but stopped. The warm feeling of Alice's fingers were clasped tight around Sarah's wrist, gentle enough to not be forceful but strong enough to prevent her moving. Sarah released the blade and nodded at her companion. Although she hadn't said it Sarah was grateful for having Alice follow her. Without the French girl's moderation she feared she would regress back to the monster she became. Giving her a slight nod Sarah wandered over to the sleeping boy. There was no way of telling how long he had been asleep for. Maybe minutes, maybe hours, it didn't matter. She needed information. Sarah placed a hand gently on Tyler's shoulder and shook him softly. Brushing away a wayward strand of hair from her face she spoke quietly to the boy.

"Hey, hey. Wake up."

Re: Just a Kid, Napping

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 7:24 am
by BetaKnight
((Annaliese Hansen continued from Jesus Loves the Little Children))

Annaliese hitched her bag higher up onto her shoulder as she walked along. Twice she had encountered classmates who had started out normal enough but turned into deranged psycho killer. Twice. In a row. She had to wonder if it was something she was somehow causing. Some planets in opposition, or maybe some weird conjunction that she was unaware of was occuring. That would explain the entire fiasco that was this trip.

Nothing about this situation makes sense. Everything was off center and out of balance. The stress of the whole situation was starting to get to her. Annaliese took a deep cleansing breath as she looked at the chakram cluctched in her off hand. As much as she didn't want to be hauling a weapon around, she was too afraid after the last two incidents to put it away. She rolled her neck, feeling the muscles protest. If she could just find a quiet area and get some meditation and yoga stretches in she was sure the world would make much more sense.

Annaliese slowed as she approached the U-shaped cluster of buildings. The houses looked calm and peaceful. But experience had proven that nothing here could be taken at face value. Sounds of voices drew her towards one dwelling. Peering in through a window, she saw Sarah and the French girl, Alice with some boy. Things still looked copacetic.

Knocking on the windowframe next to the busted out pane, Annaliese tried to look at nonthreatening as possible. She gave the threesome a jaunty little wave. "Hola peoples. Is it okay if I hang out with you guys for awhile?"

Re: Just a Kid, Napping

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 7:24 am
by storyspoiler*
(Alice Boucher continued from A Moment Remembered)

Sarah had decided to go to the Residential District.

Alice supported this decision. Sitting there--in a house, in a room, maybe with a fireplace or a sunken leather chair--would make her feel clean. Real. She had never felt quite real in the wilderness. It wasn't a place she had gone much in her--

old life.

Odd to think of it like that.

I'm going to die on this island.

It could come through her thoughts now, with a clarity unclouded by horror. She was going to die, and soon. On this island. She would never see her Mama and Papa again.

Somehow it wasn't so fearsome anymore.

I guess I've seen much of what fearsome things there are to see.

That was a relief, she supposed. But mostly she just felt odd. Empty, but not in a bad way. Different.

I'm following around a half-mad sadist in her plot to murder the biggest serial killer on the island.

And I'm not doing it because I feel the need to redeem myself. I'm not going to. What I did was inexcusable, and nothing in this world or others is mad enough to say that one murder washes away another.

I don't know why I'm following her.

But she did know.

I'm following her because I'm protecting her.

Alice Boucher was no fine protector against serial killers, monsters, or sadists. Even with her newfound fearlessness, she wasn't a fighter. But damned if she couldn't protect Sarah Atwell--who seemed like a sweet girl, a sharp tack, and capable of doing more good than Alice ever would--from herself.

Somehow the surly French girl had ended up as Sarah Atwell's boon companion. Fancy that.

But when they wandered into the house, into a bedroom with a grotty mattress, Alice had sighed internally upon finding another person there. The boy was asleep. His name was--Tyler? He would probably wake up and start screaming as soon as he saw Sarah's face. This would all be very messy and unhelpful.

And then Sarah's hand reached for the blade.


Alice didn't rush, didn't hesitate. She took hold of Sarah's wrist, gently. Firmly. Waited until Sarah turned, then looked her in the eyes. Don't regress on me.

Sarah nodded, and Alice let go of her hand. Somehow this was all natural to her. Funny, the rhythms we find.

Sarah went forward now, grasped the boy by the shoulders, and shook him. Presumably, she was about to pump him for info on Maxwell Lombardi. Alice winced a little, anticipating terrified screams.

"Hey, hey. Wake up." Sarah said.

And Tyler Franklin opened his eyes.

Re: Just a Kid, Napping

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 7:24 am
by Anderson
Tyler had fallen into a slumber that was more than slightly deep. By SOTF standards, it was suicidally deep in that he didn't wake at the first creak of a board. But the sound of other voices in the room did rouse him.

"Hey, hey. Wake up."

"" Tyler asked as he emerged into that state between sleep and waking that everyone experiences once in a while and which can be so warm and comforting. "Dun wanna..."

Slowly, the fog cleared and the world came into focus, but it still took a bit for Tyler to really come around and realize how vulnerable he'd been when Sarah and Alice came in. For now, though, there was a moment or two of staring in disbelief that he was waking up with two girls in the room with him. This was...definitely different than what he was used to (or, for that matter, expecting).

"Mmm...morning." Beat, as things come more into focus, and then Tyler startles a slight bit.

"Uh...I'm not dead, am I?" Tyler's looking at, three girls if he counts the one at the window. He is...was?...on SOTF. Which means that either he was killed and didn't realize it or he has just gotten extremely lucky in at least one way, and possibly more than one way. Taking a deep breath, Tyler looks between the girls. "And if I'm not dead..." Pause, to sort through that last bit of fog in his mind. "Can I help you?"

The fact that he's not dead suggests that he's not about to wind up dead in the next thirty seconds or minute. He'll take that for what it's worth.

Re: Just a Kid, Napping

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 7:25 am
by Fanatic*
The knocking on the pane made Sarah jump slightly but she retained her composure, nodding carefully. She hadn't heard Annaliese's name on the announcements either way so as far as she knew, Sarah was still the biggest threat. A new leaf and all.

Sarah took a quick glance at Alice, her face still a little pale as Tyler stirred. The boy was surprisingly calm and collected as if he was still at school, waking up on a normal day. A day ago and the kid would be screaming, well trying to scream as Sarah slowly cut in to him feeling that warm blood ooze over her fingers, watching the eyes of the boy widen as his life slowly seeped away. Sarah licked her lips subconsciously, savouring the image. Her heart raced faster.

Control yourself.

"Tyler." She said. Taking a deep breath and banishing the image from her mind. "Have you seen Maxwell anywhere? I need to... discuss something with him." Turning to Annaliese as she clambered through the window she nodded at her. "You too. We're not looking to hurt anyone here, we just need to find Maxwell."

Realistically speaking Annaliese was in a compromised position. Sarah could reach over and jam the scalpel in to the small of her neck, watch her spasm for a second, as if she was engulfed in ecstasy, so simple, so quick, so





Sarah narrowed her eyes in determination. She would be fine, as long as Alice was there. She understood. Nothing stupid. Nothing stupid.

Re: Just a Kid, Napping

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 7:25 am
by BetaKnight
As Annaliese watched the French girl grab Sarah's wrist and engage in a silent staring contest, a sense of unease slowly began to creep up on her. Something about this situation started to seem none too kosher. She wondered what she'd stumbled on to this time. Were the girls going to off the poor sleeping dude? Were they playing at being Thelma and Louise? Did that mean at least one of them was gay?

The situation resolved itself totally normally and without bloodshed which made her feel completely paranoid. Her sign wasn't a secretive or paranoid one so what was wrong with her? The only reasonable answer was that her last two group experiences had totally skewed her, making her see conspiracies and hidden motives where none existed. She felt ashamed for even thinking that Sarah would go all Sweeny Todd on that unsuspecting dude.

"I haven't seen him," Annaliese said, trailing off as a thought occurred to her. She wrinkled her nose in confusion.

"Wait, which Maxwell? Lombardi or Crowe? Not that I suppose it makes much of a difference. I haven't seen either one, sorry." She shrugged, trying not to feel like she'd somehow let the other girls down.

"But I guess I could, like, help you guys look for him?"

Re: Just a Kid, Napping

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 7:25 am
by Anderson
((OOC: I've held on more than I can afford to for spoiler, and even with my declared absence, this is getting to be way too long of a wait.))

"Tyler." She said. Taking a deep breath and banishing the image from her mind. "Have you seen Maxwell anywhere? I need to... discuss something with him." Turning to Annaliese as she clambered through the window she nodded at her. "You too. We're not looking to hurt anyone here, we just need to find Maxwell."

"Wait, which Maxwell? Lombardi or Crowe?"

"I haven't seen either of them." Tyler shakes his head at this admission. "But if you want to try and find him...I guess I'm game for looking for him?"

The look on Tyler's face actually becomes a bit...hopeful, you might say. For the first time on the island, he's actually got a possible group to join up with. It heartens him to think about the possibility of not having to just smack other people over the head with his tire iron. Not that he knows what he's getting into or...well, even what they've been up to the last few days. Trying to keep track of all the other groups on the island is something he might have managed if he were in a...less interactive version of SOTF. Like, say, on the TV.

"Any idea where he might be?" Not likely, but it's a start if they're going to run off after someone.

Re: Just a Kid, Napping

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 7:25 am
by storyspoiler*
Another girl was climbing through the window. Annaliese Hansen. She read horoscopes or something. Alice had never been enough of a morning person to believe in horoscopes. In school, the girl had seemed flighty and only passably sane.

But she wasn't on the announcements, at least, so that was a relief.

"Hola peoples. Is it okay if I hang out with you guys for awhile?"

No, please.

The last thing this situation needed was another person. Alice could see Sarah's wrist twitching. I need to get that scalpel out of her hand.

The boy on the grotty mattress was looking way too calm and laid-back. Stupid boy. Don't you observe anything?

"Tyler." Sarah said, breathing deep. "Have you seen Maxwell anywhere? I need to... discuss something with him." Turning to Annaliese as she clambered through the window, "You too. We're not looking to hurt anyone here, we just need to find Maxwell."

And Alice, watching Sarah's hand, watching the scalpel, saw it twitch toward the window, toward Annalise's throat. Oh no. We are not going through this again.

No more blood. No more sorrow.

The girl was talking. Annaliese. And Tyler was talking. Talking about Maxwell. And--and--they wanted to join them. Join? No way. Not safe for these people. If Sarah was going to go crazy, she was going to go crazy on Alice, not on two stupid bints who just happened to be along for a ride. She would have to talk them out of any ideas about joining. Ugh. People could be so oblivious sometimes.

Sarah's wrist was twitching. Alice's hands were trembling. She stiffened them. No more, no more.

"Sarah," she said softly. "Don't wave the scalpel around."

Say it like that. Like everything's under control. Don't scare these good people.

But now Alice, now Alice had to do something brave. Clutch Sarah's moist fingers in her own. Meet Sarah's eyes. Keep them. Don't flip out on me. I know what I'm doing. Pull at the scalpel. Feel Sarah's fingers tighten. Keep her own hand rigid. I don't want you to kill me now. Please do what I want you to do. Wincing internally when even her thoughts were stiff. Alice, it turned out, was still afraid of being stabbed by her erstwhile partner.

Oh, you stupid girl. Don't act like you were ever unafraid. Someone had once told her that it took only a pound of pressure to break human flesh.

She could hear Sarah's heart beat.

And suddenly Sarah released the scalpel, an imperceptible sigh, a defeat, a relief. An ugly nick on Alice's hand for the trouble. Heartbeat, Alice's own now, slowing, and Sarah's slowing in time, and now Alice held the scalpel, clutched in a white-knuckled hand. Slipped it in her pocket.

Yes. And breathe.

And Annaliese and Tyler hadn't noticed anything at all.

Re: Just a Kid, Napping

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 7:25 am
by BetaKnight
Annaliese frowned as again Sarah and the French girl did their weird almost handholding, not quite restraining grasps. Something about this was totally pinging on her weird shit-o-meter. She half expected Robby the Robot to hop out, arms a' flailing in time with his alarmed cries of "Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!"

She pulled back closer to the window, her easiest means of escape. "Ummm, hey. Is, like, everything cool?" she hesitantly asked. She nervously rubbed the palms of her hands on her pants. Things had seemed okay when she first saw this group but now there was a definite off-kilter vibe in the room.

Maybe it's me. I didn't think Sarah was a lesbian, but maybe it's something she's only figured out now that we're in this ‘face your own mortality' situation. Maybe she and the French girl aren't totally out of the closet yet but they can't help but keep touching each other. Guys are oblivious to that kind of stuff, so maybe it's having me around that causing the wiggins.

"Because, um, really, if it's not cool, I can keep going," Annaliese lamely offered, half-heartedly gesturing to the window. "If you two want to be alone to do your thing, I totally get it. Seize the day and all."

Re: Just a Kid, Napping

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 7:25 am
by Fanatic*
As Alice mentioned the scalpel Sarah was again acutely aware of the feeling of the cool metallic killing device she held in her hand. A tug. Alice was trying to take it away from her! She should kill her for trying! Sarah was in charge here, who were these people apart from playthings! What right did Alice have trying to get her to do something? Sarah met Alice's gaze unwaveringly. Alice's eyes were large and round and within them Sarah could see her soundless plea. The trapped, desperate voice of a scared girl. It tugged at her. Sarah let go, her grip loosened from the vice like hold she previously had. She gave Alice an almost imperceptible nod before looking back up. Her hand was slick with perspiration and her arm twitched slightly. She hoped no one saw.

Sarah looked an Annaliese oddly as she let the scalpel slip from her fingers in to Alice's. The girl was smart, better to remove all temptation altogether, she didn't want to risk having a momentary relapse. That would be bad in all senses of the word.

"It's ok Anna." Sarah said, measuring every word as she uttered it. We'd love your company, safety in numbers and all that." She turned to Alex, "You too." She tried to smile but it came off more like a maniac grin. "We're just looking for Maxwell Lombardi, he's been killing people and we need to stop him." She hesitated for a second, looking towards Alice for reassurance before continuing. "We're sure if we can just talk to him he will stop, but we'd need to disarm him first. After that, Alice and I can... talk some sense in to him."

If by talk you mean beat and by some sense in to him she meant to death with a blunt object then Sarah was telling the two exactly what she intended to do.

Re: Just a Kid, Napping

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 7:25 am
by Anderson
"We're just looking for Maxwell Lombardi, he's been killing people and we need to stop him." She hesitated for a second, looking towards Alice for reassurance before continuing. "We're sure if we can just talk to him he will stop, but we'd need to disarm him first. After that, Alice and I can... talk some sense in to him."

Any other place, any other time, and that would make perfect sense. Here, on this island, there's a certain comical value to it. "Killing people? As in killing of the serial sort? That doesn't sound like someone I'd want to look for."

The fact that, in a very literal way, they're all stuck in a very bad serial with a bunch of killers? The irony of the words he just picked? Completely escapes Tyler Franklin right now. As does the goofy hand-holding bit between the girls. There are worse things than being stuck with a couple of...

Thespians? No, that's not the word...

...well, girls who like each other too much. They're alive, he's alive, and that puts them all in a small enough category. So...on with the conversation.

"How do you want to disarm him when you get to him? I mean...if he's got a gun, that ain't gonna be easy if you don't have one. Even if he doesn't, it might not be so easy."

Turning to Annalise, Tyler offered a weak smile to her comment about letting them be alone. "If they were seizing the day, I missed it." And then, with a quick glance to the other girls with a slightly mischievous smile (conveniently directed at the nearest camera), Tyler shrugs. "And they forgot to invite me."

Re: Just a Kid, Napping

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 7:25 am
by storyspoiler*
Oh heavens. And now they were supposed to explain what they'd do once they found Maxwell Lombardi, as if that wasn't obvious. At least Annaliese seemed to be catching that something strange was going on. She was trying to leave. Leave. Leave!

But Tyler was a problem. He was dense as a brick, it seemed, and more than likely to get himself killed. Americans. Always thinking everything's safe and easy.

She hadn't met anyone who fit her stereotype of an American in a long time. The bloody heuristic seemed to be breaking down, on psychotic island, no less.

Papa would probably be proud. Though I suppose it's a bit late for that.

Anyway, now it was time to try and prevent Tyler from becoming the victim of a horrible murder.

"I don't--you needn't come with us." Alice started, to Annaliese and Tyler, Tyler in particular. "The problem is, we've got his medications. Which we shouldn't have. He ought to have them. And now he's got some rubbish like paranoid delusions going on, and I think it would be best for the island if he went back on his medication again." You can say that one more time. "Sarah knows him right well, so I can't imagine he'd murder her right off the bat. But the more people come with us, the more uncertain it's probably going to get." Be a good lie, be a good lie. "So if you don't know where he is, we'd best be on our way."

She motioned to Sarah, more tensely than she wished to. I shouldn't keep you around people for long. Let's go.

She didn't like that kind of thought. But all of this was really rather scary.

Re: Just a Kid, Napping

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 7:26 am
by BetaKnight
Annaliese raised an eyebrow at Tyler's comments. Even more strange was the fact that he was glancing just off to the side of Sarah and the French girl. Following his line of sight, she spotted the camera discreetly tucked away.

"Uh, excuse me? Ferris?" she drawled, looking at Tyler with disgust. "Could you please NOT address the cameras that belong to the madman hell bent on killing us all? That's a little too freakazoid, even for me. Also, eww? What is it with guys wanting to watch? You play for the wrong team. Of course they're not gonna invite you."

French chick quickly made it clear that really, neither one of them was invited to continue along with them. Can't say that I would want people hanging around if I wanted to make the beast with two backs either. Not that I have a problem with their sexuality, but I'm sorta relieved I haven't been invited to their battling clams session.

A little irritated, she blew at the strands of red and pink hair that had fallen across her face. Being alone sucked, but what was she going to do? Insist they allow her to join the tribe from Lesbos?

"I'm gonna be outtie, then," Annaliese announced brightly in an attempt to deflect the awkwardness of their little get-together. "You two go do that voodoo that you do so well. Congrats on your self-actualization and all." She waved jauntily before slipping back out the window. "I'll catch you guys on the flip side once all your UST is RST, okay?"

Safely outside of the building, she giggled to herself. "Oh God. I'm Goldilocks. Two groups too kill happy, one group too lurve happy. Hopefully the next group I find will be just right." Shrugging her shoulders to settle her pack, Annaliese hurried off.

((Annaliese Hansen continued in Corpsewalker))

Re: Just a Kid, Napping

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 7:26 am
by Anderson
Tyler blinked when he realized (courtesy of Annalise's comment) that yes, he had accidentally talked right at the camera.

"Right. Totally didn't see that." And then he glanced at the camera, again. If he's going to be Ferris...

"Yeah, you can watch another group. I really don't think there's much to see here."

"I don't--you needn't come with us."

Tyler shrugged in response to the don't-need-to-come-with-us hinting. "If you're good to go, that's fine. If you want some help, I'm happy to help." The second half of the second sentence contained a bit more emphasis on, Tyler isn't a complete idiot. He'd just been playing one on TV for the last few minutes. Sort of, at least. Or at least he'd like to think he has, however out of it he might have been to begin with.