
The tunnels, as the result of the failed mining experiment on the island, are rather simple, leading into the mountain and heading out towards the mansion grounds. While the entrance from the mine is still clear, the entrance from the grounds is more overgrown with thick foliage as if the owner of the mansion wished for it to be kept as invisible as possible and prevent the local populace from trespassing. It is hard to breathe and almost impossible to see without a light source down in the mine. These tunnels stretch all throughout the Northern part of the island, allowing access at several points in the felled forest and near the beach.
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((Mike Jeffries continued from Shelter From The Storm))


Rotating around on the spot, Mike swallowed some air and moved it around his mouth, letting it escape in a simple word.


Mike hadn't seen anyone for the last few days. Hell, he had been lost in these tunnels for about a full day. No interaction with anyone was a two-edged sword. Positive: He wasn't surrounded by any murderers about to eat his spleen. Negative: About as bored as a fucking jellyfish. Not a single living soul had talked to Mike, and he was getting annoyed. He was a social creature. He THRIVED on gossip and talking and jokes. Hell, Mike didn't even care who he could meet now. At least with a murderer he'd be able to talk about putting the gun down and not killing him.

Then again, he really didn't want to die. Especially alone with no friends looking shocked or surprised at his dying body. No-one to uselessly try to wrap him up in bandages. No goodbye kisses or hugs. Just nothing.

Wait, fuck. Now he was turning all emo.

With a final swear, Mike chucked his bag on the ground. So his classmates were dying like rabbits or flies or whatever the metaphor was, and he was stuck down here alone. Doing nothing to protect them, to boot. Man, this sucked. Taking out the bottle of Southern Comfort, he unscrewed the cap and took a small sip. God knew he needed a pick-me-up from this goddamn mess.

"Fuck this shit."
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Post by blastinus »

(Madeleine Smith continued from Calculations)

A short distance up the tunnel from where Mike found himself, a light clattering tone sounded through the corridor, which he would, no doubt, recognize as the noise of a pencil hitting a hard floor. If he looked in the direction where the noise originated, he would see the beam of a flashlight, held by a small, frightened girl. A girl who, up to a few days ago, had been content to simply go to her classes, ignoring or outright avoiding most of her peers along the way. A girl who had big dreams, but not quite enough talent to realize them.

A girl who just happened to be a killer.

The tunnels had seemed to be a good idea to Madeleine, given her current infamy as a result of the morning's announcement. If she laid low for a day or two, most of the kids would probably have forgotten about her or found someone else to be super paranoid about. At least, that's what she hoped. There were no guarantees in this game anymore, and as a result, she had grown accustomed to walking around with her gun unfolded and holding a clip, even if it remained in the bag. If she had to take her gun out, unfold it, load in a clip, and then fire it, she would probably be dead long before she could pull the trigger.

Upon entering the tunnels, another thing had occurred to the artist, and with great trepidation, she took a magenta pencil from her purse and dropped it to the floor in front of the tunnel entrance. After a short walk down a straight tunnel, she did it again, only this time with an orange pencil. Then a green pencil a ways after the orange, then a white at the entrance to her branch when she came to an intersection. Seeing as there wasn't really anything interesting to draw in these tunnels anyway, she would simply have to remember to pick these up when she traced her steps back out.

Madeleine had just unloaded her favorite navy blue pencil when Mike Jeffries had come into sight. Under any other circumstance, she would have just gone the way she came and left him alone, but she was tired. Either he'd be friendly and share the space, or she'd have to do things the hard way and make him leave. Either way, she was not going to allow herself to be taken by surprise again.

"Uh...hi, do you mind if I sit down?" Maddy said, scanning for any signs of weapons. He had a bottle of something that looked alcoholic in his hand, but that was probably not his weapon. His bag was on the ground, and his weapon was probably in there. At least that gave her the advantage.

Oh yeah, except my gun's in my bag too.

Thinking logically, Maddy decided to leave her gun in her bag though, and wait for Mike to make the first move. No sense getting off on the wrong foot right from the get-go. And maybe, just maybe, she'd be able to be friendly with the man before he decided to blow her to smithereens.
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"Oh, thank god, someone that's not me."

Two (slightly large) sips in, and Mike was surprised by a female voice. A rather nice female voice, at that, although that was probably a mixture of loneliness and the beginning of the booze kicking in. Eh, it was company, no matter who it was. Spinning his head around, he frowned at the figure of the woman. Short, brunette, kinda cute, not really familiar. Probably part of the drama crew, though, off the top of his head. Swirling around the liquid inside the bottle, he pointed the end at the lady.

"I guess you're thirsty? Well, unfortunately alcohol isn't really good for that, but I'm pretty sure I've still got some orange juice somewhere. Have a seat, welcome to the party. Name's Mike."

So he now had a friend to enjoy loneliness with, from the look of things. Well, someone who he had only seen in corridors opposed to someone at the parties, but he never turned down company when it came a-knockin', right?
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"Umm...no thank you. I'm-I'm not thirsty. My name's...I'm Maddy, by the way."

Either the man who she had met had been in the bottle a few times, or he was merely a very friendly guy, as he seemed altogether welcoming of Madeleine, despite any sort of common sense that would suggest keeping one's distance. Still, she didn't mind, as it presented a nice change of pace. Placing herself and her bag down against an opposite wall, Maddy set her flashlight down on its end so that it lit up the area in general and pulled her bread out from her bag. She winced a little bit when she noticed how much it had been flattened from her travels, but she tore off a small-sized piece and ate it nonetheless. Not the best of ideas, as it only served to remind her of how much she had been starving herself.

Good thing I've always been a light eater, because it looks like that's going to be the norm for a day or two, until someone kills me.

Looking up from her bread, Maddy considered just letting the truth out right then and there. It wouldn't do any good to lie to Mike and then have to tell him later, and in fact, doing that would probably make things even worse. Of course, once she thought of that, the bread she was holding became completely unappetizing. "Mike, I..." she said, lowering the bread to her lap. "I think...after tonight...you should probably pretend you never met me. People...someone died because of me, and if you tell anyone you met me, or if someone sees you with me..." Her voice faded, and she looked to the side in contemplation. "No, it's better if I stay alone."

For the first time since she had entered the tunnels, Madeleine became aware of how cold it was, especially compared to the outdoors. Looking at Mike in her peripheral vision, she rolled down the sleeves of her blouse, and that helped a little, but she probably wouldn't have a comfortable night regardless. However, she suspected that it was better to be cold in these caves than to be out there where people could find her. Her altercation with Harun had shaken her considerably, and she was starting to wonder how many other people would jump right into threatening and attempting to kill her. She didn't want to kill anybody else.
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Maddy, name was kinda familiar. Not a friend, not an enemy. Was she on that list that terrorist guy said? Racking his brains, Mike sighed and gave up. Waiting for his eyes to adjust to the light, he examined his companion. She didn't look like she wanted to kill him that easily, just a scared girl who wanted to hide away from the island. Could be worse. Screwing back on the lid for the drink, he nodded a bit as she started talking again.

Wait. "What?"

Stayed alone? Someone died? Well, this was interesting. Maybe she was rightfully scared. Raising an eyebrow, Mike spoke up. "Whatcha talking about? Seriously, I don't mind if some dumbass decided to try their luck with you and failed miserably. Come on, tell me the goss." He leaned in to listen, smiling. "Let it all out. I don't mind, really."
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Mike's reaction was a little odd, but quite warming. Instead of trying to kill her, he merely asked her what had happened. Maddy let out a deep breath to relieve the tension she had been building up, but she did not smile. Just because someone wanted to hear her out, it didn't mean that they would believe her. Still, she allowed herself to lean back, and while she did so, she conjured up the visions of that terrifying event. She hadn't known the man's name at the time, but the announcement had solved that mystery for her.

"Jonathan Jarocki, that was his name," she said, talking slowly so as to control her stuttering. "He shot at me and a bunch of other people. I don't know why he did that." Stopping to take another bite of bread, she thought on it for a few seconds, and then she decided to lay all her cards on the table. "But I..." she began rummaging through her bag and pulled out her SMG, "...had this." Laying it on the floor in front of her, she gave it a light shove. The gun skidded across the floor, and the shoulder stock clipped the flashlight on the way by, causing Maddy to wince as it fell over. Fortunately, the lens wasn't busted, and she simply set it upright again.

"If...if it had just been me," Maddy said, forgetting to control her stuttering, "I would have just run. But he...he was going to kill my best friend too. You can check the clip if you don't believe me. Th-there should only be three bullets gone."

Being a tad trusting, aren't we? We just gave this man our only weapon in the whole world. We should have taken Jonathan's gun too.

If I can't trust people, then I might as well be dead already. Otherwise, I'll just be another player.

The only sign that Maddy was giving of an internal struggle was a furrowed brow and clenched fists. She'd had this voice crop up before since she'd arrived on the island, and she was beginning to wonder if she was going a little crazy. However, the tenseness soon subsided, and she was back to staring at Mike, wondering how he was going to react to being simultaneously shown a gun and a story that was likely a little hard to digest.
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The smile fell into a deep frown of thought, watching her face, her body movements, her hesitation. Mike watched the gun slide over to him, the unusual metal of a killing machine in his grasp. Jonathan Jarocki. He swore he knew that guy. He was trustworthy, wasn't he? And for a split second, he had this crazy thought, pick up the gun, fire, not to trust. Shaking his head slightly, Mike gave a small swallow, removing the thought. The girl had just practically given him the thing. Unless he actually fucked up badly with his talking, there wasn't going to any Mr. Dead Guy around here yet.

And hell. If you had the chance to save the girl, you'd probably do it in a heartbeat.
"I understand. I'd rather take the shot at the person than wonder if I could have saved a friend."

Leaning backwards, Mike exhaled, smiling softly. "Well, I haven't had much of a story to tell, I've been stuck down here for the last half day, I think. Perfect hiding place." With a shrug of indifference, he nodded again. "Gotta say, I'm actually quite at ease with this whole thing. No idea why. Probably should be scared out of my wits. Life, eh? You shine your best at the end."
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Post by blastinus »

Once again, having gambled with her life, Madeleine had come up with a trio of aces. Her lot in life wasn't great, but at least, in a dark, cold tunnel, she had finally found what she had been seeking. Mike was an easygoing man, it seemed, and he didn't seem likely to slay her for what she had done. The artist did not know whether to be relieved or disappointed, but for once in a very long time, she did not feel scared, and that was what counted. She wondered whether it would be okay to give Mike a hug, but she shook the thought of that out of her mind. There was, after all, a deadly weapon lying along the cavern floor between them.

"I...I think I know what you mean," she said, allowing herself to lean back. "If-when I die, I want to die in a way that I choose. It wouldn't be so bad that way, would it?" She munched a little more on her bread, and suddenly, a wave of exhaustion hit her. She'd been so tense about how Mike would react, so absolutely sure that she was going to be dead any moment, that she'd forgotten how much she just wanted to fall asleep. She hadn't slept in the longest time, what with being shot at and nearly shot at and being stuck in this game in the first place, and given the opportunity, she would have been glad to just rest forever.

"Mike," she said softly, sliding over into a lying position, "is it okay with you if I...if I sleep here for tonight? I've marked a trail out of these tunnels, and we can leave together in the morning." She wondered if it sounded to him like how it sounded to her, but she didn't especially care if he did interpret it that way. She'd barely known him, but she trusted Mike in a way that she'd never trusted someone before. There was just something about his easygoing personality that was soothing to this tired soul, and she felt like she'd be just fine placing her life in his hands. If she was wrong, if he was just tricking her so that he could get our weapon and kill her...

Well, at the moment, that was okay with her too.
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Post by Dropbear* »

"Well, Danya did let me keep my comdoms- Joking, joking."

Yeah, so sexual jokes wasn't the best card to play here, but hell, he was going to use it. Probably would be his last time to make the joke, for all he knew. And hell, he was going to abuse that card as much as possible as well. Last time for drinking, eating, everything! Woo. Yeah. If that wasn't depressing, Mike didn't know what was. Giving a small shrug, he started to lay down as well.

"I think I might do the same. Sleeping, that is. Unless you want to do one of those lookout things that they have in the army, but I'm a pretty light sleeper anyway..." he muttered, trying to smile but ending up grimacing.

Gotta not think of emo stuff. Come on, you're sleeping next to a wonderful, sexy lady... that had a SMG and is a murderer. But a sexy murderer!

Oh god no.

Closing his eyes, he sighed, moving his bag up to his head. Just... don't think about it like that.

"Night Madeleine. I'll see you in the morning."

Slowly, he shut his eyes, a small part of him wondering if he actually would.

((Mike Jeffries continued Pretty Handsome Awkward))
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Post by blastinus »

So he had interpreted it the way that she suspected. So what? Most people would, given the wording of her request. Besides, Maddy was feeling far too tired to raise any objections to much of anything right now. With a smile and a "Goodnight," in response, she laid her head down on her arm and closed her eyes. The instant she had done so, it was as if she had thrown a giant weight off of her back and was now floating off into the sky. Sleep had eluded her for quite a while, and she readily accepted it, drifting off into the uncertain world of dreamland.

In her dream, Jonathan Jarocki was firing at her again, but this time, he had a rocket launcher that fired rockets at the speed of a machine gun. Explosions were happening all around, but that was alright, because she was wearing a superhero costume...for some reason. As Jonathan approached, she swung one mighty fist upwards and launched him into the sky, where he exploded.

What? No! I can do better than that!

Madeleine had always been a bit of a lucid dreamer, and so she rewound the scene, placing herself in a cocktail dress instead. Superheroes had never been her kind of thing, but she did enjoy a spy drama every now and then. And so, as Jonathan came up with his rocket launcher that shot machine guns...Wait, was that right? Ah, who cared? She'd work out the semantics later...she tossed a tube of lipstick at his forehead from her purse that was certainly not there a second ago, and it exploded. The lipstick, that is, not the purse.

What does this have to do with spies anyway?

This time, she decided to just cut out the theatrics, and she instead took out Jonathan by jabbing a toothpick through his forehead. This made more sense to her than all that exploding stuff somehow. Jonathan was talking to her about something called Anna Chase, but she figured that he was just trying to distract her from her chosen goal of stabbing him to death with a carrot...or whatever she had just been using.

And so the rest of the evening went, with two more explosions, a safe, and her dog Joey having a turn at Jarocki before she finally woke up hours later. It was fortunate that she would forget the events of her dream less than five minutes later, as they were very very silly, and just a little bit troubling too. All she remembered from it was something about Anna Chase and toothpicks.

(Madeleine Smith continued elsewhere)
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