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Carpe Noctum

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 6:42 pm
by GregTheAnti-Viking*
((Nathan Choultard continued from The Only Way Is Up))

"I fucking hate this place."

There was yet another reason as to why Nathan was not meant to be the leader of anything. He had no sense of direction and was instantly regretting the decision to make camp deep in these tunnels to avoid anyone willing to play the game and take them all out. For a whole day he plus his fellow friends and the newly acquired Leila Langford had wandered in these caves.

The caves were wonderful in providing shelter, but that was all they were good for. Nathan was now cold and his feet were damp from stepping in a puddle of water. There was an announcement earlier in the day, similar to the one that happened the day before it. Forty people had died...forty of his classmates. If the cold and wet weren't enough to do it, that brutal fact made him feel worse.

Jason had been doing his best to keep the others calm, particularly Leila and Brook. Brook had struggled with nerves in the first day, but seemed to be improving as time went on, much to his relief. Leila was rather new to their group dynamic and as such Nathan wasn't sure how she was handling it. He hoped that she would be fine, but he wasn't expecting much. Maf; however, was always a mystery in trying to read, Nathan believed that the man would make a great poker player, if they weren't stuck here.

The only positive that could be found now was the fact that over the two days, Nathan's eyes became more accustomed to the dark now. He was able to better navigate through the crags and the stalagmites that occasionally popped out in the tunnels. He could see his friends and was happy that they were still here at least. They hadn't abandoned him yet.

He found himself stopping and turning to his friends, frowning.

"Look guys, I think we should stop here for a bit," he said, sitting down on a nearby rock, "We've been walking for hours and...well, I'm getting tired..."

He wanted to apologize for getting them lost, but he didn't want to deal with their disapproval, he was fully expecting it. But he had enough of that at home and he didn't want to have to deal with that now.

Re: Carpe Noctum

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 6:42 pm
by Fanatic*
((Jason Harris continued from The Only Way Is Up))

Jason was tired. He had tried his best to keep the group in good spirits, but after all the walking he could feel himself becoming cranky. There had been much debate about the announcements. Who killed who, what they should do, whether there was any truth to the calls. They had, in effect agreed to keep tabs on both the danger zones and those mentioned in the announcement and Jason had scrawled a short list of those both dead or killing others in his notebook and he encouraged the others to do the same. Rations were split and everyone kept their eyes and ears open for others that might of passed.

An air of nervousness had swept around the boy since Leila had joined them. Guys he could understand but girls were inscrutable to him. They would play mind games flitting back and forth from flirty to cold without any apparent rhyme or reason. They were natural social engineers and Jason begrudged them a little for it. All his hard work and he simply couldn't compare. Still Leila was in another way a comfort. She possessed that girl smell that all girls did which seemed to calm him outwardly and Jason got to feel that feeling of trepidation every time they accidentally bumped or she giggled slightly at a lame joke he made. He wasn't in love by any stretch, but it was nice to have someone of female persuasion around none the less.

Brook had significantly calmed down and although he seemed to jump at every shadow his face retained what could only been seen as a quiet look of determination. For what, Jason could not say but he was glad Brook had resolved to do something. The only time the facade had broken was when the announcements came across, not once but twice. Brook had listened intently for mention of Tiffany and when they did not come he visibly relaxed.

Maf too seemed to keep an ear out for his girl. Jennifer, if Jason remembered correctly. The gentle giant kept his emotions a little closer to heart though and seemed to move forward with a quiet resignation. You could see the cogs whirring behind his eyes as if he was analysing every situation but any further than that the man was inscrutable, stoic, determined.

Nathan had done his best too, finding the tunnel system then leading them onwards. Jason was sure they were lost but didn't say anything. He couldn't risk the group squabbling. As long as they were safe there was no major problems. He could see Nathan was reaching his limit and a rest would calm everyone. A sleep even more. They would have to set up watches, but with only two directions that shouldn't be too hard. He trusted everyone here implicitly, barring Leila, who he had decided would not take a watch and would be carefully watched by whoever was.

Sliding down the smooth rock face Jason nodded. "Good idea Nath. I think we need a little rest, well I do at least." He paused for a second his hand closing around something thin. A piece of paper. Flicking his torch back on his eyes widened. "Hey Maf. I think you should take a look at this." Holding his hand out he handed the paper to the Fijian.


I don't deserve your company but I hope I can still help somehow. I couldn't leave you helpless if someone tried to hurt you. There's nothing left for me but I'll use that, to stamp out everyone else who has lost their humanity so someone who deserves it can come out on top. I'm sure you want nothing to do with this icepick, but every angel needs their flaming sword.


"I think Jennifer came past here and..." Jason sniffed for a second. "do you smell something rotting?"

Re: Carpe Noctum

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 6:42 pm
by Pigeon Army*
((Ma'afu Tuigamala continued from The Only Way Is Up))

They had been lost for a while now, not that Maf had said anything. He could tell from the look on Nathan's face when the runner had announced that they would camp out in the tunnel. He could also tell from Nathan's swearing two hours later.

It was dark and it was cold and it was nasty in the damn tunnel, but it kept them out of the way. No sane person would come down this place. Hell, it was probably crawling with bugs. Millipedes and cockroaches and shit.

Maf laughed as he pictured Leila being terrorised by a massive millipede.

Maf had listened out to the announcements earlier in the day, delivered by that bastard with the funny accent who seemed to have fun reading out who had died. Leaving one ear open, Maf didn't really pick up on anyone he was overly familiar with having died, which was cold comfort in this situation. It pained Maf to hear all these people, largely good people, had met their end at the hands of their classmates. At the very least, he and his friends were still alive. And so was far as he knew...

"Look guys, I think we should stop here for a bit," Nathan offered, his voice lifeless. Maf grunted in agreement. The game was getting to Nathan, Maf could tell - it was getting to all of them. The only person who seemed to not be taking a hit in these conditions was Leila, but it was becoming increasingly clear to Maf that she was generally insane and wasn't to be trusted for a second.

The Fijian slowly lowered himself onto the rugged, damp cave floor. He opened his bag and pulled out his bread, breaking off a few pieces and chewing on them. It was getting close to stale, and he was running out - soon they'd have to find other sources of food. Maf couldn't go without nourishment for too long.

"Hey Maf. I think you should take a look at this." Jason handed Maf a grubby piece of paper. Maf put his bread away, brushing the crumbs off him, and then grabbed his flashlight and the note.


I don't deserve your company but I hope I can still help somehow. I couldn't leave you helpless if someone tried to hurt you. There's nothing left for me but I'll use that, to stamp out everyone else who has lost their humanity so someone who deserves it can come out on top. I'm sure you want nothing to do with this icepick, but every angel needs their flaming sword.


Maf read the note over a few times, allowing it to sink in. Jennifer had come through here; not long ago, it seemed. She was alive. She was alive. A smile crept over Maf's face. It was a fantastic feeling, knowing she was still out there, somewhere, surviving.

The smile was quickly replaced by anxiety as Maf realised what that meant - she was on the island, and she was at risk. This NR was trying to help, but he sounded weird, like the kind of creepy stalker in the accelerated streams who wondered why no girls would date him even though he was their best friends. They needed to find her. As soon as possible.

Maf pushed himself back up onto his feet. He coughed, and then intoned, his voice powerful and authoritative in the acoustics of the tunnel, "We have to go."

Re: Carpe Noctum

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 6:42 pm
by Hallucinojelly*
((Leila Langford continued from The Only Way Is up))

A day. A whole fucking day she'd spent with these guys, and now they'd managed to lose themselves in the darkest, wettest place she'd ever stepped foot in. Oh yes, she'd heard the announcement alright - people had died, others were losing their heads already, but did Leila Langford care?

At least Hilary's still okay.

That's what she'd been telling herself every time they stopped for a break, or whenever she found a moment to herself, away from Jason's stupid jokes. As self-centered as she was, as much as she wanted to win, she couldn't help thinking about that girl, all alone out there with the psychos and the murderers around. What was Hilary going to do if she got cornered by a guy who thought he could use these last moments to score himself a screw? Did she even get a good weapon? What if she got something horrible, like a squeaky mallet or a push-up bra? She hated thinking about it, but she knew that out of everyone she considered her "friend", that naive little bimbo would wind up getting slaughtered first.

She stepped on a rock.

"Agh, fuck! Fuck! Fuck! My fucking. Foot!"

Oh yeah, and she still hadn't found any shoes. Great idea guys, take a scantily dressed girl deep down into the bowels of the island where she can indulge herself in some quality tear-your-fucking-feet-to-shreds time. Fucking aces.

Jesus, she could barely even see down here. Plus every time she wanted to use her torch she got shouted at for "wasting batteries", which seemed a little bit retarded considering their surroundings. Well screw them, she needed to see how bad her feet had gotten. After all, she'd been walking around for two whole days now without anything to cushion her soles - and her stilettos were way out of the question in this place. Lingering somewhat behind the others, she came to a sudden stop to take off the bag from her back. Her free hand felt around her shoulders; the straps from the daypack had dug right into her bare skin, chafing it and making her red raw.

What was the tally now?

Right, she had fucked-up feet, her make-up was ruined, she was freezing cold, and - not that she'd tell anyone - she was pretty sure all the white bread she'd eaten had made her constipated. Fucking. Aces. A quiet groan escaped her as she rolled her neck around, massaging her rough skin with the palm of her hand in a vain attempt to smooth out the surface of her flesh. Looking up ahead, she watched as Jason found something stuck to the rocky wall. Shrugging, she turned her attention back to her things. Being careful not to stand on any more sharp objects, she crouched down and unzipped her bag, then pulled out the torch the terrorists had oh-so kindly supplied her with. Flicking it on, she winced as the light penetrated her eyes. Stupid bitch, she cursed silently, then hobbled over to the wall.

One hand on the damp surface of the tunnel, she warily lifted her leg in order to see how much damage she'd put her poor feet through. Shit. There was a lot of blood. Some dry, some fresh, but there was a lot of it. It must've accumulated over the course of their journey, but she didn't realize just how fucked she actually was. She was pretty sure she had something sticking out of her toe too - a thorn, maybe, but it didn't hurt as much as the other wounds. A glance back up at the group, who were now beginning to sit down. They must've been waiting for her, she reckoned. Best not hold them up then, it wouldn't be the best plan to get herself abandoned while she had a game to win.

Torch in hand, she grunted as the daypack slipped back into it's painful position, then limped over to the others as quickly as she could without crying out every time her foot gained another cut.

She couldn't wait to get out of this fucking cave.

Re: Carpe Noctum

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 6:42 pm
by MK Kilmarnock
((Liam "Brook" Brooks, continued from The Only Way Is up))

Thank god he wasn't afraid of the dark, or he'd most likely shit himself to death in abject terror from being in these dark, twisty tunnels.

Why? Why did the island have to be so absolutely terror-inspiring? It wasn't enough that Brook's life had literally become a game of survival, the rules of which he was currently defying so he could continue to be with his best friends (and Leila, who mostly just creeped him out, tits or not). No, the island had to be full of tunnels and darkness and other such atmospheres designed to evoke fear in humans, specifically neurotic teenage boys. Oh, and bodies. The Flowerheads all had the fortune to not encounter any dead bodies that might be lying around, but Brook knew they were there... all thanks to the announcements.

Twice he had sat in the dark, winding tubes of earth, and twice he had to rely on everybody else for the support to stomach the announcements. Brook gave a vain attempt to count just how many of his classmates, friends or otherwise, were now dead. He lost count somewhere during the announcements the first time around just in time for him to puke, a sick and shaking mess. He had just as easily lost count the second time around, the names becoming a blur to him; the words ended up just as meaningless as the voice behind them was cold.

Being in a place that had probably never seen the light of day for so long hadn't helped matters any, but that was something that had seemed to affect all of them. Regardless, here they all were, mostly healthy and alive on day 3 (though Brook had no idea just what time of day it was). Nathan had stepped up a bit more, acting as a polarizer to whenever any of them felt a bit down, Jason was being a leader as usual, and Maf was being rather quiet... also like usual. Then there was their most recent member, who Brook was now regretting as wanting to take along in the first place. Maybe it was her speech back at the mountain, or her mannerisms, but something about her was just so goddamn... off, he guessed?

The note didn't really concern him all that much. It was great that Maf had hope for Jennifer, but he could really only care about Tiffany for the time being. That's all Brook's world was for the moment: his group of friends, Tiffany. The other names on those daily, ear-raping rolecalls mattered but held no more weight than the daily obituaries. It was a shame that she seemed nowhere nearby. Maybe she was close by? Had Brook ever actually been close to enountering her? He had no way of knowing for sure.

Damn Bishop... he's not even here with us, he never deserved her...

The smell, though... Jason smelled something, and that did concern Brook. Something... rotting? There was no ignoring the shiver that ran up his spine when he heard that. Taking the bait like any human would, Brook sniffed the air, and he did in fact smell something.

The smell was something he was very familiar with.

It was faint, but he smelled blood.

His throat tightened, his breathing became panicked. Breathing faster, faster, faster and heavier, Brook looked around for the source. In the dim light of one of the mining lamps hung in the tunnels, he saw what looked to be a red, glistening partial footprint. His first instinct was to immediately take a step back, letting out a soft moan as his eyes betrayed him, following the footprint to another, and another, then to the source of the bleeding... Leila's feet.

"O-oh... oh my god..." Brook whimpered, backing up until he was safely behind Jason, away from the vile stuff.

Re: Carpe Noctum

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 6:42 pm
by GregTheAnti-Viking*
Nathan was almost able to eek out a smile; happy to hear that at least Jason was able to keep his calm and cheerful demeanor. He could be in the middle of the ocean on a life raft and it would all be smiles and jokes from here. He wished he could have something like that. Unfortunately, Nathan had Mr. and Mrs. Choultard to thank for his wonderful disposition.

He paused when Jason brought up the question of something rotting. He sniffed the air a couple times and nearly gagged. There was definitely something foul in the air and it brought two feelings into his head. At first there was a sheer disgust and desire to get away from this terrible smell and whatever the source of it was. A growing sense of curiosity began to float to the top of brain. A disturbing urge to see what the cause of this bizarre smell was. Was this what people felt when they saw or heard a car crash?

Nathan was relieved to not find the answer at that time. The sound of Maf' actually speaking was something that made people turn heads. There was a sudden purpose to his voice and he was ready to listen. It could have been due to the fact that he wasn't really wanting to lead anymore, because his attempt hadn't brought much success...

The cries of Leila brought Nathan up to attention. It didn't exactly take a genius to figure out what had happened to her. He quickly dug into his bag and grabbed the first aid kit in his bag. She began to hobble over towards the four of them and he stood up. He found himself rolling his eyes at the sudden freak out from Brook. Nathan was just as scared as he was, but it was a bloody foot, not a dead body or a gunshot wound.

"You okay Leila?" he said before wincing at his own stupidity. Her foot was bleeding, there was going to be pain.

He unzipped the first aid kit, mumbling to himself as he did so. If Leila was bleeding like this, she'd be slowing them down, not that they were going anywhere anyways. It was better to treat the wound now; however, so Nathan declared that he may as well be the one to do it.

"Ah, here we are!" he exclaimed, digging out the roll of gauze from his first aid kit, "Okay so um...I'm going to need you to put that foot over uh..."

He glanced around for a moment before spotting a large rock.

"Over here, we'll uh...we'll see what we can do..."

Re: Carpe Noctum

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 6:43 pm
by Anderson
((David Anderson continued from The Outsider))

He hadn't quite curled up in a ball, but the shooting he witnessed on day 1 had sent David Anderson into hiding after a fashion.  Call it "landing on a hot stove", but he'd decided to stay away from groups for a bit.  It probably didn't help that he'd royally freaked out even after throwing up at the sight.  He'd never had a panic attack, but somehow that seemed like an appropriate occasion.

This had led to him skulking and lurking in the tunnels on and off, hiding in them or near the various entrances.  You could usually tell if people were coming and take a measure of them before they got to you, after all.  And that had enabled him to stay more or less alone for the last day, with at most passing contact with people.

But David was a "people person", and the boredom got to him quickly enough.

At least I'm not talking to a volleyball.  Yet.

The cries of Leila got his attention, and David emerged from some niche or another.

"Need some help?"  He raised his hands in front of him to show he didn't mean any harm.  "I heard someone...hit their foot?"  He thinks that's what he heard, but...echoes being echoes, it's better to ask.

Re: Carpe Noctum

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 6:43 pm
by Fanatic*
Just like that the silence and drudgery of the long walk so far burst in to frenzied conversation. The wounding of the foot of one young naive girl combined with the revelation that a loved one was out there caused a cacophony of voices to rain down on Jason's ears, echoing up and down the tunnel. Jason tried to direct his attention to one or two of the voices but gave up almost instantaneously as everyone continued to speak. In all honesty all the tension and lack of action to vent it had been wearing Jason thin and with Leila's ranting about her feet he had finally had it.

Throwing his bag down  and unzipping it with a forceful motion Jason glared at Leila. How could anyone be so stupid? "For fuck's sake Leila are you really that fucking stupid? When you could of asked anyone for a spare pair of footwear? Here." Jason pulled his spare pair of flip-flops out of his bag and flung them at the girl. "Take my thongs." This seemed to hush everyone up for a second and he swore he could hear someone stifle a giggle. He paused in puzzlement as his brain processed why this might be the case. "Flip flops, whatever - god, bloody yanks." He was still furious, ineptitude was something Jason did not deal well with. "Seriously you *have* a first-aid kit." Nathan was on the ball though and had already popped open his medkit. At least someone was thinking straight.

He turned his attention to Brook. "and seriously mate, come on it's like a tiny smell of blood, you can't even see it from here. You..." his temper had faded a little and in all honesty being mad at Brook was not something he could do for long. The guy was infuriating at times but he just had that lost puppy dog look that made you pause when you were about to yell at him for something. "Just try to keep it together mate, I know you've got it in you." Jason gave a weak grin before turning to Maf.

His anger now faded he took a deep breath. "Yeah you're right Maf. We should head out and look for her, but we need to hold on just for a second. No use just blindly running about right? We gotta find out where she went, or at least have a general idea, plus everyone's tired. Let's do this the right way, we can't be making mistakes." Maf's vocalisation had seemed to overpower the other complaints just by tone alone and that is why Jason addressed it last. This was what they had to do. In fact he himself had wanted to find Jennifer since having her along might make Maf a little more relaxed. He looked around. His friends were tired and probably just as grumpy as he was. They would have to have something that boosted their moral soon otherwise they would fall apart.

"Ok. So. First things first we should..."

A voice echo'd down the tunnel. Immediately Jason stopped. He pulled the pistol out from where it hung, jammed in to his shorts and whipped it upwards pointing at the newcomer.

"You heard right but just stop right where you are, and show us what you're carrying before you get any closer." Yet another helpful student appearing out of nowhere, tactically speaking they should be killing whoever it is right now but he knew no one could handle that right now, maybe they could just disarm him and send him on his merry way.

Across all of this the stench of something rotting started to overpower him and Jason suppressed an involuntary gag reaction. Looking askew at Nathan he muttered. "We should get outta here."

Re: Carpe Noctum

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 6:43 pm
by Pigeon Army*
Maf looked around at the rest of the group. No-one seemed to notice what he had just said. No-one seemed to realise he had said anything at all. He was about to repeat himself when the small caught his attention - the smell of blood.

And then Leila started swearing.

Brooks began backing up immediately, while Nathan rushed to her rescue. Maf groaned. She'd stepped on a rock because she'd been too stupid to realise asking for shoes might have been a decent idea, and as he expected, she was holding the group up. For a moment, Maf found himself wishing she'd just get lost - of all the good and decent people on the island, he didn't see why he had to be the personal guard for this bitch. He chased the thought out of his head, returning to the note. He didn't like the implications - even someone like him could see that this figure would do more harm than good.

"Yeah you're right Maf. We should head out and look for her, but we need to hold on just for a second. No use just blindly running about right? We gotta find out where she went, or at least have a general idea, plus everyone's tired. Let's do this the right way, we can't be making mistakes."

"Sure," Maf grunted back at Jason, who, for once, wasn't taking Leila's shit. That made a nice change. The Fijian sat back down on the rock next to his daypack, patting it as he did so. He felt the gun through the canvas - hardly reassuring at a time like this.

A voice echoed through the tunnel. It wasn't a voice Maf recognised. No-one else recognised it either.

Maf moved the fastest he had ever moved in his life.

Within a few seconds, the tiny pistol was out of his bag, in his hands and pointed at the boy in the cave entrance. To say he looked threatening was an understatement - with his build and the gun in his hand, he would have looked terrifying to anyone who had no idea who he was.


Maf lowered the gun, disgusted at himself. This wasn't him. He wasn't the kind of guy who went around pointing guns at people, swearing at girls he didn't like, demanding everything go his way. This wasn't Ma'afu Tuigamala. This was some corruption, a version of him that had been twisted by the island. He didn't like it. He'd never like it.

Maf continued staring at the boy in the mouth of the cave.

He'd never like it. But he was getting used to it.

That was terrifying.

Re: Carpe Noctum

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 6:43 pm
by MK Kilmarnock
((Posting because inactivity is a dirty whore))

Maf seemed to have the right idea. Brook started to head his way as soon as the shuffling figures in the tunnel would allow him, getting as far away from the disgusting substance on the ground and on Leila's feet as possible. Jason's reassurances, in this particular case, really weren't as helpful as the Aussie was probably thinking they were, but there was no sense in pointing that out. Instead, the pale-faced gardener had excused himself without a word, going to sit next to Maf.

And then that was looking like a horrible idea too.

"YEECH!" Brook yelped at Maf's sudden movements pulling out a gun and pointing it at somebody. The fact that there was an extra 'somebody' to begin with was almost as disconcerting. No... they didn't need anybody else to join their little party; things were fucked up enough as they were. We don't need any more blood... oh god, please, no more blood...

Maf already had his gun out, and so Brook had time to think twice about pulling his out. He was feeling a bit too faint for that, finding it all the wiser to have the more intimidating Fijian do the work this time around. Brook would just, maybe... stand around and look tough. Whilst hiding behind Maf.

Just remember... Mighty Zinnia... I'm a Mighty Zinnia...

Re: Carpe Noctum

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 6:46 pm
by Hallucinojelly*
Leila stared at Nathan. Why was he being so helpful all of a sudden? Was he only trying to help her so he could get a glimpse underneath her skirt? Her nose crinkled at the thought, and she went from staring to glaring. What a douche. She watched silently as he dug out the gauze from his bag, then felt the slightest twang of guilt. Only a slight twang, mind you.

"Okay so um...I'm going to need you to put that foot over uh..."

Her eyes followed his for a second, tensing up as he looked for a quiet place to-

"Over here, we'll uh...we'll see what we can do..."


So he really didn't want to perv on her?

She felt a little insulted.

Nevertheless, she sighed, rolled her eyes and followed him over to the flat rock by the wall. Wincing all the while, she eventually sat down and lifted her leg for the boy to examine. He was surprisingly gentle, which relaxed her a little, and although she protested as he started to clean the wound - it stung like a biiitch - she was actually glad someone was taking the time to help her out; even if she didn't want that help to begin with.

Letting him go about his business, she looked over at the huddle of boys in the background. The little chicken-shit, Brook, was apparently about to vomit over the sight of her feet. Yeah? Well fuck you too. As for the other two, they weren't exactly making their feelings about her subtle. Okay, so, she couldn't hear exactly what they were saying, but the looks they were both giving her were less than friendly. What, were they pissed because she was slowing them down? It wasn't like she asked for all this attention, fuck. If they wanted to leave her behind, maybe they should just man up and kill her already, do them all a favour.

"For fuck's sake Leila are you really that fucking stupid? When you could of asked anyone for a spare pair of footwear? Here."

Her throat tightened.

"Excuse me?"

A pair of flip-flops flew towards her and made a wet "plop" when they landed just inches away from her seat. They were ugly-looking things, but at the very least, they meant that she wouldn't have to walk around in bare feet any more. Which was a relief, she guessed.

Then a strange voice called out behind them.

"Need some help?"


"I heard someone...hit their foot?"

Genius. This guy right here - fucking genius.

And then of course:

"You heard right but just stop right where you are, and show us what you're carrying before you get any closer."

Ooh, look at Jason go! Big man with the big gun~! She was surprised he didn't chase the guy away with a spear and face paint. Stuck where she was for now, while Nathan slowly set about patching her up, she shook her head and watched on as the kid trembled towards them. He even had his arms raised. Really? He was scared of this Steve Irwin wannabe?

Maybe we'll get lucky and find a sting ray somewhere.

She smirked, then realized the other guy - Maf, or some shit - was pulling the same stunt as the Aussie.

"Hey, Dumb and Retarded, put the fucking guns down before you hurt yourselves."

Her thumb pointed back at the new guy, she continued.

"You really think this fucker's gonna mow us all down? He looks like he hasn't even got a backbone, let alone a weapon."

Re: Carpe Noctum

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 6:46 pm
by GregTheAnti-Viking*
Nathan said little when he was wrapping up Leila's foot. Occasionally murmering about when it would hurt. He could hear Jason trying his hardest to calm Brook down and Maf was being quiet as usual, though he hoped that he would come up with a plan as soon as possible.

Once he had finished treating the wound he stood up and put his hands togeather. His fingers were sticky with the mix of blood and solution. He heaved a heavy sigh and tried to wipe it onto the walls with minimal success.

Nathan was pleased with the job that he had done. He wasn't exactly the best when it came to playing the role of medic, but it would have to do for now. He had hoped for Leila to be a little more greatful but unfortunately she was being less than supportive. Not that he hadn't experienced that before at home.

Oh well...

Jason had chided Leila for not asking for footwear, which was in all honesty, quite reasonable. It wasn't smart to walk around when you have no protection. Still, he didn't need to be so rude about it all. Leila was probably just as afraid as poor Brook was at least. There was just a different way of dealing with it.

She started to say something but was silence by the flip-flops. Something Nathan was quite glad about, the last they needed was an argument here of all places.

"Calm down guys, just put the flip-flops on and lets get out of here. Maf you lead the wa-"

Nathan was interupted by the sound of someone else in the tunnels. He let out a low gasp unsure of what he was supposed to do. The guy didn't sound threatening, so maybe it would be fine. He lifted his head and stared out towards where it came from. There was a guy standing there, with his hands outstreached in defense. He gave a sigh of relief and stood up straight.

He was about to speak when Jason had took control. Jason turned to face him and nearly leaped backwards. The dude had pulled out a pistol and was pointing it straight at the newcomer. Maf had done so as well! What on earth were these two doing? There was no need to bring out the gun! They were going to end up killing someone at this rate!

Then Leila had to spice up everything once again. She was right of course, this new guy wasn't likely going to kill anyone, he had nothing threatening on him now, and it was plenty difficult to hide something bigger than a pistol, which would be better kept outside if he meant anything with it. That said, she didn't have to insult the guy, that was like asking for them to be shot if he did have something...

Maybe bringing her along was a mistake after all...

He tried to clear his throat in an attempt to stop the situation from getting out of hand.

"C'mon dude, lower the damn gun," he murmered to Jason and Maf, "Leila's right this dude's harmless..."

He flashed a smile, trying to reasure this mystery man that his buddies wouldn't riddle him with holes. A fact that he himself wasn't aware of right now and it frightened the hell out of him.

"Hey uh...dude...the name's Nathan..."

There was a long pause as he wasn't sure what to say next. Some negotiator he was...

"Um...we're not going to hurt you..."

Re: Carpe Noctum

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 6:46 pm
by Fanatic*
(tiny post to counter inactivity before I post in my normal post order :P)

Jason glanced sideways at Nathan as he spoke his piece. The mystery student was still to come further in to the light and Jason wasn't about to take any risks. He couldn't let his friends get killed, or even injured just because he wanted to believe this guy was harmless. Still no point in provoking the guy either. He kept his gun trained on the figure but eased off the trigger finger and stepped to one side. "Fine Nath," he started before motioning at David, "come through but keep your hands where I can see em mate. We're not going to shoot you unless you try something stupid, got it?"

Re: Carpe Noctum

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 6:46 pm
by Anderson
(OOC: Tiny post as well; ****ing RL)

David nearly shit himself.  Nearly.  Not quite, however: He could tell that he had been heard, but not spotted.  He could also tell that the group was not friendly.


The first group he'd run into, on day one, had been friendly enough...until the shooting started.  This group, on the other hand...

Fight or flight?  Flight.  Definitely flight.

Not stopping to check what weapons they had, not stopping to find out, David turned and ran.  Hard.  Fast.  Right into a wall.

"Shit."  David looked at his hands in the dim light, bloodied from his sudden, unexpected stop.  He could tell that they hurt...he could tell there was bleeding, and he could feel that he'd scratched up his face.  He knew he was a mess, but his heart was pounding as he tried to scramble back to his feet to run...and slipped on some sludge on the floor.

I'm going to die, I'm going to die...

He knew, intellectually, that his thoughts might be an overreaction...but he also knew that he was in at least some amount of trouble...and his panicked reaction was making him flail all the worse.

Re: Carpe Noctum

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 6:46 pm
by MK Kilmarnock
Why... why did everything have to get so ridiculous? One would think that being surrounded by your closest friends could dull the fear in a situation, but no. Even with Maf, Jason and Nathan all right there, life still found a way to become an absolute hell, a ball of confusion.  Who was this new person? How many weapons were now pointing at whom? When would all the blood go away? Most importantly, when would Leila just shut... the fuck... UP!?

Brook eeked his way out from behind Maf, looking to how everybody was responding to the new threat. Despite the insistence of one very annoying girl, the voice on the intercom had made things perfectly clear: people were killing, people were dying, and danger lay outside of the circle of safety... in all directions, no less. It was this reason and this reason alone that Brook wasn't standing the closest to the exit of the tunnels, leaving that position for Maf, even though he wanted to be as far from the 'action' as possible.

His gun, as much of a piece of trash as it was, found itself hovering near his navel on the outside of his shirt. He held it there for comfort purposes, pointing slightly away from him and at the ground out of fear for what the weapon represent and the power it held, but it was his biggest comfort to be had all the same. Everybody here was armed to the teeth, and that was good, but if danger presented itself... there would be nothing but blood to come from it.