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Anthem for Doomed Youth

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 9:06 pm
by xylophonefairy*
((Acacia Salinger continued from Fairytale of New York))

What passing bells for these who die as cattle?

She had come to a place where she could hide. In their search for Alex they had traversed the island several times, but they had always gone around the Mountain. They had known that there were tunnels through it, but they hadn't wanted to waste time by getting lost in them. Now all she wanted to do was just that; waste time, try and live. She needed to find herself a task, only problem was that she wasn't sure what that task was. A tiny, irrational part of her was telling her that she would be hated now, that she would be universally despised for killing Roman who was, on the whole, well liked. And Danya hadn't said. He hadn't said why. Just:

"Roman Jackson was stifled in his sleep by Acacia Salinger, Othello style."

Those words were running over and over in her head. She'd almost hoped that John would get the blame, it was his fault after all, if he hadn't shot him them she wouldn't have had to-

Acacia was walking slowly down the tunnel, very slowly. There was a slow drip coming from somewhere, and unconsciously she timed her footsteps with it. She felt lonely; a sociable person by nature she had barely spent a minute alone since they had arrived on the island. It reminded her of when David had been sent off to Iraq and for the first time in her life she was without her older brother. And when they had come back from taking him to the airport, and her Mom had disappeared into the kitchen and her father to his study, she had stood in her room with the curtains drawn and the lights off. Darkness. Like now.

Who was she hiding from?

"What passing bells for these who die as cattle?" she murmured to herself. Her love of poetry was always a surprise to anyone who found out. It didn't fit in with their opinion of her, the diabetic, tennis playing, cheerleader. That was her role, her niche, within the school. She wasn't allowed to like poetry as well. Especially not First World War stuff written by English soldiers in the trenches, that was even further out of their expectations. But, since David rebelled and joined the army, she'd taken an interest in war poetry. "Only the monstrous anger of the guns." Guns! She extracted hers from her pocket. After what was nearly a week of not firing it, she was starting to think that she might never. She didn't want to. But nobody else needed to know that. "Only the stuttering rifle's rapid rattle can patter out their hasty orisons." She didn't even know what an orison was, had always meant to look it up. Never would be able to.

"It's so unfair," she added with a sniff, raising her voice and slapping a palm against the wall of the tunnel. It stung and she clutched it under her other arm, which was holding her Barracuda in a defensive gesture. Stopping shortly, she looked around in the darkness. It wasn't quite pitch black, she suspected there was an exit somewhere nearby, which was bad, she didn't want to go back into the daylight. This was her haven, she felt safe here, nobody could find her. And she was about as far away from the fucking beach as it was possible for her to be. "I've had so much shit. I've moved twice, across the country. My aunt's dead. My brother might be. I've got fucking diabetes." Her argument sounded weak, even to her in her current state of mind. A little voice in her brain countered her arguments. "I'm tennis captain, a cheerleader, my Dad's the Deputy Chief of Police, we live in a big house in the suburbs," she added in a whisper, and felt a momentary flush of hope before remembering that she would probably never see any of those things again. Her hand throbbed.

Once the pain had gone away, she continued walking and started to run her fingertips along the stone, less defensive suddenly. It didn't matter. Nothing mattered.

"No mockeries now for them; no prayers nor bells. Nor any voice of mourning save the choirs," across Minnesota, across America, maybe across the world, there were choirs singing for them and prayers being said for them. Though she had ruled out God when Julia had died, this was the final straw. All those prayers, and yet, they were no closer to being found. "The shrill demented choirs of wailing shells, and bugles calling for them from sad shires." She sniffed, suddenly, walking along in silence for a couple more minutes.

Re: Anthem for Doomed Youth

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 9:06 pm
by Arscapi*
((Thea Kairos continued from Revenge is Best Served Cold))

Thea walked along fuming about the events of the recent days. She'd lost her boyfriend and her best friend within the last day. And then some nobody had decided that he could presume to tell her what she was thinking. The worst of it was that Charlie had suddenly decided that his opinion was worth more than Thea's. What the hell was wrong with her? She wanted to talk to James, he was always willing to listen. But she couldn't do that either, thanks to that bitch Hayley Kelly. And apparently she was still at it. She hadn't meant for Jason to get killed, just for him to rectify his mistake. Well, his death was just one more reason why Hayley had to go. She honestly didn't care if Alex was in love with her. She was a menace.

She paused and looked around seeing the entrance to tunnels not far off. It was as good a place as any to start her search. As she ducked in the tunnels she began to hear someone's voice. It was barely a whisper, she continued down the tunnel following the source. As she walked she shifted her bag, reaching her hand in and curling her fingers around the gun, which she'd kept silent about until now. She wasn't going to use it, unless it was Hayley, but hearing the girl's reputation she wanted to be ready. She also dug out the flashlight, but didn't flip it on immediately. She spotted the girl and then smiled recognizing her. Acacia stood a few feet from her; Acacia who had also been among the names of the killers in this morning's announcements, something about killing someone in their sleep. She'd have to get the story behind that one, but maybe she'd found a true ally here. Something she'd lost in Charlene, maybe Acacia would see why Hayley had to go.

"Hey," she said softly, not wanting to startle the girl. She pulled her hand free from her bag. "Glad to see you're okay."

Re: Anthem for Doomed Youth

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 9:06 pm
by xylophonefairy*
As Thea came into view, the gun that she had been listlessly trailing along behind her was cocked and pointed at the girl, before Acacia had even thought about who she was. At a glance she might have appeared convincing, her stance was firm and her left hand steadied her right wrist, and there was a sudden concentration in her eyes that would have made her math teachers of yore weep with joy. But on closer inspection, her right index finger was hesitant on the trigger, barely touching it, and there was a faintly visible shake that her steadying hand wasn't quite able to control. Once Thea's face came into view she dropped the weapon, barely able to believe her luck at finding a friend just when she was at her weakest.

Her face broke into an honest smile for the first time since Roman was shot, and she stowed the gun away in her pants. The corners of her mouth wobbled suddenly with an urge to cry that she suppressed, not wanting to burden Thea with her problems quite so soon after meeting her, not wanting to scare her away with her tears. Sniffing, her face now a confused mixture of emotions, she leant her back against the tunnel wall, feeling able to let her guard down for a minute.

"Yeah," Acacia said softly in response to the statement. "Same, I mean, you too," she added with a faint laugh, feeling a little giddy. "Who'd have thought we'd last this long?" she said rhetorically after a beat. She'd thought, after she and Roman had left Thea at the Hall of Mirrors, that she would never see her, or Autumn, or any of them again, and had worried over that for part of the next journey they had taken. It had seemed to her that every goodbye here could possibly be a goodbye forever, in fact, probably would be. Acacia scratched her elbow.

"What have you been up to?" she asked conversationally.

Re: Anthem for Doomed Youth

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 9:06 pm
by Arscapi*
"Mostly telling off classmates who think they matter," Thea answered matter of factly. "I don't know if you heard about James, but mostly I've been trying to deal with that. And then Alex…what's his last name decided to tell me how I should be mourning for him. As if! Like suddenly we're on this island and it makes them think I should care about them. Honestly. Not only that, then Charlie decided that because he took a bullet for her and didn't even try to treat the wound that she'd take his side over mine. Even after he'd decided that I was out to kill Hayley Kelly. Which actually isn't a bad idea when you think about it, can't say the bitch doesn't deserve it."

Thea paused. "Wow, didn't really think I had that much to say, I'll shut up now and you can tell me what's been happening with you. You look like you need to talk," she said draping her arm across Acacia's shoulder.

Re: Anthem for Doomed Youth

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 9:06 pm
by xylophonefairy*
"Mostly telling off classmates who think they matter,"

Acacia smiled, widely. Two days ago, was it really only two? whatever, a couple of days ago, when she had last seen Thea, the girl's manner had annoyed her. What was is she had said to her? "We're all equal here." She'd been so irritable about it, and then her and Roman had scurried off into the wind without asking if any of them had seen Alex, or even how they were, how they were holding up. Stuck in their own little world, they had run off; Acacia's stomach turned and her hands tingled with the memory of what she had done. She focussed instead on Thea's story, small bits of which made sense. She'd heard about James, his name had been one of the ones to light up in her brain as it was read out. It was the worst part of every day, the list of the dead. Which of your friends have died today?

The arm around her shoulder was a comfort, and Acacia began to feel herself weaken. The wall she was trying to build was starting to crumble away. She knew that she had done the right thing, but it was going to take time before she would fully accept that. Time she almost hoped she didn't have.

"I didn't mean to kill him. Well, I did, but it was to help him. He was dying, anyway. I had to save him, he looked so small, so weak, he wanted me to, I'm sure he did! I didn't want to have to kill him, and if John Smith wasn't already dead I would be on my way to kill him myself" Acacia said in a sudden rush of mixed emotions, sadness, guilt, anger. Still her stomach, devoid of food, kept churning. If she didn't eat soon, the last lot of insulin would kill her before too long. There was a little tiny part of her that didn't want to eat, didn't want to live. This would be the easiest way to go, she would fall into a coma and silently slip away. Perhaps that was why she had managed to avoid going crazy for so long, the knowledge that she had her own unique way to kill herself if the time was right. She had control over her own life. A life that Roman had given up for her, and she wasn't going to have allowed him to die in vain.

In fact, she was going to win. She needed to get home to explain to the Jackson parents why she had done it. She needed to be sure that they had forgiven her; only then would she ever be at peace. And if she had to kill every last person on the island to do that, then, well, perhaps she would just have to. She looked at Thea, saw concern in her friend's eyes, and faltered.

I will have to kill you at some point. But not now. I still need friends.

"I'm sorry about James," she said in a small voice that entirely hid her new frame of mind. She wasn't quite sure if she believed it herself, and hid her face by twisting gently out of Thea's grip and crouched down over her bag, looking for something to eat. She took a slice of bread, the crust, and folded it in half with precisely seven haribo sweets in the middle. She sat back against the wall and looked at it with an expression that read mild curiousity. Actually, she was feeling the gun against her thigh and wondering if she would be able to fire it.

"I've got a haribo sandwich!" she said, with a small amount of real excitement mixed in with the fake, just enough for it to appear genuine to anyone not watching closely. She took an experimental bite, and chewed thoughfully, before shrugging. "Bit crap if I'm honest, needs more sweets."

Re: Anthem for Doomed Youth

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 9:06 pm
by Arscapi*
Thea nodded thanks at Acacia's consolation, but didn't want to dwell on it. That's all she'd been doing for the better part of a day. Not that she wanted to forget James, it's just dwelling on his death had gotten her accused of wanting to kill Hayley, and while that was in her plans, she needed to play things a little closer to the vest. Especially if there were more lovesick morons running around the island pining for Hayley.

She frowned at Acacia's explanation; it sounded to her as if Acacia had done what she thought was necessary. Her and Roman had seemed pretty friendly earlier. She knew that name sounded familiar, she'd meet him briefly before she'd had to ditch those followers. Thea wasn't sure if she'd be able to convince her into helping her get revenge on Hayley. As far as Thea knew there wasn't anything wrong with Hayley. That is if you didn't count the fact that she was a raging psycho.

Acacia's exclamation broke through Thea's thoughts and she looked down to see that the girl was holding up a candy sandwich. "Are you sure you should be having so much? I don't know exactly how your insulin works but won't adding sugar end up hurting you? How much do you have left anyway? Insulin, I mean."

Re: Anthem for Doomed Youth

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 9:06 pm
by xylophonefairy*
"I already injected some, need te eat after otherwise my sugar will drop to minus ten and I'll explode or something," Acacia said conversationally, as usual, unable to take her diabetes seriously when someone else was. That had always annoyed her doctors, who had thought she didn't understand her condition and they explained it over and over again until they were blue in the face. Even though she had never had a complication, and hadn't been admitted to hospital for it since she was diagnosed as a toddler. "Insulin goes with food, or in this case, haribo sandwiches. Which I don't think could possibly be considered food by any stretch of the imagination." But something Thea had said had struck her. She'd only brought two weeks supply with her. How long had the previous series lasted? It had to be about that long. But with her levels so all over the place she was using more than she usually would to try and keep it steady, and all that running required a lot of eating.

And she'd thought that cheerleading camp was hard to manage.

It was imperative that she was more careful from now on. She needed to keep to a more regular timetable of eating and injecting, like she had done when she was younger. Chewing slowly on a bite of sandwich that only contained bread, and was thus somewhat more palatable, she tried to calculate it. Three meals a day, so three short acting shots a day plus a long acting overnight, and she had... how many left? She didn't want to look, just in case the answer scared her. At any rate, there was nothing she could do about what she had consumed now. She just had to keep on going. Still, it was probably best to appease Teah but giving some kind of answer.

"And it'll be fine," she continued when she had swallowed. "I brought two weeks worth." And I've used a week and a half already. No, she didn't actually know that, some days she'd hardly used any, mostly when they weren't eating, there didn't seem much point in using it, not the short acting stuff anyway. Quick, change the subject. She meant what she said. I WILL be fine. I WILL survive.

"What's your plan?" Acacia said after a moment's silence. "Mine was to help Roman find Alex, and we did that. I like having something to do." Other than killing everyone. "Anyone you're looking for?" she asked hopefully.

Re: Anthem for Doomed Youth

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 9:06 pm
by decoy73
((Charlene Norris continued from Without Love, It Cannot Be Seen))

Charlie had been running for ... actually, she didn't know how long. The only rest she had taken was to take care of the cut that Hayley had left on her arm. So now, her sweatshirt was wrapped around her waist, allowing any nearby pervert to see her boobs bouncing around. Not that she cared much right now as she entered the tunnel. The only things she felt was exhaustion from having run ever since the woods, and a dull pain from the now covered cut on her left arm, from the knife now in her bag.

As she walked through the now dark tunnels, she could make out conversation and a small light. She couldn't make out who it was or what they were saying over the pounding of her own heart, nor did she care about it. The only thing she really could make out was that Hayley wasn't here, and that fact made her current location as safe as any.

As she slid down the wall at sat down about five feet away from the light, she ignored the voice in her head reminding her of Maxwell Lombardi and Reiko Ishida as her gun clattered to the ground as she attempted, with little success, to relax.

Re: Anthem for Doomed Youth

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 9:07 pm
by Sean*
((Joe Rios continued from The Long Road Home))

Trekking from the Residential Area to the network of tunnels was an extremely tiring experience for Joe. His chest was sore, his legs moreso, and his lungs felt like they were going to explode.

As far as he could tell, it was night. As soon as he got to a somewhat secluded spot in the tunnels, he slumped down, fluffed his daypack a bit, laid down using it as a makeshift pillow, and drifted off into a dreamless sleep for the first time in several days.

His sleep was disturbed by a small light flickering a bit nearby and people talking. He sat up, rubbed his eyes a bit, and was immediately struck by a wave of pain running through his body.

Fucking ow. Note to self, when I'm sore from walking for basically four or five days straight, do not sleep on a stone floor with a hard backpack for a pillow in the future. Not one of my brighter moments, he thought to himself. He grunted, forced himself off the ground, and walked over to the people, who he couldn't really get a good look at in spite of the small light.

"Yo," he said when he was in earshot of them. "It's Joe Rios. I'm unarmed." He knew that if the people were of the more sociopathic breed, he was essentially signing his death warrant, but in all honesty, Joe didn't see that as such a bad thing. He'd spent six days prolonging it, and if it was going to happen it may as well be over with already.

And if they weren't, then he might have some companionship that wasn't either mentally deficient or completely batshit insane. Joe knew this was a bit of a long shot considering his luck with Cisco, but it was worth the gamble.

Joe, in his fugue, didn't even notice or care that he had missed the announcement.

Re: Anthem for Doomed Youth

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 9:07 pm
by Arscapi*
"As long as you're sure," Thea said. She didn't know much about it so, she trusted Acacia to be aware of her own health.

Thea lowered her voice and glanced around the tunnels to back sure they were alone. "I'll be honest with you; my plan right now is to hunt down Hayley Kelly. She took my James from me and then killed Jason. All he was doing was looking for Evie. I'm not sure what I'll do when I find her. I guess…" she trailed off when she heard something metallic clatter across the floor. She sucked in a breath and waited for a moment, trying to decide whether to investigate or keep quiet.

She'd decided to go and investigate and swung the light around back towards the entrance of the tunnels when a voice called out.

"Yo," a masculine voice called out. "It's Joe Rios. I'm unarmed."

Thea rolled her eyes. Just what she needed another nobody telling her how she was supposed to be acting, and what she was supposed to be feeling. "Think if we ignore him, he'll go away," she asked Acacia.

Re: Anthem for Doomed Youth

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 9:07 pm
by xylophonefairy*
"Perhaps," Acacia replied, her eyes staring quizzically at the wall in front of her. Her brain was attempting to clink into gear and think of some way to make this little experience fun. The bitchy side of her brain that was normally docile and sleeping was starting to wake up, the way it only ever did when she was in cheerleader company. And yet for once it didn't bother her in the slightest. She'd already lost the one friend she had made on this island and she wasn't going to make that mistake again. She wasn't going to let herself hurt any more; far better to hurt others and live longer because of it. Finally, Acacia found that she was starting to realise what this game was about. It's about living for as long as possible. "Or we could have a bit of fun tormenting him?" she suggested, raising her eyebrows and cocking her head to one side as she looked at Thea. Then, without seeking approval, she called out to the boy, Joe Rios he said his name was? Acacia was pretty sure she'd never met him before, or if she had, she hadn't been paying attention.

"Hey!" she called out to Joe, putting on the best 'friendly' voice that she could manage in her current mood. She crouched down as she spoke and slowly put her gun into her bag, positioning it carefully so that the handle was close to the opening of the zip and she could grab it quickly if she needed to. Or if she wanted to scare Joe Rios off if he started to get annoying. She glanced up as she did this and spoke to Thea in a low voice. "What've you got, anyway? I figure if he gets irritating we should wave scary guns and things at him until he fucks off back to whatever hole he crawled out of," she said, a little surprised by the spiteful nature of her words, anad choosing to ignore that feeling.

She raised her voice again.
"We're unarmed too," she said, looking pointedly at Thea and grinning, who had fortunately been just as docile and unarmed looking as Acacia hoped that she looked. She shined her torch in the direction the voice was coming from, a little spookily seeing as he was still just out of sight. "Where are you?" she said, a little confused. The tunnels seemed to magnify everything.

Re: Anthem for Doomed Youth

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 9:07 pm
by decoy73
As Charlie sat down in an unsuccessful attempt to relax, the voices that she had been unable to hear due to her own heartbeat and sheer lack of concentration of the fact started to come into focus.

"... took my James from me ... don't know what I'll do ... guess ..." Just her luck. It was Thea. Of course, now that Charlene realized that Thea had been right, the reunion probably wasn't going to be too bad. Then someone else started to speak.

"Yo. It's Joe Rios. I'm unarmed." That voice Charlie didn't recognize. She didn't know of anyone in the class named Joe, let alone Joe Rios. What this probably meant was that they'd simply never met, or that Joe was just one of those many, many people that she was simply acquainted with.

"Hey! ... We're unarmed, too." That voice belonged to Acacia Salinger, tennis captain (a fact that Charlie had almost gotten over, although given the past week, "tennis captain" didn't really mean much in the grand scheme) and fellow cheerleader. Charlie giggled at the fact that she had just created a pun for the group that might form in the next few minutes. It was a pretty lame pun, but it was still there. In any event, Charlie took out her flashlight and pointed it at the source of the male voice, having to aim around Thea and Acacia to do so.

Damn, this could get good. A weird thought to pop up at this time, but a knife to the arm kinda changed things

Re: Anthem for Doomed Youth

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 9:07 pm
by Sean*
((Sorry for the abrupt leaving, but Joe needs to be in another thread.))

Joe flinched a bit when the flashlight pointed in his direction. Even though it was daytime, his eyes hadn't quite been re-accustomed to bright light due to the distinct lack of such; the fact that the light still didn't quite reach him helped a bit, but it was still an unpleasant experience.

The small amount of ambient light projected by it revealed three of the only people he didn't want to see that weren't outright sociopaths. Charlene Norris, most of all, although Joe did appreciate the view he got of her ample breasts.

The other two, Thea and Acacia, weren't quite as bad, but Joe had a gut feeling he was in for some "fun" with emphasis on the inverted commas if he stuck with them. His now-dead companion, Rose, never had anything nice to say about them, and Joe trusted her more than anyone else that wasn't related to him.

He drew a breath and sighed.

"Oh for fuck's sake," he muttered under his breath. "Actually, nevermind, I think I'll be leaving you girls alone," he said, more loudly, trying desperately to hide his current feelings.

He turned and walked away, daypack in tow. Another day, another group that he had no chance in hell of surviving with.

((Joe Rios continued in The Lost Boys))

Re: Anthem for Doomed Youth

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 9:07 pm
by Arscapi*
"Or we could have a bit of fun tormenting him?" she suggested, raising her eyebrows and cocking her head to one side.

Thea gave Acacia a wide smile. "I like the way you think."

"What've you got, anyway? I figure if he gets irritating we should wave scary guns and things at him until he fucks off back to whatever hole he crawled out of," she said.

"I can definitely help you out there," Thea said turning towards the opening of the tunnel.

"Oh for fuck's sake," he muttered under his breath. "Actually, nevermind, I think I'll be leaving you girls alone," he said, more loudly, trying desperately to hide his current feelings.

Thea frowned at the sudden loss of diversion. "Well, that didn't go at all the way I wanted it too. What a loser, he can't even hang around long enough to distract us," Thea let out a huge sigh and kicked the dirt at her feet, sending rocks skittering after the boy.

"Well, now what," she asked and then answered her own question by reaching for her bag and starting to dig through it. "Guess I should eat some of these horrible carbs too. What I wouldn't give for some proteins or some veggies."

Re: Anthem for Doomed Youth

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 9:08 pm
by xylophonefairy*
This was looking promising, admittedly she hadn't quite decided what they were going to do with Joe once he got to them, she was envisioning that shoelaces and guns would be heavily involved in one way or another. But then, he went and ruined it all by apparently chickening out and running away. It was nice to have that kind of effect on people.

"At least we scared him," Acacia compromised, trying to follow him with her eyes as he disappeared. She scratched her nose and crouched down to retrieve her gun from its carefully positioned spot in her bag and stuck it back in the waistband of her jeans. By now she felt naked without it, it was her primary protection, her way of scaring people off, even if she had no intention of actually using it. Not yet, anyhow.

"Guess I should eat some of these horrible carbs too. What I wouldn't give for some proteins or some veggies."

Laughing, Acacia agreed with her.
"I know, right? I never thought I'd crave a carrot quite so much. Especially here, night vision would be awesome!" No need for torches, being able to sneak up on people in the dark and smash the back of their head in with a piece of flint... She glanced up abruptly, where the torchlight was dancing off the walls, and watched it for a while. It was strangely hypnotic.

Suddenly she noticed that there were three torches. Her, Thea and... Who? Acacia leaned past Thea to try and get a look at them, but the contrast between torchlight and the shadows was too great, and she swung her torch around to the person, trying to figure out. The first things she came across were Charlene's breasts, and Acacia stifled a giggle. It was a bit of a joke that you could often see her breasts coming into a room before you saw the rest of her.

"Hey, Charlie!" Acacia said, waving with some enthusiasm, before remembering that Thea had mentioned something about Charlie choosing Alex's side over hers, and faltered, wondering if in solidarity she should be a bit more stand offish. But it was hard not to be a little bit happy to see her tennis partner (even though since Acacia had made captain they had never quite regained the level of friendship they'd had before). Acacia glanced at Thea and shrugged, trying to convey the fact that she was on Thea's side with her eyes. "Why're you hiding in the shadows? Hair dye gone wrong?"