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Missing Those Lost

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 1:42 am
by KamiKaze
((Carol Burke continued from Under The Sea Is Where No One Wants To Be))

Carol had calmed down and although she was still scared for her life, she had almost returned to her energetic, optimistic self. She had not spoken much as they hiked, but it was clear she was getting better. Of course she was.

She knew very well she was going to make it, of course. Her and her friends.

And she did have a reason to live.

"Hey Carol?"

She looked up at the other three teenagers. As they ate their breakfast at the airport's McDonalds', one could notice a sadness in the air. Her three friends had decided to see her off before she had gone on the trip, and so they helped her family with luggage and things like that. Very soon, Carol and her family would be on a plane trip to St. Paul, to start a new life. It was because of her parents' work, and she knew very well that she had no say in the manner. So, her things were packed, and they were on their way.

But... her friends. She knew very well that she wasn't able to hang out with them anymore, aside from talking to them online, on the phone, and other methods. But, she wasn't sure if she was ready just yet. She had been alternating from watching her friends eat the processed breakfast food to staring at her own food and poking at it with her food for the past few seconds.

"Yes, Whitney?" she looked at the girl in front of her.

"I just want you to know..."

Carol listened in with nervousness, wondering what she had to say. It was as if Whitney didn't know what to say, but wanted to say it.

"... You've been a good friend. All three of us will miss you."

Whitney attempted a smile, but it came off sad. It struck Carol to the core, seeing her like this. The other two looked up from their meals, and added their thoughts in.

"You're returning to Nevada, once... you know... right?"

Carol, without realizing it, gave a sad smile to one of the boys looking at her. "Yeah... graduation..."

She stared down at the plate again, as if there was some sort of entertainment to be held in mass-produced eggs and hashbrowns. But, the other boy spoke up.

"Hey, don't give us that look! It's only a year, right? And aren't you like... planning to go to a college here or something?"

Carol looked up again, and in spite of everything, smiled. Oh Alan. He had always been the trickster sort. And even at a time like this, he always had something to say. Always. And right now, he had almost a playful grin on his face.

The previous boy piped up again. "Fuck, Alan, it's not like the girl is happy to go", he mumbled, giving him a playful nudge on the arm.

"Whatever you say... Dad."

See? Just like old times. Alan and Jake always "argued" like this, but in the end, they were good friends. Just like they were with her and Whitney.

Whitney spoke again, to prevent yet another one of the pseudo-arguments these two had. "Well, don't worry Carol. We'll contact you on IM and such, okay?"

"Okay..." she smiled.

Once it came time to go to the airport, the four teenagers helped get the luggage out of the car, and soon everything was set. As it came time to go into the terminal, Carol found a pair of arms wrapped around her.


As the smaller girl looked up at her, Carol saw that she was crying. That really said it all.

Eventually, though, the Burke family had to board the plan. Carol waved behind her as she left, and soon she was in the boarding area. After presenting her ticket and boarding the plane, she placed herself in a seat next to her parents. After a bit of waiting, a flight attendant appeared, and the captain began telling the passengers about the emergency exits and such. But Carol only stared out of the plane's window. And soon, it took off, leaving Carson City looking like a small model with ant sized cars.

She missed her friends. So much. Sure, she loved being part of the Entourage, and she had talked to them each day, but she wanted to hang out with them again.

But, she still thought she was going to make it. There were a lot of reasons why it couldn't work a fourth time. She didn't know much about Survival of the Fittest, but logically, it wasn't as if the government didn't know anything. The broadcasts were coming from somewhere, and there was more than enough information being put out. Danya was going to get caught, and then imprisoned for his crimes.

Heck, she wanted to find the rest of the Entourage, and with Kari, Simon, and Rein, plan an epic escape. He had said that if he saw someone planning to leave, he would kill them, but it didn't mean that his system was foolproof. There was probably a flaw somewhere, anywhere, that could be exploited to their hearts' content. But where?

As she passed through what appeared to be the remains of a forest, she suddenly heard a banging sound. Was that gunshots? No, it sounded like... clapping?!

Suddenly, a voice came on, presumably from an intercom system of some kind. Oh god, she recognized that voice. It was the same one that had... you know... it was the one that had put them here in the first place. Carol froze on the spot, listening as it mentioned that 19 people had died.

As the announcement ended, Carol stood on the spot, looking like she had been frozen in time. No... it couldn't be...

Reika. Was fine. Paige. Was alive and well. Amber. Was up to her old antics. Reiko. Wasn't a murderer...

That was the way things were. It was the way things always were. It was the way it was supposed to be. They couldn't just get killed heartlessly by Kris Hartmann and Rob Jenkins! And Reiko was never the type to just kill two people, even if one of them was Sally Connelly. Sure, Reiko had harsh things to say sometimes, and she knew about how Sally and Reiko had a rivalry. Heck, of course she would know. But, Reiko couldn't just stab someone and kill the person who was helping her. Reiko was a good person at heart. Carol had always thought that way of her, and always trusted her.

But... why did Paige, Reika, and Amber... hell, it wasn't right. This trip was supposed to be everyone hanging out with their friends. And they were gone... vanished... hell... she wished desperately this was some sort of mistake they made, and they were safe and sound. They had to be waiting for her someplace. There was no way that...

Carol slid to her knees and dropped her things. She put her heads to her face, noticing a moistness.

No... not them... please not them!

And suddenly, that's when she broke into a sob.

They took three people she cared about away... and made one a murderer. It wasn't fair. She just wanted to see her friends again. Why did it have to be them? None of them deserved it!

Re: Missing Those Lost

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 1:42 am
by Grim Wolf
(Simon Grey continued from Under The Sea Is Where No One Wants To Be)

(Godmodding a little with what we did inbetween daylight by the ocean and 6 a.m. today. If anyone disagrees, PM me and I'll edit it.

The going of the previous day had been slow. They had not wanted to run into anyone unpleasant, and they had taken great pains to avoid others--unless they could recognize those they saw in the distance, they had avoided them.

Sticking to the route. That was the plan.

When night fell, they had found a convenient shelter in the felled forest--an uneven pile of fallen timber that made a rough lean-to in the forest. Someone (had it been Simon himself? He couldn't remember anymore) had suggested they shelter her for awhile--get some shuteye, try and stay fresh for the day ahead. Simon knew he'd been the one to suggest setting someone to watch over them, and had taken second watch--the hardest, he'd read somewhere, though he couldn't remember where. Carol was to take the last.

As such, he'd only been asleep for three hours when the clapping began.

He woke up only halfway through, only dimly acknowledging the names. He'd never watched Survival of the Fittest, so he had no way of knowing how Danya twisted truths to suit the needs of drama; his face hardened with everything Danya said.

It was horrifying. There had been deaths on the island--deaths Simon had been unable to prevent. Small comfort that Raidon had not been named among the killers...

A sob from his right. Simon turned; Carol was sobbing, having sunk to her knees with her face screwed up. Simon hesitated just an instant, than glanced to his right. "Kari," he said softly, jerking his head towards Carol; he thought (though he wasn't sure) that he spied the other girl's eyes glittering in the hazy half-light of morning.

Focus. Worry about the murders later. Try and protect these people for now.

Re: Missing Those Lost

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 1:42 am
((Rein Bumgarner continued from Under The Seas Is Where No One Wants To Be))

Rein was starting to get tired from all the walking he did. Sure he didn't mind physical activity but on this island... He would need to conserve his energy. Of course the urge to find Gary was enough for him to push forward. No way in hell was he giving up. Not while his best friend was still breathing.

Looking at his three allies... No they were more then just allies. Simon, Kari and Carol had become his friends. People he cared for. Only half a day pass and he was already deeply attach to them. Elaine was right when she told him he had a big heart. He was always there for others. Especially those suffering unpleasant ordeals.

Eventually darkness loom over them. With night time came danger and fatigue. Luckily Simon had both found a convenient shelter and decided they should rest. Rein was slightly uncomfortable to simply hide and rest while Gary was still in danger. Yet he knew he had to recovered his energy. Tomorrow was going to be a busy day and he needed the rest.

Rein decided to take first watch. He had travel much longer then the rest of the group and interrupting his sleep might ruin his only chance to get some rest.

The decision was a good one as they suddenly woke up in the middle of the night at the sound of clapping. Slightly annoyed Rein wonder where the sound came from. It took him awhile to get his senses together when he eventually understood what was happening.

The announcements.

Horrified Rein listen as 19 of his classmates were proclaim dead. He wasn't sure if the fact that 19 people he knew were dead or that people he knew actually committed murder. Rein grew slightly dizzy as he listen. His initial thoughts were to pray to god so that Gary would be name. But as the names were announced one by one Rein couldn't help but feel both distress at each name he heard. It was horrible. Just like that a soul was gone. People he never met or barely talk to. People who could of help or brighten their lives just a bit. He would never get the chance.

Eventually the announcement was over and Rein felt confused, stressed and horrified. People were playing the game. People were dead. What was he suppose to do? Gary was obviously in danger now. Heck they all were. He looked at his new friends to see their reaction. Carol stood out as she started sobbing. Rein instantly reacted as his crawl beside her. It was similar to when Elaine cried. He always felt lost for words at these moments. Especially in this case. Out of the 19 students that were dead, how many were her friends? Rein looked at the poor girl. He wonder if he would be reduce to this state if Gary died. Or anyone else he knew.

Instinctively he wrap his arm around the girl and tried to comfort her.

19 were dead. No matter what he would say to Carol, it wouldn't change anything. He could only support her and hope she would recover. Hopefully there will be something he could do to improve the situation.

Re: Missing Those Lost

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 1:42 am
by KamiKaze
Everything seemed to be a blur as she rubbed her eyes across her face.

Oh god, they really were dead. Gone. Killed.

But what was there to do? What would happen if she met Kris or Rob? What about Reiko? If she met her, would she still be the same person that she was before? Reiko was a good person. She wasn't a cold blooded murderer!

Yes, that had to be it.

Reiko was defending herself, most definitely. The Reiko Carol had first met on the first day of school wasn't the type to be going around killing people at random, even if they were Sally. In fact, if anything, she was off looking for Reika. But... Reika was gone, and...

Carol sobbed harder.

Never again. Never again would Paige and Amber talk about gossip with each other. Never again would Reika play music. Never again would Carol talk with them, just hanging out. They were gone, taken away from her and everyone who ever cared about them.

None of them deserved it.

Sure, Amber could be annoying at times, but in the end, she was a good person. So was Paige and Reika. And Reiko. And now... Carol couldn't save them. She couldn't save any one of them.

She was too late.

And the only thing she had worried about hours ago was some water. Some stupid water that she was freaking out over, while people she cared about were getting murdered. If she hadn't freaked out as much, could she have saved them? Maybe she could have met up with them before it was too late. She had a good weapon, she could have easily fought Kris or Robert off. And then everything would have been fine. Everyone would live.

She was only vaguely aware of someone whispering Kari's name. Where was she?

But, soon an arm wrapped around her.


Carol looked up, and stared at him with tearful eyes.

No one needed to die...

"I'm sorry..."

But for what?

Was she embarrassed that she was crying? No... she couldn't save the Ishidas, Amber, and Paige like she wanted. What would happen if her new group died, just like them? What about Ben and Jacob? Where were they? They were still alive, right? Alive... and not killing.

And what would she do if she met Kris or Robert? What then? Could she avenge their deaths? But she knew very well that she couldn't kill.

And her group.

She had to keep them alive, too. She... just had to.

Re: Missing Those Lost

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 1:42 am
by selphie_trabia*
((Hermione Miller comes in from My Kingdom for a Plan!))

Hermione had definitely seen better days. She was completely exhausted, having only stopped to sleep under a tree somewhere when she couldn't take another step. The coldness of the night air and the unfamiliar sounds of the forest made it difficult for her to sleep comfortably, reducing what should have been a restful night into a series of short catnaps interrupted by moments of panicked wakefulness.

Reaching into her bag, Hermione pulled out a compact, opening it up to reflect her face in the mirror. She had already wiped off most of her makeup during the previous day's travels, but some traces of running mascara remained – so much for Neverfail colour locking technology. Hermione wiped the rest of the makeup off with a moist towelette, noting the heavy bags under her eyes. She pulled out a cream and dabbed it under her eyes, rubbing it in to ensure that her skin had time for it to soak in.

She took a few moments out to brush out her hair and tie it neatly into a ponytail, using a few pins here and there to secure any stray hairs. Considering the weather, any other tubes of makeup she had with her would have melted by now, but Hermione managed to locate a tube of clear shimmer lipgloss, which she used to moisten and nourish her lips.

Her morning rituals completed, Hermione got to her feet and staggered on through the forest, until she reached a clearing. She noticed the presence of other students and waved to them, blithely ignoring Danya's announcement and his lists of the dead/dying.

"Heeeeey! Heeey!" she called out.

Re: Missing Those Lost

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 1:43 am
by Yossarian*
((Gary Griffith continued from Twists and turns))

Even though he didn't really pass that much of the terrain, Gary was terribly tired. Forced nap after inhaling the sleeping gas wasn't really a relaxing one, and later, his body had to be in constant movement just to stay alive. As he really wanted to avoid staying in the woods for anytime longer (mostly because of wild animals. If Danya was to be believed, there was a bear walking around the island), Gary tried to make as few stops as possible, and so, no rest for him again.

Finally, Gareth noticed the end of the treeline, and entered... Something that was also a forest some time ago. Gary was not an ecologist of any kind, but that kind of view just hurt his eyes. So many death, just so people could make wooden tables at best and toothpicks at worst. Disgusting. At least it would do as a resting place. Not really a good resting place, since he was in completely open area, but at least now, he'll have a chance to see the danger before it will be too late.

Gary quickly found a small pyramid made from logs, sat down and leaned his back on it. After a few minutes, when his stomach started demanding some food, Gary opened his daypack, bite off a few chunks of bread and drank some water. It was far from a nutritious meal, but Gary never really needed to eat a lot, so it was enough for him at least for a while.

Okay, so what now?

As he asked himself this question, another voice boomed in the distance. Some girl's voice. Yelling. Gary looked around himself, but didn't notice anything. Then, he looked behind the log pyramid and after a while he spotted a few human shapes in the distance. All of them were too far away for Gary to see their faces, but maybe that was better. After all, the last bigger group he met tried to kill him.

Instead of doing anything bold and/or stupid, Gary simply cleaned his glasses, as they got a bit dirty, and observed the situation from afar. If nothing wrong was about to happen, then maybe he will even approach the group, but for now? Better safe than sorry.

((Sidenote: Gary is only an observer here. Feel free to skip me in the queue until all the deal with Hermione is finished))

Re: Missing Those Lost

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 1:43 am
by Grim Wolf
"I'm sorry," he heard Carol say.

"Don't be," he said at once. "You couldn't have done a damn thing." But was that true, he wondered? Were they really so helpless? Or was he just trying to justify his own impotence and weakness?

People had died on this island, and Simon had been unable to save them.

"We couldn't have done a damn thing," he repeated, eyes closing.

"HEEEEEEEEY!" someone cried. Simon whirled, his hand flying to his gun. He relaxed almost as soon as he saw her; Hermione Miller. He'd remembered the name easily--Harry Potter was one of the few books he'd read, or at least enjoyed. Bit of a clique-bitch, as he recalled, but she'd always seemed decent enough.

He got to his feet, taking his gun with him, and breathed--one deep breath, had to stay in control, he could feel his fear and anger chafing at the bit and demanding release. He put a finger to his lips, his body trembling as his eyes darted here and there. Who might have heard her? Who, of the killers he'd just heard named, might be nearby, listening to this yell? And who could Simon really hope to save here, if they came?

"Quiet, please," he said, keeping his voice low. "We don't know who's listening."

Re: Missing Those Lost

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 1:43 am
by selphie_trabia*
Hermione grinned and ignored Simon's statement, or perhaps she didn't quite hear him where she was standing. Instead, she trotted up towards the group, big smile in place.

"Hey everyone! Wow, I thought I wasn't going to see anyone at all!" she said, "Didn't sleep so well last night. I guess camping isn't my thing, right? Still, I can't wait for breakfast! Normally, I wouldn't eat camp food, but... I'm starving."

She lowered her voice a little, "Are we playing hide and seek? Is that why you don't want me to yell?"

((Guys, we really need to get this thread moving. I have PMed all involved. I need to get Hermione killed before the cutoff date and we're running quite late now.))

Re: Missing Those Lost

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 1:43 am
((Well two of us were somewhat away so it's kinda hard...))

Rein looked at the newcomer. If she was dangerous she would of just shot them right there... This was proof that their current location wasn't safe.

He raised a eyebrow at the girl's question. Playing hide and seek? Was she okay? Had she not notice what was going on? Seeing as she wasn't listening to Simon's suggestion he decided to that he should remind her that they really should be quiet.

"Excuse me girl but... You really shoult be quiet. You couldt drav attention all around vid dat voice." He whispered to her.

Afterward he double check on Carol to make sure she was alright. This new individuals might just bring problems and Carol had enough stress as it was.

Re: Missing Those Lost

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 1:43 am
by KamiKaze
Was it really so hopeless?

She had just realized Ben and Jacob were still out there, after all. Could she save them too? She failed to save Reika, Amber, and Paige, though. And Reiko was out there... doing god knows what. Reiko was still a good person, at least in Carol's eyes. And she remembered that she was Ben's ex, while how much Paige and Jacob were in love. How were they holding up? Not very good, she could imagine. If she could find them and just simply be there for them, it would be a miracle. But, it wasn't as if she wasn't feeling bad too, though... all she wanted on this trip was for her group to hang out and do things camp-related. Not this.

Carol stared back down at the ground again. Did Kari, Simon, and Rein recognize anyone in the announcements, she wondered? Was it just her who had lost friends?

Maybe they should continue walking now. It would prevent people from trying to comfort her more, at least, and let Carol think a bit more.

A loud shout suddenly burst out of nowhere.

"Heeeey! Heeeeeey!"

Oh god, who was it now?

She looked at the source of the sound.

Hermione Miller. Carol had talked to her a few times in the past. Nice girl, as far as she could tell. Unfortunately, she also wasn't known to be particularly bright (though to be honest, that might have sounded hypocritical coming from "Cadet Carol". She seemed... disturbingly cheerful right now.

Carol could only stare as Simon told her to quiet down, but Hermione continued on, rambling about... camp food. Carol clenched her fist. Did she not know where she was?! She was just running around asking about breakfast and even just after the announcement, she was happy and cheerful and bright-eyed and-

That's when Carol gritted her teeth.

It took a lot to get her upset at other people. Normally, when Carol got upset, it was at a game, not an actual, physical person. But Hermione was really pushing it. How could she be so happy? And she even thought they were playing hide and seek. She was starting to get on her nerves, to be honest. Now was definitely not the best time. Maybe earlier or later, she would have been nicer to her, helping her out, and explaining things to her.

But now? She really wasn't in the mood.

"Hermione... I'm really not in a good mood right now. We don't have any breakfast food aside from bread and water, and... did you even hear the announcement? Really?" she snapped.

She placed her face in her hands again, wiping her eyes a bit. The tears had stopped for the moment, but she clearly wasn't in the best shape. Her eyes had become tinged with red from all the crying that she did, for starters, and was just starting to sting.

What was she going to do now?

Maybe they should go back to walking. Maybe they should look for Ben and Jacob, or possibly even Reiko, and anyone Simon, Rein, and Kari wanted to look for. She really had no clue. Should they continue talking to Hermione? But then what?

Re: Missing Those Lost

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 1:43 am
by selphie_trabia*
Hermione frowned, then moved over to where the other students were, "Oh, sorry about that. I didn't know you were in a bad mood."

She gave the other students a look over. Carol seemed quite all right, but her eyes were tinged with red, as if she'd been crying. The other two students she noticed were male, but Hermione wasn't quite able to place them in her mental hierarchy. Her mind didn't seem to be firing on all cylinders, given how tired she was - too tired to even figure out their names let alone figure out what their social status was.

She gave Carol a concerned look, "Do you have a headache? You've been crying... Oh... Did someone hurt you? Did you boys hurt Carol?"

Before she could continue, something about what Carol said gave her pause, "Uhm... what announcement? Was there an announcement?"

Truth be told, Hermione had heard the announcement, then promptly and purposefully forgot it. She simply couldn't, or didn't allow herself to, process anything that had to do with the games.

Re: Missing Those Lost

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 1:43 am
by Grim Wolf
"In a bad mood?" Simon demanded, eyes widening. "You're asking if-!" He cut himself off, closing his eyes. "I don't think," he said carefully. "Well, Hermione," he said, his voice betraying the trouble he was having restraining himself. "Seeing as we're trapped on an island where we're wearing explosive collars, I really don't see how I'm s'posed to be positive, y'know?"

Without thinking he reached into his pack and pulled out two massive Hershey's chocolate bars. He put one on the ground and then drew back a little, unwrapping his and biting into it desperately. He closed his eyes and focused only on his tongue, trying to drown his mounting stress in the taste, the flavor, in the artificial love still bitter with the tang of tinfoil.

"Eat up," muttered Simon, grabbing the other and tossing it to Kari. "I've got a few more."

He didn't want to avoid the problem. He just wanted to forget about it for a little while.

Re: Missing Those Lost

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 1:43 am
by Rattlesnake
((Carry on with post order. But Kari needs to not be adopted.))
((Kari Nichols continued from Pearl and Destiny))

Kari was running, running, running. Her throat hurt, her legs were leaden, but she kept on going.

And then, the thought: Why?

It was a good question, actually. Why exactly was she running like that anyways? It couldn't be for her own benefit. What was she trying to desperately to recapture? Was it the magic of pulling a weeping, defenseless girl away from the sea, or Rein's overly helpful mannerisms? Or perhaps the joy of having three highstrung students carrying guns, ready to accidentally mow each other down at the slightest provocation?

The reason, she surmised, was guilt. She couldn't let everyone else down. Not again. It was already so selfish of her to run off alone while they all slept, altruistic as she thought herself to be in her repeated justification. Really, it was close to flat-out abandonment. And abandonment isn't how things got done. You got things done by working hard, putting in the hours, studying the situation, giving your best and more. Honestly, they'd be fine without her. Maybe they'd grieve her death or lament her betrayal or react however to whatever they'd thought she'd done. And there would be one less gun-toting high-strung teenager with them. Two was plenty of coverage. So why was she trying so hard to find them? Actually, she thought, it was for her own benefit after all.

At last she stopped kidding herself, stopped lifting her feet like she was running when she was really proceeding at the pace of a nice stroll. Walking now, and thinking about her options. What was the optimal way to play? She'd get back to the group, sometime, somehow. But after that, what would happen? Or, worse, what if she failed to find them after all? Once more she'd be trying to climb unassisted to the top of the heap. It would all turn out okay, one way or another. The weapon in her hand would make sure of that.

She stopped briefly for a rest. Something was going on not far away, but it would hard to tell what or where or even if it was real. Sound so quiet it was felt more that heard. Whatever it was (even if it was just her imagination), it was nothing she couldn't handle with her cold metal companion in her hands. The process of unfolding the stock was by now almost boring in its routine, and yet hearing the firm clicks that signaled its security made her heart quicken its pace. Stock folded, all was well. Stock ready – well, there was no telling what would come next.

She fingered the trigger and hoped desperately that she could find the nerve when the time came to pull it.

Re: Missing Those Lost

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 1:43 am
by selphie_trabia*
((Sorry for self-terminating, but I can't wait any longer. I know that most of you are away, but I don't want to attract the ire of the mods, especially after the second annoucement has been made. Sorry guys.))

Hermione smiled as she watched the three eat. Her stomach rumbled with slight hunger. Even the cheap Hershey's bar looked delicious to her right now.

"Wow. Those look really good! Can I have one?" she asked politely.

She heard a buzzing noise. A mosquito was buzzing in her ear. She waved it away, but the persistent little creature kept coming. Eventually, it managed to land a bite on her neck. Hermione scratched the itching spot, her fingers coming into contact with the collar on her neck. She ran her fingers along the band, frowning slightly, as if it were the first time she'd felt the collar.

She knew what it was for.

Since leaving the initial group she found herself with, she had been alone – yelled at by other students for being stupid or, as the case of this group, barely tolerated by them. Hermione examined the students in front of her, looking from one to another. They were all looking at her in the same way – as if she were some freak sent to kill them or some fool who simply didn't know what was going on. There was something about the look in their eyes that made her feel uneasy, that look that showed that they wouldn't trust her forever.

It dawned on Hermione that her school life was over.

Suddenly, she could see her life stretching out in front of her. She saw herself standing on runways, modelling clothes for fashion designers and then, as she looked at the audiences in front of her, she saw the empty, mistrusting eyes of the students in front of her...

...and she hated it.

And suddenly, she realised that no matter where she went, whether it were on this island or on the runways of the Paris fashion show, people would always look at her the same way. They wouldn't trust her because she was pretty or they'd take advantage of her because she was stupid. She wouldn't be able to make meaningful relationships. Most of all, she realised that no matter what she did, she would always be stupid. She hated being stupid, knowing that no matter how hard she worked, people would always make fun of her behind her back.

Hermione fiddled with her collar for a few moments. Under normal circumstances, Hermione might not have done this, but three days spent alone with little to no rest, food or water meant that she wasn't thinking rationally.

"Goodbye." she said.

She smiled brightly at the group of students in front of her, wrapped her fingers underneath the collar and pulled it off.

Female Student No. 019, Hermione Susan Miller, Deceased

Re: Missing Those Lost

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 1:43 am
by Yossarian*
At first, Gary had troubles seeing anything thanks to his eyesight. Then, he had troubles hearing what people were talking thanks to the distance. Finally he had troubles BELIEVING, in what he actually managed to hear.

" shoult................ You couldt drav atte... nd vid dat voice."

"Oh my God..."

Gary could've recognize that thick German accent anywhere. Rein. For sure, that's got to be him. Gary feared he won't have a chance to meet him again, before some bloodthirsty student will end either his life, and now... Just like that, he was there. Rein Bumgarner. Someone, who changed Gary's life for better. Someone, who shared Gary's best memories. Someone, who's life was saved a few times by Gary and vice versa. Someone, who was the only person, Gareth Griffith could really put his trust into. Someone, who was his best frie-



Gary closed his eyes as the explosion blinded him for a moment. As his sight came back, he looked again at the group in the distance. Even from that far, he could see one shape missing and lots of scattered... Human body parts. Suddenly, Gareth felt like puking, and so he did. After returning some of the bread and crackers, Gary grabbed the water bottle from his daypack and began to drink it greedily to kill an awful taste in his mouth. A mistake, since too much of the liquid trying to force it's way toward the stomach, managed to cause an another vomit attack.

After calming down a bit, and this time rationally drinking the water, Gary looked again at the group. What happened? What caused that explosion? It couldn't possibly meant that Rein...

And if?

What if Rein and his group was responsible? After all, he already encountered two people with murderous intent. They were a high school students just like everyone else, and they were probably someone's best friends as well, and yet they wanted to kill Gary. So what could've stop Rein from giving in, like Nick and Teo?

Nothing. That was the worst part.

No, I refuse to believe in that. He didn't do it. I'm sure of it, and I'm going to prove it...

And there was only one way to prove it. Gareth Griffith, who only used his cowardice and over-carefulness to escape from danger so far, decided to do the most reckless thing possible - approach the group, which could be responsible for the death of... Whoever that, now unrecognizable, person was.
