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Hearing is Believing

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 4:55 am
by JamesRenard*
((Miranda Merchant continued from No News is Good News))

'So... damn... tired.'

Miranda was not in the best of moods and her feet were aching badly. She and the other two had been walking for ages, taking a few breaks now and again for resting and other necessities. Darkness had fallen on their travels, and during the middle of the night, Miranda's left sandle decided enough was enough and finally broke on her. The strap had snapped apart and rendered the item of footwear completely useless, leaving Miranda no choice but to discard it and carry on with only the one sandle.

It started to get lighter as the three-strong group made their way through the forest. Night gave way to twilight, twilight gave way to dawn, and dawn was on the verge of giving way to sunrise.

"I think we should stop for a break again, it's been a while since our last one," Miranda stated, flopping down by the side of one of the many sturdy trees in the area and examining the damage done to her foot. A few small cuts, dirt, leaves and small pieces of bark sticking to her sole, nothing too serious. She gently pressed her finger against the back of her right ear. It hurt only a little bit, which was a marked improvement from when she'd first woken up on the island.

'When was that, two days ago, wasn't it? And I'm still alive, I should feel so lucky,' she thought, resting the back of her head against the tree trunk and sighing sharply, diverting the air upwards so it briefly blew her hair out of the way of her left eye. "This definitely feels better than being out in the open, right?" she asked the other two girls with her.

Re: Hearing is Believing

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 4:55 am
by Fanatic*
((Sarah Atwell continued from No News is Good News ))

Sarah had been lagging behind. Well not lagging per say but moving slower than the other two, just to conserve her energy. Plus it gave her time to think. There was absolutely no way she would be able to overpower both girls so when Miranda asked for a break she quickly hid the smile that passed across her face. Strolling over to the girl she gave an empathetic smile and put a hand on her shoulder.

"You're right. We've been walking all night and we probably should get some rest, it's almost dawn. I can take first watch if needed, I managed to get some sleep last night and frankly you both look like you're about to fall down."

She hoped Lily and Miranda would agree. It would be dawn soon, and that meant announcements. Which in turn meant that she might be revealed to the two girls. If they were asleep however it would give her a little more prep time. She waiting for seconds for her companions' response, her tension was almost palpable. The reveal needed to be at the right time and she just was not ready yet. There could be no room for mistakes: the film industry wasn't forgiving, especially for an aspiring young director such as herself and the added stress of playing the main villain was taking its toll on her. She had, during the long walk decided that the movie would be a dark and gritty film, tailored to demonstrate that life was not a fairy tale, the protagonist (her) would win, despite committing horrific (and some would say insane) deeds. She hoped that the audience would understand the underlying subtext of the film. This would be no Chainsaw Massacre, it would showcase humanity's plight of struggling in a world where trust was something that was given too freely. Film classes would rave, thesis' would be written, her name would be known in every class. And of course in the real world she would be polite and sweet and everyone would know that this was simply an act. She was playing her part and all would be forgiven.

Sarah Atwell was a good person. The role she played was not.

The girl jumped slightly as a speaker hidden in the trees crackled to life. Too soon, it was too soon. Her hand slid in to her pocket and her grip on Miranda's shoulder tightened reflexively before she released the girl. She hoped her actions weren't too transparent.

Re: Hearing is Believing

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 4:55 am
by Outfoxd
((Lily Maclaughlin continued from No News is Good News))

Lily was all too grateful to take the proffered break by her traveling companions. Back home she wasn't in the best of shape, as her time she spent dancing did wonders for her flexibility but not a thing for her cardio. That and her shoes, simple slip-ons, definitely weren't made for a hike. When Miranda flopped down, Lily leaned her weight on the tree, happy to take some of it off her aching calves.

"Yeah...better." Lily said, though she wasn't sure she was happy for the cover. She was jumping at shadows by now, and all the trees that originally she had thought would be nice for cover now lead her to believe someone could be waiting behind every one. Lily started picking some of the leaves and assorted forest crap that had found its way into her hair, her eyes still wary and scanning the area around them.

Lily was pulling some bread and a bottle of water out of her pack when the announcements crackled on, the static making her jump a little more visibly than Sarah.

"And now, time for the morning newscast.." She muttered, feeling tears wanting to well up. She'd almost managed to put the reality of the situation out of her head when they were walking, but the crackling of static and that man's voice, that man that put them there, brought her plummeting back down.

Re: Hearing is Believing

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 4:55 am
by JamesRenard*
Miranda smiled and looked up at Sarah as she placed a hand on her shoulder. Lily seemed to agree about the place being better, which was definitely good.

And then Miranda jumped slightly as a loudspeaker somewhere above her head crackled to life. She felt Sarah's grip on her shoulder tighten momentarily, most likely a reflex at being surprised by the sudden noise. 'Here we go...' Miranda thought, bracing herself for the previous day's death and carnage that Danya would be cheerfully informing them of.

"Sick bastard, what does he do, get off this kind of stuff?" Miranda muttered, glaring up towards the general direction his voice was coming from. Her eyes widened slightly and she covered her mouth when she heard the tally from day two; 21 deaths. 'Holy crap... that's 40 altogether!' It was shocking that many people had died, and either at the hands of people they should have called their friends, or from the pressure of it all.

Danya started reading off the names of the deceased. Dawne Jiang and Rose Codreanu were first, courtesy of the danger zones. Miranda visibly shuddered upon hearing their fates. She didn't know the pair very well, but collar detonation sounded like a terrible way to go.

Reiko had somehow killed another two people, which really shocked the swimmer. 'Reiko's tiny, how the hell could she have kicked Raina to death?!' Miranda thought, remembering the pair of them back at school. Eva Lancaster was next, but Miranda didn't know her, or her killer. Miranda then made a mental note to avoid anyone with a British accent, thanks to Maxwell's slaughter of two people at practically the same time.

"Who would have thought we went to school with a bunch of psychos?" Miranda spoke to the other girls, her voice trembling slightly. Someone called Frankie had apparently tried to get revenge on a girl called Ericka by trying to kill her. "What the hell is wrong with some of these people?"

The voice from the speakers droned on. "Our number nine kill was one for the highlight reel, and apparently Sarah Atwell thought so too, because she filmed it herself!"

Miranda's eyes widened fully and her jaw dropped as she inhaled sharply. 'Sarah?! B-but she's not dead, she's standing right next to me! What the hell?!'

"Take a bow, Eve Walker-Luther, for your starring role in Sarah's creative masterpiece."

Miranda sat dumbstruck for a few seconds, her mind racing as she tried to process the information she'd just been given. 'No, wait, Eve? What-no, Eve's dead, Sarah told us. So why was Sarah's name included...' And that's when it hit her. Everything came together, and Miranda felt like a class A moron for not seeing it earlier. Why Sarah had turned up covered in copious amounts of blood. Why Sarah couldn't tell them who had killed Eve. It was all because she had killed Eve herself.

"You can't trust anybody," Sarah's word echoed in her mind. The rest of the announcement didn't matter to Miranda anymore. She looked upwards at Sarah, still standing right next to her. A murderer was standing right next to her. A murderer who had spent the past several hours with her and Lily. And the fact she had easily fooled the pair of them, fooled her, that got Miranda's blood boiling.

"What the fuck?!" Miranda screeched, jumping up to her feet and glaring right at Sarah's face.

Re: Hearing is Believing

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 4:56 am
by Fanatic*
As Miranda whirled to face her Sarah put her hands up in protest and began to deny the implied accusation, her face aghast. "Miranda, it's a lie! I swear I didn't kill..." She trailed off, letting her arms fall to her side. The transformation was apparent. Her body visibly relaxed and a thin smile worked its way across her face. She tilted her head slightly to one side, ever so slowly as she began speaking once more.

"No. No you're right. No point in denying what happened, honestly I'm surprised you two didn't figure it out sooner. The blood, the vague descriptions, all made up on the fly. I suppose I *am* a fantastic actor." She felt a sense of elation at the announcement. People were watching, people had realised that she was creating a masterpiece. That was the very word that Danya used. She would be recognised, and now, now that she had a following she knew she couldn't let them down.

"Tch, tch Miranda." Sarah continued, waggling her finger at the shocked girl mere feet away. "At least Lily had the sense to ask why I wanted you two to split up but I guess that kind of thinking doesn't come easy to a bit character like yourself." She took a step forward, sliding her hand in to her jeans pocket, removing the scalpel and gently twirling it around her finger as she had done many times in the past with pens when musing over a particularly hard question.

Adrenaline pumped through her veins as she relished the thought of sliding the thin blade in to Miranda's soft skin. The human body was so fragile, even the tiniest nick could kill the most hale of men. Her body quivered with anticipation of what was to come, the shrill cry for help from her victim, the struggle - fierce at first but slowly fading in to acceptance. The sweet, sweet scent of blood trickling from a wound. She wanted to savour this feeling. It felt almost like religious ecstasy. A rapture, that was it. Still she couldn't take the time she wanted here. Who knew what Lily might do, she had professed to have a weapon but Sarah was confident, she knew now that no one could stop her from fulfilling her role.

She moved ever closer to Miranda, the girls mouth moved, saying something - at volume. Sarah didn't care, it wasn't needed. It all faded in to background noise as she honed in on the artery pumping blood through Miranda's neck. The rhythmic pulsing hypnotic in pattern. Her eyes were wild, like something possessed, a look filled with cold, murderous intent.




"It's frightening isn't it?" She said as she advanced the final step to stabbing distance of Miranda. "I bet your legs are screaming at you to run, but you. Just. Can't. Can you? People always chastise actors in horror movies, asking themselves why don't they just run? Truth is, terror paralyzes, just like now."

Sarah had no fear that Lily was going to intervene, her vision had shrank, all she could hear and see is that artery flowing full of bright red blood, Miranda's life force, within her grasp. The strange sense of having power over another's life was like some sort of high. She had felt it when she went to work on Eve and she had slowly ceased her struggles, but now, even before Sarah did anything the feeling rushed through her, coursing across her body.




Time slowed to an almost imperceptible speed for the girl as she let the wave of power crash over her and she jabbed. No witty one liner or villain's monologue from her, it was all about the moment. The feeling. The Rush. With a quick strike she sliced across the carotid artery before jamming the scalpel in to Miranda's windpipe, the thin instrument piercing through the protective layer. Sarah stepped back and watched Miranda's wild eyed movements as she grasped about. All Sarah could feel was the waves of power, of pleasure, of rapture flooding through her and she closed her eyes, her body quivering, relishing the moment.


Re: Hearing is Believing

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 4:56 am
by Outfoxd
The tears just behind Lily's eyes threatened to burst through harder with every name mentioned on the announcement, whether it be a killer (Reiko Ishida? But she was so small!) or killed. They were all people she had seen around the school, had probably asked questions of in passing for stories. And now they were dead. The callousness of that man Danya was another blow to the gut, just accentuating the pain.

Then Sarah's name came up, something about a film. By this time Lily was trying to tune it out, but her traveling companion's name brought her back.

"Our number nine kill was one for the highlight reel, and apparently Sarah Atwell thought so too, because she filmed it herself! Take a bow, Eve Walker-Luther, for your starring role in Sarah's creative masterpiece. Oh and... my condolences to you, Octavia. At least your mommy got on tv, right?"

Miranda had responded first, while Lily was still dumbstruck by the announcement "S...Sarah?"

No. No. Can't. Can't be.

Lily turned to Sarah, watched as she tried for a moment to salvage her facade before giving it up. The Sarah that had walked with her all night was gone, replaced by something else. This killer Sarah seemed almost natural, and Lily stayed frozen, paralyzed by the change in visage. The way Sarah was talking, the way she was gloating about how she had fooled Lily and Miranda, she seemed like a parody of a movie villain.

When Sarah had called Miranda a bit character she almost wanted to laugh at how ridiculous it was. The laugh, and Lily's paralysis, were both stopped when the wicked gleam of a scalpel found its way into Sarah's hand. Sarah was moving now, toward Miranda, looking ready to make that blade a part of the swimmer's body.

I'm here with Sarah Atwell, high school student and murderer. So why'd you choose a scalpel for this kill?

Lily reached her hand into the bag, taking a step back as if getting ready to get into a shooting stance. "Sarah. S...stop! I swear to fucking god I'll sh-shoot you!" She tried to shout, but fear turned what she had hoped was a commanding voice into a wavering almost-whisper.

I see you filmed your last murder, you plan to make these videos available for download?

Sarah didn't stop. She kept advancing. Lily tried again. "Fucking stop!" She rattled the bag around, trying to make it seem like she was about to do something threatening. She doubted that it worked.

Have you always been a killer, or have you recently found you have a knack for ending human life?

"STOP!" Lily shouted, this time with some semblance of power. It was too late, anyway. Sarah's scalpel found Miranda's neck. Lily felt a small patter of something warm on her cheek. It might've been the tears she was holding back. It was probably something else.

Well, we hope to see a lot more of you in the future, and thanks for sitting down with me today.


Re: Hearing is Believing

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 4:56 am
by JamesRenard*
Miranda's mind was swimming. Sarah had immediately denied it all, but then she dropped the act and started smiling. Smiling, of all things. It was like she was happy to be found out. 'What is wrong with her? Why is she happy?!' And then Sarah went and called her a bit-character. Miranda would have lunged at the girl and beaten the living daylights out of her, if not for the long thin item she just produced from her pocket. A scalpel. 'Where the hell did she get that?'


The handle shone menacingly but the blade was anything but immaculate, covered in splashes of russet, dried blood that used to belong inside Eve Walker-Luther's body. Miranda froze, eyeing the surgical tool that was dancing in Sarah's fingers.


"S-Sarah, get the fuck away from me with that thing! Seriously!" she spoke loudly, feeling her heart thump rapidly in her chest. She heard Lily threaten Sarah with her gun, but the maniac ignored the pair of them and advanced. The crazed look in her eyes glued Miranda's feet to the dirt. Sarah was right; Miranda's mind was screaming at her to run away as far as her sandal-less legs could take her, but her feet wouldn't obey. Sarah's glare had hypnotised her, her legs were paralysed by fear.

God dammit, RUN!

The connection between her brain and feet was finally re-established and she managed a half-step backwards. It was too little too late though. Sarah's hand thrust forward and Miranda's neck was suddenly on fire as the razor-sharp edge pierced skin, blood vessels and cartilage. Immediately her left shoulder and upper arm were bathed in hot and sticky liquid, her pink top receiving a morbid red dye job. She tried to scream out as agonising pain coursed throughout her throat, but couldn't produce any sounds save from a strangled grunt.

'Oh shit, no... no! NO!' Miranda frantically thought, looking as far down as her wide fearful eyes would allow her. The scalpel's silver handle was in her field of vision, sticking out from her trachea like a radio mast. With each beat of her heart, more bright red arterial blood was spurted out of her neck, coating her hands that hovered shakily just centimetres away from her wound. Being one of the better biology students in her class, Miranda instantly knew that a major artery had been severed, and without emergency surgery, she was going to die.

'I'm going to die...' Miranda thought, her legs starting to weaken and shake. She lost her balance and fell back against the tree, sliding down to the ground with the bark digging into her back. Lily's screams echoed in her ear, but it all sounded so far away. 'No... I can't... I don't want to...'

Hot tears streamed down her cheeks and mingled with her blood.

Re: Hearing is Believing

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 4:56 am
by Fanatic*
Lily was screaming and it came to Sarah's ears like the rush of water and she opened her eyes watching Miranda slip down the trunk of the tree her life slowly oozing away. She smiled sadly, holding out a hand, as if to comfort the dying girl from a distance.

"Shhh, shhhhh. Don't cry now, it's ok. Don't you see, you've played your part so well Miranda, don't ruin it now. Just go with the feeling, give in to it. It's so easy now."

The spurts of blood coursing through the artery in time with Miranda's heartbeat seemed to slow and every time it oozed out Sarah felt something within her pulse in time. A shot of a drug that she wanted, no needed, more of. She stared fascinated at Miranda for a moment and moved to speak again when she was interrupted by Lily's yell.


The noise was jarring and Sarah jerked around in response. Angry at first, this scene hadn't ended she wanted to watch and feel every moment of Miranda's life slip away and here Lily was interrupting a moment that she had no right to involve herself in. Where was professional courtesy these days?! Even so she recovered quickly. "Lily." She said quietly and she closed her eyes slowly breathing in deeply as if attempting to enter a trance.

As she opened them once more she twisted her head a little to the side and leaned in with her neck. "You could save her you know? Push right past me with your gun, it would be a little thing wouldn't it? Don't you want to prove to the world that you're a hero, that you care?!" Sarah paused for effect. "Oh, how silly of me. Journalistic integrity. You can't get involved can you? You just report and never help. You are whats wrong with this world you know, this preconception of trust, this belief of only helping those you need to. It's ok though. I understand. We can still be friends, you want to be friends right?"

She stepped away from Miranda, musing for a second. "You know bff, I don't think you have a gun in there. I think you would of shown me. Cause friends show each other everything don't they? Stay with me a while here, I could show you some things, I promise they'll be new and exciting. They'll definitely get your blood pumping!"

Sarah moved over to the duffel bag and withdrew the sword that Eve once possessed. She raised an eyebrow as if to say 'what's this?' "We could have ever so much fun, we'll talk about boys and shopping and laugh when we remember this silly moment." She thumbed the blade against her finger and drew a little blood, her mouth open in mock surprise. "Oh don't be afraid of this little thing, it's awfully sharp." She licked her finger, smiling as she took a step towards Lily. "It won't be messy at all and we'll be best of friends!

Don't you want to be best of friends?!"

Pushing off with her back foot Sarah broke in to a sprint rushing at Lily, a smile plastered across her face.

Re: Hearing is Believing

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 4:56 am
by Outfoxd
Miranda was bleeding. Sarah was coming toward Lily. Lily, who had done nothing to save her dying classmate, hadn't gotten involved. Just like a good journalist should. Sarah's words on the subject only served to reinforce what Lily was realizing.

Lily recoiled a little when the other girl pulled out a sword, a wicked blade that looked like it was ready to split Lily's organs, to put her to death next to Miranda.

What an amazing story this is...My own eyewitness account to a murder? I could win awards.

Sarah was talking, but Lily couldn't hear her. The warmth on her cheek was all encompassing, seemed to block out her other senses. As Sarah advanced slowly, Lily raised her hand up to the warmth, rubbed it. Her hand came back with splotches of red on it.

It took Sarah lunging to get Lily in action, bringing back the fear that she'd been experiencing moments before. She was no runner, but adrenaline lent her feet wings. She turned, sprinting away. She had to get away.

Sorry Ms. Atwell, I can't get involved. Objectivity, you know. I'm just reporting. Not involved. I'm not part of this. No way. I'll get you a feature in tomorrow's issue, front section full spread. Look for it.

The tears that had been threatening to break free were running now, as Lily was.

((Lily Maclaughlin continued in Jesus Loves the Little Children))

Re: Hearing is Believing

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 4:56 am
by JamesRenard*
'Why... why didn't she help me?' Miranda weakly wondered, glancing at Lily as tears streamed from her eyes. She was supposed to have a gun, why hadn't she pulled it out and shot Sarah between the eyes? It just didn't make any sense at all. Had they worked together in killing her?

The force that the blood pumped out of the severed artery with was starting to die down already. Miranda was shaking and quickly losing the feeling in her feet, and with the blood loss everything was beginning to feel-
"Cold!" a five-year old Miranda yelped out, jumping out from the shallow water at the shore of Lake Michigan on a warm summer's day, her first time swimming in the lake. "Mommy, it's c-cold!"

"Of course it's cold, Miranda. It's the lake," Claire Merchant called out from knee-deep in the water. "You'll get used to it after a while. You coming back in or do you want to go sit with your dad?"

"Yeah, okay, I'll come back in," Miranda replied, but she didn't sound too convinced about getting used to the water. It wasn't anything like the swimming pool where her mother worked at; there were no ladders, nothing to hold on to and the water wasn't heated. She walked into the tide, paddling towards her mother and shivered slightly from the cold.

Sarah's back was turned towards her, talking to Lily and producing a large blade from her bag. Miranda couldn't tell what was being said, but she didn't really care either. It was just a jumble of nonsensical syllables to her.

The scalpel sat at the edge of her field of vision. Ironically, it was now the only thing keeping her alive. It was acting like a broken dam, slowly leaking contents out from behind it. Remove it and the flow of blood pouring out of her would increase. Had Sarah taken the scalpel out instead of leaving it behind, Miranda surmised she'd already have died by now.

'I'm going to die anyway... so why not speed it up a bit, get it over and done with already?' she thought. Miranda reached up with her right hand and gripped her bloodied fingers around the handle. Having been held tightly in Sarah's hand just moments before, and now constantly receiving a fresh covering of blood, Miranda was slightly surprised that it felt-
Hot. That was the only sensation she could feel at that moment in time. And the only emotion she felt was fear as everything behind her bedroom door was being consumed by flames. "Mom! Dad! Where are you?!" fourteen-year old Miranda cried out. Dense smoke filled her vision and the crackling of the fire that had started in the living room was the only thing she could hear. The window in her bedroom was open, had been for ages so the smoke wouldn't suffocate her. But Miranda was on the upstairs floor; jumping out would mean almost certain death.

"I'm going to die..." Miranda whimpered. Flames flickered through the gap between the door and floor, and it would only be a matter of minutes, seconds maybe before the fire would reduce the door to cinders and reach her. A noise at the window caused her to jump and turn around. A firefighter had appeared at the window, standing at the top of a ladder.

"Quick, over here!" he called out. Miranda didn't need to be told twice, running over and letting the firefighter carry her down the ladder, safe and sound. Miranda was glad to see that her parents had made it out alright, but could only watch and cry her eyes out as their house, her home for all her life went up in flames.

With a tug that seemed to take nearly all of her energy to achieve, Miranda yanked the scalpel out from being lodged in her windpipe. She grunted loudly in pain; sliding the blade out hurt so much more than having it stabbed into her flesh in the first place. 'Bitch,' Miranda cursed, glaring daggers (or, more appropriately, scalpels) at Sarah's back.

The effect of removing the 'dam' was near instantaneous and Miranda started feeling a lot weaker and more light-headed already. 'One shot, make it count.' Using what reserves of her strength she had left, she hurled the surgical item at Sarah. Miranda immediately lost her balance and fell onto her right side, unable to see if she'd been able to hit the insane girl or not, and unable to get back up either.

'Well, guess this is it...' Miranda thought, darkness starting to seep into her peripheral vision. Her heart's beating was rapidly slowing down, her lifeblood spilling onto the grass and dirt beneath her in weakening pulses. Her breathing was getting laboured. Before her brain would cease functioning for good, it was kind enough to share one last memory with her.
"...Happy Birthday, dear Miranda! Happy Birthday to you!"

The dining room was dimly lit in the Merchant household in St. Paul, the eighteen candles on the birthday cake being the sole source of illumination. Miranda was sitting at the table, watching the cake carried by her mother head her way. Jacob and Ray sat on either side of her, Sean standing off to the side and recording the whole thing on video camera while Lawrence and his wife Katie watched the proceedings with smiles on their faces.

"Be sure to make a wish," Sean called out, keeping the camera focused on Miranda, her face lit up by the candles. Miranda didn't have a clue what to wish for, her mind switching back and forth between various options and decisions. It took her several seconds to finally decide on a wish.

I wish to have the best summer ever,' Miranda thought. She closed her eyes and exhaled.
Had she the strength, Miranda would have laughed at the irony of her birthday wish.

'I don't suppose I could change my wish while I'm still able to, can I? Mom, dad, the rest of you? Wishing you all the best, I... love you guys,' she thought with a slight smile on her face. 'And... I wish Sarah Atwell would die in a hole...'

And with that, she closed her eyes and exhaled.


Re: Hearing is Believing

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 4:56 am
by Fanatic*
Sarah didn't chase far, the jig was up, plus two characters dying in one scene was frankly a poorly used film technique when the scriptwriters had too many characters in the first place. Sarah's vision was high brow. She pursued for less than a minute before shrugging and returning to the small glade where Miranda lay, closed eyed.

Kneeling next to her Sarah smiled softly and stroked back a piece so stray hair that had fallen in front of Miranda's face. "There there. They always look so pretty when they're not spouting nonsense. I have to say Miranda, and no offense, but sometimes in school you were a little bratty and...ow"

A slight twinge in her back made her spasm uncontrollably and she felt around behind her for the source of the pain. Her hands grasped the metallic item and she yanked the scalpel out. The little bitch had thrown it at her. Sarah's eyes clouded in fury. "You dirty whore!" Sarah yelled. "You could of had an infection! I could of been hurt! You selfish... unthinking... cunt!" With all her might Sarah slapped Miranda's lifeless body. It simply lolled to one side and slumped. This brought her back to reality as she stared at the dead body. She took a moment to recover before talking once more. "Oh, how silly of me, I'm talking to a corpse. Perhaps I should make this a little clearer so people don't misunderstand what happened."

Sarah lifted the girls top up slightly, just enough so she had enough area to work with. Slowly and methodically she carved the words "Selfish Bitch" in to Miranda's stomach with the scalpel before standing and surveying her work. "Now everyone who sees will know who you really are." She could see it now, this reference to the greed of society manifest here would play a crucial part in her movie. Her thoughts drifted and Sarah perked up. "Oh I almost forgot, I need to collect my award, my Oscar nomination."

Grabbing the bags and quickly reorganising what she had she hefted the now weighty satchel on to her shoulder and set off in the direction of the Infirmary.

((Sarah Atwell continued in The Wrong Tool For the Job))