Time Is Not On Our Side

These are the woods on the island’s Western coast. The trees run nearly all the way to the sea, allowing only a thin stretch of beach, which disappears altogether depending on the tide.
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Time Is Not On Our Side


Post by Acelister* »

((Rizzo Vitoria continued from We All Start Somewhere))

Even before they left the section of swamp where he woke, Rizzo was feeling rough. As the detoxification of his body continued, he felt weaker and weaker. He held up the group - him, Theo and Orpheus - several times because he needed to stop and throw up. He was just glad it had all been coming out the top end of his body...

"Ugh..." he groaned, his hands on his knees and head bowed. He didn't realise he had that much in his stomach... He didn't really have time to warn the other two, so he hoped they had heard him throwing up and were kind enough to stop. As the object of this game was complete and utter genocide of their graduating class, they didn't really have to stay with him.

He leant over to his bags and plucked the bottle of water from it. It was almost half-gone. Like the amount of time left in their lives, he decided. He left it hanging out of his bag after the second time he had to stop. His mouth was so dry...

He straightened as he opened the bottle, stepping back from the puddle he created on the ground. At least it was next to a tree... His joints ached, his back hurt, his headache wasn't going and he had a constant reminder that he was going to die in the next few days. He had a nice explosive necklace trying to choke him... All it would take was for one classmate to go nuts and start killing. Then, if they got stopped, others would be paranoid and shoot/stab first and ask questions later. Accidents, stupidity, payback... The reasons to kill in this kill-or-be-killed situation were many.

He lifted the bottle to his mouth and sipped the partly-cool water. If it wasn't in the bag, it would be room temperature at least... It had no taste, but it certainly tasted better than the acrid taste of vomit.
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Post by Killer_Moth* »

((Theo Behr cont'd from We all Start Somewhere))

Rizzo was starting to annoy him. The constant stopping, the vomiting. Sure, he'd felt a bit responsible for the guy, but that was before he knew that this was probably self inflicted. Combine that with Orpheus pushing ahead, and Theo was conflicted, drawn between moving to keep up with his best ally and stopping to keep up with the reason he was being kept around. He knew that if Rizzo recovered, he was going to be useless. For that matter, OC probably regarded both of them as useless at the moment, except as cannon fodder.

He heard Rizzo retch yet again from behind him, and paused again to look. The boy was on his hands and knees now, once again emptying his guts onto the ground. Theo sighed. How much more can he have in there? Then he saw the invalid take his water bottle out and take a sip. He stormed over to him.

"Careful now, you khazer." His words had the harsh air of anger about them. "You're wasting that. It'll just come back out again soon. And I'll be damned if you're taking any of mine." Harsh, but it needed to be said. The supplies were limited, and who knew when or if they'd find a source of fresh drinking water. Their best hope would be if it rained, they could maybe collect some, or find a stream leading into the swamp. He should have thought of that before he'd suggested this as the route.

"Now come on." He knelt down beside his patient, as he still thought of him, and tried to get Rizzo's arm round his own shoulders. "We need to keep moving. We're still too exposed out here. Hey, OC!" He yelled into the forest ahead. "Rizzo's down again. You wait for a minute?" He hoped that the larger boy was still within earshot.
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Post by Badb* »

((Dave Morrison, continued from Break Up and Break Down))

Dave was starting to get tired now. He'd spent the whole fucking day so far on his feet, and frankly, he was pretty fucking sick of walking and the pain in his legs told him they were too. To his credit, Dave managed to walk a fair distance from the fair before he finally slipped up. Dave stumbled, Not enough to make him fall over, but enough to make him a little worried. It was at this time that he remembered that in the space of a day He'd been thrown into a mirror, gotten his nose busted, and tackled someone twice his size onto the concrete. He was running on adrenaline at the time, not really feeling anything. Now he was feeling it. And it hurt like a motherfucker.

"Hey, Hold on a second, I need to do something about my fucking knees."

Dave wouldn't admit it to the girl, but he was pretty beaten up. His nose had stopped bleeding a while back, but that was the least of his problems. He was starting to regret tackling a guy onto some concrete, but whatever. Dave sat down, pulling the leg of his pants up. His knee had a pretty big gash on it. No wonder it was fucking stinging. Dave took his pack, pulling out his first aid kit. Dave was never really into biology or any of that shit, but he took enough tackles on the field to know how to patch himself up afterwards. The kit was better stocked than he'd expected, too. Unlike the school's patented 'Best Before December 3rd 1973' kits.

He took a small spray-bottle of disinfectant and sprayed it on his knee. It stung like a bitch, but Dave figured it was best to do at least something about it. Dave quickly took a gauze pad and a roll of tape, setting about covering the cut. He pulled up the other pant leg and quickly set about doing the same to the cut he'd managed to get on that leg, before packing the kit up and sticking it back in his pack.

He looked up to the Mexican girl. She'd spent most of the way in complete fucking silence, and quite frankly it was starting to creep Dave the hell out. Even something in Spanish would've been better. He wouldn't have understood a fucking word of it, but at least it wasn't dead silence. He didn't even know her name yet, for chrissakes.

"Oh, by the way, what's your name?" He slung the pack on his back and got to his feet. "I'm Dave, by the way. Dave fucking Morrison."
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Post by Ruggahissy »

((Isabel Guerra continued from Break Up and Break Down ))

Isabel's legs ached from all the walking, but the more distance they put behind them and that chainsaw-mutilated corpse, the better. Even if her legs had been in ten times the pain they were in now, she wouldn't have told Dave. She wouldn't want him to think that she couldn't keep up; Isabel wasn't going to be dead weight to anyone.

"Hey, Hold on a second, I need to do something about my fucking knees."

"Sure, no problem. We need a break anyway. I think we've made it far enough that we're safe."

Isabel sank down and sat with her legs sprawled out in front of her. In her hurry she had taken off into the forest with Dave, not paying any mind to the bushes and saplings on the forest floor. Little scratches and cuts marked the bottom of her legs above her socks.

"Shoulda worn pants," she sighed, watching the clouds though the tree tops.

She lowered her gaze to Dave and saw him spraying the gash on his knee. Isabel folded her legs underneath her and scooted closer to the wound. She sucked in some air through her teeth. Isabel surveyed him properly for the first time since leaving the fun fair. He did indeed have his fair share of injuries. Now that she noticed them, she felt a little bad for not having gone a little slower.

"Roland sure did a number on you….," she said softly.

She pushed herself up, grabbed her bag and tugged at the end of her skirt. Isabel stuck her hand into her pack and fished around inside. She pulled out a hair tie, haphazardly bunched her hair up together behind her head and snapped the tie around the mass. She wiped her forehead with one of her overly long sleeves and lastly, picked up her trumpet.

There it was, he asked for her name. This time she couldn't pretend she didn't hear it; it was silent except for the sounds of an occasional bird.

My name? Maybe I should just tell him I'm girl 105, that's what it says on my bag. Can I trust him? Seems sane, no weapon that I could see. But that doesn't mean he wouldn't just try to beat me to death. Why am I so superstitious about names? I should lie; I should tell him a fake name, not like I haven't done it before in my regular life. But what if we run into someone and they yell out my name or something? That Roland guy knew me and he was the first one who found me. Then he'd be really pissed. If he found out I lied.

Leap of faith

"My name…..is…..Isabel," she said slowly, finishing with a sigh.

Now that wasn't so hard, was it? Yes it was.

"Dave Morrison. Nice to meet you," she said with one hand occupied by the trumpet and the other on the strap of her bag. Her mouth tugged slightly at one side into a half smile. "Okay, Dave. Are we looking for anyone for you? Heartfelt reunion with a best friend? Building up a posse of guys from your sports team or club? One last chance to be with the girl of your dreams?"
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Post by Acelister* »

"Careful now, you khazer. You're wasting that. It'll just come back out again soon. And I'll be damned if you're taking any of mine."

That made Rizzo feel bad. He was ill and this wasn't exactly fun for him. Even if he wasn't throwing up every few minutes... He mumbled an apology as Theo called for OC.

"We need to keep moving. We're still too exposed out here. Hey, OC! Rizzo's down again. You wait for a minute?"

Rizzo stayed silent for a few moments, then frowned. How far behind were they? He was certain it wasn't that far...

"OC...?" he called out in the other boys general direction.

Still nothing.

"Fuck." Rizzo groaned, screwing on the bottle lid. "He must've got sick of us..."

He avoided saying anything that might have indicated that he was the culprit more than Theo was. Though that was certainly what the 'medic' was thinking. If Rizzo wasn't detoxing from his caffeine pill addiction, they'd have an extra pair of hands. Always good in a fight. Though it wasn't as if Rizzo asked Theo to stay with him. And he'd offer to run to catch up with the other boy, but the way he felt he just wanted to curl up and be alone... His legs and back were killing him.

"Do we know which way we're heading?" he asked. He wasn't one for nature - so he didn't even know the sun travelled East-to-West across the sky. He learnt it, certainly, but it hadn't stayed in his head.
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Post by Lexi* »

((Carla continuing on from Shelter From The Storm))

Even after running straight from the pub for had seemed like several hours, Carla knew that it hadn't been that long. She had always been a good runner, but the uneven terrain and the fact that she had cut through wherever she could find meant that the minute she had stopped fleeing, she realised that she was totally lost, even when consulting the map that she had been given. She knew all about the danger zones and the fact that you could easily get killed if you stayed in one and as much as that would be an easy way out, Carla knew that she wouldn't be able to do something like that, not having the courage to take what she would have said was the right way out of this game, this sick twisted machine for those monsters who had chucked them onto this island. However, there hadn't been any signs of people for a while, so she was safe at least.

With her fingers sore from clenching onto the bags and her feet sore from the running, she took the moment to stop and breath, taking in her surroundings. She knew that she was close to the sea, having seen it through the trees at one point, but she didn't want to get on the beach. Images of being chased and falling on the soft sand to get killed flashing through her mind, she decided it would be safer to stay more where there was cover. But her moment of peace was interrupted by the sounds of voices and footsteps accompanied by the sound of vomiting in the distance, a sound which Carla herself had made only a little while earlier in the pub. Looking back, she was feeling guilty about running away and leaving them there. What if the boy had broken in and started to attack them all? After all Carla had a gun on her, that would do some damage if someone had tried to kill her, she could have used it to protect them. Fishing it out of her bag, Carla stared at it, deliberating whether to chuck it into the bushes, but with the approaching people, that would be foolish.

Crouching down behind some bushes, that would at least obscure her, she was the figures in the distance, at least a dozen yards away from her, even more. They didn't look dangerous at least, more injured. Straining her eyes to see if she recognised any of them, Carla realised that if she wanted too, she could probably shoot them from here, even if she just hit one of them, that would be one less person for her to worry about later on about them trying to kill her. Shocked about even considering it, the cheerleader suddenly felt how comfortably reassuring the weapon in her hands was. All she would have to do would be pull the trigger, one quick motion and then she would have taken out someone who might come for her. What if they had already killed someone anyway, a friend of hers? But even in her head, she couldn't see herself doing it, least of all to someone who was visibly ill. Maybe the knock out drugs or gas or whatever it was had affected the boy badly enough that he was dying? Unaware of the real reason behind Rizzo's condition, she softened. Seeing as he seemed to be hurting enough that he was being supported, Carla decided that these two were probably safer. She didn't even know that Dave and Isabel were in the surrounding area, thinking it was just her and the two boys around. After all, what player would be helping around a seriously ill boy? It didn't make any sense so she judged that they probably wouldn't kill her the minute she approached them. But to be on the safe side, she kept her gun firmly gripped, making sure to turn of the safety with an audible click that seemed much louder than she would have wanted. Pushing her way through the bushes, Carla approached the pair, unaware that OC was ahead of them.

As she got closer to them, she saw that they both were shorter than her and looked pretty scrawny. While she was no muscle bound Amazon, Carla reckoned in her mind if they attacked her physically, she should be able to fight them off. But if they were safer, better to get closer. Three people were better than one, plus it was better than that large crowd that had gathered by the pub. She paused, taking a moment to recognise the boys as she approached. She recognised them but had no clue who they were at all. They weren't even close to her social circle, why would she know who they were besides a passing acquaintance, a face in the corridor? They did look messy and dirty, so odds were they weren't as lucky as she was to wake up indoors somewhere. But then again, her cardigan was torn already by a bush and her shoes were splattered with drying mud, so she couldn't really be in the position to offer fashion advice to the pair, despite the fact they obviously needed it. Why was she even thinking of something like that at the time anyway? Stupid thoughts, why did they pop up at the worst time for it?

"Do you guys need help? I'm not going to kill you, Ok? I can just see you seem to be in pretty bad shape" she called out as she approached, waving her free hand as she approached them, wary that they may be much more hostile than they appeared.
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Post by Killer_Moth* »

Maybe he'd been a bit too hard on Rizzo, but Theo wasn't going to apologise. He'd said what needed to be said. Much of the other boys problems were his own devising. Sure, he wasn't the one who'd dumped them on the island and taken away his pills-

His pills. How long had it been since he'd had any. He was about to get them out of his bag when he remembered he'd already thrown them away. Damn. Something he probably shouldn't mention to anybody right now. Still, he needed to keep an eye on his moods, make sure that he was staying focused on the bigger picture, survival.

Rizzo was calling out for OC to come and get them, as the realisation dawned that the pair of them had been abandoned. At least for now. So, he was stuck with Rizzo, weak, spewing, holding everything up. Not the best plan he'd ever seen, and one that he doubted was going to last. Without OC to protect them, he didn't need to show his medical usefulness. Which meant his patient was now a liability.

That left him with 2 options. Abandon him, or kill him himself. If he abandoned him, he would be better off, at least in the short term. But if he survived, what then. Images of a vengeful Rizzo coming after him, crushing his skull with a boombox filled his head. Not a pleasant thought. Maybe it would be better off if he killed him just now. Put him out of his misery, so to speak. And prevent repercussions down the line. Yes, the boy was weak. He could easily stand on Rizzo's throat until he choked, and take his chances hiding on his own.

He had almost made up his mind when the situation changed again. Rizzo was asking a question, and that threw off his mental track. He suspects. "Erm, I'm pretty sure we're going south. I'd really just been following OC. What does the map say is down there?" And then there was the third voice.

His first thought was that they were under attack, so he jumped. He really wished he had some kind of weapon. Something better than a mask of that fucking Nixon, at least. He sprang to his left before his mind registered that there was no immediate threat. There was a girl, someone he didn't know, which wasn't a good sign to start off with. In her favour, she wasn't attacking, and did seem to be offering help. He scuttled back to Rizzo. "You know her?" He whispered. "What do you think? Player? Are we safe?" All his previous thoughts were gone for the moment. Right now, Rizzo was an ally, a friend, somebody he could trust. That was what he needed.

He continued scanning her for all possible threats as his eyes alighted on her lower hand. There was definitely something there. Something he thought he recognised. The girl was armed. Which meant that the likelihood was that they were screwed.
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Post by Badb* »

Dave sighed. The girl was really making a fuss about her name, what with all the pauses and stuff. He guessed she was waiting for a drumroll or something, and he would have happily obliged were his hands not cut up. Besides, he highly doubted she had a more embarrassing name than half the people in the school.

"Isabel, Right." Dave nodded. "That works, I guess."

Dave looked around. No one in sight. It was fucking unprecidented, given how there were like a million people on the trip. Him and Isabel had been walking for a good couple of hours now, and they hadn't seen anyone yet. He'd briefly wondered if everyone was just hiding, waiting it out, before he remembered that pretty much everywhere he'd been so far had some shit going down in it. Not much chance of people hiding when they've got fuckers breathing down their necks with chainsaws and god-knows-what-else.

Isabel broke the silence by asking if he had anyone he was looking for. Dave thought it through for a couple of seconds before shaking his head.

"No one, really." He looked around, focusing on the now de-shived trumpet. He was wondering why she was still carrying the damn thing around, but he didn't have the heart to tell her the damn thing was useless. "Well, my best friend ain't on the trip, so that's that one out the window. Teaming up with the football team, wouldn't be a good idea, to say the fucking least right now. Half of them are probably either high off their heads right now or in the fetal position. And for the last one, well, messy fucking break up. Don't wanna talk about it."

"So, I guess that leaves me wandering aimlessly, with no fucking clue what to do right now until we both get brutally murdered by some random douchebag." He looked down at his arm. It was sort've covered in bugs. He swore something was fucking drawing them to him. He shook it in an attempt to get them to fly off before just brushing them off with his other hand. "And that's just fucking great right now."
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Post by Ruggahissy »

The woods were so quiet. It seemed like forever since she had been somewhere quiet. The mirror maze she had woken up in was a dark, screaming nightmare with yells and howls bouncing off the mirrored walls like the reflections and the fair was a twisted warzone of blood and whack-a-mole. In the forest, though, she could almost pretend for a second that they had made it to their camping trip. Isabel and Dave had just wandered off from the main camp grounds, probably looking for wood for the campfire or the bathroom or something. The only thing that broke the illusion were the cuts marring Dave's skin and blood on his clothes.

"You don't have to talk about anything if you don't want to. I think we're in pretty much the same boat. My best friend's got plenty of other people she can band with, never really was on any teams or clubs and I never had a boyfriend," she said with a shrug. "Though I have to say, it's nice you've decided on the ‘waiting till a douche bag murders my ass' method rather than the ‘chainsaw-to-the-gut' method, for my sake anyway."

His parents will be proud to see he didn't play the game. I bet they're watching him. Not like me. I bet my mom doesn't even know I'm gone yet. She'll notice in a week when there's a huge pile of dishes in the sink.

An angry, squishy, grinding noise rumbled through Isabel. She frowned and looked down at her stomach.

"My stomach is trying to eat itself," she mumbled.

She spotted a tree stump a few feet and way. She sat down, pulled up her bag and unzipped, trying to feel around inside for her smaller back pack. Once the second bag was unzipped she moved her hand, hoping for the feel of plastic.

Don't tell me these guys took my lunch!

Isabel was relieved to pull out a plastic wrapped sandwich. She unwrapped it and savagely took a bite, but stopped mid-way and looked up awkwardly at Dave.

"Cho wan some?" she asked through a mouthful of sandwich. "S' chicken pesto."

Isabel swallowed her food and ripped the roll in half, extending the other half towards him.

"It's good. I made it myself."

A shrill electronic noise cut through the silence and the tree tops rustled with the sound of frightened birds taking flight. After the noise had died down, the next was the sound of a slow applause.

"Kids, I have to say that I'm truly impressed with your first day showing"

Hearing his voice was like having a bucket of ice water poured on her head. She shivered but the feeling didn't go away. Her free hand gripped the edge of the tree stump until her fingers turned white.

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Post by Sunnybunny »

((Orpheus Campbell continued from We All Start Somewhere))


Orpheus, trying to be an "leader", and led the group deep into the woods. Being more fit than both Rizzo and Theo, and distracted with worries about Josée, he had quicky gotten ahead of them. Being a guy, he hadn't bother to check a map, and had been walking around looking for the guys for a while. He didn't even know how long any more. He wished he had gotten a GPS instead of his toy (Would you call a keytar a weapon?). Or a plane ticket out of this hell.

At least the wildlife here was less hostile. Birds flew overhead sometimes, little creatures scampered. There were no crazy chicks covered in mud, that was great. He wondered if Michelle had gotten anyone to buy her "great leader" act. Then again, he bet she hadn't gotten lost anywhere.

He thought about the people he was letting down right now. His parents (all three of them), Josée . . . Eva. He hoped she wasn't watching but as hateful as she could be sometimes, he didn't doubt it. "Sis, if you're watching this and laughing at me, listen. DO NOT go on the class trip. Just . . . listen to me for once, okay Love you Eva." He sighed.

The PA system on the island roared to life. The names went on and on and on. And then, thankfully, stopped. Fuck, was this class just that angry? He couldn't even count all the names. Josée's still safe for now.

That thought barely brought any comfort.

Moving on, he thought he spotted Rizzo and Theo with some girl he didn't know. He called out to them. "Hey, Rizzo, Theo? That you?" Coming closer, he saw that it was. Coming closer still, he saw that the unknown girl had a gun. His luck in women had turned ugly as soon as he landed in this hellhole.

He waved at the girl. "Hi. My name's OC, and I don't want to hurt you. I hope you don't want to hurt us either." He held his hands up, hopefully showing he was safe. He didn't know if that was the vibe he was giving.
G071 - Sakurako Adina Jackson - i'll be ready every day / for as long as i can say / here I am in the future with my friends

Dancing Shoes
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Post by Acelister* »

"Do you guys need help? I'm not going to kill you, Ok? I can just see you seem to be in pretty bad shape"

Rizzo froze on the spot upon hearing Carla speak. He wasn't paying attention, but there she was now stood right in their way.

"You know her? What do you think? Player? Are we safe?"

Rizzo straightened, taking a firmer hold of his bags. The boombox was still in there, so he knew they would cause damage. Metal, albiet aluminium, cans and a boombox. They would cause quite some damage.

But he didn't have time to answer Theo's question.

"Kids, I have to say that I'm truly impressed with your first day showing. Blood! Tragedy! Explosions! Mayhem! You've utterly smashed the record for first day kills; it makes an old man proud to see you all taking his instructions so thoroughly to heart!"

Rizzo's eyes widened when the voice began. He felt a chill run through his body, temporarily numbing the pain and aches. It didn't guard against his violent stomach condition.

"Congratulations to those of you that are still alive, because you've already outlasted 19 of your classmates."

That clinched it. He managed to turn his head as his body retched, trying to throw up his now-empty stomach. The little water he had managed to drink came out, but nothing else. It hurt so much... Why couldn't they have left him with his pills?!

"Fuck..." he gasped, panting for breath as the announcement went on. He was onto name five already. He couldn't say he was friendly with any of them, but just knowing they had been killed by... Didn't he say Ivan already? The big Russian guy? Who was something like eight times Rizzo's own body weight? That guy was playing...?

"I'm gonna fuckin' die..." he muttered, spitting onto the ground. So many people were playing, more than one with multi-kills. Was that even a term? Did it matter? People were going to kill him. People were going to kill everyone!

"What's your name?!" he asks suddenly, pointing at Carla and looking at her. His hand grabbed his bag strap again. If she was playing, he was going to be ready to defend himself against the crazy bitch.

"Hey, Rizzo, Theo? That you?"

Rizzo looked past the girl - OC hadn't deserted them! He could distract the girl whilst they took her weapon and killed her!

"Hi. My name's OC, and I don't want to hurt you. I hope you don't want to hurt us either."

Rizzo blinked, surprised at his own thoughts. Had he become so insane on this island after such a short time? He was thinking about killing someone who got a better weapon than...

Well, it was better than anyone he had met so far.

That sucked... The first person they met since leaving the swamp, and she has a gun and might be one of the so-called 'fem-fatales'...
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Post by Killer_Moth* »

Theo had had enough. All these people. His head was aching. New girl had a gun. Rizzo didn't know her. OC was turning up. He hadn't abandoned them. Or had he just come back to kill them. Prevent them from taking revenge. Maybe he had hooked up with gun girl. Now he and Rizzo were expendable.

People were talking, but he couldn't hear them. The blood was pounding in his ears. Even Rizzo looked on edge. He was going to throw Theo to them. Sacrifice his friend, show that he was an asset. No. Not his friend. He had never been friends. He had just used Theo. Like all of them. Rizzo for first aid. Michelle had wanted cannon fodder. OC an easy kill. Teo had only hung around him because he was so pathetic that the girls were an easier draw. Even Vic had only talked to him to laugh.

Everyone had stopped. They were listening to something, but he didn't know what. All he could hear was his own pulse. Ba-dum. Ba-Dum. BA-DUM! His heart was racing. This was it. Fight or flight. And he could never fight. Look at him. A weakling. A wimp. OC could have killed him with his bare fists. The dark haired girl was planning on shooting him. Three against one, plus who knew how many allies they had hidden away, behind trees, in bushes. He only had one chance.

He did his best not to scream as he jumped up and sprinted out. Away from Rizzo, past OC. Towards freedom.

((Theo Behr cont'd in Keeping the Faith))
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Post by Badb* »

So they were both in the same boat. That made Dave feel a bit better. What didn't make him feel better, however, was Isabel's constant mumbling to herself. That was sort've creepy, to say the least. Whatever, she wasn't really in a position to go nutzoid and stab him, now she'd broken her Trumpet-Shiv and all, so she was still preferable to the alternative.

Isabel walked away and sat down on a tree stump. She pulled out a pretty fucking vile looking sandwich, offering him some.

"Nah, Fine Thanks." Dave said, walking over. "I 'preciate the thought, but I'm having enough trouble not throwing my guts up right now as is. Got some stuff of my own, so I guess I'll eat later."

"No," She pushed it towards him. "No, I'm fine, honestly."

Then the announcement hit. Fuck, was that guy's voice annoying. He went on to say about the nineteen students that had been killed over the day. He listed off the names, people who Dave vaguely knew from being in the same classes, or having to sit near them in a lesson, that sort've stuff. No one he ever talked to. The asshole announcing was throwing in some shitty jokes along the way for good measure, before getting to the 'Chainsaw Massacre' as it had been affectionately dubbed.

Dave blinked. The guy who got chainsawed and knived was name Robert Lerger. The name rang a bell but it was one of those names Dave had heard but never really connected to a face. The only person announced as responsible was Rasputin. Dave sighed. Roland would probably be happy with that one, no doubt. He still had a clear record, as far as things were concerned.

He looked over, to see how Isabel was taking the news. From what Dave could tell, she was freaking the fuck out, quaking and everything. The whole fucking works.

"Hey?" Dave asked. "Hey, Isabel, you okay?"
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Post by Ruggahissy »

Isabel seemed to snap out of her fear induced trace when Dave called out to her. She closed her eyes for a moment, took a breath and opened them again.

"I'm fine," she replied sternly. She wrapped up the rest of her sandwich and shoved it back into her bag.

"Not hungry anymore," she said while digging around inside the bag again. Soon she found what she was looking for, a pencil case. She opened the case and pulled out a black sharpie marker. She originally bought the marker so she'd have something better than pencil to sign year books with.

Isabel rolled up the sleeve of her shirt and started writing on her left arm. The first name, "Omar B." was scrawled on her arm with one tally mark by the name. Next, "Alex R." with one tally and "Reiko" with two tallies. When she reached "Ivan" she turned her arm over and wrote on the underside, "Janet" next. She hurried to write down the names and mark their kills.

Alex was mentioned again, she turned her arm back over and added a tally to his name. She moved to her other arm at the mention "Rob. J." and finally "Kris H." with two tallies. Isabel had skipped a few and struggled to try and remember them, "Collin F.", "Jackie B." and turning her right arm over she finished with "Staffan."

"It might be a good idea to keep track of who's playing and how deadly they are," she said to Dave, feeling her odd behavior was in need of an explanation. "A piece of paper might get lost or damaged in the next few days, but this way I'll have the names with me no matter what."

When she was finished she stuck the market in the waist of her skirt under her shirt, sighed and held out her arms. They were covered with writing and tallies. Only one day had passed.

"Our class has some major aggression issues" she said in dismay. "I'm surprised Roland didn't get credit for his work back there." At that she took the marker back out, uncapped it and wrote Roland's name on a little patch of skin left on the underside of her right arm.

"It's really stupid, my mom used to yell at me for writing on myself. I guess it doesn't matter now. Now that I think about it, depending on how long we last, I don't know if I have enough skin."

Isabel stopped and looked awkwardly at Dave for a moment, then away from him at one of the trees.

I said "we" instead of "I." "How long WE last. I shouldn't delude myself into thinking this guy and I will stick this out to the end together.

"Anyway...." she started again, "Looks like we're safe from the danger zones for now. You know, maybe this Danya guy is mad he never made it as a comedian so he kills kids. Sort of how like Hitler kind of failed at being a painter. He certainly thinks he's funny."

Isabel put her hands on her head and shut her eyes. She and Dave hadn't stopped running from the moment they woke up and now that they had stopped the weight of being tired had caught up with her.
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Joined: Sun Sep 02, 2018 5:34 am


Post by Lexi* »

Even from the short distance away, Carla couldn't hear the two boys converse as she approached, worry etched across her face about them and her own safety. What if they were planning how to kill her, feigning sickness and weakness as a way to lure out easy prey who were stupid enough to get killed? Suddenly the good Samaritan act didn't seem like such a smart idea, but it was too little too late, if she ran they may gun her down in the back. So she kept the handgun clenched tightly, her index finger inching closer to the trigger as she got closer.

All of a sudden, the voice to the other side of her made Carla jump in surprise, almost swinging the gun at the voice but resisting at the last second. She didn't want to accidently squeeze off a shot and start a fight when it was three guys against her. That would just be stupid, but the black guy, she recognised. He was the one who hung around with that bitch, wasn't he? On some sports team anyway, maybe she had cheered at a few of his games. Still, the fact that he was bigger than her made her slightly uneasy but he didn't seem to have a gun on him, something that made her feel safer. Plus, OC seemed to be coming in peace, which was a good thing. If he had ran in screaming and swinging a weapon, now then she would have been in trouble. Faking a confidence that she seemed to be lacking from two seconds before, she opened her mouth to reply when a booming mysterious voice echoed out amidst the trees.

It was the announcement and Carla stood enraptured by it, hearing the names of the dead, the killers and suddenly she felt shit scared again as Danya read out the death tallies, accompanying a few with a pun that would have made her groan if she wasn't terrified. People she knew were dead, 19 people who she had eaten lunch with, sat in classes with, rode the bus with, all dead and gone. Amongst the names she recognised Clio who she had been warned about in the pub, but a sigh of relief came when the areas that were Danger-zones were announced. At least she was safe from having her head explode for now, that was always an advantage to the day. But in Carla's mind, she was ashamed by the fact that the death count had been so high, relieved that she was nineteen people closer to making it off this godforsaken place alive. What kind of monster was she to find comfort in the fact others were dead? But surprised by the urgency of Rizzo's question, Carla answered back almost immediately.

"My names Carla, Carla Conners. I'm not a player, I swear and I haven't killed anyone, I just wanted to see if you were ok. Ok, I am terrified and shit scared of everything here and I don't want to die, I just want to go home. I don't want to hurt anyone, I'm not a bad person, why am I here!" she shouted, her mind overwhelming her mouth as she spouted off a spiel of self pity, only to have it cut off as one of the boys made a break for it. She didn't envy him, she was just as much of a coward as he was, running when the going got tough. Keeping her eyes trained on him as he sprinted off, she snapped back to the vomiting boy just as quickly as she had taken her eyes off him.

"So you're..... Rizzo right? Do you need something, I have some paracetmol in my bag if you're sick, maybe it can help?
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