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Notes from an Even Smaller Island

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 12:12 am
by randomness
((Amanda Tan continued from You Could Have A Dream About Losing Your Friends))

Sunlight was a welcome friend.

Whether it was in Singapore or in Arizona, the warmth of the sun was the one thing that was a constant in her life. To feel it now, dim as it was through the barred, broken window was like meeting an old friend for the first time in an age.

And yet, she didn't dare to get too close to the window to get a better view, too much grime, too many sharp edges, too much rust. So she simply stared out the window as they passed it.

Everything felt a little off about the view. The sky was an uneven blue, a couple clouds floating by without a care in a world. No planes, no ships, nothing. Even the sea seemed dead, it's unfamiliar blue, rather than the usual harbor green, a sure sign that they were far away from anything that she had ever known.

Emma was still gripping onto her shoulder for support. In all honesty, Amanda felt as if she needed some herself. Fear was nipping at her at the back of her mind somewhere, but she felt she managed to keep it under wraps.

It was the same fear of death, she decided, that made it so easy for people to kill on SotF. You don't think about shooting other people in self-defense unless you're a complete gun nut. Guns were unnecessary in normal situations but this was the furthest thing from normal you could get. She likely wouldn't have touched a gun if she wasn't here, but it seemed like the only line between her and whoever decided to play the game.

Not that a gun would protect her all that much, she reflected. She didn't know how to shoot, she didn't know gun safety, she didn't know anything. But she didn't need to use it. Deterrence was better than war after all. If someone wanted her dead, she'd probably not make it, but if someone was already thinking twice, holding on to a gun might just make all the difference in the world.

"Guys, you know we can't move that fast over here, right?" Lucilly and Jaime were just a little bit ahead of them further down the hallway. It was probably annoying having to wait for her and Emma to move slowly, but really, her shoulder was beginning to hurt. This was a slightly worse idea than she'd thought it'd be.

But Amanda was too much of a bleeding heart to stop helping now, even if she had no clue why Emma wasn't feeling well. God be damned if she was going to leave someone alone when they were feeling unwell. Not on this island.

"How about we take a break around here. These are the wards, right? Betcha some of these rooms have beds."

Re: Notes from an Even Smaller Island

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 12:12 am
by Riki
[Lucilly Peterson, continued from the same thread as above]

She thought that she did not think that through, but through-out as Lucilly was, she trudged through the halls of the building. There was grime and there was rust and there was dust. She had to cough once and twice and for a moment - once or twice - Lucilly felt her stomach revolting. Revolting against the idea of this building, against the idea of this place and the most important point being the quality of the air.

She kept it in herself, however. For truly she had emptied all she had eaten already, so that there was nothing more to give to the floor, and yet she felt a pride in restraint. Yet what made her feel quite the opposite of pride was her current role in the group. Lucilly was so haste to leave the initial room that she found herself as the tip of the group. Her strut filled with determination, so easily to be mistaken as Lucilly knowing where to go with certainty.

The others did follow, and as they walked, Lucilly thought how terribly awkward it was to have them do so. She thought how terribly awkward it was to stop and slow her pace as well. For surely all will stop and wonder for a moment what they should do.

Then, they truly did stop, and Lucilly looked behind her. Now, a situation even more embarrassing, for she had forgotten in her decisive walk that Emma and Amanda could not.

"Of course! Excellent idea."

Re: Notes from an Even Smaller Island

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 12:13 am
by KamiKaze
((Emma Luz continued from You Could Have a Dream About Losing Your Friends))

People can survive anything.

Emma knew this all too well. Growing up in Kingman's prepper community meant that she had an idea of how far people were willing to go to survive. Of course, the community did have its fair share of people who were willing to believe pseudoscience, conspiracy theories, and other myths. Some of them even believed that there was going to be some kind of doomsday event looming over them someday. However, the fact that such a community would exist at all meant one thing: people wanted to survive. Emma thought of Grandpa Gregory. He had a long life, and experienced tons of things. Emma could remember that they'd used to joke that his blood was practically motor oil by this point, and that he was going to live forever. She'd also read various stories of people's attempts to survive. She liked reading stories about zombies and post-apocalyptic scenarios. Call it morbid, but there was something fascinating about reading about people trying to survive against the odds.

Point is, Emma knew that if you put someone in a dangerous situation, they will try to live. Human determination was just that powerful. And that made Emma feel a little more confident. She was still drowsy, sure, but the chemically induced feeling had almost worn off. Now that she was feeling a bit better, though, she remembered the assignment she had to do in Social Studies. As she leaned against Amanda, she tried to remember details from it. People survived it too, of course. Not just the "winners," either.

The goal for the next few days was to stay alive, obviously. Hopefully that shouldn't be too much of an issue, and that they could find food, water, and a safe place to stay easily. She wasn't sure how long they'd be here, but it was good to assume that it was for about a week.

They had made their way upstairs, and found themselves in what she guessed was a hospital ward. It was, by far, a better place to stay than the lab in the basement. While it was still somewhat dim, there was natural light peeking out of a window. So far, they hadn't seen any disturbing things like the diagram, which was a plus. Sure, there were barred windows, but it was a step up. It didn't seem as claustrophobic, either, and not as wet.

Jaime and Lucilly were ahead, but they had stopped when Amanda had told them to wait up. Oh, a bed?

"Finding a place to stay would be nice," Emma said, in thought. "I mean, in here. It seems tons better than the basement, at least."

Amanda seemed to be having some difficulty with her leaning against her like this. Emma did feel a bit better, so it might be good to stop for the time being?

"I'm feeling a bit better. Is it alright if I try walking a bit?" she asked.

Re: Notes from an Even Smaller Island

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 12:13 am
by randomness
"Sure," Amanda replied, trying not to sound too relieved at the weight being taken off her shoulder.

She had been half-expecting an objection to stopping from Lucilly, who had been leading the way all this time. She had seemed determined to go somewhere, even if it seemed that the somewhere was as far away from that lab as they could.

They'd even continued walking when the bell had rung, the first sign that there had been anyone else apart from the four of them about. It might have been interesting to check the bell out. Then again, it might have been a trap. But, instead they had climbed the stairs once more.

Was she looking for some place in particular? Still, she was fine with them resting here. Amanda couldn't read the girl at all.

"Right," she said, grabbing onto the handle of the closest door. "Let's find out what's behind door number one."

She pulled the handle as hard as she could, but the door refused to budge. She rattled the door a few more times, hoping that she might dislodge something, but no such luck. The door was still as unopened as when she started.

"Okay, so maybe door number one doesn't want to be opened."

Was it locked? Or was it just another sign of how ancient the whole building was. It probably looked far older than it actually was, having been abandoned for so long. It was actually kind of sad, how the entire building was left a wreck, left to slowly return back to the earth it stood on.

"Ugh, guess we've gotta try other doors."

Re: Notes from an Even Smaller Island

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 12:13 am
by Riki
Lucilly would have yelled protest if only she knew what it would have been that she protested. Of course, the obvious plan was to find a bed to rest. To find a thing one had to look for the thing, yet when Amanda motioned to open the door Lucilly found herself startled and almost she told Amanda to stop. Though she knew that was sentiment speaking, and not reasoning, so Lucilly said nothing and said nothing when the door stayed the way it was. Whether it was closed due to it's own state of disrepair, or if it was closed due to a thing of unknown properties blocking it from the other side was a question Lucilly could not even begin to answer.

She would have preferred to not think about it at all. Only nightmarish scenarios played and danced through her mind, and the chance to confirm one of those was a chance she was not willing to take.

Ah, if only she had known better.

Lucilly motioned as well and she motioned to hold the handle of a second door. And yet before she could do what she set out to do, she took a step and it was a step that was like no-other.

It was a step that sounded like no-other, and Lucilly would have sworn that she could feel that she had stepped with quick feet into a disaster.

Lucilly had a flashlight. She had it. She just had to point it down. She pointed her face down. Looked at her dark feet. She pointed the flashlight down.

It was small.

Nothing more but what seemed to be a brownish and reddish smear on the ground.

Lucilly gulped, lifted her feet and rolled it just a bit on the side so that she might take a look at her soles.

She stared. She kept staring. She couldn't feel her breath anymore, but she could her stomach revolting once again. All of the nightmares she had tumbling in her lucid mind. They all were so much stronger and all of a sudden Lucilly was overwhelmed.

"I... we- let's go. There is, there is fresh blood here. Let us go!"

Had one looked carefully, they would have seen the whitest skin ever to be present on Lucilly's face, but alas, one had to look very quick as well, as she was already zipping past her companions to where they came from.

Re: Notes from an Even Smaller Island

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 12:13 am
by decoy73
((Jaime Steinbeck continued from You Could Have A Dream About Losing Your Friends))

So, it seemed like they were in a loony bin - there was lobotomy (gross), electroshock (ouch), "water treatment" (don't want to know), and "art treatment" (actually, kind of interesting). But it was messy. Not the type of messy where Mom yelled at her to clean that shit up, but the type where building inspectors installed biohazard warnings and issued condemnations. She was with Lucilly, formerly Other Girl, with Amanda and Emma behind them.

"Guys, you know we can't move that fast over here, right?" Jaime looked behind herself to see that Amanda was still supporting Emma. Weird. She still didn't know why, though. "How about we take a break around here. These are the wards, right? Betcha some of these rooms have beds." Lucilly and Emma were cool. Jaime had no reason to agree or object, so she just grunted. Emma opened one door, or tried to. Damn thing was stuck shut. Jaime was about to look at another door when she heard a cry.

"I... we- let's go. There is, there is fresh blood here. Let us go!" Jaime turned and looked at Lucilly. She went over and looked at the light that Lucilly was pointing. Inside it was a reddish spot. Not very large, but the impression that was left in it was clear to someone who looked. It was still liquid. Something had happened here.

"What the hell?" she said.

But what happened? And who did it?

Re: Notes from an Even Smaller Island

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 12:14 am
by KamiKaze
Once Emma had untangled herself from Amanda, she noted how her legs still felt a little wobbly. Her eyes still felt exhausted and unfocused. But again, it was an improvement. Her steps were more steady.

"Oh, and uh… thanks, by the way," she said, a small smile on her face.

Amanda had tried to open a door, and… it wouldn't budge? Emma guessed it was rusted shut, or maybe it was locked. By who, though? She didn't want to think about that. Maybe just that: rusted. Emma clasped her hands in front of her, hoping it was just so old that opening it would be difficult. Sure, some part of her wanted to find someone friendly, or her cousins and sister.

Lucilly had approached another door, but suddenly stopped. Emma couldn't see her face, but the silence set her on edge. Emma had a bad feeling. Lucilly pointed her flashlight towards the ground, and while Emma couldn't see what she was looking at, she seemed to tense up. Emma felt her own muscles tense up when Lucilly started shouting and Jaime cursed.

"Blood?" she asked, her voice going high.

Someone got hurt here. Who, she didn't know, and she couldn't see the blood for herself. But it was fresh, recent blood. Blood could mean anything. Her own blood started pounding. It only got worse when Lucilly started to run the other way.

"Hey, wait!" Emma yelled.

Lucilly, Lucilly was running, and someone had to go after her. Emma felt her own legs moving. Her footsteps stomped underneath her, but there was one problem. That problem was her legs weren't entirely steady yet. She felt her foot trip a bit, making her balance uneven. Her right hand used the wall for support as she tried to catch up to her. Her legs felt like they were made of jello. She didn't want Lucilly to get hurt, or lost, or-

"Lucilly! Wait!"

Re: Notes from an Even Smaller Island

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 12:14 am
by randomness
"No problem!" Amanda returned Emma's smile.

The reply had been automatic, and while it couldn't have been further from the truth, it was good enough to see that Emma was feeling a little better.

Lucilly had stopped by another door, but she didn't open it. She was staring at the ground, her flashlight lingering on the spot where she stood.

Suddenly, Lucilly shouted, and before Amanda could really work out what was going on, she had already slipped by them.


She took a quick glance at the ground where Lucilly had been standing, but it was near impossible to tell any dark stain from another in this lighitng.

If that was blood that was a lot of it. And whoever it came from was in whole lot of trouble.

Emma started to go after Lucilly, but she still didn't seem well enough to run, holding onto a wall for support.

"Don't. I'll go." Amanda turned to Jaime. "Look after Emma. See if you guys can find whoever was bleeding. They need our help. And fast."

There was no time to wait for their responses, there was no way she was going to let Lucilly go off by herself. This island was already enough of a deathtrap without potential murderers.

"Lucy! Wait up!"

She ran after her like her life depended on it.

Re: Notes from an Even Smaller Island

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 12:14 am
by Riki
A voice called out for her name a first time, and another voice called out for her name a second time. It insisted for her to wait, but Lucilly could not hear. Indeed, her ears were working without much error, but her mind had shut all doors.

Lucilly ran and ran but mostly fell to her knees (if only 'almost' each time) and it was only Amanda catching up to her that Lucilly looked aside from what she could see and Amanda.

And with that, Lucilly stopped dead in her tracks.

The shock was there, indeed and undoubtedly. Had one looked closely, they would have seen sweat on her face and tears in her eyes. A face filled with sheer white. Even if one had looked less than closely, they would have seen and felt and heart a girl with a trembling heart. A girl that breathed heavy, not only due to the physical stress she put herself under, yet also the emotional impact of the sight she beheld, and the realization of her own actions.

"My apologies! I should not have!"

Re: Notes from an Even Smaller Island

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 12:14 am
by decoy73
Lucilly ran off, which was ... actually somewhat understandable. The fact that there was fresh blood meant that someone had gotten hurt, and that the killing may have already started. Amanda went after her, to make sure that Lucilly didn't run into an ax murderer

or to axe murder Lucilly no don't go down that line

That left Jaime with Emma, who was still rocking a little. Jaime walked over to Emma and leaned against the wall.

"So, do you know anyone who doesn't want to kill us?"

Not the kindest question, but still important.

Re: Notes from an Even Smaller Island

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 12:15 am
by KamiKaze
Oh, that seemed smarter.

Amanda told them to stay there while she went after Lucilly. It was clear that Emma was still in no shape to run after a spooked Lucilly. Amanda was more fit, more able. So, she nodded and went back, her heart still pounding and her hand still keeping her balanced against the wall. Somewhere she heard Lucilly cry out an apology in the distance. Hopefully that meant that they were coming soon.

Emma placed- no, slammed, even if she didn't intend it- the bag onto the ground. Her heart was pounding faster. She knelt down on her hands and knees. Amanda was more fit, but Emma knew first aid. So did Jaime. It made sense for them to stick around in case someone was still here. There was the possibility that the blood's owner was still around. Still alive. She unzipped, and took out the tin kit in a swift manner.

But what if the person who did that to them was still here?

She pushed it aside.

Jaime asked a question. It was a bit of an odd one, and a bit… poorly phrased? It was blunt, at least.

"Ah… I have a sister. You know Sabrina, right? She was on the trip. Some of my cousins might have, too."

Thinking about it a bit more, Emma knew lots of people. People from the student council, people from band and orchestra. Tutors, study buddies, you name it. For a moment, she imagined the possibility of the blood having belonged to any of them. Their last moments could have been in pain, or they could be pulling themselves into hiding, the blood trailing behind them. She frowned. She didn't like thinking about it.

"Maybe some people from band or student council," she added.

The more she thought of it, the more that she thought of that one possibility that the blood was theirs. She shifted nervously. Emma didn't want to, but her head turned towards the direction Lucilly had been standing. The blood still shone in the dim light. It was a lot. If someone didn't do anything soon, if the person was still alive… she didn't like thinking about it.

She wasn't sure if it was an appropriate time to talk about this, but she had to ask.

"What about you?"

Re: Notes from an Even Smaller Island

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 12:15 am
by randomness
They were too far from the others.

That was the first thought that went through her mind when she caught up with Lucilly.

It hadn't been too hard to catch up with her, but she held onto her shoulder anyway, partly as a measure of comfort, partly to ensure that she didn't run off again.

Not that Amanda thought that she would. Lucilly looked scared out of her wits right now, and was on the verge of, scratch that, in tears over the current situation.

"Yeah, you really shouldn't have," Amanda said, half-knowing that it wasn't exactly the best thing to say to calm her down.

She could still feel the adrenaline, she could still feel her heart pumping, her shallow breathing, everything telling her that she needed to keep moving.

"I don't blame you, though. This place is, like, seventeen different kinds of messed up."

Had the others found the source of the blood yet? Emma wasn't looking so good when they'd left either. And Jaime? She wasn't exactly Miss Reliable. God knew what was going on in that mind of hers.

She wanted to go back now. Make sure everything was alright.

She almost wanted to tell Lucilly to get up, that they needed to go back. That there was someone in trouble who needed help. And that there was no way that she was leaving anyone to bleed like that. Not even if it was someone like Isaac or Caedyn or whoever. Maybe especially if it was them. Even if all they ended up finding was a corpse.

But she didn't.

"So, don't worry about it, 'kay?. Most people would freak out too. Just take your time to calm down."

Re: Notes from an Even Smaller Island

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 12:15 am
by Riki
Ah, it felt terrible to hear Amanda's confirmation, no matter how much Lucilly knew it was true. She should not have, but she did, for reasons she should not have, but which she did have.

And still, Amanda blamed her not, for the place was - as she put it with much verbal elegance - a seventeen different kinds of messed up, a seventeen different kinds to drive a man or a young woman mad and madder.

Lucilly hang her head in shame, not ready to meet Amanda's eye, a few tears dropping from her face into the floor here and there.

Amanda wanted Lucilly to calm down. Lucilly wanted Lucilly to calm down. Yet she could not. She wanted to be courageous, she wanted to be helpful, she wanted to be useful. She wanted all that, all of that in spite of her fear and hear grief and the tears and the vomit and the pain in her stomach. Oh, why could it not be so easy to say 'I am brave' and simply be brave afterwards?

Lucilly raised her head, and she raised to meet Amanda on an equal level. She nodded, sniveling and with tears still, but she nodded to affirm that her body had calmed down a bit, and so did her mind.

She wanted to go to a comfy bed, or a bed at all, and to simply lie down and sleep. She had hoped it would give her comfort, and if she was particularly lucky, she would awake the next day in her own. She knew such were mere delusions, she knew as much, and so she did not voice her wants.

"I will try my best, I promise."

Ah, she said it like that, and yet she was unaware of her own word's meaning. How could she promise her best to Amanda, if her promises to herself are so easily broken?

"We should... we can go back if you want."

Re: Notes from an Even Smaller Island

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 12:15 am
by decoy73
"Ah… I have a sister. You know Sabrina, right? She was on the trip. Some of my cousins might have, too."

Jaime knew of Sabrina, but she definitely didn't know Sabrina.

"Maybe some people from band or student council ... What about you?"

"I got a few people I'd like to meet. Maybe Conrad, Junko, Alessio, I think. There's probably a couple more, but I don't remember off the top of my head."

Might not even matter. They could be dead.

"Just hoping that they don't fuck up and go crazy. Hate to say it, but it is a thing that's happened, I think." Jaime shook her head.

Great way to start thinking, idiot.

"Sorry. Just getting paranoid." She hated apologizing.

Re: Notes from an Even Smaller Island

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 12:15 am
by KamiKaze
Ah, so Jaime was friends with Conrad too, then. Of course. Emma knew who Junko was. The track team captain, right? She was friends with Cris and Haley too, she was pretty sure. She didn't know Junko too well aside from that. She always seemed a little... well, Emma didn't know what to make of her. She probably wasn't a bad person, though, right? Alessio, on the other hand, was a quiet boy. He was into robotics, right? Maybe he was friends with Lily.

Oh, there were a lot of people to look out for. There was the rest of student council, of course. Memories came back. She remembered Conrad, and how they had run in the same election this year. He as the Vice President, her as President. He had trouble with his speech, but he made a quick save in the end. He served his council duties well, as long as she'd known him. Joshua, Joshua was the Vice President for the Juniors. He always came with a bunch of enthusiasm. He was also the Tennis Team captain, and played flute and piano. She didn't know Alex, the Treasurer, as well as she could have, should have. But she remembered that he was super into fight choreography or something like that. Bridgette was here too, she was sure. Bridgette was smart and a perfectionist. They were part of the school's band and orchestra together, too.

Speaking of which, there were a lot of people from band, too. Jeremy, for one. He always had this odd sense of humor. She remembered that one day in Health class, for example. They'd made jokes about how the bananas chose who was worthy. Danny and Haley were there too, weren't they? She didn't have that great a relationship with Jonathan, but she had to wonder about him, too. Was he here?

Sabrina was definitely here. She didn't want to lose her. She... just didn't. Her cousins were probably here too. At least, some of them. Cris was somewhat gloomy, but he was incredibly talented at baseball. Lily was smart, too, and Tina? Tina... had been there for her when she wasn't feeling well. Haley, they'd bonded quickly with Jeremy that one time for a reason. Eliza had done urban exploration and hiking, and it meant that if she had to hike through some kind of literal mental asylum...

For a moment, Emma felt vaguely nostalgic. But the horror came back just as quickly. The blood could have belonged to anyone. Anyone who came to mind just now, that could have easily been theirs. Or even someone she didn't think of right off the bat. Jaime even reminded her of how they could easily be killing each other, or getting killed by someone.

Emma went silent for a second. The tin med kit felt heavy in her hands. She nervously shifted her legs underneath her as she looked around for the source of the blood.

"I hope not," she said, a sad smile on her face. "Let's just... keep our heads up, alright?"

Lucilly and Amanda hadn't come back, she realized. She could still hear them talking, though she couldn't make out what there were saying. Hopefully everything was alright. Hopefully.

"Jaime?" she asked. "Have you seen anyone? I mean, like, if someone comes by injured..."

Her fingers wrapped around the clasp, wondering if she should open the first aid kit. She looked around. There was still a possibility that they'd hidden in one of the rooms.