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Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:50 am
by MK Kilmarnock
((Liam "Brook" Brooks, continued from It's Everything's Nature to Fall))

This place was perfect.

Just for you… I'll make this place entirely for you, Tiffany, and nobody else. Until the day I die, it's all about us. And once I do, we'll be together again…

On the outside, the spot was just a simple clearing, a spot that managed to be free of trees or heavy undergrowth. It wasn't large, sure, but it was nice and enclosed, sheltered by the trees that grew all around. The canopy was nice and full, yet it let in more than enough light to allow plants to grow. So, in Brook's eyes, it was perfect. There was no spot more deserving for her grace.

Tiffany was, fitting to Brook's vision, the centerpiece of this area, which he would dedicate to her existence. He had finished positioning her on the ground, crossing her hands to cover the unsightly hole in her chest, the only thing on her form that could be considered a flaw. Not that it was a flaw anymore, not to Brook. He peered down to her, smiling as she graced his presence. Her body had grown cold, and the blood… the filthy blood of hers was nearly drying. Yet, if there was any blood in this world that could cease to be disgusting, it was hers.

He hesitantly dipped his hand down until his fingertip lightly brushed some of the caked blood sitting below her breast. He cringed at the touch alone, pulling his hand back to see if any of the substance had clung to his fingertips. It did, of course, and Brook had to fight the revulsion. This was Tiffany… just a part of her, and a part of her that would help to compliment the beauty of her monument, her immortalization. He stuck out his tongue, shaking with trepidation, and touched the red humor to his taste buds.

Something fought against the gag welling up in his throat; perhaps it was the perverted desire to have his blood join with Tiffany's, an idea which twisted the reality of something so innocent and meaningful to a delusion of grandeur. This wasn't about him, not yet, no matter how equal and salty his own blood should be.

"Yes, Tiffany… just for you… even the worst parts of all of us can be used to return to the planet!" He grinned, motioning to the small scattered groups of wildflowers that grew around the clearing, which he intended to transplant tomorrow. It needed more, however. It would not just be Tiffany's blood seeping into the ground and supplying life from senseless death. No, others would join her. Still, they better not make the mistake… this was all about her. This garden of blood, this Bloodgarden, would render all other things meaningless.

Re: Bloodgarden

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:50 am
by Hallucinojelly*
((Leila Langford continued from Aimless))

Fuck Ricky Fortino. Fuck him, and fuck that other guy. Fuck them both. Fuck them all. Fuck. Everyone.

How could she have fallen for such a shitty trick so easily? Ugh, it felt like everything was turning to shit so fast, and there was nothing she could do about it. It was like she was drowning. Drowning in shit. That was how she felt right now. So lost without her map, so guilt-ridden and haunted by those final whimpers of her best friend as she bled out onto the sand. And what could she do, really? With that awful gun and feet that felt as though they were going to pretty much fall off at any given moment, she was hopeless. A sorry excuse for a friend and an even sorrier excuse for a killer.

She was gonna take down Danya? Really? Was she high or something? Was all that missed out sleep finally catching up with her and making her think like a crazy person? Leila didn't know. She didn't have any of the answers she needed, and since everyone was apparently succumbing to the tribesman mentality this place leaked out, there was no-one she could turn to. It wasn't like she needed anybody's help, oh no, she just wanted someone to talk to. Someone she could vent out her frustration on, someone's shoulder she could cry on crush. With her hands... just... crush. Yeah. Didn't have the strength for it, but it'd be fun to try. Like a stress ball. She could just squeeze on it until she tired herself out - until she felt a little better. That was all she needed.

But who? Trent would've been ideal. The little fucker always annoyed her, so he would've been perfect. From what she remembered, his name hadn't been called out on the speakers yet - or Violet's. So they were both fine. Fine and dandy, probably using this whole thing as inspiration for their shitty little films. But they still needed a star, right? So why then hadn't they found her yet? They could pretend they were back home, dress Trent up like a mudman using the soil and twigs and whatever. It'd be fun. It was always pretty fun, she had to admit that much. Hell, she even got paid for it and watching herself and Hilary freak out and get killed by the monster was always a laugh. They even went out for drinks afterwards, or sat in and celebrated another hard week's filming with a marathon Nightmare on Elm Street session. They could do that here, she reckoned. She was pretty sure Violet had her camera with her anyway, since she saw it on the bus.

Coming to a stop somewhere in the woods, she wiped the remains of her foundation away with the back of her hand. She couldn't recall when she'd started crying, but she must've been doing so for quite some time. Her nose ran and her eyes were filled with water which was now pouring down her face. Taking solace in the fact that no-one was around to see her, she fell back against a tree which hid her partly from the cameras above. If she was going to cry, then she'd make fucking sure that no-one was going to watch. Danya wouldn't get the satisfaction, and nobody would be able to take the piss out of her for it if they couldn't see what she doing. Nobody.

Re: Bloodgarden

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:50 am
by MK Kilmarnock
It's going to be so very long, Brook... so very long before you go home, but it'll all be worth it in the end, once they see what you've done...

It was all the assurance he gave himself that kept himself going. He had worked on transplanting some of the wild flowers around the grove towards Tiffany's body, but it was a slow, boring process without the right tools. The dirt got up underneath his fingernails after some digging. While this certainly wasn't anything new to him, he'd need those precious hands later to get more decorations for the momnument. Yes... he couldn't do Tiffany justice without a more lavish affair. One body in this happy little place simply would not do.

So, using a bit if ingenuity, he had managed to find a flat, roughly spade-shaped rock, which he then fastened to a stick using some vines from a particularly tangled tree strangler. The fact that this hellish island they were stuck on was in a temperate climate zone certainly had its perks, in that he was quite familiar with the flora that grew on it. The makeshift trowel was, frustratingly, not half as effective as the real thing and often threatned to come apart at the lashings, but it was faster than what he was doing. Daylight had run out a while ago, but Brook was hardly tired. No... he had yet to be stopped by something as trivial as the night, so he continued uprooting a few violets for the sleeping girl in the center of the grove. Anything to satiate her blood.

That's when the telltale rustlings began. Somebody was clearly approaching the clearing in a manner that the wind simply couldn't reproduce. So this was finally happening... a guest to his garden! He simply couldn't wait. He listened, heard more rustling, then... silence. Brook crept beyond the edge of the clearing, staring down at the ground. It had been dark for a while, but the moon was out, so at least he could get a bearing on where the leaves were. Agility was simply never his thing, so he wanted to avoid the patches of sticks and leaves and what else. Whoever his guest was, he didn't want them to hear him until he was ready.

Then again, by the sounds of things, they weren't in the right position to hear him. He heard the characteristic wibbling of a female voice... and licked his lips at the prospect. He'd take anybody for his beautiful garden, but the girls at Bayview had so much more to offer. Each example of feminine grace, inferior to Tiffany's own, would serve to highlight her perfect. It was all the same anyhow; their blood was foul, and it needed to be spilled all over the ground just for her. Just... just for...


As Brook managed to scoot around a bush, he finally got a good, direct look at his quarry. Some of the clarity came back to his tortured mind as he saw just who it was... of all the bitches with blood festering in their veins just waiting to be sprayed all over the ground, who should wander into his humble demonstration but Leila... Leila Langford, so innocent, so defenseless and in need of a band of knights to protect her... yes, Brook would protect her... he'd protect her from this terrible experience by removing it.

Oh, yes, he wasn't crazy, not right now... and when was he ever? He was fine... fine. But any of the lucidity that had managed to pierce his soul was immediately filled with untempered rage. Leila was going to make a lovely addition to the garden.

Oh, so she wants to cry... heh... heh, fine! Let sweet little Leila have her nice, girly cry... I'll take away those tears, Leila! Come here!

Brook stepped up to the girl, grinning. The whites of his teeth would, thanks to the glint of the camera, be the most prominent feature of his to her. "Leeeilaaaa! Oh, man, am I glad to see your face again! You borrowed something of mine... remember?"

Oh, he hoped she'd remember. That'd be the only way this would ever be any fun.

Re: Bloodgarden

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:50 am
by Hallucinojelly*
((All GM-ing between Leila and Brook in this post and the ones thereafter is fully approved by myself and Ricky.))


Suddenly, a voice. A fucking crazy sounding one. Gasping back her tears, she snapped out of her pity-party and shakily regained her self-control. Whoever had found her was a lucky guy, 'cause the state she was in had left her in the worst position possible if they were looking for a fight. Her eyes were still damp and her throat hurt like hell, while her body shook with convulsing breaths as she tried her best to calm down. Wiping away the very last of her make-up, she turned around in the dark to try and make out who it was behind her. Her gun held tightly in her hand, she raised it up ever so slightly, so as to ward off the potential attacker.

With squinted eyes that were straining to see through the cover of the night, she just about saw the outlines of a face lurking beneath the branches of the same tree she stood against. Whoever it was sounded familiar, but they'd entered her castle without an invitation.

She gasped.


Had he been watching her cry this entire time? Using her free hand, she rubbed frantically at her eyes to clear them of any evidence. There was no way she could afford to look weak now; not in front of this little fucker.

"What're you-"

Her mind fogged - she wasn't ready for a confrontation.

"What do you want?" Her question leaking with disdain, but not enough to cover up the growing concern.

Brook grinned playfully, his face twisting into what appeared to be a bizarre look of glee. What was he so fucking happy about? She might have been crying, but she was still Leila Langford - and nobody fucks with Leila, especially when she's got your gun.

"Awww, did I catch ya at a bad time? I just... I couldn't leave a pretty girl like you crying in the middle of the woods, could I? That'd make me a bad person!"

He chuckled.

Leila's trigger-finger twitched.

Something wasn't right. The Brook she spent the day travelling with before was a far cry from whatever this was becoming. That Brook was timid, shy; everything she used to like about guys, but this one... he was weird. Like somebody had knocked his brain off balance, or flipped on his crazy switch.

Either way, Leila was growing more and more wary of him, and it was showing.

"R-right. Whatever."

No cutting remarks? Just that small little line? Okay, yeah, she admitted it now, he was freaking her out. What was wrong with him though? Why was he just... staring?

"Hnh, just like you to say something like that..."

His voice trailed off, but his body grew closer. Leila raised her gun higher as he contemplated something - was he gonna back off? -and she felt her arms start to tremble. It wasn't like she was scared or anything, 'cause she had the gun, right? Sure, he was going fucking psycho, but still - gun.

He looked up at her again, this time with thoughtful eyes, like he'd just had an idea. It didn't seem like a good one, either.

"Oooh, right, you borrowed something from me!"

Oh... fuck.

"Hee... Leila, did you... really think I would have forgotten?"

He pointed at the gun. Her gun. No, his gun. The one she stole from him. Fuck, now it was all making sense. That stupid little spit-stain must've been following her or something. And for what? This gun? There were loads of better ones out there - she'd seen a few herself. So what was his fucking problem? Why did he need this one?

"Ugh, what? This little piece of shit?"

Her voice didn't waver that time, not anymore, and she aimed it up to the level of his head. From where she was standing, she had a perfect shot at the centre of his forehead, right above the top of his nose.

"This right here?"

She dared a little grin as she gained the upper hand. This was better. Much more like it. She was in control now, and he - he was still fucking smiling. In fact, he was staring right down the barrel of the gun with nothing more than a satisfied look on his face.

"Hey, yeah, that's it!"

The trigger squeaked, but she was too slow. All too quickly he'd pinned her up against the tree, bashing her head off the trunk as she cried out in shock. As he moved, he smacked her arm against it too, and the gun which had served her so well leapt out of her hands and hit the earth below, leaving her completely at the boy's mercy.

"Ah! Fuck!! Brook?! What're you doing?!"

Re: Bloodgarden

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:50 am
by MK Kilmarnock
Well, this certainly was delicious! Brook could pratically taste the fear, the anguish, hell... he could even soak up all that anxiety and desperateness right through Leila's skin if he had a straw to jab in her. Then again, with all of those wonderful things, he'd drink up all the deceit, the lies, the whorishness that defined the girl struggling against his grasp.

Yes... this was the same girl who had decided to make a fool of him. She had turned him into a snivelling wreck for all of his friends to see, and he let her! So weak... he was so weak, allowing the viridian insides to overcome him. No more... he'd pull of that vile shit out of Leila and fucking kill her with it for what she had done to him. His face twisting into a scowl, Brook took a nice, seething breath before letting his company know exactly what was up.

"Bitch! You dirty, slutty bitch! You think I wouldn't hold it against you!? When you smeared your fucking... your DISGUSTING blood all over my face?" Brook screamed, the muscles of his face twitching at the cutaneous memory of being covered in Leila's blood. As he paused to take another shaking breath to try and hold it all in, he jerked his arm over Leila's gun arm, reaching to trap the offending limb under his armpit. Oh no, the bitch wasn't getting a shot off on him... not today, not tomorrow, not ever, because she was dying here. However, Leila had not jumped on the opportunity to answer his question, and so Brook screamed the reprisal.

"Well, Leila!? What was that about!?"

She couldn't answer him. Of course she couldn't answer him! There was no possible explanation for the atrocities she had commited, and for what? So she could just off Hilary? Whatever Brook's reaction was the first time he heard the announcement, he could hardly care to remember it now. Now, it just seemed like a poor trade. All that effort to remove somebody from this world, when Leila herself would return to it as a lovely offering for Tiffany. Feeling just so merry at the thought, Brook obviously had no chioce but to tighten the vice on her gun arm, keeping the elbow nice and locked.

"Woah, shit, I- AH! Brook, stop it, you're hurting me!"

Music to his ears, really. Ah, yes, of course her arm would be in a decent amount of pain the way he was wrenching on it, not to mention how his other arm practically buried her shoulder into the bark of the tree behind her.

Eastern White pine, pinus strobus. Terribly common in temperate climate zones, noted for its burnability and ring-based branch growth.

His face lifted in an air of appreciative delight to match Leila's strife. Each instinctual movement to free herself, the denial of her fate even likely to the very end, god damn it... this was GREAT! He brought his eyes out of the clouds to look at Leila. Well, he aimed a little low at first, catching a nice glimpse of her chest which, as luck would have it, became quite animated amidst her heavy breathing and wriggling. His eyes came back up to find hers, soon enough. "Awwww... I'm sorry, Leila! Hee hee... I guess I'm just playing a little rough!"

To make things a little fairer, he decided to instill truth in his statement. He said he was being rough, but his arm didn't really feel like it was being all that rough. To compensate, he wrenched even harder, and the pain that shot through the girl nearly made Brook want to pull all the blood out of her right then and there. But no... he had to keep a grip on himself. This was Leila. Leila fucking Langford, and she had done terrible, terrible and naughty things. As far as Brook was concerned, naughty girls got punished. He locked Leila into the stare once more. He needed to see this... to be there, in her head, when he played with her.

"Hee hee... got your aaaaaaaaaaaaarm..."

There was no mistaking it. That rush he felt running through his body, making him feel alive for the first time in four days. That was the gift granted to him directly from Leila's soul, offering to him the terror that she had so graciously given to him beforehand. "Wh-what, Brook, please, just stop-"

More force.

"Ahahaha! Stop! AHH! Let go of me!"
Just a bit more.... yes, she was nearly ready!!

"You little fucker, let GO!"

Now! Now she was going to pay for all of it! Tiffany was watching... she had to be, granting all of her hope and love to Brook, just like she would have if she were awake! Brook laughed out in manic joy, then took his hand off of Leila's shoulder. He swept it down, around, and then drove it up for her elbow as hard as he could. "WHOOPSIE-DAISY!" he screeched, listening for the result.

A gardener couldn't possibly be more pleased with the sound of cracking bone.

Re: Bloodgarden

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:51 am
by Hallucinojelly*


Re: Bloodgarden

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:51 am
by Hallucinojelly*
Everything came to a stop.

The air fell quiet.

And then her body froze as the sound of something breaking pierced her senses.

What could it have been? Maybe someone was nearby? Someone to help her?


It felt like she was getting warmer; a tickling heat spreading all the way up her arm. It ran through the curves in her muscles, and it leapt and crackled in her veins. The heat rose quicker and higher until it spiralled up and up, reaching out for that sweet spot right inside her head. It was unfamiliar, and it scared and bewildered her, but as it made its way to the very core of her brain, and lunged out to strike, she finally felt it - the trail of fire igniting the spark, and giving her that one lucid moment which showed her everything the world was hiding from her eyes.


And the first thing she saw...


Was her bleeding-



"Ha-ah! Ha-ahhh-!"


"Hah!! A-ah! Haaaaah?!"


Re: Bloodgarden

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:51 am
by MK Kilmarnock
Yes... yes, yes, YES! Everything lined up so perfectly! It was just... lying right there in front of Brook, ready to be shattered into tiny little bits, much like the broken mess that was once Leila's elbow. Shit... he didn't realize that enough force would make it pop like that, sending something so off-kilter that it would poke through the bone and send blood spraying. Oh well... Leila always was the gross sort to just spray and smear her blood all over everything. She had already showed him that in the past.

Seeing her just writhe in his grip send wave after wave of everlasting pleasure running through every part of Brook's body. He expected her to be screaming and expressing her agony immediately but, as luck would have it, watching that invisible thermometer of pain rising to its boiling point was just that more satisfying. If only this moment could last forever, then all would be right with the world. Sadly, no... there was more fun to be had!

"Gaaahahahahaaa!!! I broooooke yoooou!" Brook jeered, releasing the ruined arm and giving Leila a nice and firm push on her shoulders. The useless girl fell backward, stumbling over the daypack that rested next to her feet. She continued to lay there, looking up at him with a look that seemed better fit for one of those animal shelter commercials. She just seemed so bewildered, so confused... oh yeah, and in pain.

Good! Wallow in it, you little whore! You should look like this more often!

Taking a couple steps back to admire his handiwork, a glint shining from the moonlight caught his eyes. Leila clearly wasn't going anywhere at the moment, so Brook leisurely looked down to his feet and found just what the object was. Of course... it was the weapon she oh-so brazenly pointed at him with her silly and worthless thoughts, right before he had his way with that arm! His old friend, the junky FP-45 Liberator that he woke up with in that clear-cut area. Probably wasn't the best weapon on the island, but it would do the job that was asked of it for now. It'd make a far better present than the whimpering girl at his feet, anyway.

"Weeeell, toys really aren't all that much fun once you've broken them..." Brook said, casually stepping and bending down to retrieve the weapon. He idly played with it, working it around in his fingers to get the feel of the thing. It was a little dirtier than he had known it to be beforehand, but that was because Leila, the thief that she was, saw it fit to take it for herself. "Anything you wanna say, Leila?" Brook softly asked, not taking his eyes off the gun as he did so.

It would seem that she didn't have anything to say, at least for the moment. Brook sighed at that, clicking his tongue against his teeth once, twice, three times. The poor girl... he offered her a chance to at least make her existence mildly interesting before he used it for his own goals, maybe let her have a few flavorful last words, but if she really wanted to squander them, then that was her own damn fault. He rose and stepped around Leila, carefully observing his quarry as she returned his gaze with her own. It held a sort of primal fear, just like a treed animal that knew it was about to die.

"See..." Brook started, licking some of the dryness out of his lips. He stooped down, randomly pointing at her and motioning with the pistol in his hands. "I'd play with you and torture you some more, maybe make an appointment or two, but I'm getting bored really fast." Of course he was... he didn't have all the time in the world to waste on this slut! "Plus, I gotta watch over Tiffany, so this is just an arrangement we're gonna have to hold off on. Or, you know, not happen, because I'm going to kill you!"

He let out another shrill cackle, straightening back up and practically dancing on the spot with joy.

"Oooh, you should see your face right now! You're so big and bad on the ground like that, Leila! You like being on your back!?" His mouth spread into a grin, the gun poised. Soon, in just one pull of a trigger, Leila would be out of his life, generously leaving a body just for Tiffany. Leila, on the other hand, seemed like she did have something to say. Before Brook could pull the trigger, Leila coughed, cleared her throat, and...

"You looked better... with my blood on."

The smile completely disintegrated. The memory of... of that dirty trick she played on him came back and ran through his mind over and over. He scowled down at her, training the pistol directly on her forehead. He was going to enjoy every. Single. FUCKING. SECOND of this.

"Yeah... I'm sure it'll look good on you too."

Re: Bloodgarden

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:51 am
by chibinanashi*
OOC: This is just before the two notice the struggle)

(Raine continued from It knows nothing of Whim)

Raine couldn't count the minutes that passed with Ridley and her running in the tunnels. Each one of them had possibly made a wrong guess at a turn in their attempt to catch up to Rena. Deep down inside, Raine knew that they wouldn't find her. It was because Rena didn't want to be found. Rena had made it clear that she believed Ridley was inhuman and that Raine herself was crazy. Was she crazy though? Was she crazy to stay with Ridley for so long?

The rays of the sun dipping down into the horizon appeared in the corner of Raine's eye. Squeezing Ridley's hand, she led him toward the light and they both stepped out into a wooded area. The breeze felt cool on Raine's skin but it was a warm cool rather than the cold damp feeling she had back in the caves.

"We're finally out, Ridley..." Raine in a sudden excited fit, wrapped her arms around Ridley and hugged him tightly. Her face pressed to his chest, Raine closed her eyes. "No more naps in the tunnels, no more feelings of being lost..."

She then looked up to him and felt her face blush red. In the rays of the dying sun, Ridley looked a little like the heroes in the comics he had lent her. "I'm glad I'm still with you."

Re: Bloodgarden

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:51 am
by KingKamor*
((Ridley Landon continued from It Knows Nothing of Whim))

The night spent in the tunnel was not the most pleasant experience Ridley had gone through on the island, but it was definitely better than most of his stay there. They had lost Rena's trail a forever ago, and the simple task of getting out of the tunnels themselves was anything but. The light that entered his eyes from the exit made him squint in pain. He was fully aware how easily his light blue eyes could be damaged by direct sunlight, and put up his arm to keep them safe. At the same time, Raine pulled him in the right direction and out of the mouth of the cave.

"Can't believe it's morning already," he said under his breath with a groan.

He felt Raine squeeze his hand, and glanced over at her. Her clothes were dusty all over from the tunnels and her shoes were a stark red against the ground underneath them. Ridley did his best not to think about the blood on his own shoes and looked her in the eye. She leaned in and hugged him, to his surprise, though he thought that they both needed each other at the moment.

She then looked up to him and felt her face blush red. "I'm glad I'm still with you."

For the first time since he arrived on the island, Ridley smiled. Hugging her back, he said. "Hey, back there, when Rena ran away? I'm sorry for... not really paying attention to you guys. All I could think about was staying calm and keeping everyone calm but, well, looks like I blew it." He ran a hand through the hair on the back of her head. "Sorry..."

And now we're a dime novel again, he thought to himself.

Re: Bloodgarden

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:52 am
by chibinanashi*
"No...It's all right Ridley. You needed to keep calm." Raine closed her eyes, letting his hand drift through her hair. Only then did she look up at him again. "This is a thank you, for everything." Raine stood up on her heels to softly press her lips to his. It was something that deep down subconciously she wanted to do.

But then there was that scream.

Raine turned and looked in the direction of the scream. "Someone's in trouble..." Raine shook a little, her feet teetering from staying and sprinting. Licking her lips, Raine remembered her words from before. "Eva. Ridley, we can do this right? We can help someone!" She turned to face him. "Let's go! It might be Rena for all we know!"

Pivoting on her feet, Raine launched into a sprint toward the scene of the scream.

Re: Bloodgarden

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:52 am
by MK Kilmarnock
In just a moment, Leila would be dead.

Yes, here it was! Goddamn, if he savored this moment any longer, he'd probably just get down on his knees and continue pulverizing Leila's face with his fist, or his elbow, or the butt of that goddamn junky gun. As incredibly fun as all of that would be, he had to be quick. Efficiency was key, here; just one shattering through her skull, spreading her brains all over the innocent rock behind her, then he'd drag her off for Tiffany.

His finger rested on the trigger.

"Bye, Le- WHO THE FUCK!?"

Somebody had approached from his left, just barely in his field of vision. No, they didn't just approach... they mother-fuckin' APPEARED out of thin air. Brook's head shot up and to the side, looking to the girl who had happened upon them with wide and probably twitching eyes. In return, she was staring right back at him as though she was walking in on something she shouldn't have been seeing. Which she was. His bloody destiny was about to unfold, and somebody wanted to ruin it!? Fine. All the more for Tiffany.

This didn't stop Brook from being completely incensed at the intrusion, however. Ooooh no, Ms... eh... whatever the fuck her name was would pay dearly for what she just did! He turned the gun to her, stepping forward. One, two strides, and he was already in her face before she could react. He didn't even thing about what she was doing before she wrapped a hand around the back of Raine's head, wrenching to the right as though to throw her.

As luck would have it (though 'luck' in this sense was quite the relative term), Raine didn't have to go very far before her face was forced up against the trunk of the very same tree Leila was up against a few moments ago. Ah, the white pine, known for its very rough bark... okay, it wasn't known for that as much as it was for its tendency to drop pitch and sap on new cars, but Brook knew as well as anybody could that the bark was quite rough, and thus unserviceable for one's face.

His hand shoved and pulled, frantically trying to scrape Raine's face across the trunk of the tree, doing the best to resist her own flails and struggles. "DO. NOT. GET. IN. MY. WAY!" Brook screamed in time with the grinding.

Does this hurt, bitch? Well, don't come crying to me! You brought this upon yourself!!

Re: Bloodgarden

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:52 am
by KingKamor*
After a single kiss, she was gone. One thing that Raine had always beaten Ridley in was her running speed. Hell, it was one of the things he liked about her. Without even asking him of his opinion on the scream, she ran off without a second thought. Saving their fellow students? Sure, he was all for it. However, sticking together was another part of his grand plan to survive on the island. He just wished he had told that to Raine before she ran on ahead of him and that she paid any head to his shouts.

It wasn't particularly difficult to follow her path with the dirt and mud leaving good marks where she was, but he felt much too far away from her for his comfort. He turned a corner around a tree, hopped down to the top of a rock from a small ledge and bounded onward, yet still he had not caught up.


He skid to a stop and made a b-line towards the voice. Whoever he was, he sounded angrier than Ridley was even able to imagine. Just as he dodged around a tree to proceed onward, he saw exactly what he did not want to see.

Some guy was grabbing Raine by the neck, grinding her face into the side of a tree.

Ridley's nose wrinkled in anger, his body preemptively shot adrenaline into his veins, and quicker than he knew he was able, his hand snapped to the handle of his gun and pointed it at the attacker. "GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HER, YOU PSYCHO!!"

Re: Bloodgarden

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:52 am
by chibinanashi*
Raine ran through the woods. She could hear Ridley call after her from behind, but she couldn't wait for him. A life could not wait for Ridley. A memory popped into her head of times where she tried to get Ridley to run with her, succeeding maybe half the time. She enjoyed those runs where they would stop at a cafe afterwards and cave into their sweet tooth cravings. A favorite of hers was always the strawberry shortcake. They would duel with their forks to see who would get the last strawberry, with Raine winning more than half the time because Ridley was a gentleman.

Her speargun was dropped to the ground. It weighed too heavy for her to be able to run effectively. Besides, she could just talk to her classmates right? They would understand and maybe they could survive together? What she saw though was the complete opposite. A boy was dominating a female classmate whose arm looked broken.

"Wha..." Raine's hand rested on her lips as her eyes widened and face paled. The boy was quick though. He was huge, meanacing and towered over her easily. His appearance was monstrous, dwarfing her with blood red eyes. Were they blood red eyes? Was Raine just that scared?


Raine wanted to cry just then and there. Her heart raced so fast and she wanted to cover her ears and fall to the ground. Before she could though, her voice found her mouth and she tried shouting out to Ridley.


The boy seized her blond locks and Raine tried to wrench away, her hands groping his body to dig her fingernails into them and scratch his skin. Her right foot kept kicking whether it hit the boy or hit solid air. Raine didn't know the boy's strength until everything she saw was just a big giant blur.

At one point in her life, Raine had been exposed to sandpaper. It was an interesting touch that she did not in the least like. It appeared smooth to her but was very rough to the touch. The bark of the tree was worse...much worse than that. Raine had never screamed so much in her life. Her hands reached for the tree, trying in vain to find a hold and to keep her face from dragging on further.

"RIDLEY!! RIDLEY!! AUGH!!" Raine screamed.

And screamed.



She screamed, choking sobs running down her cheeks. Her tears caused the wounds to intesify even more.





Re: Bloodgarden

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:52 am
by MK Kilmarnock
((Sorry Stefan, I'm going to pull a quick post before you to keep things moving, but it won't mess with you.))

Brook turned and saw the voice directed towards him. So commanding, so rude! Then again, befitting of somebody who also had the gall to interrupt him when he was punishing somebody. Brook yanked Raine away from the tree, grabbign her shoulder and turning her away from him. Once he had his arm nice and locked around her throat, he jabbed the Liberator up against her back... probably where her kidney was, maybe the liver. Some place where lots and LOTS of blood was sure to leak out of if he shot her.

"Ooooh, scary scary!" He giggled, staring at Ridley. "What... you wanna have her, kill her for yourself? Well, that's too damn bad! She's mine, I found her first! Whatcha say about putting down that gun, eh?"

Brook had a delightful idea. Maybe, if this person was willing to take an etiquette lesson or two (or five), he'd get polite enough to play with his prey alongside him. Yes, wouldn't that be fun... then, once they were done killing her, Brook would do him the favor of ending his run in the game, then drag them both to Tiffany!

See? Everybody wins.

"Yeah... yeah, just put the gun down, and we'll play with her for a little bit! Sounds fun, doesn't it? If you don't, I'm just gunna fuckin' kill her right now!!"