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Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:28 am
by Namira
((Brock Mason continued from Word's Can't Bring Me Down))

The swamp was very... swampy. If somebody were to hold out a dictionary, it was a pretty safe bet that under 'swamp' he'd find a picture of this place. Well... Brock would have to assume it was under swamp if he wasn't given a good long time to try and puzzle it out. But enough about that.

Brock had pretty much been ambling around aimlessly since leaving the little encounter in the woods behind. He wasn't much for maps, so as far as navigation went, it had been pretty much 'pick a direction and start walking'. Stood to reason that sooner or later, he'd run across somebody. Hopefully that'd be someone he could trust, a guy on the team that wasn't too much of an asshat or maybe even Hilary, though that seemed a hell of a lot to hope for. Until then, well, being on his own was just fine.

The pair of girls had pretty much gone off in the other direction, which Brock was glad of, since his offer to them to tag along had been grudging at best. Hunt... well, Hunt wasn't much of a loss either. He'd seemed pretty genuine, but hell Brock sucked at figuring people out. He could have been planning to knife him in the back at first opportunity, for all the footballer had known.

Speaking of knives...

The announcement, coming after Brock had spent the night under a tree (fun times) had struck home in a couple of ways. Brock's grim fatalism had been confirmed, especially with the sheer number of deaths, but for all that, a lot of the names went unremarked by the muscular young man. These guys... he didn't know a lot of them, even if he'd been in their year since he was a Fresher. He knew the team, he knew a couple of other sportsmen, he knew Hilary that was about it. Nobody could exactly call Brock a social butterfly. Still... Tony, Tony Russo was dead. Rob Jenkins and Staffan Kronwall had killed. Shanahan was six feet under.

Goddammit. He'd played football with Tony...

Since then, well, he'd found this frigging swamp.

It pretty much sucked.

Re: Dirty

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:28 am
by Unknown Kadath*
((Luke Templeton continued from Where is My Mind?))

Sloshing through the water, Luke wrinkled his nose. The foul stench of the swamp invaded his nose like a fetid disease. He continued his trek, up to his ankles in the stagnant pool. Disgusting, he thought, this must be a breeding ground for mosquitoes. I better hurry, before I get malaria. Or dengue fever. The thought accelerated his pace, moving as quick as he could.

To take his mind off of his wading and the obvious health hazards, he thought back to what had happened since he escaped the danger zone. It had seemed like forever before he had stopped running. Heck, he even had scratches from the prickle bush he rushed through. He had hardly even noticed them. Soon after collapsing under a tree, he quickly examined himself, patched up the small abrasions and lacerations with the issued first-aid kit. Soon after, he wandered until he found a suitable place to sleep, surrounded by bushes and trees. After awakening, he begun his hike as far away from the danger zone as he could get. He had no specific goal, but he did know he just wanted to find someone that didn't smack a door into his face upon meeting him.

He stopped suddenly, hearing another person approach. He turned and saw a young man approaching, his head down. He seemed lost in thought as well. Maybe I should call out to him. That's what people who are friendly do, right? Yeah, that sounds right.

"Hey, uhm, buddy! Are you alright?"

He mentally berated himself. Buddy? Who ever said 'buddy' anymore?

Re: Dirty

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:28 am
by Namira
Brock snapped into alertness as fast as was humanly possible as somebody called out to him. They didn't sound threatening, but then, what kind of moron ran up to somebody saying 'Oh hey there, I'm going to kill you now'? The source of the greeting was another guy that seemed to be around Brock's own height, dark haired, not that it mattered. The important thing was that he wasn't somebody that Brock recognised, though he didn't seem to be carrying a weapon, which meant he was either foolish or unlucky. (Brock's own gun was tucked into his waistband and hopefully, it would be staying there).

"Just great," Brock growled, somewhat piqued by the question. "Ain't nothing better than stumbling around wondering if some psycho if gonna spring out of the bushes, am I right?" this Brock wasn't the Brock that most people would remember from around school (and with his bulk and slightly unconventional appearance, he did stick in the mind). At Bayview, Brock kept himself to himself, mostly - sometimes hanging around with the football team. Right now though? He was just way too stressed to not be confrontational.

"Look," Brock said, deciding to be as blunt as he'd been with the others before. "I dunno whether you've got a plan or something you wanna do... but I ain't too charmed by the idea of company. No offence or nothing, I'm sure you're a stand up guy... but I can't figure that for certain. There's only a couple of guys I can do that for," Brock held up a hand. "I ain't telling you to get lost or threatening you or nothing like that, just saying... I ain't looking for a partner."

That was... a better way of putting it. Probably making a big assumption, but hell, out of the three people he'd met so far, all of them'd had designs on teaming up with him. Because of his gun? More than likely, was his suspicion. Still Brock felt it was better to lay it all out, although that didn't exactly solve the issue of what he'd do if he moved on and the other guy decided to follow him...

Best to stick to the here and now.

Re: Dirty

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:28 am
by Limisios*
((Alan Rickhall continued from Bump in the Night))

Alan was confused, confused and embarrassed. He could have sworn that he was nearing some sort of shelter. Instead before him stood a huge vista of murky water. He turned to confront Jimmy.

"Now I warn you Jimmy... This is not where I intended to go at all... I hate to say we're lost but... Well, frankly I'd rather be lost right now then... Well, you know." Alan had calmed down quite a lot as he had been wandering through the island, he laughed off his previous statement nervously and began to survey the mass of swampland all around him. His heart almost stopped when he saw Brock and Luke.

Alan tried to hide as best he could, he didn't want to squat down in the swamp very far but at the same time he didn't want to be spotted, through fear that these people were dangerous. He had been lucky the last few times, but it was only a matter of time before he crossed paths with his maker.

"Jimmy." Alan said in a loud whisper. "There's people over there, in the swamp. Do you think they're dangerous?" Alan wasn't exactly up to cracking point again yet, but his thin smile had vanished.

Re: Dirty

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:28 am
by decoy73
((Jimmy Robertson continued from Bump in the Night.))

Jimmy followed Alan into what looked like a swamp, swatting at yet another insect as it tried to suck out some of his blood.

"Now I warn you Jimmy... This is not where I intended to go at all... I hate to say we're lost but... Well, frankly I'd rather be lost right now then... Well, you know." Jimmy wasn't too concerned about that much. Neither he nor Alan were exactly camping experts, so it wasn't like Alan was being stupid … or leading him into a trap.

"Don't worry about it. This island isn't exactly intended as a tourist destination." Jimmy chuckled at both his and Alan's jokes (anything from delving into mindless paranoia, no matter how lame). He looked around at his surroundings. Mud, insects, and dirty water everywhere. Didn't exactly seem like a good place to rest, and the footing was almost as bad as where they had just left - rather than a constant tripping hazard, the marshy ground was very sticky, slightly slowing down his steps as he used slightly more effort to pull his foot up from the ground, each lift making a noticeable noise.

"Jimmy. There's people over there, in the swamp. Do you think they're dangerous?" Alan was kneeling, or at least, going as far down as he could without getting his ass wet. Jimmy got on one knee a he looked at the two people already there. The skinny guy didn't immediately ring a bell, but the larger guy ...

"The big guy, that's Brock. He plays football with me. He's ... moody at times, but he's not a bad person, just frustrated sometimes. More than likely, he's friendly." Jimmy whispered. He was getting slightly wary of Brock - not just because of his athletic ability, but because Jimmy's previous statement rang true: Brock had the potential to be quite moody, and the game had a way of taking one's negative qualities and exacerbating them ... or giving one negative qualities that they didn't have.

Re: Dirty

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:29 am
by Namira
Apparently, Brock's bluntness had cowed the other guy into silence. Well that was just too bad. He didn't care. He was only being realistic, and if other people couldn't handle that, then they were in need of a wake-up call anyway. Call him paranoid or pessimistic, but Brock could just point to the first announcement. That proved full well he wasn't being glass half empty. Speaking of announcements, it probably wasn't too long until the next one, if his sense of timing had any measure of accuracy...

"Alright... I dunno about you, but I ain't too thrilled by the idea of spending any more time in this swamp, so if it's all the same to you, I'll be on my way," as it happened, Brock didn't really care if it wasn't all the same to the other guy, but there was such a thing as a little tact.

Without waiting for a reply, Brock simply turned away and set off, using his flashlight to guide him. At this hour, it would be much too easy to trip and fall, and looking at the swamp waters, that wasn't really something Brock thought he wanted to do. What a stupid idea it'd been to come here; like Hilary would come wandering around someplace like this. Hilary was way too fragile to be hiking through a swamp. Brock really should have thought that through...

Brock was so busy berating himself that he almost stumbled right over the pair that had been watching his conversation. Both of them hunched down, obviously trying to avoid detection, though that didn't much help when somebody basically blundered straight into. The footballer jumped back immediately, brow creasing with suspicion, instinctively raising his fists for a second, before his expression gave way to surprise.


Re: Dirty

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:29 am
by Limisios*
"The big guy, that's Brock. He plays football with me. He's ... moody at times, but he's not a bad person, just frustrated sometimes. More than likely, he's friendly."

Alan didn't exactly know whether or not to believe Jimmy on this, but he decided that since Jimmy was in a much better state then he was right now, he would trust his advice. "Well if he's friendly, then perhaps you should go over there are and ask him whether or not he-" Suddenly Alan felt a hard kick in the back as Brock nearly tripped right over him. Alan jumped back closer to Jimmy, instantly cowering in fear. He panicked and started to try and talk his way out of this by saying whatever came out of his head, very quickly.

"Ah, hello! I suppose you're wondering what we're doing here. Well I know that at first glance it looks like we're spying on you but I assure you that we'd never kill you, I don't want to kill anyone really, it's just that we've been wandering around this island for what seems like forever and you see we don't know who's dangerous and who's not." By this time tears were streaming down Alan's eyes as he begged for forgiveness. "But please don't kill us, I just want to go home. I JUST WANT TO-"


At this remark Alan dried his tears with the back of his hand and tried to compose himself. "I think he wants to talk to you, perhaps I should give you some space and keep watch down here." He whispered to Jimmy and pointed to a nearby area of the swamp. "I'll keep low and come back if I see anything."

Alan trembled to his feet and wobbled a few feet away, trying to calm himself down. He knew that if he was ever going to survive, he'd have to keep his cool when confronted like that.

Re: Dirty

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:29 am
by Unknown Kadath*
((So sorry for the inactivity, guys.))

Luke looked shocked. Man, was this guy rude! The least he could do was show some courtesy! He pretty much outright rejected him. He didn't even know him!

Luke stayed silent while the larger man stared him down, waiting for a response. If he's gonna be rude to me, I have no reason to be nice to him. Better hold my tongue, though. This guy looks like he could tear me in half.

After the larger boy said his rude farewells, Luke watched him walk off. Grumbling to himself, Luke walked off to the other direction. Boy, that put him in an ever more foul mood! Stuck in a swamp, shin deep in filthy, stagnant water, and now this guy just brushes him off! He only wanted to help.

Well, fine. I'll just have to take my business elsewhere. Though, I suppose I got off easy. Maybe I should be more careful.

Soon, he pulled out his flashlight, the darkness impeding his sight. After about half an hour, he finally reached hard ground. He cast one last look into the inky black swamp over his shoulder, before stepping away.

((Luke Templeton continued in Caged in Like Animals))

Re: Dirty

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:29 am
by Danorum*
((Deidre Paul continued from Somewhere That's Green))

Shit was a word that seemed appropriate for both Deidre's situation and her surrondings. The musk of the swamp was more than a little overpowering, almost gagging her with every whiff of air. The watery mud climbing up her boots assured her she hadn't sniffed the last of this God-forsaken wasteland. What kind of idiot would purposely wander in here anyw-

"Oh my God!"

Every moment she had been awake she had hoped for either one of two things: One, she'd wake up from this horrible nightmare and be back home, eating waffles with her mom, reading the sports page of the newspaper and complaining about how badly the Twins are doing this year; or two, meeting up with someone she knew.

The swamp had settled for number two, it seemed, as there was Brock Mason, the tall, somewhat hunky football player and legendary dumbass. Deidre knew him, as the two had somewhat bonded through their failures. If there was one person she could trust to not outwit her, it was definitely him.

Deciding to make her presence known with a tactful and upbeat "Brock Mason, ya stupid piece of shit!", she headed his way, rather thankful that the water closer to him was lower. Standing near him - smiling, panting, sweaty, smelly and scared - she had never been happier in her life.

Re: Dirty

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:29 am
by decoy73
Brock decided not to pair up with the other guy, and turned around, turning on his flashlight and walking towards the group. For a second, the light went straight into Jimmy's eyes, blinding him for a fraction of a second. Jimmy grunted as he turned his head away, his free hand going in front of his eyes as he tried to adjust to the harsh light. Then came the scuffle beside him, as Alan clutched Jimmy.

"Ah, hello! I suppose you're wondering what we're doing here. Well I know that at first glance it looks like we're spying on you but I assure you that we'd never kill you, I don't want to kill anyone really, it's just that we've been wandering around this island for what seems like forever and you see we don't know who's dangerous and who's not. But please don't kill us, I just want to go home. I JUST WANT TO-"

Alan was panicking. As Jimmy's eyes re-adjusted to the darkness, he noted Brock's aggressive stance, before his eyes locked onto Jimmy. Then Brock spoke up, surprised.


"I think he wants to talk to you, perhaps I should give you some space and keep watch down here. I'll keep low and come back if I see anything." Alan calmed down a little as he walked away.

"Sorry. He's a little on edge. Can't blame him, given the circumstances." He was thinking about how to treat this situation. He looked at the sword he was holding, blade planted into the ground.

"This is what they gave me. I'm hoping I don't have to use it, or at least, don't have to use the blade. This insanely long handle will hopefully be the most I'll ever have to even consider using."

"So how are you doing?" It was then that another voice came through the darkness.

"Brock Mason, ya stupid piece of shit!" He looked at the girl coming up to them, surprisingly upbeat, hopefully out of relief.

"Hey. How are you?"

Re: Dirty

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:29 am
by Namira
Jimmy Robertson. He was.... he was better than nothing. That was almost cruel to the guy, really, because hell he was on the team and that meant something, but well... put it this way. Jimmy Robertson wasn't the captain - JJ, he could be trusted, but they weren't tight. Team didn't mean friend, team meant you could watch each other's backs. That's what Brock hoped, at least. That there was a bond of sorts. Dammit, he didn't want to think about the alternative.

Still, Jimmy was upfront about his weapon, at least (though given he was holding it, it was like he could try and make out that it was something else). That counted for something. Damn. That was a good one, wasn't it? He'd spent all this time hoping to meet somebody on the team, and the second he actually did, Brock decided to start second-guessing them. Fuck's sake... Trying to get the doubts out of his head, Brock was just about to show his gun to Jimmy when a boisterous roar hit his ears.

And in spite of it all, and to the surprise of even himself, Brock's face broke into a smile.

Okay, now here was somebody Brock could trust. If everything had gone normally at school, that is, if Brock's dyslexia hadn't tripped him up, and Deidre hadn't spent half of an entire school year (culmatively, not consecutively) suspended, they probably would barely have known each other. Been casual acquaintances at best. Except... things hadn't gone normally. They'd flunked eighth grade, and they'd flunked it together. Hell, they had common ground. Brock and Deidre were practically the same size, they'd fucked up at the same time. It meant something when somebody was the only person you even vaguely knew in the whole year.

"Well, ain't that a sight to make sore eyes?"

Brock would've said more. But at that moment, the announcement opted to chime in.

Re: Dirty

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:29 am
by Limisios*
Alan positioned himself behind a large boulder, hopefully no-one would see him behind here, but then... He also wouldn't be able to see them, how was he supposed to keep lookout if he couldn't see what was coming? Alan would have to use his brain more if he was going to pull his weight on this island. He began to think of Zoey; he didn't want to seem distracted or vulnerable, but a small peek couldn't hurt. He whipped the photo out of his pocket. He began to wonder what she was doing right now. Alan had never watched SOTF on the television so he had no idea how often and how much of it was broadcast. Could she be watching him right now?

Suddenly a loud buzzing sound filled the air and the same intimidating voice was heard all around Alan. Had he really been travelling for an entire day and night already, Alan was amazed that he had gone this long almost completely trouble-free, despite all the trouble he thought he was going to encounter. Alan didn't want to listen to the announcement, it would only make him even more uneasy, but no matter how hard he tried to block out the horrible death list, it was too loud. Alan trembled as the voice rang off name after name.

By the end, Alan pressed his head against the boulder, he turned his head to see that Jimmy and Brock were now talking to someone else; Alan had been so busy thinking of himself that he had missed her completely. He couldn't even hold a lookout position right, if it had been someone else, Jimmy and Brock could be lying dead on the ground by now and it would have been all Alan's fault. Alan shoved his picture back in his pocket regretfully.

Now he had to make a decision, did he go over there and join them? If he did and this new person saw him approaching, she might panic and try to kill him. Perhaps he should hide behind the boulder before she spotted him? But what if she found him, he'd look like a German spy and then she'd kill him. What if he went over there with his hands up, to show that he meant no harm, but then Jimmy will surely think that he was a useless and stupid waste of space that would get him killed.

He had to do something, if he was going to survive on this island, one of the skills he'd have to master would be approaching people. So he took a deep breath and moved towards Jimmy until he was behind him, he tapped him on the back and whispered.

"I'm sorry, I just... I heard the announcement... It's just... All these people... They... And we... Well..." Alan didn't cry, h just sank his head in shame and sat himself miserably into the mud with his head in his hands. Making no noise.

Re: Dirty

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:29 am
by Danorum*
Deidre was so happy she almost forgot she was knee deep in swampy muck. "Man, this is great! Just like old times, only with more crazy people and murder, right?" She was trying her best to keep a brave face in front of Brock. If he knew how scared she was, he'd definitely think less of her when she died...

No, don't think like that. You're not gonna die. You'll find a way out, and you and Brock, and even that crazy Jennifer chick will all get out of here and back home.

As happy as she was to see Brock, she was just as unhappy to see an unfamiliar face, armed with some sharp... thing? Whatever. He and weepy over there weren't doing a very good job at keeping face. The situation would have been understandable, had the names from the announcements been anything but faceless. Ignoring the two unknowns - a tactic she was used to in math class - she resumed talking to Brock. "So um... I guess 'how are you doing?' isn't the best question to ask in this situation..." This was getting more and more awkward. "I'm... sorry about Tony. You guys played together, right?"

Tony Russo. That was a name she knew only because Brock had mentioned him a few times. In fact, most of the students she knew were athletes. Ultimately, this could have worked to her advantage, had she ever conceived the idea of gathering the strongest students of Bayview into one supergroup to save her ass. But it never, so that doesn't matter!

"So priority number one should be getting out of the swamp, huh?"

Re: Dirty

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:29 am
by decoy73
Jimmy was about to smile when the announcement came up. Only a few names really stuck out - mostly the repeats, Reiko Ishida and Nick Reid, but Sarah Atwell also came up, not because of the number, but of the fact that she video taped it and won a Best Kill. It was, to say the least, disheartening that otherwise sane people were sinking into a sort of insanity to get back to their lives.

Add that to the fact that, unless given a free pass, whomever makes it out will be broken. (Shut up, pessimistic side) Just saying. Jimmy at that moment responded to the tap on his back from Alan.

"I'm sorry, I just... I heard the announcement... It's just... All these people... They... And we... Well..." Alan sank to the ground, head in his hands.

See? It's happening already. (I said shut up.) Jimmy leaned to Alan and whispered.

"Alan. Things are looking up. Brock's cool. And his friend is, well, she doesn't seem hostile." Jimmy deliberately didn't mention the bat Deidre was holding. While one could say that the fact that she wasn't swinging was a good sign, it could also send Alan into a panic, given how up and down he had been since the first announcement.

"So priority number one should be getting out of the swamp, huh?" The girl spoke up.

"Yeah. I agree. We can find more people who aren't playing, and we all have each others' backs." Jimmy smiled reassuringly. This time, Jimmy actually got the chance to team up with somebody. Hopefully it would play out well for all of them. Yeah, Danya will come over, take off our collars, and let us all go home with money, free therapy, and a chance to date a Sports Illustrated model. And then Hitler will rise from the grave to apologize for his crimes. (You're getting real annoying, you know that?)

Re: Dirty

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:29 am
by Limisios*
((Sorry Che, but to avoid inactivity, I'm breaking post order.))

"Alan. Things are looking up. Brock's cool. And his friend is, well, she doesn't seem hostile."

Alan looked up at Jimmy from his muddy position. "What's the use? Sooner or later we're going to encounter someone who's killing everyone in sight. So unless we somehow manage to take out every single murderer on this island and start up some sort of make-shift civilisation; we're pretty much stuffed." Alan thought for a second. "And even if we did somehow manage to domesticate the place it wouldn't work because unless at least one person hits the floor per day, we're all in for it.." Alan's tone was slightly shaky but flat. "You see, the rules are rock solid. This entire game is set up so that you will die, and they want you to know it to. Let's face it Jimmy, we've been wandering around this island for days now, just searching and waiting; but what are we waiting for? Death, that's what. And we all know it; I know it, you know it and they know it." Alan pointed to Brock and the girl who had snuck past his lookout. He hang his head in shame.

Then Alan had a thought, it was a small, insignificant, impossible thought, but nonetheless it was a thought just like every other thought that Alan had had the pleasure of thinking throughout his life. And upon thinking of that thought, Alan did something that he hadn't done properly since he had arrived at the island; he smiled. Slowly, Alan rose from the mud to his feet, still smiling and thinking as this thought shaped and grew in his brain like an apple tree sprouting a single blossom after a season of drought.

"I've just had a thought." Started Alan "We don't want to kill anyone on this island; but there are people who would probably shoot their own best friend if they were put into the situation, but which one of those two do you think that Mr. Danya wants to see? You see Danya isn't looking for a winner, I think that who's going to win is in the back of his mind right now, he wants to see a fight, and by god are those gun-wielding, trigger-happy maniacs giving him one. But what if we were able to find everyone who isn't playing that game, destroy everyone who is, and wait for Danya to pull the plug, if his fight isn't complete, then he hasn't won." Alan took a deep breath in. Alan was actually starting to sound confident in what he was saying.

"Yeah, I know. It's the stupidest plan I've- No, anyone's ever come up with, it's got tons of flaws and it even contradicts itself. But... But Hell, we've got to do something on this island, and personally going around killing everyone in sight sounds a bit... boring to me. And if we fail; then we fail, just like everyone else on this island will, and yeah we'll give Mr. Danya his fight," Alan spat out the words 'Mr. Danya' as if they were a disgusting acid. "We'll be just another herd of faceless high-school students who died while he sat at the end of a monitor and watched. But if by some miracle we succeed, if by some stupid chance we actually get to the point where we all throw down our guns and weapons and wait for the inevitable explosion, then we can die knowing that we died against Danya, not as his killing monkeys, but as men and women who chose it."

Alan finally ended; a tear shed from his eye, not even he was sure if it was a tear of joy, or a tear of regret for the stupidity that had just spilled from his mouth. His smile shrank away a little through nervousness.